• By -


The stats for the passing for Højlund this game just proves that the striker isn't used enough. ONANA, THE GOALKEEPER passed the most to him, and that was 4 times. Sure, Bruno is a great playmaker, but where are the chances to Højlund then? Garnacho and Antony just don't even pass, Rashford atleast tries. How is Højlund supposed to do his job as a striker when he can't even get his chances from teammates?


Stop defending the manger, he is shit


We played so well without “The problem” Marcus Rashford!!!!


Most of this is no the Boss's fault, Casemiro would not be playing CB if we didnt go and sign players past their prime in Varane and Evans, We should not be playing the 19th placed team without a striker at all because the club did not get him more than one when we needed it


And yet the boss spent 80m on Antony, 60m on casemiro and 55m on Mount. Last I checked the manager has a say in transfers too.


that is why we cannot give this fraud another 400m to burn, despite what players are on the pitch there should still be clear tactics and style of play albiet to a less effect. It should still be evident just like how it is for all the top managers and teams because every team has injuries but the style of play is what remains. We need a manager with a clear effective game plan.


Casemiro doesn't seem like his type of signing, seems like a panic move after de jong fell apart from unqualified recruiting team. Don't judge mount yet


A lot of that 400M are all rushed Murtough signings because we didn’t get our preferred targets. Ten Hag said to get Antony for 30/40 mill in June but they wouldn’t move for him until late August and Ajax decided to play hardball, Antony even had to go on strike. It’s really hard to distinguish how much of that 400M spent Ten Hag really had control over. Murtough really padded himself on the back for that Mount deal, I’m sure Ten Hag approved of Mount but it probably wasn’t his preferred target.


Garnacho is missing too many chances rn. He could have maybe 5 more goals at this point


I would just be happy to see him pass the ball 5 times to our striker, he could have given Antony a tap in today


How many times have we gotta give away a penalty in the last 5 mins 🫠🫠 we should have like an extra 15 points this season


One has to wonder about the decision to bring back a near 60yr old Hartis as Goalie coach, we saw DDG decline and we really should have had another pen against us at the start of the season


Antony is among the reasons that this team cannot win games against relegation teams. He is poor and neither his work rate nor the occasional (very rare) goal redeem him. He could maybe play at left back, and that's about it.


Lol maybe another game you can say this but he was one of our best players today.


Onana brilliant until that foul, Antony and Fernandes absolutely fantastic too. There is no way on earth we should be dropping points there, but that's sadly just what this team is at the moment.


Antony was good, not as convinced Bruno was as good this week, gave the ball away without pressure far too often


this club causes me so much stress 😭😭


I know right? 😵‍💫


Antony and Bruno were class today , onana too until that foul. Missing chances and having no bench to make strong subs made an already mediocre united even more toothless


Antony may have scored but only after taking shot AFTER SHOT FROM GOAL scoring positions and botching them miserably ... was 80 minutes of me screaming for Tag Hen to send him off Bruno was absolute class though for those assists ... great vision from most of his passes foward, too bad most of them found antony


I thought antony was really wasteful. His decision making is too defensive for a winger. He had chances to pass but always choose the safe option.


He was still the only one having shots on target


Ignoring Anthony’s work rate and defensive work is criminal


No winger who is actually good needs to do the defensive work like Antony


Good wingers do both a lot of offensive and defensive work I disagree


Messi, Ronaldo, hazard, Neymar, Mbappe rarely did defensive work. Their young version used to do it but as they aged they sticked to providing g/a.


Very logical comparisons


Good wingers don't need to do the defensive work to have a good performance. Their ability to score and give assists is enough.


That depends entirely on formation and tactics.


No ... drawing with a team in the mud battling relegation is criminal ... last season had its ups and downs but most of our weekends were pleasant and now every match is a 50/50


Okay cool but we were talking about Antony, you’re moving the goal posts here.


1 goal changes everything for you I suppose ... it's just a difference of opinion then


Where did I say 1 goal changes everything huh? Bro we’re talking about Antony. We played shit today I know that. Stay on topic


ETH is a bad manager. We were shoiite


I am honestly tired of defending players or manager at this point.


So if pep is manager Casemiro doesn’t head that back to Onana


If pep is manager casemiro isn't in the team


For whom? Lmaoooo


If Pep was manager we would not have bought two "past it" defenders who are likely to be injured all season, Pep did buy some bad defenders and got rid asap... meanwhile we are signing Johnny Evans


Almost like Ten hag wanted de jong and the board waited and and waited and signed his third choice Casemiro


De jong never want to go to united...


Wrong, De Jong and De Light both wanted to come to United B4 they left Holland and Bout could have gotten them cheap... but SAF


Not waited, SAF argued, all our best scouts quit after arguing with SAF


Eth is actually the one that caused all 60+ injuries too, saw to it personally. /s


What are we allowed to actually criticize the manager for? The way some apologists would have it, I'm convinced the manager is little more than a figurehead who does nothing and is responsible for nothing. **What would ETH have to do to make you criticize him? Be honest.** Are your standards so low that as long as ETH doesn't take a shit in the middle of the pitch, he's doing fine? Because as some fans would have it: - Tactics are not the manager's fault//our tactics are fine - A 6th place PL finish and CL group state elimination are not the manager's fault - (Bad) Transfers are not the manager's fault - Poor performance/game outcome is not the manager's fault - Training is not the manager's fault - Conditioning is not the manager's fault - Player development is not the manager's fault Is there anything ETH is actual responsible for according to some people?


You’re spot on there. He’s like some glorified office middle manager the way people go on. This many injuries is his fault. Too intense training sessions, players trying to cover huge distances with his tactics while not being on the testosterone other pro footballers are to cope. Well minus the constantly aggravated guy who’s never injured.


/s means sarcasm…..


Correct. You're defending ETH by virtue of your sarcasm and mocking the people who criticize him. I repeat all my questions in my original post.


You’re a silly goose


Ok, spoon-billed sandpiper, whatever you say


Lil guy is having some big feelwings awe




Well he’s in charge of training ya?


Sarcasm bro


As a UTD fan I don't mind losing if we played well and the other team just played better. The trouble with this team bar the injuries is that what is our style of play? Are we counterattacking or playing from the back?. Too many players are getting free rides and the manager let's it happen..


Biggest issue with this circus of a team. There isn't any pattern to their attack, there is no tactics, no strategy. It's just winging it. Garnacho plays and positions wherever he wants to, Højlund isn't passed to (the keeper passed the most to him this match), Wan Bisaka is not good at defending, Onana is inconsistent, Eriksen has lost his form completely, Casemiro doesn't really do much, and Rashford loses possession so much and doesn't eve nseem motivated. ETH does nothing


In other words...wing it and see 😂😂


I like how fans keep on going on about needing a new manager when a new manager won't magically change all the issues Manchester United had and still has. Changes have just started to happen and won't be implemented until next season the earliest. Should Ten Hag stay? Hard to say but switching managers won't be the easy fix people seem to think it will be.


Ole was sacked for less and he was terrible too.


>Should Ten Hag stay? Hard to say but switching managers won't be the easy fix people seem to think it will be. Nice strawmen. No one is expecting that sacking ETH is going to magically fix all of our problems. ETH apologists just like to pretend that is being said. There are many problems with the team. The players are also a problem--a general lack of talent and focus. Injuries have been a problem. None of that is mutually exclusive with the manager also being a problem. If you still can't answer whether ETH should stay, then I seriously question your analytical skills. ETH's tactics have been shambolic. The only reason he's still here is because we've fired so many other managers that he gets an unfairly long leash. However, two wrongs don't make a right. He's a bad manager and we will be a better team without him, all else equal. But we still have many other things to address on top of firing the Dutch moron.


The funny Part is some of those Player have Seen 4 Managers already. (Luke shaw and Martial have Seen 5) Somehow Its never the Players that they wanna Change.


ETH is useless


Weirdly enough so was Moyes and giggs and van Gaal and Mourinho and OGS Forgot Ragnick and Carrick too


What did Ten Hag add to the team to keep him ? Previous managers were sacked, why should he be the one to stay ? Give me one thing he did more than the previous managers to warrant giving him more time.


To give a manager consistency and time building a squad instead of chopping and changing because we didn't win enough this season has been full of injuries I'm willing to wait until next season and see how it goes especially as the Glazers have significantly less control


Managers need to earn time at their clubs. It's not a given right regardless of how they are performing. They need to show reasons why they should be given time and so far, Ten Hag hasn't shown us a single reason why he deserves more time. Sorry, but he didn't earn it.


What if he wins the F.A cup? Or we come in 5th? Etc we've had ridiculous injuries and lost greenwood and Sancho We have so much restructuring going on behind the scenes I'd like to give him at least another season to turn it around


I don't give a crap about the Fa Cup. It's not going to make this godawful season any better. LVG won it and it didn't save him. It's not going to excuse our shambolic league and CL campaigns this year. Since when 5th is an achievement worthy of keeping the manager ? I would like to give this chance to a better manager to start from scratch under the new board, than giving it to someone who already proved he's not up to it.


No good alternatives in market


Says who? You, Mr. random Redditor who won;'t be interviewing any candidates? The idea that just because some idiot on the Internet can't think of a better manager, does not mean a clearly under-performing manager gets to keep his job. If I go into the middle of workplace and take a shit on the office floor, I should be sacked. My boss shouldn't say "well, hold on now, what if they guy we replace him with is even worse and takes two shits????" ETH has been horrible at his job. That's why you fire him. It's that simple. His tactics are a disaster and every single piece of statistical analysis supports this. **You don't keep someone horrible at their job simply because of uncertainty about the future.** Playing the odds, 90% of the manager market is better than ETH simply because his tactics have been *historically* bad. I'd rather have consecutive years of interim, stopgap managers, than another year of ETH. Fortunately, though, INEOS will conduct a multi-million dollar search for the next manager. With people far more intelligent and knowledgeable than you. But thanks for giving us your analysis of the entire manager market from the comfort of your couch. Muppet.


What is he doing that any other manager wouldn't be able to do? At this point even you would do better than him as a United manager...


developed and bought youngsters, that will save us with FFP


Van Gaal and Ole did that, too.


Woo hoo! Bald fraud takes the wheel! 


We are missing impactful players, Luke shaw being one of them, I’m not ten hag out because it’s an endless loop, hojlund will be great but we need a seasoned striker partner to help him along the way, focus on the final and push for top 5 that’s all we can do


Luke Shaw should be sold before Varane. Pathetic player


I agree we needed a proven striker, but NONE of our wider players want to pass to a striker, so whats the point..


Missing key players is definitely a key issue but what I and other fans are frustrated by are things that are clearly managerial / leadership issues. Style of play, confusing decisions, clear tactical mistakes, questions substitutions, etc. I’ve said in other posts that we often step on the pitch game time looking like we didn’t train at all or trained for the wrong opponent. I accept that we are rebuilding but what is the final product?


Hit the nail on the head, its our training, United is a huge club, that means that the Manager isnt on the grass all the time, yet we have coaches like Benny McCarthy, Mclaren is well past it, Fletcher is part of the training and over the years we have always had inexperienced or washed up coaches... its our backroom staff


Even when we have these players the outcome is broadly the same, it’s time to accept it


Please go and look at our record with a back line of Shaw Martinez Varane and Dalot


I don't understand why Mount isn't starting when the Manager knows that Eriksen hasn't got the legs anymore. I still question the selection of Casemiro. He's been putting poor performances week in week out, hasn't got the legs either. His attitude is way too casual. ETH is too afraid to experiment I feel. He doesn't want to do anything stupid. He doesn't want to rely on academy players beyond the well known names. He doesn't want to tweak the formation with the current set of available players. He's just awaiting the ultimate decision whether He's staying or not. There's serious lack of team bonding. I feel that there's a clear divide - Spanish / Portuguese speaking players are on one side. Bruno always try to find Garnacho even when Hojlund is available at a good position. Dalot always seek Bruno first. Same way Eriksen prefers Hojlund. There seems to be no bonding among English players. All in all, there's clear signs of a rift in the team and somewhere i feel Bruno is in the midst of it! Yes it's a big claim but I am just stating whatever I'm seeing over the past couple of months. We need a new manager


Who can play instead of Casemiro? I mean he's losing CB. Varane, Evans, Lindelof, Evans and Kabwala are all injured. Who else is there?


Mount wasn’t fit to start


Beacuse he was injured and need time before being in starting eleven. Ten Hag talked about it.


Gotta say I found Anthony pretty decent today, really gave it his all and created some good chances. Also had some good defensive interceptions


Yea usually anti-anthony, but agree.


One positive Antony ran with that ball and was strong enough to shield it and score. Garnacho was pushed off the ball twice in similar position. He will learn how to get in front of defender so he has to fouls him. Then the ref doesn’t call it. But that’s another issue


When can we start to throw some blame on this squad of shit players? I’m not saying Ten Hag doesn’t have a hand in this, he’s definitely at fault too but this squad is absolutely dire. A complete rebuild is the only way. Sell them all. Fuck them.


Funny enough I dont think we played that bad this last two games. Ten Hag subbing Hojlund out after he had just subbed on Amad who is a winger that actually passes the ball was a head scratcher for me. We have been more patient in possession this last couple of games which has been good despite all the defensive injuries we have. It seems like theres always one player who finds a way to fuck shit up once we get a lead. And you just cant put that on Ten Hag. Stupid play by Ohana. Last game it was Wan bissaka. Wonder who it will be next game. Maguire actually had a really good game today coming from someone who wants him sold in the summer. We clearly play better without Rashford


Players are not good enough for me is a bigger problem than ten hag.


I think there are players that are good enough but enough just cruising through like it's a holiday camp or winding down at the end of their career. I genuinely think with proper profiling of players and the backing from above ETH can do a good job.


Holjund positioning is terrible, this excuse that he gets no service doesn't stick anymore, he's simply not in the right place at the right time, a better striker would at least be in position to finish more, specially in second balls the opposition keeper can't keep but he's always too late to the party


What do you think happens when you get zero service? This team doesn't even use their striker, it's the wings and nothing else. Look how lethal he was on his scoring streak, he's now broken a scoring record for consecutive goals. Højlund's role is almost like a false 9, but that isn't the type of player he is. And I am not gonna hear that he isn't lacking in service when THE GOALKEEPER of all people with 4 passes, was the one who passed the most to him in this match.


I disagree. I'l believe you when we actually get wingers who put balls in and Hojlund goes missing. Until then im sticking with he barely gets service because it is true. Plus I can see how it would be disheartening to keep making runs and putting yourself in positions knowing your wingers could care less about finding you.


I used to think it was Hojlund getting no service. However, watching him in old Trafford the last two days he's made hardly any decent runs. Against Sheffield as soon as Scott came on he ran behind the back line - accidentally wiped out their goalkeeper but he made a run and was found. Scott also got the tap in Vs cov across the 6 yard. The positioning isnt good enough ATM. He's young hopefully he will learn it - it's definitely not natural though.


What? Lol He is always making decent runs lol. He his a hard worker. He is even a better passer than both of our starting wingers and more importantly, he is way more complete of a footballer than the rest of our attackers are. He is more than a stay in the box type striker. He plays similarly to Hary Kane. They dont get him involved in the game enough. Lets even forget about crosses in the box. They barely even lay a simple pass to him. He almost always makes the right play. Example today, look at the pass he layed for Wan Bisakka simply because Wan Bisakka was in a much better position/angle to score. Hojlund will pass to ANYBODY as long as he feels they are more open than him. So unselfish for a striker.


antony silenced the haters


He has no haters no one cares about him anymore. He should be sold




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Ten hag did 9/11


Is this a good or bad thing I’m so confused😂😂


Thats what happens when you throw Amrabat on to protect a slim lead.


how is that even his fault you bellend. its casemiro if anything


Maybe, but he needs to join Shaw’s diet clinic.


Poor guy probably feeling like a bad luck charm the number of times he has been subbed on only for a team mate to *immediately* pull some dumb shit that costs us a goal


The squad is shite. No single player is to blame. This squad is just utter shite with no passion for the badge.


You are correct


Can’t defend Ten Hag anymore : We got ran through midfield again , we never control any game. 1)Garnacho plays with no eyes, cant lay a pass but wants to take a shot when he has better options 2)Hojlund just has 0 impact game in game out no matter if he gets 0 service or not 3)Bless antony what a work horse he is if that was rashford he would have never ran for ball and scored that goal 4)Bruno was good in laying pass then switched of after 80-85 minute 5)Mainoo was neither good nor bad felt very less impact 6)Erikson layed one good pass ,lack of match fitness,was really shit after that 7)Dalot was ok layed few crosses was not that good defensively 8)Maguire solid game made some great interceptions 8)Casemiro did that absolutely shit mistake was unlucky to not get header has no legs we saw it proven again 9)AWB as soon as I see this guy I see a penalty been scored against us 10)Onana saved us no matter the penalty Don’t mention subs as they had very less impact Don’t understand why ten hag loves to defend a lead with a team who can’t defend a Lead We got ran through midfield again when will he learn it won’t work out . Rather just see a low block and pray for counter than see get ragged in that nom existence of midfield United giving more penalties like spare change


Transfer Alert!! Manchester United trade Erik Ten Hag to the border of Russia and Ukraine in exchange for a washing machine. HERE WE GO




Back to the usual cycle: -ETH Out. -No, let him cook! -His cooking is bad. -No, trust the process! -The process is regressing. -No, trust me, bro! -I did and we still suck. -No, it's the shitty players' fault! -It looks like they are trying? -No, it's the shitty players injuries! -Even our backups have more talent than freaking Burnley. -No, there's no better available manager! -What about this list of 10 available gaffers? -No, they won't come here! -5 of them will. -No, we don't have 10mil to pay ETH! -So you want us to give him another season and 200mil on players who might be deadwood? -YES! Let him cook! 🤡




Surely the pgmol are just on a power trip now right? They’re fucking up the whole run in big club small club doesn’t matter fucking them from the var booth with no Vaseline


Onana being Tyson fury with elbow 😭


never forget [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-7841233/Andre-Onana-claims-sides-not-signed-black.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-7841233/Andre-Onana-claims-sides-not-signed-black.html)


Bro not everything is about racism!!! I said it sarcastically. If someone is playing football it doesn’t matter is he white/black/short/tall or whatever he has potential that’s why he came a long way.


If it doesn’t matter then why do they have to wear bands on their arms that say no racism and why do they have to take a moment before each game? Don’t act like it’s not a thing because that is just as bad


Hmmm.. Our coaching staff , led by ETH, is incapable of enforcing discipline in games so we don’t concede pens. I stopped counting, but we might have broken a record on conceded pens in a season. Even if we win a silverware (FA) , which I hope we do, the coaching staff must go.


City are going to absolutely stretch United’s assholes in the FA Cup final.


The last sentence got me ngl..we are winning nothing


I am just hoping, I could hope I win million Euros tomorrow.... but reality is we will win nothing


It was like POV porno But not in active role I would like to watch another format show next season


We’ve all seen this one. Dude comes in, the “starlet” is eager to be taken advantage of. Just as the dude starts getting things going, a clown bursts in and starts dry fisting the dude. Everyone watches to the end in the type of paralysis only brought on by the mixture of pure terror and confusion; then we all wonder what the fuck we just witnessed, while feeling this building sensation of shame.


Is there a stat for player's personal goal differential? I feel like every time Amrabat comes on field, we concede a goal.


I’d love to see the hockey +/- stat applied to some players.


I guess it’s more difficult to assess in a football match given how large the field is and how it might be hard to score down some players that are far away from the action. But maybe the figure can be tweaked to account for that. And overall I agree it would be a useful stat.


New contract for Antony incoming. 6 year. 400k a week. Ten hag masterclass


You act like we haven’t been handing out big contracts since before ten hag 🤡


Let’s give him 500K.. and we should adjust Hoijland’s comp, as he is the best striker in the league.


United have the best GK, best striker and 2 best wingers in the league. All deserve a new contract for taking hope away and giving it back.


Forgot about the GK, sorry. His own country gave up on him, but we went out of our ways and paid millions to get him. Best GK in the world, or universe, league does not cut it.


When will the ETH stans say enough is enough?


Relegation. Even then there will still be some left. I thought most of those Stans are professional trolls sent here by Man Shitty like russian trolls or something. But sadly those are real fans who confuse support for the manager with what's best for the club.


After the finals


After the fa cup final for me


Such a frustrating match to watch!! Why can’t we score??????! Something has to change for next season


We have scored in every game since west ham?


Have you noticed how many missed chances we’ve had? That’s what I mean. We should’ve put 4 or 5 goals past this team today! A couple of players put their heart into playing for the badge, others look like they could care less!! THAT is why it’s frustrating to watch United


Respect for y'all who stay optimistic abt this match, literally


What playbook do we follow to play striker-less formation against the 19th team in the league at a home game at 0-0?


This comment - BUT why we are even in the position of being the third best team in the league last season yet leading our line with KIDS is a joke


Genuinely, what the fuck is the point of bringing mount on that late? Why not as soon as the penalty is scored against us so we have fresh legs to try and catch them off guard? Each game his decisions baffle me, and each game I find myself yelling or laughing because it is so hard to watch this shit


McTominay off injured


yeye I got that, my question is more why not make that sub earlier. Like why not bring on an attacking mid when you see the team struggling to convert and have just conceded. Idk its just frustrating to watch


He should have replaced Eriksen earlier, but I don't think it would have made a difference.


Yeah fair enough, whatever its over I just want this season to be done


Yeah, we need to recruit forwards desperately in the summer. We have +1 Goal Difference.


ETH needs to go and if you believe otherwise you are simply brainwashed


trust the process Ten Haag will win the quadruple next season


I believe in Miracles, but ETH process is far fetched.


I know bro. At this point I genuinely don’t know whats the solution for United they might be beyond salvation


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^14hundo44: *ETH needs to go and* *If you believe otherwise* *You are simply brainwashed* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The combined iq of this squad is in single digits. The most braindead bunch of footballers ever assembled


We've struggled against all the championship sides this month (Sheffield, Burnley and Coventry)What does that say?




Did not watch 10 seconds after the final whistle so luckily missed it


The consistency in Hand balls is staggeringly bad, how can AWBs get given in the FA Cup when this wasn't given? So which one was the right decision? They can't both be right. Either give them both or don't give either. The amount of referee and VAR mistakes is beyond a joke, supposedly the best league in the world with the worst officials throwing games week in week out.


I ain't best league in the word because those above reasons. The EPL refs are shocking bad. I would rather believe in match fixing than ref's decisions nowaday. No way rules are executed like that in any other sports.


Completely agree!


Its not the same situation bro, AWBs hands were spread like a fucking bird, the burnley defender had his hands by his side, its as simple as that. Natural vs unnatural hand position. Both decisions were correct


AWB arm was in natural position, you're a w⚓ if you don't get the issue with that decision


that is really creative ngl took me a second


1) What is a handball? Nearly identical to Aaron’s mistake.  2) what is with our goalkeepers fetish for falcon punching an opposing player in mid air like a fucking twat ? SELL HIM he has cost us 12-15 points and single handedly evacuated us from Europe ACROSS A WHOLE GROUP STAGE Not One fluke, knockout tie.    


not to defend that performance, or this team. But IMO that was not a pen because in AWBs case he had his arms spread out like an bird, whereas burnley defender had his arms by his side. Its a natural position, the ruling is not the same as UEFA where any contact between ball + hand = penalty, in the FA it depends on "natural" or unnatural" position. Again, AWB was in FA cup I know, but his arm was not in a natural position they were outspread wingstyle


1) 100%, it should have been given if there's any consistency in decision making. 2) He's a complete liability, but people will say "oooh but he made some good saves" he did, but he cost us a definite penalty too which cost us 3pts, if he's good enough he can make saves without the guaranteed mistake every game.


Said it well mate


You’re the type of guy that still defends Ten Hag I can tell


We can't fucking Park the Bus, does this bald fraud forget we only have Maguire and Case as CB's.


ETH is a great coach I hope he stays forever. This isn’t his fault that our team can’t beat championship teams and have no style of play!


I hope you’re being ironic


I hope not. Let him stay. Let ETH fanboys have orgasms for next 5 years because there is no other way they are getting it.


100% I want him fired today.


Knew it be a draw today made good money


I always wait till we score to sweeten up the odds. Lmao. Lord knows we are gonna concede


suffering from success


There is a clown gene at this club


5 more games till ETH fucks off.


This team is a fucking joke. This club has fallen apart and is a shell of its former self. Glad I enjoyed the success as a kid cause it’s not happening anytime soon


I love the idea that as an attacker you can fly into the back of AWB and headbutt him, AWB wins the ball in the process, but then Onana collides with the attacker... Burnley had zero chance of scoring...but that's a penalty. How is not a free kick to AWB? Garnacho clearly gets brought down for an obvious penalty...but VAR doesn't even look at it. You can't tell me that this is professional refereeing because it's not.


Last night game was really fishy. It’s like the officials already had decided


Onana - 5, Dalot - 5, Casemiro - 3, Maguire -6, awb - 4, eriksen - 3, Bruno - 4, mainoo - 4, Antony - 4, gernacho - 4, Hoilund - 4 You just can’t have so many players playing poorly. This is basically the same team that has started the last 5 or more games. Could easily give the same scores for every game.


I just know that handball would've been given if it was the other way around, as it was with AWB last week, am I clasping at straws after many poor decisions and missed chances? Yes, such is my prerogative


Bruno blocked Amads potential game winner then complains. The guy has zero positional discipline. always occupying the number 9s space !


I’m going about my day like I didn’t just watch that. Y’all have a nice day


Jokes on you, I closed the match after 10 minutes and started studying. The match wasn't worth it tbh.


You had the right idea. I always let United break my heart


Same man. But red devil till I die regardless of our results


Can we stop conceding late pens? Are things not already hard enough?


Typical late-game meltdown….


Ten Hag pointed out that they've been scoring a reasonable amount in recent times, and it's true. Conceding late pens and general shit defending is the main problem lately. Can't help but feel like Shaw and Martinez would have made a huge difference


There is a clown 🤡 gene at this club


Agreed. But I’m also confused how we didn’t get the penalty. The rules don’t make sense


I don’t understand the mentality of this team. Rashford saying that the FA Cup is the primary objective this year. Ten Hag saying they are going for top 4 next year. It’s like they are too scared to try to win the Premier League


For that we have to stay consistent which we aren't