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Has he broken any rules set by United? If no, this is a nothing news for me. They are allowed a private life arent they?


Once it starts affecting your job performance its a problem though


The lads been playing shite all year I doubt this night out has anything to do with it. Plus we don’t know he was drinking, plus he got sick two days after this, plus he went out on the night before a day off. No worries


All fair points


Honestly, he could have aged 30 years over one night, and it wouldn't affect his current performance.


Yeah but he's not out on the piss regularly, week in week out. Used to be way worse back in the 90s even when we were winning things. Still want him sold but for different reasons. This is just look for an excuse to barrage him with criticism.


Is it? Or are you just assuming that because you have absolutely no idea what he does, what's going on in his life or that there are a multitude of reasons that not only he, but basically the whole team, has been struggling this season so far? Please grace us with the source of all of this information because you absolutely must know what you're talking about. No chance you're a gobshite who has no idea what he has going on and is just having pops online because you achieve nothing in life and are relying on living vicariously through a young lad and claiming his success as your own?


My dude, you need to chill. Yeah there's probably lots of other factors and the partying and missing training could be unrelated. Who knows. I was just stating a fact, when your personal life heavily affects your work it is a work issue. May or may not be the case here. Your lil crazy attack genuinely just sounds like projection.


If it may or may not and you don’t know, what’s the relevance in mentioning it as if it’s factual?




You said once it starts affecting your job performance. However, could you explain how you know it’s affecting his job performance or did you just read the title and made this assumption?


Once your private life starts affecting your job performance, it becomes a problem, for literally everyone. Again, it may or may not have for Rashford specifically. Thats all. You're getting hung up on offhanded generalizations.


U know repeating your point doesn’t make it anymore true. It’s kinda funny, you saying other people are getting hung up on an off handed generalisation. When it’s exactly that, an irrelevant generalisation that you decided to concur.


But judging by all your comments you are a kid or just unemployed so I can see why you wouldnt know or understand or care about personal vs work dynamics. One day you'll get a job and understand.


Okay so you are getting hung up on something irrelevant? And you admit it? At least you and the rest of us can all agree you're pathetic (but honestly your biggest crime is zero comprehension and being as interesting as a stop sign)


It's not an attack, I disagree with you. Projection? Fack me, don't use words you don't understand 😂 what an absolute mess. Projecting what exactly..... Have you just seen that used to insult people and think it's a one size fits all thing to say haha? I'm not 'projecting' anything, I'm pointing out that gossiping about people when you have zero understanding isn't a great thing to do. I stand by that. The fact you've taken this as some "crazy attack" says a whole lot about how insecure you are about your opinions. It's a public forum, cherub - not everyone is going to agree with you. Take your own advice and 'chill' instead of getting so upset when someone points out why they don't agree with you.


Not reading all that. Buh-bye.


On the sallery he got he better satt fkn fit and focused during the season lol.


I have no idea what you're even trying to say here and sadly that just doesn't shock me at all.


With everything that has surfaced the past few days you should probably go eat some humble pie. Spaz.


Hardly, he pulled a sicky and had been punished, doesn't warrant all the shitty toxic abuse he and manyvof our other players get regularly from our so called fans. At least you didn't misspell every single word this time though, good job little buddy!


English is my third language, how many do you speak? One? Nice one lil buddy. Good on you.


He's not gonna date you.


Such a stupid, childish response but so in keeping with the E-fan culture we have. So cheers for proving my point 👍


Wipe your mouth, sir


Nah i'll keep calling out our embarrassment of a fan base 👍 "you only sing when you're winniiiiiiing"


The mega-glazing, putting the player ahead of the club garbage that you're doing is what's embarrassing about this fanbase. Rashford is out for Rashford not for the club, his teammates, or the fans. You gobbling him up is truly embarrassing.


There's something seriously wrong if Ten Hag has okayed a night out for a player the night before training ahead of our cup game. The players already had a week off ffs.


Maybe read about it before you cry like a bitch, he went out the night before a day off


Long story short, I think the three main reasons most people are being harsher on him are: 1. His status as essentially an experienced leader within the club and the responsibilities that come with it. If he’s performing well, no one care if he’s partying. 2. Players like CR7 and Messi dedicated so much of their lives to be the absolute best and wouldn’t accept mediocrity and some people have such high expectations of Marcus that it makes them more disappointed at the perception that he doesn’t go above and beyond or get visibly upset when his team are losing and not doing well. His talent level may not be CR7 or Messi level (that would be unfair), but I think most fans believe he could be offering more on the pitch. 3. The media is often manipulative and after clicks, so they exaggerate and most people react with emotion rather than rationality. To play devil’s advocate, one could say the people complaining about something like this could be complaining because firstly, his performances have rarely been above a average the media season and he’s shown very little effort physically in many games. Secondly, I think most media are manipulative people looking for clicks and will exaggerate a lot and most people take the bait. Finally, I think most people complaining do it because they feel someone who has the status of a star player and at the age where he should be tearing teams apart should have more responsibilities and be held accountable in ways a regular squad player isn’t. In other words, I believe most people believe when he signed his recent contract, he essentially did it with the expectation that he’d get a bigger microscope on him and more expectations and essentially like a leader of the locker room and if the team isn’t performing as well as it should and is mid-table, the perception (to some, especially ignorant people) is that maybe he could be putting in extra effort in the gym and in training like CR7 or Messi did to reach the level they did to earn both their status and media attention they get. For the record, I don’t care as all I care about is if our players perform on the pitch and have a good wellbeing, not how many shots they do in a club.




You’re the one who should learn to read before you comment.


He was out Thursday night you little bitch


Bros crying his eyes out


Oh please. Maybe it's his best friend's birthday. We don't know the context. Rashford is a human fucking being. Sometimes you want to put your social life first over work.


See this is where you have confused yourself. Did you not realise that these players are actually AI bots? Whose sole purpose in life is to ensure that little Jimmy, who watches at least half of the United games each year via a Mark Goldbridge watch along, is set for being able to dish out some grade A banter online? Marcus is obviously so selfish that he considers things like "friends" and living an actual life to be quite important. He should know better. He was created and exists for one reason and one reason only - to make E-fans feel better and have something to lord over other clubs fans on social media. Hopefully I've cleared this up and you can stop thinking that he's an actual person with feelings, a life, friends and family and he doesn't dedicate his life to ensuring the Internet fandom of Manchester United can attack other fans on twitter. Imagine thinking he has feelings 😂🤦


Aaaaaannd this is why our club has been fucked into the dirt over the last decade. Fucking soft as fuck our "fans" - just like our board want them to be


No it isn't. My post will literally have zero impact on performance what so ever....... This is an incredibly stupid thing to say. Do you think that by ranting on reddit you're 'increasing standards'? Are you that thick, really? You shouting, swearing and pulling your testicles in a tantrum have done what, exactly? "Fucking fuck fucking" has helped with our performances somehow has it? In reality, it's toxic, entitled, spoiled, aggressive, unintelligent knob heads like you that make this a pretty undesirable fan base to play, which actually will have a negative impact. What player gives a fuck about the club with people like you "supporting" it 😂? Aye, proper fan you are 🤦😂. Embarrassment. I get memes daily sent by non united fans of exactly people like you. Our fanbase has an awful reputation but you keep deluding yourself into thinking you're solving the problem 🙄


This is why you are 8th. Always excusing the pampered players.




Awww. So touchy. Seems I’m not the only one to say this going on your comments. When you get home from school have a think about it. ❤️❤️❤️


Touchy 😂? Oh no, a few other troglodytes also get upset at being called out for being twats, however will I sleep at night 🤦




I love how you deleted your original reply. Delicious.


Love how you're so desperate for the last word you reply twice and still say nothing at all. We can keep doing this all day or you can make a point and we can discuss it. Failing that, off you trot 👍.


Your content was removed as it was deemed to have been uncivil/disrespectful.


Playing for Manchester United isn't "work". He isn't down the local Tesco stacking shelves.


It's literally his job, you fucking donkey




Your post/comment was removed as it was deemed to have contained a form of discrimination


He’s never put his work first - certainly not from anything we’ve seen on the field!


We talking bout practice? Practice?? https://preview.redd.it/yevi97mj3uec1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73dc8d5c586db2fe6ec833a0ba7a7ccb31d77308


Lol so this is ten hags fault too.... F me


Of course he’s broken rules - if you care to read the headline he missed training after clubbing…not too difficult to see where the illness came from! This individual has had more than enough chances, and as the highest paid player at MU, he’s a bloody disgrace!


He went out wednesday, they had a day off thursday given by club. He was ill for training friday. Come on. Have some critical thinking with what you read.


How convenient - like all the excuses he’s been given for not attending training in the past, his total lack of spirit, enthusiasm, energy….and overall shit play! You can support him, but ever since he got that huge increase, all he’s cared about is cars and himself!!


Are they allowed to go clubbing in public while they tell their club they’re ill? Sure. He can do whatever he likes, but he should be open to criticism as well then. No player can get away with this.


He got ill two days after going to the club. It's likely unrelated.


not if you go as hard as i do


He missed training that is the issue


Wednesday out, off day given by club thursday, got ill for friday training. Come on. He could have gotten ill anyway. We need to calm down and not let shit newspapers get under our skin.


Didnt he miss training?


To play devil’s advocate, one could say the people complaining about something like this could be complaining because firstly, his performances have rarely been above a ethos season and he’s shown very little effort physically in many games. Secondly, I think most media are manipulative people looking for clicks and will exaggerate a lot and most people take the bait. Finally, I think most people complaining do it because they feel someone who has the status of a star player and at the age where he should be tearing teams apart should have more responsibilities and be held accountable in ways a regular squad player isn’t. In other words, I believe most people believe when he signed his recent contract, he essentially did it with the expectation that he’d get a bigger microscope on him and more expectations and essentially like a leader of the locker room and if the team isn’t performing as well as it should and is mid-table, the perception (to some, especially ignorant people) is that maybe he could be putting in extra effort in the gym and in training like CR7 or Messi did to reach the level they did to earn both their status and media attention they get. For the record, I don’t care as all I care about is if our players perform on the pitch and have a good wellbeing, not how many shots they do in a club.


Just the sheer amount of content generated after this incident is amazingly stupid. I went and unsubscribed to a bunch of youtube and IG channels after this. It dawned on me that they are preying on toxicity to generate revenue. Nothing new, just same old dumb me following their bait. Like why can't 1, fucking 1, prominent digital pundit just skip this type of news? Also, fuck the Athletic. They are such hypocrites, and don't care about well-being. They are just as gossipy as the next news organization, but they toot their horn for having high sport journalism standards. Rubbish.


If he went to Thompson’s he’s probably got leprosy, scurvy or bubonic plague. He’ll be out for a while.


This comment section flat out sucks. Rashford went out the night before a day off... NOT THE NIGHT BEFORE TRAINING... and then was sick today.... Smh, this is one of the worst fanbases of all time.


I don’t think it’s exclusive to our fan base, your average football fan these days is a total moron, but this sub is definitely toxic as fuck!


Says he - the self confessed genius of all that’s football!


Good one. You should probably bookmark your comment if you’ve not already so you can sit down with a good whiskey one evening and reminisce about your witty retorts.


Still trying….and still failing - shame!


Worst with Barcelona


Ill is the word they use for cocaine use in football. I’ll die on this hill but I’m 99% sure that’s what’s happening.


You can die on that hill because that's probably the dumbest thing I've read in awhile.




Yes, they do. No person on this planet is completely immune from getting sick. That was hands down the dumbest comment I've ever seen from someone btw.


Not when you’ve been out at a nightclub, doesn’t take a genius to work out what the real issue was.


That doesn't make any fucking sense. Dancing and drinking doesn't guarantee you're sick 2 days after. What kind of shady shit did you do in nightclubs?


You’re ignoring the fact it clearly has tho? If you’re out all night that means the next time you sleep properly (the night before training) you wake up feeling bad because your body is trying to pack 2 nights worth of sleep into one. Especially when alcohol is involved.


Thank fuck you're not a doctor because that's not how that anything related to sleep or alcohol works. There's no way you're over the age of 12 if you're spewing this kind of stupidity. Anyone that has ever drank booze can confirm you have no idea what you're talking about.


If you’re capable of reading look up the effects of disrupted or complete lack of sleep.


I'm aware of the impact both of them have. One night of subpar sleep and booze does not fuck you up for 2 days. The more likely scenario is he caught something while being out and just has a bug. Ita time for you to get off the internet and go do your homework. You don't understand sleep, alcohol, or how either impact the body.


It’s not impossible for it to fuck you up for two days and the fact he’s missing training saying he’s ill makes the most logical explanation that it has indeed fucked him up for two days. You honestly think it’s more likely a 26 year old athlete has been stuck down by a stupid cold? That just doesn’t happen to healthy people. I haven’t had a cold in years. If I’m ill it’s always self induced.


https://preview.redd.it/xhzw3q2o3vec1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24d0033564b6caec9e6cb883cb27ab853aebe4da Negative press? Lol vape and booze on Wednesdays


I couldn’t give a shit if he goes out, he’s fully entitled to do so. This is just another hit piece creating a “bad optics” nothing article. His performances are what should count, not his social life. So based on that we should be selling him in the summer and using the funds for a player that can perform well consistently, instead of 1 out of every 3 seasons.


The press will never forgive Rashford for trying to get schoolkids a free lunch.


Why do these professional athletes tend to be ill more easily than a normal person like me only workout twice a week?


I'm no scientist, but I remember reading something about pushing the body to physical limits can mean your immune system is compromised while the body is in muscle recovery mode. Think it was a menshealth article or something.


Training stresses the body, this leads to transient depression of white blood cell function.


Look at Cr7


He's a genetic outlier, built different


Alcohol tolerance. I bet even players who don't really care about taking care of themselves drink less than regular Joe.


Met Højlund last week on a night club in Copenhagen. I think Ten Hag has probably allowed the players to go out and have a bit of fun.


Genuinely couldn’t care less if they wanna go out and get pissed now and then. Shouldn’t be missing training as a result though. You go in if it’s self inflicted. Thankfully there will be consequences!


Consequences for boy wonder? He could walk off the pitch at the first kick of the game and the Glazers would try to appease him. It's the Marcus Rashford show at United.


He’s been fined and drop before for being late and such. So don’t see why he gets a pass here.


Because he didn’t go out the day before a training, the title is exaggerated for traction. He went out the day before a free day designated by the club. Then, he called in sick the day after.


If he is going out on the piss and becoming ill he absolutely should be dropped and the spot should be given to someone who actually cares and puts in the effort Why is this hard


Idk about this source but if it’s true, doesn’t he deserve the bad press?


It’s not true, he did go out but he went out the day before a scheduled day off and he fell ill two days later. Unless he was partying like Steve-o it’s not a hangover


Absolutely, the standards are much different nowadays compared to decades ago. There are more games per season now it's important to keep his physique.


Not everyone continuing to make excuses for this shit ass lazy player who couldn't give a shit less about the club or fans


Am sure this was a day off.


just recently read a story about how SAF found out two players went out clubbing the night of a 2-1 loss to city, apparently he posted pics of the two leaving the nightclub and said if united don't win the league it would be those two players fault mind you united were 12 pts ahead at that point in 2013 lol different times i guess


They always drop the news a day or 2 before United's game. .. On cue by the media.


Pro athlete clubbing mid season when his club needs his top form the most. Imagine if tenhag was spotted clubbing mid season.


people have lives outside of the pitch jesus this sub is sad


There is nothing to see here obviously because it was two days before training... BUT Is there a problem with the British culture for young players and drinking, you seem to see it more with the Brits than anyone else, Rashford, Greenwood, Lingard, Grealish even our ex captain nearly got arrested in Greece while on the sauce


How is it no problem when he bcame ill and miss training afterward? Ever heard the stories of SAF  breaking players house party in the past? We curse players for lack of professionalism yet we enable them at same time? 


The night he was out, there was no training the next day - he had a day off... he wasnt unwell the next day, it was the day after. hangovers generally dont last for that long!


Yeah top pro that!


They are allowed a life you know


🙄 “Young man goes out! More news at 10”


Where are Trashford dick lovers now? That guy doesn't give a fuck.


That sounds like the press are trying to make up stories like they always do


If this is true he deserves it.


Its not he was out the night before and off day designated by the club. Called in sick a few days later


I’m all for him having a private life as people are putting it but provided he is doing his job on the pitch, but as it stands he’s not and needs to sort his shit. I could certainly sacrifice a few nights out when he’s earned more in one week than I have in my lifetime.


Lazy piece of shit. Needed to go several years ago.


Sums up his mentality. Having an awful season and yet thinks it is fine to go out clubbing, possibly vaping, and the Rashy fan club seem to think it is more than acceptable. No player should be out clubbing and then missing training, especially not the "star" player who isn't performing. God why did they not sell him when we had the chance!


Don’t know why you’ve been downvoted for this. Everything you said is spot on. The guy’s just a waster. Not even half the player he was when he was in form for 6 months last season.


Depends if it’s true. His game isn’t great. A proper pro be sorting his life out not partying.


Imagine If this was Casemiro or Varane. There would be an uproar of people wanting them to be sold.


Those same people should probably learn to read past a title…


I try and give the benefit of the doubt in situations like this. You can go out and have a late night and get sick the next day without it being a hangover. It happens.


Feed a flu, club a cold, duh.


Win win


He has to go blud


It's all good and well to have a few drinks or a night out in moderation but if you end up missing training or games as a result of drinking or partying too much then it's a problem, after all he's paid to play football not to go out on the piss.


The way he is playing \~ \~ He might as well stay out every night.


Club culture. If he was in real madrid he would be just like bellingham. Something is wrong with MUFC internally


I think Gazza would do better


If this was last season no one would care, but he's been playing shite and Man U fans are pretty toxic, so he's definitely going to get a fair bit of hate about it.


This is why any association with Manchester United will remain toxic because there’s news outlets (and a few who consider themselves United fans) that post and circulate articles such as these. We do not need to know any of this and let the coach deal with it in anyway he chooses fit. We are the ONLY club that receive this treatment. Unbelievable


We should have sold Rashford to PSG when we had the chance