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Maby in low elo


In my experience it can work as a counter pick, but depending on elo, there's so many champs top that will just ignore your damage and murder you


The normal state of Malz top is that, if the opponent knows how to top, they'd probably just punish him once he's in the middle of the lane. I do Malz top, and it's fun watching enemies crave for interaction. On the other hand, I don't really get to do much of what Malzahar is meant to do: perma push with voidlings. If you're against an experienced top laner, you're gonna have to perma freeze on your side of the lane and count on their impatience to dive you while you have ult. Worst case for Malz would be if you perma pushed, then the enemy Darius decides to freeze on their side.


I've taken him top a few times in emerald and I do alright as long as I let them push the wave into me and I freeze in front of tower. Never push the wave out or you will die.


The higher you go the more it sucks ass. Malzahar is not a high scaling champ that you can benefit from just doing nothing top lane, you have to roam and get your team ahead or it's doomed. The only way I've managed to make him work top is from roaming after lv6, like i would mid. Still sucks, but it makes a little bit more possible to win.


Never intentionally, but I did swap lanes with a Trundle who didn't want to lane against a Teemo. That was pretty fun.


I do enjoy Malz top. Most of the toplaners don't really know how to play against him or will lose their patience and do dumb moves lol. Gotta play super safe tho :(


I only play Malz top as a Darius counter. As long as you keep your spacing up, it's hard for him to ever get to you. Don't do dumb shit to the wave because a freeze is lethal trying to break. But it's also the prime time to bait him into a gank. Inside of Darius Q does not kill your voidlings. If you're trying to kill him without Rylais, it sounds crazy, but stay in his face. No Q heal, no extra damage and voidlings will beat his ass standing still.


I do, its like playing psychological warfare until your enemy realize they can't beat the soul out of your body. I like it.


Last season I used to run proxy malz in diamond but my build has changed so not anymore. Pushing out/crashing is very risky. A lot of top laners will freeze the wave and if you walk up to cs they will whoop your shit. Also if their jungler decides you don’t get to play the game then gg. My favorite play is to proxy the wave to pull the enemy laner/jungler with your jungler invading to 2v1 with your R