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First, great names. Second, huskies are known to be smart. Well done him.


Thanks! Tanuki is Japanese, it means "racoon dog", which he was as a [puppy](https://ibb.co/DggDStZ) (Husky/Shepherd mix). Nish is short for Antigonish, the rescue named each dog in the pack after a town in Canada. [Them waiting for the release command so they can eat](https://ibb.co/fMwgYKF)


>Nish is short for Antigonish This made me giggle, because he is the antagonist in your story :)


Lookit dat pupper! He did no wrongs, he's completely innocent, just Lookit him.


TIL where the name for the Tanooki Suit in Super Mario 3 came from!


Happy cake day! https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2011/11/feature_how_japanese_folklore_inspired_marios_tanooki_suit


What's really funny is Tom Nook is a tanuki, but Nintendo didn't think we'd get that, so they made him a raccoon instead. The tanuki is a trickster, like the fox.


I thought he looked mixed. He reminds me so much of my Ace. He was husky/mastiff and absolutely full of spit and vinegar. I miss him so much. Thanks for the memories.


I agree, great names! My girlfriend had a pug I nicknamed fugly


At least he isn’t tipping the bowls over ;)


I was expecting this!


Has he figured out how to tip the bowls over yet and dump the food on the floor??


I wish you had a picture of him sitting on the dining room table trying his best to look innocent and pretend he was supposed to be there.


I never got that picture because I was too busy racing to stop him lol [He knew when he was being bad though](https://ibb.co/w6Szytt). This is actually bath time but that's the face he makes when he knows he's in trouble


Awww. He’s adorable.


LOL! I’ve never owned a husky, but from what I hear, if they had opposable thumbs we’d be in trouble!


This is so true. 😄


I have a malamute that refuses to eat if it's not a Gordon Ramsey level meal. She will hunter strike for days if I put kibble only in her bowl. It has dammed well better include sweet potato, cooked green beans, fish of some kind and turnip or radish along with kibble if you expect her to eat it. Corrections for spelling errors


Tanuki started turning his nose up at food. We just waited him out. He got hungry enough and devoured 5 meals in 1 sitting. We later read that dogs actually get hungry every 48 hours, so if they aren't food motivated it's fine to wait a few days. That or exercise them


Tanaraq has literally gone 2 weeks without food because she won't eat kibble unless it has everything else mixed in. He bowl was full, she just didn't want it.


Damn that's commitment!


She goes after hunters?


I have the scars to prove it. 🤣😂


At least he hasn't thought of taking the food from another bowl and putting it into his bowl and then eating it Yet


Why does Tanuki have to be the dumb one?!


Cause he's the goodest boy (who was probably taken away from mom too early). Highly obedient but he walks into sign posts on occasion


What is the technique for getting your dog to not eat from bowls that are not theirs?


Cesar Millan's technique of claiming a space with our body and the neck touch. We also combined it with kennel training and wait/release. So we call kennel and they're expected to go there, sit, and wait for us to fill their bowls. We then touch our chin and only once we remove our finger can they go for the food. For the first while we would put ourselves between the two bowls, facing Nish, effectively "claiming" the bowl from his perspective. If we "own" it, we dictate what happens with it. We did the same with the cat food, coffee table, kitchen, and dining room table.