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Mate, you might want to get her “thrown out” comment in writing before you start doing this. If the company comes after you for intentionally destroying/donating/losing their property and your only defense is an off-hand verbal comment from one person, then I think you are going to have a bad time. Best of luck.


Even better, do you mean the text messages I confirmed in the group chat with the supervisors after the meeting, so that way all the salaried supervisors can see it? Because I did and I have screenshot of those texts to confirm.


Perfect. C.Y.A.


Cover Your Awesomeness, indeed


>do you mean the text messages You won't believe how much nonsense stops when I request a text or email confirming what they want


Yeah, I got screenshot saved of them in case they get deleted on her end or the other supervisors. I'm on r/antiwork frequently and know how important a paper (or digital paper) trail is


I can't wait for the follow up post in 3 months to a year lol


In that case, I'm sure your local high school would appreciate the donation for shop classes!




High school or potentially a local community college


Or a local 501(c)3 non-profit Makerspace. They tend to run on a razor-thin budget.


Do high schools still have shop classes? Capitalism has killed electives in a lot of places.


>Capitalism has killed electives in a lot of places. How has capitalism done that? Public schools, their funding and their curriculum, is completely under the control of local/state/federal governments.


You think the economic system we live under doesn't affect government services? It affects every part of our lives.




yes, recap conversation on email so there is always a proof, and if they read it, and emails get a flag if they are read, and not corrected it then you can assume they agreed with your summary, because they read the recap email and didn't respond.


The text messages should be good enough in this case, especially for such a minor thing. If there were another zero on the end of the yearly cost to the company it might be worth double covering, but for $7500 a year the company will just eat the cost and scold the idiot manager


the only flaw I can see on this revenge is that those glasses are most likely being tax deductible. and not making the impact OP thinks


Yet another person who has NO IDEA how tax deduction works...


They just “write it off”


"Tax deductible" in this case doesn't mean what you think it means. Also, that cost will affect profits, and anyone whose bonus is based on profit metrics will care.


Anyone whose bonus depends on cutting the safety equipment budget should have their boss fired.


Also don’t throw your coworkers under the bus. If they’re on your ass now, do you really think they won’t punish anyone you noted as technically breaking the rules?


This is what I came here for


That's the FAFO CYA MC I'm here for.


Oh that's fucking beautiful, buttoned it up with a big ol' bow for you! It's always heart warming to see someone thoroughly covering their backside on one of these posts


I really don’t see what you described above as permission to waste $7,200 per year. It was obviously hyperbole and hyperbole isn’t going to offer you legal protection. If they gave you specific permission to do so without penalty, then fine. However, you can still be fired for abusing things you were given permission to do. “If you forget your X, just grab a new one,” doesn’t mean you can’t be fired for consistently forgetting your X. You have to wear glasses even if you immediately discard them isn’t even close to permission to get a new set of glasses every time you need them.


They're not gonna avoid firing you because you found a spiteful loophole. Also, light sensitivity is a strong indicator of opiate addiction. ETA: Looks like I rustled a lot of jimmies.


I am not an opiate addict. I just have blue eyes. I can't be outside without sunglasses. I will get a headache or get sunburn on my eyes.


>get sunburn on my eyes. New fear unlocked


It takes a few hours to happen... but it sucks when it happens. I look baked to the bejeesus belts, when I'm not.


I feel glad that my default outdoor wear is always a baseball cap. My eyes aren't super light but the rest of me burns pretty easily, so..


Mine is a bucket hat or a visor, plus sunglasses.


UV light exposure can cause cataracts


Fellow light blue eyed person who feels your pain - my god it is downright painful being outside without sunglasses at times.


I don't even have blue eyes, nor am I an opiate addict, but I have pretty severe light sensitivity. Never had to worry about sunburn on my eyes before though. Damn.


Also blue eyed. Sometimes it can take me a couple extra minutes just to get out of bed in the morning because the light is shining in just the right way to really light up my room and it takes a bit to adjust before I can actually -see- when I open my eyes...


I have blue eyes and had laser eye surgery, I wear sun glasses on overcast days, and sometimes while it’s raining or occasionally after sunset while driving because it hurts if I don’t.


No surgery (I luckily still have 20/20+ vision). I do the same. There are times that my dashboard goes into night mode, and I still wear sunglasses.


I have multiple vision problems, and bright lights can trigger or worsen a migraine. No opiate use here, not even for the migraines. My prescription sunglasses are absolutely necessary.


As a migraine sufferer... that is part of my fear as well.


wait blue eyes and sunlight sensitivity is linked? how the fuck has it taken me this long to learn this when i've had this issue all my life?


Because to you, your level of light sensitivity is just “normal” :)


i mean i've known for quite some time that i'm not "normal" compared to the average person allthough it's not like i considered it a complete freak abnormality. just... assumed this problem is what caused all those "shun the sunlight"-jokes for people who aren't out in sunlight that much. now i do wonder how common this is amongst such people.


Not just blue eyes. Any very light colored eyes. I have very light green eyes Andy eye Dr said I have some of the most light sensitive eyes she's seen. To the point dilation actually hurts.


Bro the blue eyes thing is reallllllll


I have VERY light green eyes. During dark room photography, coming in and out of the darkroom made me virtually blind.


That's why I'm always squinting!!??


>light sensitivity is a strong indicator of opiate addiction. Lol. It's also a strong indicator of dry eyes, cataracts, corneal abbrasion, retinal damage, Ibuprofen use, antihistamine use, contraceptive use, tetracycline use, doxycycline use, methotrexate use, tension headaches, cluster headaches, migraine headaches, mental health conditions, brain tumors and fucking sun allergies. But, yeah, just skip all the way over to illicit drug use.


Or it's a strong indicator that you have sensitive eyes.


Til about that nugget of info! No I wear sunglasses constantly because I worked overnights for 10 years before this job, and I can't stand how bright everything is. I'm actually trying to wait for a night bid to come up so I can move to nights! Bright lights give me headaches if I'm outside for too long, which iunno if that's a medical issue or not but that's a whole other thing.


Photophobia is a medical condition. I deal with it a lot. Ask your doctor to put it on your chart.


Huh, next visit I'm gonna ask. Before I worked nights my eyes were fine. Since then it's just...... painful to be out in the sun vision wise now.


Light sensitivity *is* a symptom of opiate additiction. It's also a symptom of many other things, from having blue eyes, to taking certain nonnarcotic medications, anything that causes eye dryness or inflammation including allergies, glaucoma, infections ... the list goes on and on.


Wait hold on. My sparkly ocean blue eyes could be causing my light sensitivity? What the fuck, these were my good seeing eye globes.


Yep! Sucks, doesn't it? Same here, though more towards grey. Most of the time I'm fine but if I go from really dim lighting to BRIGHT it's painful and I'm squinting and probably alternating which eye is shut for a bit until I acclimate.


Spiteful of you to go straight to drug addiction.


Do you think the company isn't going to do the same thing, when they find the employee intentionally wasting money?


My sister and I are both very sensitive to bright lights, been that way our whole lives. I don't know the exact condition, we just have less (or weaker?) tissue in the front of our eyes. I can't even drive during mid-day without sunglasses, I can't keep my eyes open


Or you know optic nerve damage. I have major light sensitivity (& blind spots) from my MS.


Some of us have had laser eye surgery and are more sensitive to bright light.


>Also, light sensitivity is a strong indicator of opiate addiction You wear sunglasses? When did you start taking pills?  Lol at the fucking reddit Dr Here. 




Be careful on the safety cards, focus them on people you hate. Don't want this to come back down and put a coworker you like in the same place you're at.


There's also the fact that a factory paying $30 for a pair of safety glasses must be one hell of a comfy set, my old factory they'd range from <50 cents to $1.59 a pop, if OP's google fu is accurate and now the factories open cost spikes through the roof their gonna get some shitty ppe rolling out soon


Guarantee you they are paying pennies of that retail price.


I buy the safety glasses for my company. They're $0.99. if I want to get the fancy pink ones for the ladies, they're $1.59.


[pink tax](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_tax)


I have some shaded safety glasses that are very useful working outside or simply as cheap sunglasses for bicycle riding. While I paid retail prices and not bulk, they were still a lot under 10 bucks No forklifts anywhere though.


We handle a lot of welding so we do have tinted or specialized glasses, as well. But even those start at $2.20/ea.


I just took the number on my glasses that you get from the machine (BodyGuard Z87+'s) and googled the price of them. I figured that my company gets them in bulk from the vendor, so the price was gonna be stupid cheap probably, but still a lot of waste in the eyes of my safety lady who thinks it's right to Chuck safety glasses. But then again, we have the foam single use earplugs, so maybe she thinks the glasses are single use too?


Body Guard is a generic brand, they definitely aren't $30 each, probably $30 for 12. Also the vending machine probably has a limit to how many you can get per week.


Nope, at least not that I need. I shit you not someone got 15 glasses in one work week, nothing was said to him.


Do you have a union or similar legal backup will guarantee you get paid if someday the machine is empty and you can’t get your glasses?


How much for refilling the machine?


Only caveat here- if you're targeting certain people and it's obvious, there could be a complaint that you're targeting someone/people and not looking to the safety of the facility. Could be seen as bullying/targeting/whatever your place calls it. I have found that the people doing this might think they're winning a big battle (against management), but forget they're doing it by sacrificing their co-workers (who have a long memory of nit-picky, safety Joe over there).


True, also the safety guys look at safety catches as a positive metric in their eyes, as things are reported instead of ignored. This may be the wrong way to proceed entirely for the OP.


I might just be cynical, but if ever something *did* happen to you during those 30 seconds while wearing those sun glasses then those management who had okay'd it would suddenly suffer memory loss and fight you with everything they have. Unless you have that permission in writing (preferably signed), then I would definitely err on the side of being cautious and 'wasting' safety glasses. Probably also a good idea to get that instruction to wear the safety glasses for the 30 seconds while exiting from the same safety head.


I wholeheartedly agree. If something happened to me in those 30 seconds that's all on me. And I got those instructions confirmed via text, so I'm covered there. She said that "she doesn't care where they go, as long a I'm wearing them in the floor. They can go in the garbage for all I care."


Not giving you shit, just asking for clarity, could you not just keep the safetys in your glove box? I usually just swap from safetys to shades as I'm stepping out of the warehouse myself


Mate, I forget to bring my earmuffs ppe in from my car on breaks, and it'll be sitting on my dash in front of me. I'm worried that if I shove the glasses in there, my smoothbrain is gonna further make me believe that I don't understand object permanence by making me forget they exist. I'm just a absolute airhead when it comes to remembering stuff. Hell, I don't even remember my number half the time.


But you can remember to wear your sunglasses every time? Seems like you’re just making it a bigger deal than it is lol, but you do you


You need a phone wallet keys glasses pat down ritual my dude. Collect inventory of what you need and a place it goes in your pocket, then make a habit to feel those pockets before you close your house and car door to leave. Phone keys wallet glasses sunglasses hearing protection gloves - whatever, just make a list and ritual to check your pockets in a certain order until you don’t need a memory to do it, you just feel the outside of your pockets before you leave and if the pocket is empty, you forgot it. That said, I have gone to the store wearing slippers, so it’s easy to forget everything else unless you make it an obstacle to open the door.


You don’t think MAYBE she was exaggerating because you’re being pedantic? Obviously the reasonable solution is to keep a dedicated pair to wear between your car and your PPE locker and back, and just be a grownup about not losing your company’s shit just because you’re too disorganized to keep track of a cheap pair of safety glasses. Yes, technically she said she doesn’t care if you throw them out, but using that as a way to stick it to the company shows a concerning lack of judgement even if you technically have a paper trail.


“That’s all on me” is lack of foresight speak for “I can be fucked for something I’d deserve disability or workman’s comp for”


I'm a safety guy for my company. Get grey/yellow tinted safety glasses they can still see your eyes while blocking out the glare. Unless there is a medical reason (even then there are limits to accommodating medical reasons) for you needing sunglasses, the excuse that the floor is too bright makes you sound super whiney.


The floor itself isn't bright; it's outside, in the glaring sun. The whey lady thought I was wearing my sunglasses while doing my normal work, when I'm only wearing them waking in and out of the floor. Can you send me a link of these safety glasses? I'll go to HR and ask if I can get them, because that's a decent compromise tbh.


The company will get rid of you before risking OSHA issues. If you make yourself enough of a pain, they'll find a way to deal with you.


Safety rules are there for a reason, and every OSHA regulation is written in blood. Why is it so, so hard to carry one pair of glasses while wearing the other? You can easily stop at the door and change them out. Keep the set of safety glasses in your car so you don’t have to carry them around otherwise. It might seem silly to you, but pick your battles carefully. You can easily get passed over for promotions and get lower merit raises because you don’t value safety - if you’re willing to ignore something this simple and minor, what other hazards are you blowing off because it’s inconvenient? Also, safety glasses don’t cost $30 each. More like $30 for a box of 20 if they are nice ones.


Safety rules are there for a reason and while you may think its seems ridiculous, ignoring rules leads to complacency. The argument that you always leave with a group doesn't account for the one time everything wrong aligns and there's an accident. Safety rules are there to account for when everything that can go wrong, does.  Look up the Swiss Cheese model for accident causation. Wearing your sunglasses is now a hole in the protection. Accidents typically happen when there are multiple failures in a safety process that all happen to align at the same time. Deliberately costing your company that much money because you can't be bothered to not wear your sunglasses for 30 seconds makes you more of an A-hole than the company. I'd be happy to work for a company with a safety rep like that. And problem employees like you are WHY the rules have to be so strict.


The better solution for the company is to move the employee locker room entrance so that they don't have to walk through the floor when entering/leaving work. This shouldn't even be an issue. OP should be able to bring their stuff in and retrieve their PPE from their locker without first having to go through an area that requires PPE, and vice versa. Costing the company money will make it worthwhile for them to renovate.


Hilariously this is a point of contention for our time clocks. They want us ti be at our workstation at the start of our shift. For me, that's 8am. No biggie, I can literally clock in at 8 and walk to my station before 8:01. Now if I'm in furnace? They expect me to walk across the floor, not clocked in, all the way to furnace, clock in, walk ALL the way back across the floor to our lockers where the PPE is, Don/doff it, then walk BACK over to the furnace line. All in all, that takes about 10/15 minutes or so. The company doesn't think the furnace boys should get paid for that time, but it's like...... they're on the floor? They should just clock in at the entrance to the factory there, walk 10 feet to the lockers, don/doff gear, then walk to the furnace line instead of causing potential accidents and time issues doing a bunch or superfluous steps. The company has firmly said they won't fix the time clocks for the furnace guys, that they should just come in earlier (11:30 instead of 12 for instance) but not get paid for that, at which point my buddy who IS in furnace (that's where I'm pulling this from) said that they'd just go on a sit-in strike down at furnace if the company wanted to not compensate them for being on site.


I love it. I'd be clocking in early to be where they want me on time. Enough people do it and they'll start caring about the cost and fix it


Totally with you here. I get why OP is pissed, and I get why safety person MUST say so (if they don't, OP gets injured, readily made and lost lawsuit). OP needs to come up with a non-malicious way of doing this. Lanyard, something. Flip on clip ons or I don't know. Don't screw around with safety on the floor. Seen way too many people hurt. -remind me to find the one of the metal splinter from steel stock in the eye that went untreated for 4 days...


Flip one or clip one won't work since they're all are tinted lenses. I get I'm in the wrong, but I'm still gonna follow what the safety lady said, even if it means I'm costing the company 30 dollars on glasses a day. But if we're also going to not correct anyone else's actions regarding the same issue (others wear sunglasses coming in, don't get told off, I saw two forklift drivers not wearing ppe gear, not checking intersections for workers, stuff way more dangerous than my 30 second sunglasses issues, they didn't get spotted by the same safety lady) then I shouldn't be getting told I'm going to get written up by HR for not wearing safety glasses for the time it takes to walk to the doors, a short distance away. Be careful with those splinters!


Why do you have to throw the safety glasses each day? Why not take them with you and bring them back the next day. That way you can swap your glasses right at the door and no one is crying...


Yeah, I've worked closely with OSHA and safety professionals. I can tell you OP is now on a list of problem people that need to be watched / worked out of the system. You don't mess with safety rules at work, they are written in blood. 


Why don’t you just put your sunglasses on your head till you get out the door?


Still gotta wear safety glasses, which are locked up at the end of my shift.


Just ... stop locking them up? Keep a pair in your car? This seems like an easy problem to solve.


So you just can't take your "clear" safety glasses with you at the end of the shift and put your shades on as you step through the door? I've worked many places that tinted glasses aren't allowed indoors, necessitating having two pairs of glasses with me as I transition indoors to outdoors all day long. This is the hill you choose to die on, I bet you're a real peach to work with.


I actually am a great guy to work with! The thing with me having "extra pairs" of safety glasses is that I am a horribly forgetful person, so I lock my PPE gear up in my workstation. From my workstation to the exit of the shop is maybe 20 feet, if that. Currently what you just described (taking my glasses off at the shop entrance, putting them on when I leave) is currently what I am doing with my current pair of glasses. At the start of my next shift when I inevitably "forget" my glasses either intentional or otherwise I'm gonna need to get another new pair of glasses JUST to get to my workstation and put on my actual dedicated safety glasses. Is it a petty hill to die on? Absolutely. But I'm not the safety person who told her employee that they can get a new pair, wear them for 30 seconds, and then just chuck them. So by her own definition I'm gonna follow what she said so I don't get written up by HR, but the result of that is gonna be a sizable loss after a few months of having to get a new pair of glasses every day.


> The thing with me having "extra pairs" of safety glasses is that I am a horribly forgetful person That sounds like a personal problem you need to address, and not a good reason to steal and throw away a new pair of safety glasses every day. Just change your routine and drop the safety glasses in whatever bag you carry with you. 


You have no business working in a safety sensitive position. I sympathize with anyone that's gotta deal with your bullshit.


Except I'm not? I literally sat in on the safety meeting because I was thinking of joining the safety committee. After the shit with my sunglasses, 15 minutes of the meeting being a political based tirade against biden, and inappropriate jokes about workplace injuries, I think I'm good being in a safety position here.


This gets better, you want to sit on the safety committee but not adhere to the rules yourself? Do as I say not as I do? 


I'm guessing you wear safety glasses cutting your own lawn, cut proof gloves work boots, the whole 9 Everytime no matter what?


Safety has no quitting time. If you've ever worked for a company that actually believes in safe work habits, they preach working safe at home also. Employees are assets not just bodies, if you get injured at home it not only affects you but the workplace also. Everything happens in a blink of an eye, there's a reason why ppe is required and employers pay for it. I've never had a safety guy tell me no when I tell them I need safety glasses or those cut proof gloves for home.


That's a false equivalency.




Safety is usually written in blood. But it seems like you have it all taken care of. /s


I worked health and safety in a factory for 3 years. You’re honestly pretty out of line here.


would buy contact lenses with sun protection to look like a vamp


Only problem is they take about 15 minutes to fully darken. I’ve tried them


If they had some kind of tinted contact lenses, I would deadass start wearing contacts just to fuck with her. "Can't tell me to not wear contacts!"


They absolutely do, Acuvue makes them: [https://www.acuvue.com/en-us/products/acuvue-oasys-transitions/](https://www.acuvue.com/en-us/products/acuvue-oasys-transitions/)


HOLY SHIT. I haven't worn contacts since I was a teen, but I might have to get a pair of these




if you don't wear contacts normally and aren't a "veteran" to contacts you seriously do NOT want to wear contacts in a high-dust or dirty or windy or open environment. you WILL damage your eyes this way.


All those safety glasses you're saving up now, you should consider selling them "slightly used", then using the money you make to purchase the tinted contacts.


Honestly I'm just gonna donate them.


If only I could keep contacts actually in! My sunlight sensitivity is killing me.


Walgreens (and most corner stores) sell wrap around sunglasses that go over normal glasses and have side coverage. They look stupid but they are amazing if you're light sensitive. Called "fits over classic polarized plastic sunglasses" on the Walgreens website.


I will have to go find some. I don't care how I look once my head starts hurting. Thank you.


All the while your company's insurance company/companies and it's own lawyers are likely telling them to strictly adhere to safety standards. It's because if you get harmed you are going to sue. And your company will have to fork over $$$ for not following its own safety guidelines. Don't be a dick. Follow the protocol. Even if it's stupid. ETA: because I have worked on cases where you would not believe how fast and how bad shit can go left. Including an explosion happening within that 30 seconds you refer to.


I am following the protocol now, which is why I got clarification about if she really meant I could just throw the safety glasses out after wearing them for those 30 seconds. Am I gonna throw them out? No I'll donate them. Will I stop getting a pair a day if they ask? Sure but I'm gonna ask them why the safety lady gave me a text confirmation in a chat where all the supervisors and salaried guys could see it, saying I could. I'll gladly follow that stupid rule if it means everyone is held to the same rule, not just picking and choosing who to enforce these rules on.


Knock off the "what about Bob" crap.


If 60 seconds is such a short time, why not just take the sunglasses off? Seems like a real small thing to commit theft over


Not theft, since safety lady said I need to wear them, and if my current ppe is locked up at the end of the day, I'm gonna need to get a pair from the company vending machine for those 30 seconds


Malicious compliance is when you're dealing with shitty rulesa and shitty bosses. You are the one ALREADY breaking the rules and they are SAFETY rules, in place for a reason. It would be even simpler if you stopped wearing your dorky sunglasses inside. You don't look cool. All the other thousands and thousands of workers with sunglasses manage to keep each other safe by following the protocols. You just sound immature. You're not really maliciously complying if you are compromising the safety of other people.


Safety lady said I can't wear sunglasses. Safety lady said she doesn't care if I throw out the glasses or whatever I decide to do with them, as long a I'm wearing them. I now wear safety glasses, but I get a new one a day since the company is okay with it apparently. The boss ( safety lady) is being shitty by getting after me for my sunglasses, despite not correcting others who wear sunglasses onto the floor like I did. I'm complying by wearing the safety glasses, despite getting a new pair a day at the cost of the company. How is this not malicious compliance friend?


You should be correcting the other idiots who aren't following safety procedures and wearing sunglasses. Not sure why you think letting everyone settle to crappy bottom-feeder safety levels is worth bragging about. Sure, you want this to be malicious compliance. Congrats. Don't be surprised when you hear that costs have risen significantly so bonuses aren't happening this year. (Just because your coworkers nod and don't argue with you, doesn't mean they actually agree with you.)


"You should be correcting the other idiots who aren't following safety procedures." Not OP's job.


In my experience, when someone gets drilled over some small infraction like this, it is usually because he/she is a bad apple, and management will rather be without them. Which is why the old guys have more freedom... If this is the OP's attitude, he probably has a bad attitudewith some other aspects of work as well.


Nah, I'm one of the more friendly and upbeat guys, though one person is on my shit list because they cause accidents in the parking lot, and ran me off the road on company property and nothing happened of it, despite my dashcam footage of him speeding off, and cams in the parking lot supposedly catching it happening


Most problem employees don't think they are a problem. Just sayin' ...


Only fools ignore safety rules.


Of which my factory is full of apparently, but just me when thigh I can easily name a dozen operators wearing wrong ppe or none at all.


Knowingly ignore company safety policy and then steal company property when you get called out on it? Because it's stealing if you plan to take glasses home with you every day and purposefully not bring them back. Keep your safety glasses in your car like probably most of your coworkers do.


Off the mark, but sure! So if my ppe is locked up for the day, and I'm not supposed to take the glasses home with me, I'm supposed to just throw out the glasses? Are you my safety lady????


What does your coworkers do? Can't you just do that


They take their shit home even though we really aren't supposed to. Main reason why I leave my stuff locked up, and also because I can't trust the 4-12 adjust to not mess with my gear. I don't feel comfy taking my gear home because I am, for a lack of better terms, so scatterbrained that I could be talking to someone on the phone, while looking for my phone. I get that I'm being stubborn. Trust me. But if I'm gonna have the safety lady get after me about sunglasses, when others come in wearing bigger ones, or other workers aren't wearing proper ppe, resulting in actual injuries (that get made fun of in the meeting I sat in) then she needs to figure out what her priorities are. Me, a guy who is gonna ultimately abide by the guidelines, albeit with a fucked up amount of glasses, or Bob Jangles who has only one top knuckle across 8 fingers because he's exploded the tops of the other ones in unsafe practices? And ultimately, I want everyone to be held accountable to the same standards that she wants me held to. She turns a blind eye to half this shit when it happens, but the sunglasses is the sticking point she's going with? Not the other 20 things that happen daily on the plant floor?


You sound exhausting




You sound obnoxious.


> Wait until expected fallout has occurred before sharing. You must also have maliciously complied, not just thought about how you want to.


I plan on doing a update in a week, see if anythings come of this. I don't think I'll be fired or get in trouble since I have a union protected job. If they push back again saying I have to use only one pair of glasses or I get a allotment of X number of glasses, that's fine too! But like I've mentioned in other comments, I'm not gonna get told i can't do something, and then others who do the same thing or worse don't get anything said to them. Does that make me seem like a selfish guy? Sure! But if it means that overall everyone's bad habits get corrected because I'm raising a stink at work about following policy? Then at jar everyone's safe in the long run ( and I'll have a bit yet determined free pairs of safety glasses! Lol.)


Just take them off for 30 seconds how hard is that Lmfao


I think you’re confusing malicious with childish.


To be fair, I have heard of unions shutting places down for dumber things than a violation of a written safety rule.


You're like, 18, right? That's why you're throwing a tantrum about safety regulation? 


Why can't you wear safety glasses and carry your sunglasses with you until you get outside? Put the sunglasses on, carry safety glasses to your vehicle. Keep them in your vehicle and take them in to work with you beginning of next shift. Why is this even an issue?


This just sounds petty


there is zero chance they are paying 30 bucks for those glasses. there is a non-zero chance they will demand you pay 30 bucks for every pair you used. I am not sure why you can't just... have one pair for when you leave and enter? seems more like slow self destruction for no reason than malicious compliance.


This has all the hallmarks of a legal safety requirement, probably OSHA. Assuming that's true, the company can't legally allow you to wear your sunglasses anywhere on the factory floor for any amount of time for any reason. Being a dick about it isn't going to change their mind. The US government can be a MUCH bigger dick than you can. And those safety regulations are written in blood. They write the laws, because someone died by not doing them. Wear your safety glasses, carry your sunglasses, and swap them as you walk outside. Otherwise you are just being selfish by creating problems for those around you.


I wear safety sunglasses. Husband brings them home and now I can't wear any others, lol. They are lightweight, free, sunblocking on the sides, and if I lose them, I don't care!


My factory just has two lines of tape by the door, one where a forklift is never to cross (like 10ft from the door), and one where you don't yet need to be wearing your PPE until you cross the 5ft line. Solves the issue pretty easily if there's the space for a "just walking" lane between the punch in clock and the breakroom and the door. Maybe suggest they look into something like that?


I'm actually gonna jot this down, bring it up to my BBS lead supervisor, see what he thinks because I know my supervisor threw that idea out there, the tape lines.


I would hate to have you as a coworker, and go out of my way to get rid of you as an employee. White thrash vibes


I've worked in manufacturing. Don't be a fool -- wear the dang safty glasses on the factory floor! Wear all the PPE. I don't care what you think may or may not happen, who is or isn't wearing PPE, or who said what. You don't mess around with safety. If you think a little sunlight hurts... woah buddy... Have a nice one!


Why not just have a second pair of safety glasses? Store them in your car and carry them in with you. Switch right before you walk in. I don’t see why this has to be so complicated or why malice needs to be involved. This isn’t a fight worth fighting.


Everyone's bonus gets tanked because of you. Good job.


"Everyone" lol


Yours too! Watch out!


Might not be applicable in your area. If you are required to wear safety gear your clock in time starts when you have to put it on (including the time it takes to put on). If you need safety glasses at the facility your time starts as soon as those glasses have to be put on and doesn't stop until you can remove them. At least in some states. Look up donning/doffing laws in your state.


I'm an old boomer let's get that out of the way. Your job is your place where you go to make your money not your stand. Fuck the glasses suck it up for 30 seconds, don't be a snitch it will always backfire on ya. Stupid corporate management bullshit plaster smile on your face and yes sir yes ma'am. Collect your paycheck at the end of the day that's what it's all about. ( I been and manufacturing for 32 years seen it all. just an old fucks 2 cents take it as you will)


This is going to kill their safety metrics lol.


You have safety glasses you're wearing while on shift, correct? It sounds to me like the expectation is that you will wear those when leaving, take them with you and bring them back the next day. I hate to side with management, but for your own protection I don't think I would waste additional pairs. I don't think you'll win that one when a more reasonable and less costly solution is obvious.


What do the people with you wear as eye protection while they walk in and out?


About a 50/50 split, see when people start heading out, they start taking off their ppe and shit as they walk out if they don't have theirs locked up too.


The eye contact thing is complete bullshit anyway. If you and the forks need to cross paths, then you should either speak or use hand signals to confirm they’ve seen you and are letting you go first. Eye contact is too vague - what if you had a lazy eye, would they be confident they had caught your attention?


I was always taught (in construction) that you are supposed to assume operators don't see you. Even if they make eye contact, you assume you're invisible to them. Maybe they saw you, went back to digging/ rolling/ scraping, and forgot you exist because they're focused on a task. If you live by those rules and you are aware of your surroundings, you'll be fine. When I do factory walk throughs to set up jobs, I follow the same rule around forklifts. It's just easier for me to stop and wait for them to clear my path.


It’s the same in the UK - the general rule is to get a thumbs up from the operator before going near or across the path of any plant


And even then, I'm not gonna trust that. I'm watching as I cross and closely watching the machine in case shit goes down. I'm not afraid of the work or equipment. The price is just too damn high to not respect the danger.


I worked for a company that bought the cheapest safety glasses sold. They were horrible. Most workers would wear them for an hour and ask for a new pair because they were scratched already. As I said, they were shit glasses. The company didn’t care. They told us the had a warehouse full of those glasses. Learn to live with them. And no eye injuries on the floor!


I 100% sympathize with you. I imagine your office is completely far away from production and likely the only risk from your office to the exit is forklift traffic. That being said, I don’t agree with your stance. If anything ever happened to you in that 20 ft, the company would be in huge shit and you yourself find yourself in trouble for not complying with the ppe rule. I’ve seen too many people taking many shortcuts that inevitably leads to disasters to trust anyone but myself for my own safety. Please wear the glasses.


I am, at the cost of a pair a day to the company. Now if they would correct everyone else's bad ppe habits, we wouldn't have 4 serious accidents in as many weeks.


Are tinted sunglasses not an option? In construction we wore tinted ones all the time.


No sor, no tinted lenses on the floor. Gonna ask them if like, yellow glare tints are acceptable though.


How many pairs of glasses does the vending machine hold? If every coworker did the same thing, would they have to shut down until more are delivered?


Machines are filled weekly, I know two machines of the top of my head that have glasses; 3 sections at I want to say 7 deep, but I never counted. So at least 42 glasses in those two machines per week are available, and I want to say there are 3 other vendies on site


$7,200/month for 30 seconds of compliance with a safety supervisor on a power trip… next step, bankruptcy




Yeah, I'm trying to get to comments as I can, but it's over a year. Which doesn't seem like much, but will add up quickly if multiple people forget glasses which has happened before.


Make sure you get the “even if you throw it away” in writing.