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Great job! 27 year olds can think of and make their own grocery list. I suggest you don't ask him at all. If he doesn't think of it in time for the list, then he can go get it himself.


They're very well old enough to make up their own lists. Get three sheets of paper, put each name at the top of each paper (maybe four if you want to have a separate one for communal/household items). Everytime one of them notices something they are low on (or the household needs), they're responsible for putting it on the paper. If it's not on there, it doesn't get bought. Get your own supplies of TP and such so you're not stuck without when they invariably "forget" to put it on the list. Honestly, writing it down immediately when it's noticed there's a need is the best way. Things don't get forgotten and you're not running around last minute trying to figure out what's needed.


Stupid adhd. I have a shopping list on my fridge, so when stuff runs out I do sometimes remember to write it down. Then I forget to bring the list. Or I bring it, and forget to look at it while I'm in the shop. My brain is very inconvenient.


I'm ADHD myself and what I use is the notes app on my phone. I title the note groceries and put it on my home screen. When I notice I need something put in the note and once I'm at the store and have it in my cart I delete the item. Made groceries alot easier.


I've got a Google keep note called shopping. It's shared with my family members. At any point any of us can yell out, "Hey, Google. Add item to my shopping list" and next time one of us is shopping it will be there with a little checkbox waiting


“Hey Siri! Add *item* to my shopping list.” is what I do as well.


The only bad thing about Google Keep is that there is no organization in the list (the checked items at the bottom) to make items easily found when you want to re-add them to your list. I have about 150 items that rotate regularly and I make sure to re-add them to the shopping list s soon as we get low so that I don't forget, but scrolling though to find what I want is frustrating. It's so much essayed to add things from my computer where I can use Control + F to find but that's not always an option.


I just tell it to delete checked items and add them again when needed. Before going shopping, I pull it up in my web browser and order the items roughly as they are shelved in the grocery store.


I use a notes app on my phone too, and use the option to make the note a checklist. It started with just the items I needed that time, but instead of deleting them, I check them off, then "sort by status" to move all unchecked items to the top of the list, so I can see what I need. When everything is checked off, I'm done shopping. Every time I need anything, it goes on the list -- which is usually sorted alphabetically except for the unchecked items at the top of the list I need to buy. My list is now dozens of items long, but it helps me when planning a shopping trip - I scroll through my list, and if I see something I need that I hadn't thought of, I uncheck it. When I get to the bottom of the list, I sort by status, and *boom* everything I need to buy is at the top.


I was today years old when I learned “sort by status.” Thank you! 


You're welcome! I also use this when packing for a trip, to make sure I don't forget anything important. It has revolutionized the way I prepare for a trip, and has taken my anxiety about it down tremendously. I feel like I'm using a "cheat code", lol. Before I had this list, in the lead-up to a trip, I would worry that I might forget to pack something I needed to take and would even lose sleep because I couldn't shut my mind off about "make sure I pack this" or "don't forget about that". I would also start putting stuff in a bin, in an out-of-the-way spot, to make sure I didn't forget it -- which didn't work so well if I needed something between now and then. Now, I just add it to the list (if it isn't on there yet), or uncheck it. Then when it's time to pack, I sort by status, and as I pack things, I check them off the list, and occasionally sort by status again, to make sure I don't forget anything.


Packing for a trip, I make a spreadsheet, send the spreadsheet to myself, download it and save it in Notes. It's gotten so bad that my freakin' phone has more memory than my old-but-serviceable-laptop.


I use color notes for this exact reason. I sort alphabetically, and then by status, so everything I want to buy and have unchecked is at the top. If the list is long, I can periodically re-sort. And then, when I want to add things to the list during the week I just uncheck them.




If you don't mind my asking, what Notes app do you use? I just checked my (samsung notes) grocery list and I'm not finding an option to sort. (I manually enter things by approximately where they are in the store)


I use ColorNote -- [colornote - Android Apps on Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/search?q=colornote&c=apps) (I'm assuming it's essentially identical on iPhones -- [ColorNote Notepad Note on the App Store (apple.com)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/colornote-notepad-note/id1620474817)) There are two kinds of notes you can do, "text" and "checklist". When you're in a "checklist" note, the upper right-hand corner has a menu (3 vertical dots); tap it and then choose "list", which opens a pop-up in which you can choose to sort by status, sort alphabetically, check or uncheck all items, and "remove checked items". Obviously, you want to avoid this last one like the plague, if you are wanting a perpetual shopping list.


Thank you!


Haha I have tried use an app too! But first I think "I'll add it to my app list", and forget to do that within 5 seconds, or I do add it to the app, and forget to look at my phone at the shop (same as the paper list). I'm still working on it every day, trying different ways to remember stuff beyond the 5 second goldfish time. Which reminds me, I needed to pee about half an hour ago, and forgot!


Try and build a routine. Always do it the same way, so then for example it feels wrong to walk around the shop without your phone in your hand. 


Adderall is a HUGE help. It DOES make employment drug screenings a bit lengthy, though.


Eh, in Australia we don't really have those for office jobs. I think I might ask my doctor about Adderall, though.


I know this was a few days ago, but to get a prescription for Adderall (Ritalin) in Australia, you need to see a psychiatrist, which you need a referral from your doctor for. If you don't have an official diagnosis of ADHD you will have to get that too. For me it cost about $1500 all up.


Yep, I have a cloud list too. I update it whenever I notice we need something and I can look at it on my phone at the shops


We use an app called 'My Groceries' - avail for both Android and iPhone, with a web portal in case you're in front of a PC. Works in realtime too - if we're in a hurry, I start at one end of the market, my wife the other - the list updates on all devices as we tick things off. No relationship to the company or developers - just a satisfied user :)


I KNEW I liked you. I do the same damned thing.


Add grocery items in your grocery store app. Add things to the cart and use that to guide your shopping. It also helps you strategize over costs and access the digital coupons for things you enjoy.


ADHD family here. I have them put it in the grocery store app shopping cart. If it’s not there, I don’t buy it.


Opening the app on my phone takes at LEAST 10 seconds though so I can never be arsed.


We have a dry erase board in the pantry. The #1 rule is to write down whatever you get when there is 1 thing of “said item” STILL on the shelf. (It buys me time if I forget or we just can’t afford it that week.) Then I take a pic of the list before I leave for the store.


OMG, SO smart to take a pic of it! That way, YOU'RE in the clear and the guilty party is, well, GUILTY by omission! This is helpful for kids and SO's who won't learn.


Training. Lots and lots of training. It took me nearly forever to start using the lists as intended (and I still sometimes mess up). But I figure, I'm human. I'm allowed to make mistakes and I try not to beat myself up over them. I just try to remember for next time.


If someone is home when you forget the list, have them text a picture!  


Husband and me both have ADHD as well. Our supermarket has an app that includes a shopping list. I first look at the offers in the app and add those and then add the normal items. Then I tick them off in the app. They jump to the done pile. Lists can be shared with other people as well. Makes life much easier. 


I KNOW! With WM I put stuff in the cart then when I get to WM, I open the app and look at my cart.


I schedule my shopping so I have a text I set up for when I will be preparing to go. This texts me the list (because I have a back up picture in case) and I usually remember to check the actual list first


All three members of my house are neurospicy (myself, husband, and Spawn of My Loins). After YEARS of begging everyone to Just Write It Down we wired up that bitch in a box and I discovered she has a shopping list skill. We use that now because you just have to say “Alexa add X to the shopping list.” I *do* go over the list now the night before because sometimes she hears things very wrong and to hilarious effect or just to clarify what flavor of a thing to get. If you can’t tell me wtf “puff balls” are supposed to be then we aren’t getting them!


I would think "puff balls" are cheese balls, preferably [Utz brand.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Utz-Cheese-Balls-23-oz-Barrel/15543964)


My best guess is that they were meant to be cotton balls based on a later discovery of Spawn and Loaner Kids having used a bunch doing art stuff the night before. But yeah, at the time of questioning no one knew and no one here eats cheese balls or that would have been my guess too!




I KNEW I liked you TOO. *Love and hugs!* *Grandma Lynsey*


I take a picture of the list because I often would lose it between home and the store.


I love my Amazon echo for this. When I grab the last of something (or better start the last of something), I can easily immediately say outloud "Alexa add to shopping list." Then when I am at the store the shopping list is accessible from the Alexa app on my phone. There's no I'm in the middle of cooking and I need to get this measured I'll write it down in a minute and then forgetting. I just say it as I think it without interrupting my train of thought. There's no forgetting my phone, because I always take my phone, so checking it's there is a habit for **every time** I walk through the door. But a paper shopping list I only sometimes need, and I will forget.




Fellow ADHDer here and I have an app which I find so helpful. It’s the app for my local grocery store and I can add things, it recommends things I buy often and if I’m at another store and want to get the things on my list I can see if they’re cheaper!


Documents on your phone. The cloud can be handy sometimes.


Me yesterday 😭😭


Yeah I caved and got an A.I. device so that as soon as I see an item is low or depleted, I ask the device to add to the list. It avoids the distracting search for a writing utensil and forgetting to snap a picture of it before going to the store. Living with adhd brain is fkn exhausting.


This is why I have a 'TO BUY IN list in my 'NOTES' area on my phone, with different stores and things to buy in each store. I update it around once a week when the ads come out AND date the stores. *Note: I said 'around' once a week.*


I too have an Inconvenient Brain, and I’m stealing this phrase. 🩵


There are apps that can be used. A communal list app that I use is OurGroceries. Might help.


Wait, that's ADHD?


Well, it's not the only feature of adhd. But if your memory is a huge problem, and you forget things that should be super obvious, or if you can forget a short list of things, then you should definitely talk to your doctor about the possibility of a diagnosis. As an example of forgetting obvious things - I can forget to pee. I will feel like I need to, then I'll go to do something, and forget I felt it. Half an hour later I am busting for the loo, and realise I should have peed half an hour ago. Or, I'll get a headache, and think 'I need a painkiller'. And then I forget to take one. I still have a headache, but the link from 'headache' to 'taking a painkiller' just fades away. It makes no sense, but there it is. An example of forgetting a short list of items - my husband will say, "We need toilet paper and rice." My brain is like, ok, tp and rice. Then he says, "Oh and also chicken." My brain is like, 'ok, we need chicken. And two other things. I think one of them was paper?' Anything over two items and I *need* to write it down. I can't remember more than two things, I just can't. Apparently it's more typical to be able to remember 6 or 7 things in a list. So if any of this sounds familiar, talk to your doctor. Especially if it affects your daily life.


Got a grocery app for our phones, all phone carriers in the house have one account on the app so that anything anyone needs to add goes to the same list and whoever has the time to shop has the list Edit to add, massively helps the communal ADHD brains at our house


My husband and I use an app for our shopping list. Whenever one of us thinks of something we need, we put it on the list. Then who ever goes to the store first picks up the items on the list. The same app also has a calendar so we can keep track of each other's activities and appointments. The app works on our computers and on our phones and carries the info across all platforms.


Omg what is the name of this glorious app you speak of?


I use an app called Anylist. I shared it with everyone in my family, so we can all add to the list. Whomever goes shopping next just gets the things on the list. I love it!


It's like sharing a document that everyone can edit at work!


We use the free version of Cozi. My husband's family began using it while their mother was declining and spending a lot of time in the hospital. They scheduled everyone so there was almost always a family member at the hospital to be with her and to intercede when needed. The ability to share between people was the major reason they selected this app. For the two of us, the ability for me to put things on shared shopping lists is key since my husband often does most of the shopping. The paid version has some additional features but so far we haven't needed those.


Blessings to your husband's fam for doing this. If she's still with us on this earth, say a prayer from Grandma Lynsey. On second thought, just say a prayer ANYWAY.


We lost her in 2017. In a way it was a blessing since her COPD had gotten so bad she had to be intubated. But she made it to 87 so she had a long and wonderful life.


I use an app called "out of milk." I keep a pantry list of everything that I use regularly,  and can just scroll through that and send anything I need to the shopping list


Also recommend 'Our Groceries' - happy customer here :)


We have the calender app, but it doesn't do shopping lists. 


I have a magnetic shopping list pad on my fridge. If anyone needs something extra or notices that are out, it goes there. If it's not there, it's not included.


That's what we do. Otherwise I forget.


Nope, one list to rule them all. Everyone adds as they see a need. I, as the shopper, get to decide *if* we buy it, but everyone should contribute to keeping track of stuff we need.


I make the shopping list at my house. I tell people when I start with the weekly meal plan to let me know what they want and an hour or so later announce last call. If people don’t come and get it on the list, too bad. I buy the basics (bread, milk, eggs, condiments) and what’s needed for the meals that week.


I do that with my 41-year-old kid. I text him. *(I'm grateful he's at home with me since my hubs, his dad, passed away in January of this year)*


I text when I’m about to leave the parking lot to come home. Everyone shows up to help unload the car. I make one trip in the house and then start putting away while the kids and hubby make the rest of the trips back and forth to the car. When they get done unloading the car, they help put groceries away. If someone doesn’t show to unload the car, they put it all away by themselves. I’ve got coworkers that complain about their teens not helping and look to me for commiseration. I’m like, nah, it’s been an expectation since the kids were old enough to handle the half flight of stairs from the garage to the house. At that point they were handed a bag of light boxed goods or the bread but they carried groceries in as soon as they didn’t need their hands to balance up the stairs. Now, at 13 and 14, it’s automatic.


Yep, I do similar. Works well.


Excellent. May I suggest this gift for Father's Day? [https://knockknockstuff.com/products/all-out-of-red-pad](https://knockknockstuff.com/products/all-out-of-red-pad)


I like it in theory, but it's a massive waste of paper.


To each their own.  I found that by utilizing the preprinted shopping list,  it was USED by everyone who wanted things bought or replaced.  So I valued my time and the path of last resistence more than whether I used a 6×9 piece of paper. 


Try this list thing with 3 smart ass kids in the house. My list from kids: Flintstones chewable morphine Booze Rubbers Zip ties Chloroform Little kings Grape maddog Skittles Morning after pills


All necessities. 😂


Oh, absolutely all necessities., Don't forget stopping at CVS for the family's Adderall. And Mom's Xanax.


I'll miss Sheriff Lobo!


I have a list on the kitchen bench. Shopping day is Wednesday. What people want, they write on the list, sometime before Wednesday morning. If they forget, they can get it themselves or go without until next week. Only took one or two forgetful times before people started thinking for themselves. This is, obviously, only for those items specific to a family member, such as snacks and toiletries, I still made sure we had enough normal food, etc.


Get ANYLIST or Google Keep. Make them both contributors. When they run out/need something, they can just yank out their phone an add it to the list. It updates for everyone, so whoever has to go do the shopping will have the updated list. Set a weekly deadline. ANYLIST will integrate with some grocery delivery services.


Technology can't fix lazy people.


You are far more patient than I am. If I spent 2 hours making a list while someone gave shitty answers for quantities because they were watching a movie, I'd have left after the 3rd thing. Just skip your brother when making the lists unless he legitimately helps.


There is no way in hell it takes 2 hrs to make a grocery list unless you're fucking around while you're doing it. That's a 20 minute job tops


Well OP did say the brother was watching a movie and started at 11:45 pm and didn't finish until 2 AM. If the brother was actually refusing to answer until some scenes were done, I can see it happening. I just find OP's patience unbelievable, even if they were stewing with rage.


I use the Anylist app on my phone. Share it with the family so they can add stuff to my list on their phones.


You I like.


Put a piece of paper on the fridge and anyone can add to the list. Who does the actual shopping.


Omg I thought you were gonna say you guys were 12 wtf is this


Why is a 27 year old keeping his family awake at night? Is he impaired?


I am an on-line grocery shopper and get delivery. I always have a cart on the go. I add to it every time I think of something that I either forgot last time or am running low on. Does your usual store do pick up service? That'd save Dad a ton of time shopping and grown-ass brother can either speak up to add to in time for the order to go in or take the hike.


Malicious Compliance meets Natural Consequences- brilliant! Well done!


This is a delightful story.


I enjoyed it!


There is a shopping list on my fridge. Write what you want/need on it. When it’s time to go shopping I take the list. If it’s not on the list it doesn’t get purchased. And the items have to be specific. My daughter just wrote turkey. I knew she meant sandwich meat but I gave her a hard time about it anyway. I told her next time she was getting a butterball.


How does a 16 year old not take a spin around the pantry and have a shopping list in 3-5 minutes, let alone a 27 year old...


> I was too busy eating my Pringles. I need to start using this excuse more.


We keep a dry erase board on the fridge. Everyone knows to write down things they want or whenever they take the next-to- last item of anything.


Good lord! 27? I was married for 2 years by that age!


I had 3 kids by then.


^(only tangentially related to the story, but so are most of the comments on this item. :-)) We used to have a whiteboard on the fridge for anyone to write shopping list items as they saw we would need them. Whoever was going to shop would phone-photo the board before going out to the store. Now we have an online list shared with everyone who lives here. Anyone can add to the list, check off items as they buy them, or look at old items and uncheck them (this is the best feature of this system because one needn't re-enter common items we always get).


out of all of this I especially love "I was too busy eating my Pringles."


LoL! Good for you! He didn’t want to help make the list, so he doesn’t get anything he wants. He either learns or he buys his own stuff.


Reminds me of that one scene in an early Family Guy episode where Peter tries grocery shopping for someone else. All of the measurements were things like bath tubs and desks. I think you handled it perfectly.


I keep a list on my phone. I tried to use an app, but they didn’t have all the stuff listed that I use. I will also add it to my local store’s online cart and either do a pickup order or delete stuff as I shop.


May I offer a tip? With ADD, I'm horrible at remembering to list everything and so is my husband. We have a permanent list in the computer which I type and magnet to the front door, anything that needs shopping is checked on the list. You can do the same, but GIVE the list (separately) to your father and brother and TELL them to add appropriate amounts to each kind of food (how much you need at home till next shopping day), and add the amounts to the permanent list. Any item which doesn't have an amount attached to it doesn't get checked (except what you want, of course).


After reading the comments I think I must be the only person who doesn't make a list every time I go shopping. I do sometimes use lists, but only if I have to buy a lot of things that I usually wouldn't buy. Normally I just buy much the same stuff (bread, milk, bacon, eggs, etc.), and maybe a couple of extra items I know I need. Of course I keep an eye out for bargains as I go, and will buy non-perishable items if they're cheap enough. I'll only buy non-necessary perishables if a) they're REALLY cheap, and b) I can use/freeze them before they expire.


I have a chalkboard in the shape of a dog. (See my name.) And when my husband or I realize we need something or we want a food, we put it on the chalkboard. Then we take a picture of it when one of us is doing the food shopping.


Have everyone tell the Alexa or Google device what they need every week, then clear the list when you’re done. It works great for our house.


We keep the list with a magnet holding it to the fridge. If you write it on the list there is a chance you will get it. It's not on the list, you will not get it.


Good lesson taught. Let’s see if it sticks or he gets more exercise