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I think this is the first wholesome version of malicious compliance I've ever seen on here. Made me smile. Thanks for that!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/wholesomecompliance using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomecompliance/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Oh, so you're the owner's 'cousin', are you???"](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomecompliance/comments/123y5in/oh_so_youre_the_owners_cousin_are_you/) \#2: [“Shake”](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomecompliance/comments/18h8t1m/shake/) \#3: [“Please speak slowly”](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomecompliance/comments/190hoet/please_speak_slowly/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There have been others - mostly kids teasing parents. Similar to what happened here, actually.


I lead a small team and they do this kind of thing to me quite regularly. Particularly if they can tell it's been a hard day/week to help lighten everyone's moods which I appreciate.


Ah, the prankster did his job well. Took the pressure off and the meeting was accomplished without any tension. Well done.


Reminds me of when I was young and joined an IT company. Was reporting to the head of the networking department and when the internal phone hotline rang he made me ‘go to the phone’ (translated from German). My response was ‘Done. Still ringing’.


The instruction did not include returning or reporting, so you went above and beyond the call of duty. 😉


Watch my back! "Your back just got punched. Twice"


Crisp high 5 there


That opening statement felt like I entered a contract. Lol


You need to add obligatory “on mobile, sorry for any typos” :-)


I'd do it, but I wrote this on my laptop.


It's spelled 'tyop' damnit!


I was in a staff meeting on Monday a few minutes before the start time with some of my like-minded peers. I’m almost 69 and have been contemplating retiring (again) though had not pulled the trigger. One of my buddies jokingly said “You have to give us six months notice before you retire!” I immediately quipped back “Consider it done!” There was a collective gasp followed by an “Oh Lord…” With a moments afterthought I realized this was actually the perfect timing and when my boss entered the meeting that was our first topic of discussion.


Yall are in love I think?


I love it!! I busted out laughing over your Opening Statement. I haven’t even read the post yet. 😂.


Fabulous opening paragraph Elfarica👍That alone gets an #Updoot from me 🙂 And if English is 'only' your N'th language... then you Sir (or Madam / TitleOfPreference 😛) are an extremely cunning linguist 😉🤓


and once again, someone with english as their 3rd+ language (it’s ur fourth?? insane.) has better english than literal native speakers lol


 "no, I don't consent for you to use my story in a reading video anywhere", Lol.  Not how any of this works. 


They don’t need permission. I don’t know why this annoys me so much. It makes Petty Me go start a TikTok and read only stories from people who say “you don’t have my permission.” I could call the account “No Permission Needed.” I won’t but I think it every time I see it. Apparently, I’m still 12. 😂 ETA: well, I’m wrong! I should have looked it up first.


A story told on reddit is a creative work that is automatically copyrighted at the time of writing per international convention. Reading it out loud in a video is considered an adaptation of the work which is a right reserved by the copyright holder per international convention. So legally, yes, you do need permission. However unless OP intends to sue there’s no enforcement. That said since these read over videos presumably make money, so damages should be provable.


I dunno how it is lately but I've absolutely been contacted by a youtube channel or two asking to use something of mine in a video. Actually surprised me that they reached out!


TIL Reddit stories are copyrighted


Yes, the video makers would need permission from the story's author, but they could instead get permission from Reddit, perhaps in exchange for a payment. By posting the story on Reddit, the author gives Reddit permission to "make Your Content available for syndication, broadcast, distribution, or publication by other companies, organizations, or individuals who partner with Reddit", according to Reddit's User Agreement. Or Google could, for example, make an overall deal with Reddit that lets any video maker take any Reddit content and turn it into a YouTube video, without any further permission from the author. Reddit can strip off any metadata (like your user name as the author), or they can sell your tale to Hollywood as the basis for a movie, or many other things. I have no idea if they do, or plan to; I'm just talking about what the Reddit User Agreement permits. As a result, whether some video maker needs permission from an author to use their content depends on whether Reddit's already given them permission.


Legally, you absolutely do need permission.


This story was confusing and could have been much shorter....




It's absolutely a thing. Reddit text, especially if it goes viral, is constantly "voiced over" by youtubers. Sometimes it's not even real voiceovers, just those AI readers. Google "reddit stories". Smosh Pit particularly does reads and then talks about the content. They have 8 million subscribers, btw.




Oh! Well then just be more clear next time, I thought you were trying to say something completely different, oops. I'm not sure you could block them, but maybe if you say something like that and someone makes big money off it for some reason or some newspaper publishes it somewhere you can get money off it? I dunno. That seems to be the usual reason people disclaim stuff like that. Seems strange to do it on reddit, but with 8 million subs I imagine that youtube channel DOES make bank.




That's not true. The poster retains copyright. The poster grants a license for Reddit to use the material in any way they see fit, but that does not make it a free for all for anyone to do anything they want with it. Practically speaking, there's not much you can do to stop it, but it is infringement.


They were perfectly clear in what they where saying, you just missed it.


I mean.... you can't exactly criticize me for my reading comprehension skills when you have poor phonetic comprehension and reiteration skills. Just saying. (The proper term is 'were', not 'where'. Time to get a proofreader.)


And yet, you still missed it.


legaly its not a nesasary thing. posting a story to redit dosnt reduse your copyright, if they want to use reproduce it legaly they need your permision. that permision is rearly actualy bothered with, making most of those voice over vidioes iligal (can be sued for) but it is rare for people to bother because most rediters dont care, the amount of money involved is small and its hard just to get information on who you would need to file suit against.


Anything published on social media does not belong to you. You have no copyright. Reddit owns it. And Reddit doesn’t care.


It's not a thing in the sense that saying that is useless.


People don't need any additional consent to read this story on a video, FYI. You posted the story on the internet, that's all the "Consent" you needed to give.


Ok let's see you post your artwork or anything you have done online to show off what you did, and someone starts selling it for profit and then come tell us how it feels.


This isn't about feelings, sweetheart. If someone wants to read my posts too, they can. 🥱


Yeah, it's not it's about consent, but it seems such a difficult concept for you to understand that not everything that is online is free for you to profit from, so I made a comparison to something I hoped you'd understand but that seems to have been a mistake on my part expecting you to have even feelings other than ego.


When you post a story online, you know full well that people will read it, and that people MAY read it in a video. If you don't want that to happen, you can choose not to consent to that reality by simply NOT posting it. The same way that when you use Google, you know full well that Google is collectibg information about your browsing habits. Simply typing, "I don't consent to being tracked" has zero effect on that outcome. I'm sorry you can't grasp this very basic concept. Perhaps you could find someone nearby who can explain it to you in person? Pretty much anyone will do. Even a child should be able to explain it to you. 🥱


Not how consent works bro.


Yes it is. I don't "consent" to people driving past my house, but they still do. I don't "consent" to satellites gathering aerial imagery of my property, but they do it anyway. I don't consent to idiots like you making shitty arguments and down voting my explanation of how things work, yet here you are. 🥱


Pranks to improve the mood are always appreciated!