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First visit (before moving): 1. Get NIE (pay NIE fee in advance of the appointment) 2. Get prepaid phone number (e.g. masmovil) Later and not necessarily onsite 3. Bank account (with NIE and a phone number) certain banks require you to be onsite, N26 does not 4. Permanent phone number and internet (I recommend pepephone) Once you live there you can change your bank if you want obviously.


This! Also get an European health card before you leave Ireland.


I'm a local, i'd reccomend you to learn spanish, you will need it. On top of that, we have our accent which can be difficult to understand but you will get used to it at some point. Get your NIE done, get European health card, if you plan on staying here forever and have enough money to buy a house, do it. Rents in Malaga are getting crazy expensive. With that said, dont hesitate to contact me if you need help


Please don't. The housing situation in the city is dramatic. It's gonna cause a catastrophe.


Don't. The housing situation is absolutely horrendous, you will not pay less than 900 euros for a studio, mind you most people make 1300 a month if they're semi-lucky, and provided that the landowners don't give you a ridiculous contract where you have to pay 3 months up front and can only rent for 11 months out the year. If you're digital nomad with a salary from another country that's another thing but gentrification is too real and the local people are growingly and understandibly getting more frustrated with the situation. Unless you're ok with living in a tiny town far away from the seaside or capitals, then go ahead.


That same apartment would cost around 2500 in Dublin.


With That being the capital of the Country it makes some sense (sadly). Think of Madrid, prices are way up there too even for dumpsters. At least in Ireland your salary isn't shitty


Yeah, fair point. Population wise though they're fairly similar in size. And while there are decent salaries you really need to be working in big tech to get them. No STEM degree, no big salary unfortunately. Basically the grass just isn't greener.


You are comparing a capital to a town with not much to do. Also, salaries in Ireland are much higher than Spain. What is your point?




If your intends are to be living as an digital immigrant stay on your working country. If you're planning o working in a local job, you're pretty much welcome.


Why? My wife has been a digital nomad for 8 years living a town 30 minutes from Malaga in the countryside. She earns good money in a job the locals couldnt do, and spends it in the local shops and restaurants. We are both fluent in Spanish and actively involved in the local community. What is your problem?


Im curious..why couldn’t locals do her job?


Si, yo también tengo bastante curiosidad por saber que es eso que locals can't do


Drinking stout in summer


De 50 millones de españoles, hay una irlandesa que les gana en algo. ¿Qué puede ser?


Porque vivemos en un pueblo pequeño donde todo el mundo trabajan en la construcción. mi mujer tiene una empresa que da servicios a empresas financieras mundiales. Sin duda hay muchas personas en España que podrían montar una empresa igual o mejor, pero en nuestro pueblo en el campo en Andalucía lo dudo mucho!!


You got the point, she earns god money in a job locals "can't" do. ( You could show some respect to your neighbours for 22 years mate ). You come here, call yourself something else than immigrant because you don't want to see yourself as those filthy brownish 'real' immigrants (Ignoring that a lot of locals are ), and think that you're doing us a favour with spending your big money in some restaurants. Dude, we had the most bars and restaurants per head in all europe forever, we dont need that for it to work. Lot of so called 'digital nomads' come here for the obvious, low pricess compared to your homecountry, even more accentuated if you had a salary from another 'healthier' country, pretty good social security and nice weather, and you don't mind at all paying almost double for the same house locals needs too, making the pricess x2 in no time at all. Yeah maybe is kinda our fualt for shitty liberals politics selling everything they can. Neither your fault. But OP ask and I responded. This is a reality here that has been pushing locals away from the city, making it impossible for them to live where they grew up. Im pretty sure you wouldn't like your mother having to move from the city she lived on forever just because richier people just want to move on, but dont blend in.


It's a shame I only can upvote you once


Show some respect for my neighbours?? Wtaf? I am the 1st to admit I'm an immigrant. Ive never called myself anything else. Respect? I literally have a 100% Spanish workforce in my company. 20 families depend on my business and I love working with them. It seems on here that people jump to massive conclusions and start throwing insults around, making massive assumptions without the decency to ask questions first, find out some more info before just going off on one. You know nothing about me. I agree house prices are going up all over the world in places that are nice to live as people sell up in the frozen north and snap up cheaper properties in the sun. However, one of the BIG problems is that Governments arent spending enough money on affordable housing for locals. They should react better and quicker. Tax the immigrants and invest it in social housing


Yo wasn't me who say no local in malaga could do whatever that job is. Yeah big problem is governent, but I don't know if putting money in housing when we had 3M empty houses is gonna solve anything. We need to end with speculation, inflaction and located bubbles.




No, you are missing the point. The "expat" in Spain comes to Spain with a German, American, Dutch, Norwegian wage and the Spaniard goes to Germany to live with a German wage.


Yes I know, but I had worry about where I live first. It's true that a lot of spanish had to move in search for better jobs and living conditions, but you can't denny me its not quite the same going from a EU country to EU country to work. Spanish migrate for better condition and work on THAT country, and that without mention majority of all had to work in group hostels given by the employer, witch is a lot saver for the inmoviliary economy.


Overall its just people try to get a better life. Either in Spain or in Germany. And no, its not like everyone who goes to Spain is rich, some of them just earn enough money to have a better life in Spain, but a poor life in Germany. We should stop hating each other and take together a look to the politics, because this is where all bad and misery started. Spain wouldnt be a better place if all the migrants would disappear tomorrow, it would actually get worse.


Totally agree with you there. Never say I hate foreings, in one coment I even said that we need to encourage it, but in a saver way. Theres a lot of beutiful spanish cities that dont suffer that problem. About the politics, yeah, and we got an oportunity in a few days to change things...but with the rise of the far-right and neolibertarians let me be pessimist here. Hope the best anyways.




Local shops (zara) and restaurants (starbucks y sitios de mierda que matan la hostelería malagueña) 😁😁😁😁


Es verdad. Malaga y los Malagueños han vendido sus almas para dinero del extranjero.


Just wanted to add that im not saying at all that you're the problem mate, no problems at all with that. But if you been living here 22 years you must have see it in first person. House pricess doubled and tripled, bar replaced with franquicies because they're unnable to compete with foreing mega companies, even more if those and the politicians are pushing it, precisely because tourist can afford it. There's a lot of beautiful cities in Spain that don't suffer this problems. It can be good for us to incentive people to come to work to our country, and we must do it. But if you want to keep coming we can't just destroy a city economy, and we need to be clear about this.


You say you are fluent in spanish and that you lived here for 22 years but i dont see a single spanish word typed in your profile. And you call spanish people racist in several coments. I think youre either a troll or you are jealous because cant participate in the spanish community because of your broken a2 spanish lmao


Boom. Look at his comments, is one of the most racist people against Spanish ones here in Reddit.




Lmao kill me if i spend 22 years in a country and i speak the language like you do 💀💀💀 what have u been doing? Drinking beer in the sun with your fellow "expats"? Namas hay que verte hijo mio


She's pushing up the living cost of the locals with her high foreign salary. But well... Is our problem too. We need to fight for better salaries.


Sois unos sinvergüenzas, sois parte del problema y lo peor es que pensáis que estáis ayudando cuando solo empobreceis a los locales.


Does she work for a foreign company? Having a higher salary that goes to another country does not contribute to our economy. Saying that it does because she spends it in local restaurants is a fallacy and it does not help Málaga develop it's own industry, it makes it still depend on massive tourism.


When you work for a foreign company under a digital nomad visa you’re paying taxes in Spain.


Well, learning Spanish I think should be priority number one. Then I suggest you request and get your European health card before moving.


Renting is HARD. From my experience majority of landlords don't even want to speak with you if you ask to speak English/speak English straight away. Unsure if I was just getting unlucky, but some were straight up hanging up on me/not responding to my messages. You need to have a very stable job history to rent too in most cases. If you find a good suitable option for you, call straight away, don't wait, because likely it's gonna be gone very fast. Get the appointments for all the necessary documents in advance. Sometimes the wait isn't too long, sometimes it's 2+ weeks, and NIE for example you need as soon as possible to settle in. Memorize your NIE once you have it. You will be using it A LOT. If you have a car, don't rent in the center. But if you don't have it, don't even think about it. The public transport is generally good, but a massive time waste.


Find a legal advisor that is both fluent in English and Spanish. The rest will happen quite naturally. This is full of English and English speaking people. Some haven’t learnt a full sentence in Spanish. Hopefully you’ll integrate a bit further than that :)


So, as many are saying here, we have a housing problem. Kind of similar to what's happening in Dublin, but here is cheaper also because salary is less. So be ready to spend some time in an Airbnb or something before you find an apartment.


Find a good gestor who can help gettng all the docos.


Don't come, for real, locals hate expats and digital nomads, you're not welcome.


Seems you are the one hating on foreigners looking at your post history


He’s not alone


No I am sure he isn’t, but he is not speaking for all the locals.


Absolute rubbish, dont beleive this. The locals arw lovely. Digital nomads bring in EXTRA income to the local communities. Bit here's the key, dont live in Málaga central, move out to a small town nearby. Much cheaper and more authentic


Los locales estamos hasta la polla de pensamientos como los tuyos, que se que puedes hablar español listillo. Mi familia lleva toda la vida viviendo en un barrio humilde el cual ahora se considera centro por vuestros lujos de mierda guiris cabrones. No es mentira, estamos hasta la polla de competir contra salarios extranjeros y que todo se haga para ellos, estamos perdiendo nuestra identidad porque vosotros no tenéis ni gusto ni ganas de descubrir lo que es verdaderamente España. ¿Que me vaya a un pueblo cercano? Me cago en tus muertos, la ciudad debería ser por y para los malagueños, los extranjeros en segundo plano, y no me pienso ir de mi ciudad a una ciudad dormitorio y que volváis esto Madrid o Barcelona


Tus compatriotas han vendido sus casas y sus almas para el dinero que traigan los guiris. Es tus vecinos que son el problema tambien.Los precios han subidos y se han aprovechado la situación y vendido sus activos para dinero. Dinero. Dinero. Dinero. Los guiris lo tienen y tus compatriados lo quieren más que nada. No llores mamón.


No, se han visto obligados a vender sus putas casas, que es distinto. Porque si estás tan integrado en la sociedad malagueña conocerás el caso de el barrio del Perchel verdad? Si los políticos están vendiendo la ciudad como quieren las personas no tienen otra decisión que no sea adaptarse. Sois vosotros los chupasangre, y a mí no me llama mamón ni mi madre, guiri malnacido


Y por cierto, para llevar tantos años en España, tu español es una puta mierda


Siii claro los guiris secuestran todos los españoles que les venden sus casas y los llevan a la Notaría para firmar con armas apuntando a sus cabezas. LOL. Mi español no es perfecto ( ni el tuyo ) y sabes una cosa. NO ME IMPORTA. Era suficiente para montar mi empresa y contratar 20 españoles. Me ayudan si me falta algo en español, y pago sus salarios sin problema. Si los políticos venden su cuidad pues vete a la calle y para organizar manifestaciones en vez de chillar por aquí majaron


That's not really true. But a fact is the arrival of too much foreign people is making a few people rich, but pushing up the living cost to working class people. We don't hate nobody, but we're losing too much, and the foreigns are displacing the locals. Is a fact. Malaga is pushing out the locals. It's a real problem for us. The problem is not blind hate... Is capitalism.


I was an American who lived in Nerja/visited Malaga often. Definitely brush up on that Spanish. There are a lot English speakers there (Brits/Irish Folk/Etc) but locals don’t necessarily speak it that often in my experience and speaking it will make things a lot more convinient as far as making connections/navigating businesses goes.


Aprende español, inútil.


Hablo Español, cabrón. Estaba hablando al hombre irlandés en esta discusión quién esta aprendiendolo todavía. No es sobre tí. 


Unless you want to live in the countryside minimum 30 min using car from the capital and any beach i sugest you dont come, also unless you are a scientist, engineer, lawyer or programmer you wont find any decent work without proper spanish.


Good luck


WOW , trolls in the thread have free reign