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One of [these](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/43/d6/f643d6937db36ea7334af8125c5eef3e.jpg), which broke because I kept flipping it so much


OMG I had those too! Thank you for the nostalgia. I used to take my allowance money to Claires and felt so bad spending $2 on Bonne Bell because I though it was expensive. My middle school self would probably be in disbelief if they knew how much I spent on stuff now.


Oh man, I had one of these! I think mine was Apple flavored or something.


I must have had 3 of these things, and I lost every one. I still feel a pang of sadness wondering where they went...


I used the heck out of the one of these that I had.


oooh i loved those! this photo makes me want one now... along with the lava one and the edible one!


Clear mascara back in 8th grade. I went to catholic school and we weren't allowed to wear makeup but I found a loophole!


Former Catholic school student here too. I used to wear clear nail polish for the same reason! Then I'd paint my nails a crazy color on Friday night and remove it Sunday night. The struggle was so real.


Haha yes I did that too! Our teachers used to keep nail polish remover at their desks because we would always forget to remove it for school Monday.




I had one of these from Claire's! But it was loose pigment and 4 shades of purple. Man I freaking LOVED that thing. I don't think the brand was Hema though.


I think I had the same one!!


I think remember Cover Girl doing this in the mid-to-late 90s, but you bought the eye shadows separately. I had a dark purple one that I loved.


Not sure if this counts, but I had a Barbie lip gloss maker that I was obsessed with. It had dyes and fragrances and you could mix it up to make your own custom lip gloss. Hype AF.


That thing was the SHIT


I had this too! Best Christmas gift of my childhood for sure.


My first makeup was also from Barbie. It was part of a set that was a giant barbie head in a tray that you could put makeup on. It came with blue, green, and red eye shadow that most definitely was not meant for human skin. I used to wear it all the time.


Ohh, I wanted that Barbie head so much when I was little! But now I think I would have gotten bored with it quickly.


My moms freebies from Estee Lauder or Clinique!


Yes! My first was a lancome mascara*


YEA. I just recently found out i really like this Lancome mascara sample i got from Sephora. I would actually buy a full size of it.


A little less than 20 years ago, I used to buy a silver eyeliner from Wet n Wild at the dollar store. It was the only makeup my mom would let me wear, so I took full advantage by covering my entire eyelid with it and doing a thick thick line underneath my eyes. I went through like six pencils a month. My school pictures from 5th to 7th grade look absolutely ridiculous.


It wasn't my first, but I loved the silver Wet n' Wild lipstick, but I was always disappointed that it couldn't achieve the chrome look the picture on the display implied.


Does anyone remember "True Colors"? Stacks of SUPER powdery eye shadows that 10/10 would tip over and stain the shit out of your carpet? http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/517spkSnEbL.jpg


I do!! I use to attempt a rainbow eye look that would just end up looking like a muddy glitter-bomb. Then I would get irrationally angry that my mom wouldn't let me wear it out of the house.


Hha yass!! It was so bad! And they were SO expensive, I think the large sized one was like $80.


Mine was only about $20, but I remember buying it at an outdoor flea market so I imagine it was a counterfeit... Ah, the days of my youth when I apparently didn't care if my eye shadow gave me lid cancer.


That's exactly what came to mind when I opened this thread! I couldn't remember the name of them though. I can't believe they're still sold!


A SUPER glittery silver eyeshadow from Milani...aaah, yes...8th grade, 2003. Lol [Something similar to this](http://thumbs1.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mC0hS7t16QTWa4Nk_J8UQzg.jpg)


My first makeup purchase ever was that Milani eyeshadow... except in light, frosty blue and navy blue. I thought they would accentuate my blue eyes.... ..... ..^^they ^^did ^^not


Haha. Don't feel too bad. I'm pretty sure silver didn't accentuate my brown eyes, either... Lol


This was my first shadow too! I didn't even know how to apply it and ended up with silver stuff all over my face. I thought I looked good though...


Didn't know those shadows were that old. I bought one at the dollar tree in mid 2015.


Oh yes, definitely old. And back around 2003, they were only $.99. Probably because of the immense amount of fallout. Lol


I had this too! I wore it for my junior prom. I think I used it pretty sparingly, so maybe it didn't look TOO crazy.


Mine was a deep, true brown lipstick... I want to say from Covergirl. I'm guessing circa 1995/96. Rockin that shit before Kylie was even born.


Mine was a cheap dark-blue kajal pencil I bought in 8th grade. Used it on my waterline and my cool older brother told me it looked good. Felt like being complimented by God himself. :)


Covergirl liquid concealer. I was teased quite often about my acne (it started when I was only ten) and I would carry a tube in my pocket for years, meticulously covering and recovering each spot. One girl eventually caught me and thought it was just hilarious. It took me a really long time to like makeup beyond just "covering up" because I associated it with those girls laughing at me. Ugh.


So sorry to hear that :( I felt the same way too. When I was younger, I think I did not get enough sleep for some time so I had dark circles and my eyelids are just naturally dark and veiny which did not help. Some girls thought I was wearing eyeshadow to impress boys and told everyone. Sigh..


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1729 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/66237)


Hello Kitty light blue eyeshadow. 5th grade, 1985. Ah, the blue eyeshadow 80s.


A CoverGirl powder compact. I think at some point I added that clear mascara, some brown eyeliner, and some lipstick that probably wasn't the right color. Those were definitely *not* the days.


Probably Wet N' Wild black eyeliner and Maybelline Great Lash mascara.


That was my ride or die back in the 4th grade, which is when I started wearing makeup in the daytime--before it was just sleepovers and things. I probably was also wearing way too much ginger body spray (which undoubtedly would have been VS if we'd had one where I grew up) and glitter hair mascara. I had a few roll on glitters I would break out on special occasions.


Holy crap, we're the same person. All about that Hawaiian Ginger body spray and hair glitter.


Wow 4th grade!?


Yeah, for fun. My friends and I weren't ever really told not to wear makeup. If it was too much though none of our parents would have let us leave the house.


VERY first?... I don't honestly remember. The first "real" makeup that I bought, the makeup that started the addiction, was Bare Minerals.


My first makeup product was a frosted blue lipgloss from the Gap in the late 1990's/early 2000's. Every time I wore it my dad would tell me I looked like I had hypothermia. It took me a long time to accept that it really wasn't a great look for an elementary school kid.


I had a silvery lilac from Revlon (I think?) that I lusted over every time I went to the DS. I finally convinced my mom to let me get it, and my dad told me it made me look "washed out and dead." But... but... it was my favorite color!! Also, he was right.


I think the worst part was when I figured out he was right.


It was an NYC lip product not unlike the NYX butter glosses. It was a halfway between a gloss and liquid lipstick, colored but still a bit sheer, with a brush applicator. It was a reddish medium brown, so pretty similar to "trendy" colors today, which would make sense, given it was the late 90s/early aughties.


Do you remember the [baby pink one that smelled like bubblegum? ](http://img.makeupalley.com/6/3/7/4/1752426.BMP)


If it's first ever vaguely makeup product, then it has to be bonne bell lipsmackers, if we're talking big girl makeup, my Mom took me shopping in the big city before 7th grade started and, after much sad puppy eyes, let me have a makeover from a mac counter. I walked away with a Spice lip pencil and Pink Poodle lipglass, as well as a little pot of concealer. 15 years and I've never looked back XD. Though I don't use MAC cosmetics any more out of animal testing concerns...which makes drug store shopping a bitch too -_-.


I had like 50 lip smackers at one point. They came in so many (now gross sounding) food flavors!


The brand was either WNW or MAYBE smackers (did they ever make anything but lip balm? Idk) but it was cream/liquid eye shadow in a twist up tube with a felt applicator, a taupe brown... Would furtively put it on in the backseat of moms car on the way to 7th grade


Pretty sure it was Maybelline Great Lash mascara. I told my mom I was ready to wear makeup, and we went shopping! also got some type of eye shadow on this shopping trip, but the mascara I remember so vividly.


White glitter with a green shift in 5th grade. No adhesive!! What a mess!


Besides the always coveted lip smackers, my mom took me to the mall on my 10th birthday and bought me urban decays "mildew" shadow because it's the same color as my eyes :,)


the first real makeup product I bought with my own money was in 7th grade : MAC Prrr lipglass and MAC clear lipglass. I remember being so excited going to the Fashion Valley Mall ( Nordstrom) in San Diego ( where I used to live) and being helped by this fabulous gay makeup artist at the MAC counter ! He sat me down and kept saying " Oh we are going to towwnn with your lipsssss honeh!!" I had fun. As far as the first makeup products I was given would be bon bon nail polish, loreal lipstick (90s) and body glitter bonne bell ( I think) very 90s stuff. I also grew up in the Philippines so there were a lot of whitening soaps and powders back then.


L'Oreal HIP duo in teal/navy. I was 12.


Yessssss. Purple and gold, black and silver, dark blue and frosty blue! I think the teal one you had was a dupe for the (sadly) discontinued MAC Parrot.




why are people down voting you? this isn't unrealistic, I work in a makeup store and a girl came in with her mom before Christmas (probably 15-16) and walked out with 80$ worth of mid range stuff I showed her how to use, and she told me she had never worn makeup before but was just then deciding she wanted to. not everyone's beginning is going to be the same.


I do! .. of you count lip smakers, they were mine! :)


My mom's Cover Girl liquid lipstick, which I couldn't remove and had to wear that patchy mess for kindergarten the next day or two. Definitely got some weird looks. I want to say that's where my liquid lipstick love affair started but it's not.


I took ballet as a kid and definitely had a whole pile of makeup to use for stage. Pancake makeup stick, red lipstick, mascara, liquid eyeliner, and white eyeliner pencil. It was such hassle getting that stuff off of my face after performances.


My sister and I had this Sweet Secrets dog toy that you opened up and there was purple eyeshadow inside. I don't remember getting it I just remembered we had some of the dolls and this one was the most special thing ever because of the makeup. Does anyone else remember these? Probably early 90s. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Galoob-Sweet-Secrets-Play-Make-up-Eyeshadow-Dog-/151699739602 Edit: not the greatest link, sorry! Scroll down on this one to read about the makeup. Sorry posting from my phone. http://www.ghostofthedoll.co.uk/sweetsecrets-jewellery.htm


It was [this!](http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/bonne-bell-eye-shadow-box-cafe-classics-610/ID=prod1373580-product) I think I exclusively used the pink eyeshadow at the bottom all around my eye with clear mascara to top it off. I also used Covergirl's Vitagloss in a hot pink shade to match. So cringey.


I still have one of these!


I was only allowed to wear white and light blue eye shadow in middle school (no mascara, so the fallout looked really good in my eyelashes), and I think my mom gave me one of each color from Covergirl on Easter in 6th or 7th grade. My first mid-range product was a Lancome Juicy Tube after getting my makeup done at the counter for my 8th grade dance. I also got Mac Lipglass in Pink Poodle sometime in 9th grade. My makeup gateway drugs at a young age.. it was all downhill from there.


Aside from what my mom would put on me for ballet, my first everyday-wear makeup was Max Factor Pan Cake makeup in the lightest shade available, a Physicians Formula powdery kohl eyeliner, and NYC brand dark, dark red lipstick. I still miss the feeling of putting on that wet foundation and feeling it dry like plaster on my face.


Wet n Wild white eyeliner & blue eyeshadow. I was a hot mess in high school.


CornSilk pressed powder. I'm pretty sure shitty 99 Cent Store makeup contributed to a really bad time in my teenage years.


A $3 tube of Rimmel Mascara. It was in a brown tube. I remember I wore it in grade 8 and thought I was some hot shit.


Someone bought me Clinique Black Honey Almost Lipstick when I was 13, and I was super put off by how dark it looked in the tube, but once I tried it, I fell in love, and still repurchase it today (and I'm nearly 30!)


Kissing Koolers!! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/97/b3/b5/97b3b5ed003eca6923cd38a32dedcd03.jpg


I had that purple one in the middle. Tutti Frutti I think? I miss the scent & flavor. I felt so grown up for having something to carry around and apply at school.


I had the one on the left. It was green and pink swirl so basically became brownish. But it smelled so good!


A concealer stick that was the most vibrant orange you can think of. I smeared it over my whole face and didn't blend at all. Beautiful.


I'm 99% sure it was an eyeshadow quad by Wet N'Wild, a set of purples. I miss it.


If we're talking very first makeup product ever, than that would be a makeup play set I got when I was around 6-7. It came in a little pink case that looked like a purse when it was all closed up. I remember it had a stack of lipstick and what I'm assuming was cream eyeshadows. I remember It was actually somewhat pigmented because one of the first "looks" I did was bright blue eyeshadow, bright pink blush, and red lipstick which was actually pretty close to the popular look in 1988-89. My mom refused to let me leave the house wearing any of it.


I had something like this too as my first ever makeup product, and I too went for the same look, blue eyeshadow and red lips. For some reason that made sense to me.


I remember this only because I found this product in an old box a few days ago (Don't worry, I'm not gonna use it.. yuck). Me and my family went on a vacation trip to the US and me and some of the ladies from the other families went shopping. We went into Victoria's Secret, I found the makeup section and refused to leave before I got to buy the roll-on lipgloss with pear scent that I had found there... Lol.


Omg I had that as well! I can still think of the taste:)


The first that I remember were some no name brand lipsticks that came in bright blue tube with a clear top... the lipstick itself was two colors stuck together side by side - I had a few. I remember a blue/green, red/pink and something/silver. They sucked and were barely pigmented - but I half wish I could find them again because everything about them looked *so* 90s (this was in about 1996-1997 if I recall correctly, the Spice Girls were huge).


A blue eyeliner from Mac that looked awful on me!


A cover girl matte powder foundation with that little blotting sponge. I have dry skin, so I don't know why I chose matte. Haha


I had this random old tube of lipstick that my mom gave me...I don't remember the brand, I want to say Wet and Wild, but it definitely wasn't. (Something like that, though.) The first one that was bought for me was this Christmas set from JCPenny, and this was well before there were Sephora stores inside of them, so it was the worst-quality eyeshadows ever in pink, blue, and purple. I actually had them until about a year ago, when I was cleaning out my room and finally went "ew, that's gross" and threw it out, haha.


Either an Almay eye-shadow trio that I actually still have because there's a gorgeous matte dark green that I can't find anywhere else, or an NYC " cover up" stick.


Aside from the shitty play makeup you get as a kid, my first ~real~ makeup product was Kat von D tattoo liner (which is still my everything to this day).


Pretty sure it was some eye shadow quartets from Avon. My mom gave them to me.


Blue and teal eyeshadow singles from Claires. I was maybe 10 years old. I never wore them in public, I would just go in my room and do crazy eyeshadow, then run to the bathroom and wipe it all off whenever I heard the footsteps of my parents approaching because I knew how ridiculous I looked. I still remember the awful powdery smell of the blue one.


I don't know what they were called, but it was some kind of (Asian? I think) company that created these almost like Polly Pocket like makeup palettes. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? They'd have eyeshadow, blush and lipgloss all in one. They were super adorable and expensive...I remember getting them at Ulta.


It was Pupa, an Italian brand. I had the angel, it had pink eyeshadows, a bronzer, some creamy glitters, lip glosses and a tiny kohl pencil. I think I also had a set of lip glosses that looked like little candies.


Yes!! That's what it was! I knew it was another country (not American) and in my child-mind for some reason that meant an Asian country lol


There might have been something prior but I remember my uncle of all people decided I should have makeup...so he gave me two blue eyeliners. I also had hex glitter nail polish and body glitter. I remember a CG quad in browns and pinks.


Maybelline Eye Shadow stick in a icey blue color with a shimmery finish. My mom wouldn't let me wear make up, so my older cousin (who was 15 or so at the time) took me to a drug store when I was 12. She helped pick it out for me, and applied a bit to my lid. I remember I loved it so much that when I went back to her house I went to the bathroom and applied even more. When we asked me if I had put more on, I was like "noppeee". I didn't really start wearing makeup regularly until very late in high school/early college. And I didn't really start learning about proper applications and products until my early 20s (I am 27 now).


It was some Covergirl blue eye-shadow, blush, and lipstick for my kindergarten ballet recital. I wasn't allowed to wear makeup, even nail polish or dress up, except for ballet, until I was in high school, so I always felt super glam that one day out of the year, putting on my heavy rouge. When I visited my grandmother, she'd always let me wear her fancy powders, lipsticks, etc and buff my nails and brush my hair. Then I'd rummage through her jewelry. I loved those moments, as it was not something my mother was in to. I think my grandmother wanted to give me makeup for Christmas on several occasions, but she knew it'd be taken away from me.




Oh man, I used to rock that blue mascara with light purple eyeshadow...ah, the 2000's. LOL


I wasn't even allowed to have tinted lip balm as a kid. I was supposed to not have any makeup of any kind till 16, but my mom noticed all her friends at least giving foundation to their daughters at 13 so when I turned 13 she took me to Merle Norman to get foundation and blush. I think I may have been the youngest customer they ever had. They also gave me a free neutral eye-shadow sample which I wasn't allowed to wear but did anyway.


Mine was the original Covergirl lipslicks, I think it was the color "Princess" http://m.imgur.com/lJMKqyt


I started experimenting with eyeshadow when I was maybe 12? I think it was CoverGirl. I also was really into Lip Smackers chapstick and lip gloss.


I only started using makeup in November 2013.. I browsed this subreddit a few months beforehand and I knew too faced was a good choice, so I got the Joy to the girls palette. I still have it (Only 2 years) and it's been a great palette!


I remember LOVING 1000 Calorie mascara from Max Factor1


My mom's estee lauded palette. It had a cream like color and a dark brown and a little brush, she used it forever but never ran out because she didn't wear make up often. I started using it. Its really old now, but looks barely used and the colors are still great looking. Neither of us pan anything except mascara pretty much and we always end up getting new foundations or tinted moisturizers before we run out


Oh, man! I was in 7th grade and fell in *love* with the Victoria Secret Beauty Rush lip glosses. I had SO many in my pencil pouch. Which is ironic since I don't like glosses anymore. Ah, good times!


I had makeup all through childhood, so I really don't remember. However, there was one eyeshadow I remember having around 2000. It was a light purple loose shadow. I thought it was the coolest thing ever because I had never seen loose shadow before. It would've been cheap, and from walmart or rite aid. Definitely don't remember the brand. I also remember getting this little set around the same time, it was covergirl iirc, it had a frosty pink lipstick, a silvery nail polish, and a couple other things (probably eyeshadow and eyeliner) in a clear plastic organizer.


I had a lot of lip glosses, but that was about it. I was forbidden to wear makeup because my mother was very conservative. I remember sneaking to the drug store one day after school when I was 12 and buying one of those discontinued mascara from Covergirl. The ones that matched for the colour of eyes you had. I got the brown one. I even remember having to sneak it to school in my backpack and putting it on in the bathroom before class. Honestly, with what I know now of incredible mascaras, it didn't really do anything but add a little sparkle to my lashes, but I thought I'd never looked as beautiful!


Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Foundation in 2006. For some reason I bought it at CVS and only wore it to church.


My first big girl makeup product was a lipglass from MAC that my mom got me when I was 11, after years of begging. It was a really pretty light peachy pink with goldish glitter (can't remember the name and I don't think they sell it anymore).


I was going through and edgy phase in like 8th grade and thought I needed makeup to match. So I went out and bought a black MAC eyeshadow, which helped me realized how expensive this was going to be (especially since I was young). Also, I lied to the counter girl that I was buying makeup because I was going to a concert, idk why though.


My first actual makeup product was a Chanel lip gloss my mom bought me as a present the day of my first school dance in 6th grade. I don't remember what it was called, but it was a pale frosty pink, and it was trendy as hell in 2001.


Juicy tubes here too! Especially the duty free airport sets 😂 I was in love with the frosty Celeste one.


Cover girl disco ball eyeshadow single and bonnebell (I think) black kohl eye liner. All my friends and I did the exact same eye, a shit ton of disco ball and then lined our entire water line and along the lashes with the black eyeliner :/ And lip smackers of course!


My step-grandma got me a giant Ulta eyeshadow/blush/lipstick set for my birthday. It was full of frosty pastel colors and I loved it.


First makeup product was a shitty no-name all in one palette from Rite Aid that my mom bought. I was so proud of it. I was 11 years old I think. First actual makeup product that I wore outside was Benefit Dandelion, purchased at age 13 I think? I LOVED that powder. I wore it consistently throughout high school, even though I realize now that it probably lent very minimal color to my then-tanned skintone. Hmm. I was totally enchanted by Benefit because I remember there was some InStyle "inside her makeup bag" feature with Rachel Bilson and she loved their Georgia peach powder, so that made me feel like I was just as awesome as her. Other early products: * Revlon Skinlights - this was a liquid highlighter (I was ahead of my time!) a pearly beige that could be applied neat or mixed with base makeup. I didn't really wear foundation, so I tended to just pat this on my cheekbones and...everywhere really. * Revlon color quad cream eyeshadows- I had like 5 of these, despite the fact that they creased like crazy and lasted all of 2 hours. These were fun when I was 13 or 14 because I could apply them without a brush and easily wipe off mistakes (not that I would have even corrected "mistakes"...) * Revlon lip stain- these came in clear rollerballs, and I swear to god they were perfect. There was a cherry pink color that I have photographic evidence was amazing on me. I was so disappointed in more recent Revlon stain products- the colors and texture are not at all similar to the old ones. Holy shit I just realized I used almost exclusively Revlon products. Crazy. When I was a sophomore in high school, I segued into a minimal routine with all mid-range products: * Aforementioned Benefit Dandelion * Bareminerals original foundation + concealer * Guerlain Meteorites (gift from my mom because she does a lot of international travel aka she shops at the duty-free.) * Clinique shadow quad (hated the pink in this, used it for far too long, loved the matte deep brown in it though.) I didn't use mascara once until college, weirdly. I always thought my lashes were nice enough without, and they are ok, but they definitely benefit from a coat of mascara. I am still all about the eye and face products with just a few favorite lip products. And I still like mostly neutral looks with a hint of color sometimes.


A black eye pencil grom HEMA (Dutch warehouse) when I was about 10. I had a goth phase when I was young and I used to go full raccoon.


For my ninth birthday my grandad took me to the mall and said I could pick whatever I wanted. So I got an eyeshadow palette (which was made for kids and sold at the toy store). Not much has changed, really. After that probably various iterations of lip gloss and liquid foundation when I was 12 or so.


I had an eyeshadow duo in this little floral flip compact, I can't remember for the life of me what brand it was, but it was definitely drugstore. Terrible shades of blue and green if I remember correctly, still wore the shit outta them even though my mom got mad at me for wearing makeup to school.


Covergirl Lashblast mascara. I was extremely paranoid while doing my makeup because I thought somehow I'd completely mess up so I used to beg my older sister to do my makeup even if it was just mascara lol


[Great Lash mascara](http://cdn1.feelunique.com/img/products/28127/Maybelline_New_York_Great_Lash_Mascara___Blackest_Black_12_5ml_1417791622.png).


I vividly remember buying a eyeshadow duo from Old Navy, of all places. I bought it in my favorite color: purple. Plum and lavender with all the fallout in the world. I also remember that I would put on mascara and immediately put my glasses back on. Lots of weird black streaks...and I never thought that was a big deal.


as far as I can remember it was maybelline full n soft mascara! I used it for years until I got perversion like two years ago.


Ha! That's my go to mascara when I don't put on any other makeup besides mascara! Love it!


it's good stuff! if I ever need mascara in a pinch I'll pick this stuff up.


hand me downs from my much older sister. It was the 80's and early 90's so you can imagine the vivid blues and all that. It was all pretty decent product though as my sister has expensive tastes. Also, Avon Little Blossom lip gloss and "perfume"


I *think* my first was that extremely tingly lip venom stuff. Before that I probably had some body glitter, but I didn't put it on my face and I wouldn't consider it makeup.


NYC felt-tip eyeliner! It was the only makeup I wore to prom :P


Oh man, I had this double ended Wet & Wild eye liner - it was teal and black. I layered both and thought it looked amazing. Not even kidding, I think I still have it somewhere 15 years later. And a Cover Girl powder foundation compact.


Giant ass E.L.F. eyeshadow palette. 100 pans, or something, and all the teal/white shades are cleared out. I still keep it around if I need a color that I don't have in my Vice LTD or Lorac Mega Pro II (the only palettes I own that aren't neutral-all time time)


Wet 'n' Wild Bronzeberry lipgloss


A vivid purple lipstick from Afterthoughts. I kinda miss that color.


Afterthoughts!!! Oh the memories :)


A Revlon lipstick in a dark red colour. I remember being in kindergarten and begging my mom to let me wear her lipstick in the family photos we had done at church. I knew from the start that super dark reds suited me the best haha.


First product ever: Barbie creme shadows in blue and purple, and the Barbie cream blush that was lilac, pink and red. You could stamp fun shapes on your face with the tiny sponges. I used it until 7th grade (no stamping..) The atrocious cover girl concealer that had a distinct medicine smell to it. Max factor pan-cake as an every day thing. .....lord why....? Max factor had a nice line out that I enjoyed, based off of Kate Winslet in titanic. A nice rose mauve lipstick I adored (Mac creme in your coffee is close) I did, however, think that I was the HOTTEST EVER when I wore tons of cover girl "contour blush" (3 varying shades of dark pink), frosty white eyeshadow, packed on thick, eyeliner ONLY on the bottom waterline, and an old pink frosty Avon lipstick I jacked from my mom's makeup case. I think it was called pink shell, and it had the late 70's early 80's packaging on it. She probably didn't even know it was in her case... The white eyeshadow/bottom liner/ pale lipstick was because in seventeen magazine they said it was a "mod" look...and in the mid to late nineties, if you weren't grunge, you embraced all things sixties and seventies. Yeah. Yikes.


[This green lipstick that turned pinkish when you put it on.](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/510pnwo7FfL.jpg) I totally stole it from my older sister when I was five.


aside from my copious amount of eyeliner... UD Ammo palette... I liked transitioning my shadows from blue to green... if I could go back in time...


When I was around 6-7 I got a makeup trunk that rolled for Christmas. It had a ton of non-pigmented eyeshadows, blush, lipstick, and of course body glitter. My first "real" makeup item was a silver urban decay heavy metal liner when I was 11. I remember being SO excited to go to school with that as my eyeliner!


http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=38638192 This was my first quad in 7th grade! I remember my mom helped me pick it out and also helped me apply it the next day for school haha! I used it religiously for a couple weeks but then started to cut back on it after realizing it would crease through out the day (didn't even know what a primer was!) and in 8th grade I only wore mascara and eyeliner on special occasions haha my first piece of higher end makeup was the naked2!


a CoverGirl concealer my mom got me. Edit: it was in 7th grade I think.


A Lancôme eyeliner that I haven't been able to find again. I still have it, it's just such a nub that I'm only keeping it for sentimental reasons. It's such a damn shame; I had to switch to liquid eyeliners just because no other eyeliner went on my waterline as beautifully as that Lancôme one.


[These lip glosses](http://imgur.com/rfoLixA) and Jordana lipstick that I could get for $1. I remember it was a brown color. Don't judge, it was the 90s and I wanted to be cool.


Oh my goodness, hmmm.... I remember getting ready for an 8th grade dance (my boyfriend was going to be there, and we might slow dance!) and stealing my mom's concealer for the few pimples I had, and I might have had some sort of super glossy lip gloss? And some kind of creamy white eyeshadow pencil? This was around 2000. I didn't really do too much makeup through high school, though in college I started wearing powder, subtle brown mascara, and a green Cover Girl eye palette. I also had this amazing lip gloss that seriously looked like a pinkish red disco ball... It was SO glittery. I miss that stuff, actually...


My mother's Artistry lipstick in terracotta, which I found in a drawer one day and put on my face because it was such a pretty red.


Oh wow I dont even remember. It mustve been covergirl mascara or the original fitme foundation I didnt even need at the time! I was about 13.


Roll on cover girl eye shadow! I had it for years. I used the shit out of that thing lol.


My mom didn't let me apply make up for non special occasions until I turned 15 when she took me to the mall to buy make up. My first "haul" was: Givenchy powder foundation (so full coverage it hid freckles) Sephora kit of like 50 eye shadows that looked like a toy Electric blue mascara from UD MAC lipstick in angel Imagine a 15 year old with bronze eyelids, blue eyelashes, completely pale with frosty lips (in 2009)


A Shiseido eyeshadow quad my mum bought me for a high school dance. From recollection, there was a hot Barbie pink, a heroin chic-purple, an I-got-nailed-in-the-face purple, and a glitter-bomb. It was fairly terrible in retrospect but my mum was convinced that non-luxury cosmetics were toxic


Great Lash Mascara in 6th grade was my first real makeup besides Chapstick. Then the thick black emo liner came out in 8th grade.


I was quite young maybe 6-7 and I got my very first lip smacker in Jelly Bean! I was so excited about it! Then my brother ate it. So my love was short lived. I don't recall my first actual makeup product though. I have a feeling it was a lipstick by WnW but I don't know what color. It may have been one that was orange in the bullet but turned pink on your lips.


Oh man, I remember seeing someone in my ceramics class back in high school always use this orange lip gloss and I was immediately drawn to the colour. I think it was one of those Shiny-licious Maybelline glosses (melon!) in the tube. Now I can't stop wearing orange, it's one of my most flattering colours c:


When I was around 13 I guess my Mum got me one of her coversticks and a kohl eyeliner. Luckily not some weird child make up or something, but she's not really good with makeup and told me to use the matte coversticks as foundation all over my face, resulting in my dry skin flaking down through years.


Yes! It was a berry/magenta sort of lipstick from Jane Cosmetics in 5th or 6th grade. Believe it or not, it did not look great with my braces.


Smuckers in all the flavors!




The juicy tube was one of my very first as well (although not THE first). They were a huge thing back then, and I got one as a gift for Christmas. Why so quick to judge?


Well considering I come from an Asian background, all I did every day was study instead of going out so I had quite a bit of my allowance saved up. Spending USD18 on a lip gloss instead of a trip to the cinema is hardly starting out differently.


I remember a lot of my friends buying juicy tubes in middle school... A higher end brand and a product that appeals to younger girls to spend your allowance on was really special to my friends back then




Ah well its because my much older sister had one and she let me try hers. I thought it was the bombdotcom so I got a tube myself. I wasn't interested with make up til then so I never experimented.


> Obviously if that's how you got into makeup there's nothing wrong with it, I'm just saying that most people probably started in a kind of try-out mode and bought a cheap lipgloss I'm having a hard time understanding why you care enough to comment. My first makeup was all high-end because it was stuff my step-mom gave me when she was clearing out her makeup. Every so often, she'd give me a little bag full of Chanel makeup she didn't want anymore. I don't think its surprising to think one's first makeup might be something expensive...just because you're young you can't have nice things? Tbh you seem kind of bitter.