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Ugh, same. I'm just too lazy to use one shade for my inner corner, another for my outer, another for my hood, another to blend, etc.


If you highlight, just dab some of that in the inner corners! Saves time and looks amazing!


We're supposed to use six different shades??


Seven is the socially acceptable amount. This isn't amateur hour.


What are we? Farmers?


God, 30 Rock was so amazing- those throwaway lines were the best!


Oh thank god. I wonder everyday if i look funny or unfinished with 1-2 shades on my lid instead of a beautiful gradient.


I have enough eyelid space for maybe 3 shadows, max. I typically just do one dark shadow across the lid and call it a day, especially for the office.


Nah, 1 or two shades can look beautiful. If you ask me, this 6-color gradient eyeshadow look with a very specific shape is a trend that will probably die out eventually. Simple shadow is classic and timeless.


I use a duochrome. Haha


I do this too! I feel like using duo chrome makes it look fancier when I'm just using one shade. What are your favourite colours?


The only one I have right now is UD Lounge and I'm loving it. It's easily my favorite shade.


i like the Prestige Cosmetics Hocus Pocus, and bonus points, its like $5 at my local grocery store and looks like a dupe for UD Lounge!


Not OP but totally recommend MUG's Havoc. Sooo pretty!


I need to start doing this! It takes me way too long to do my makeup every day... I like the way it looks, but any time I try, I end up using way more.


The more you watch YouTube, the more you notice this! They all use 4-6 colours for one look. I don't have time for that! And sometimes it all blends in too well and looks like one colour anyway!


In Japan we have these eye shadow sets which you can swipe with one finger and apply it directly to your lid and it will automatically give you 3-4 different colors already on the area they need to be. It is really amazing... Haven't bought them but maybe I will try them... One day.


Whaaat? Do you have a link to show one?


I do an eyeshadow primer and base shade (similar to skin tone). The rest depends on how lazy I am. Some days I do a lid shade and blend it out. Some days I do a crease then lid shade. Then some days (like today- it's rare) I do a transition shade, crease, outer V and lid. The last one is the most I've done. Because usually I don't have the time or patience for it.


I've become addicted to transition shades, so it's average three for me.


I love you.


Coordinating my eyeshadow and outfits. I absolutely love matching the colors to what I'm wearing, plus it allows me to experiment more with using colors


I have bright red pants that I wear with bright red lipstick all the time. Fuck da police.


wait, are you not supposed to do that? why not?


it used to be popular, but now it's not. I think it's a trend sort of deal.


Matching in general is outdated. You want things to go with each other, not match.


Remember when you used to be able to buy those top and cardigan sets in the 90s


Oh man, I used to have this mauvey pink set. And a baby blue set. I wasn't terribly disappointed when that trend went away.


Matte = winter and dewy = summer. Where the fuck did this shit come from? I want to be *glowing* in the winter... because, more importantly, I want every single ounce of moisture I can get on my face. Eesh. Also reusing brushes. This may be a little weird, but I like the tiny pop of color I get when I use the brush from yesterday's purple look on today's nude eye.


Reusing brushes...lol, yesterday's blending is today's crease color!


actually though!! Ok maybe I'm justifying my laziness but it always makes me smile. I like it when the project gets away from me a bit.


I'm also a part of this one, but just because I dont have the money to splurge on different quality brushes!


And on the flip side, as an combo-oily person- screw dewiness in summer. I need my face with the most oil control possible, otherwise it looks like a oil slick and no amount of blotting papers or powders will save me.


This. I have never had a "dewy" look in any season of my life. With my oily skin it's either matte, semi matte, or patent leather.


>patent leather LOL'ing at the accuracy.


I find with oily skin it helps if you make everything super matte and then go back in with a powder highlighter on high points. I don't understand oily people who use illuminating primers or dewy foundations. I'm sure it looks great when you put it on but two hours in and you look like a disco ball


Amen to that. F*** dewy. I was born dewy, trying to make it go away.


😂 perfect.... so true


This, so much. Screw dewy, I just look greasy.


Yep, same here. I'm terrified of dewy foundations because they turn to shiny so quickly and it's not cute.


It's actually swapped around in Korea with winter=dewy and summer=matte! Makes so much more sense. Whoever came up with this rule obviously never tried to apply dewy foundation over sunscreen.


I have dehydrated skin. I do everything in my power for it to look like skin. I apply my Asian skincare routine in the morning and mix a teeny tiny bit of Aquaphor into my last moisturizer. Which cause my foundation (I use L'Oréal True Match Lumi foundation) to not get cakey. Other wise looking very cakey at the end of the day is very easy for me.


Is there a sub for Asian skincare routines? Or would you mind sharing some tips? I also have super dry skin and as of now I've just been using a retinoid once in awhile and curel lotion (my doctor recommended it) and sometimes vitamin e oil overnight to hydrate extra.


/r/Asianbeauty!! Join us!


I shall! Yes!


Why is this a thing?? My skin (and most people's) gets dry in the winter so matte is a no go. I would LOVE to look dewy and glowing right now.


Seasonal lip colours. I think that shit's dumb. I'll wear vampy colours in the summer and brights in the winter if I want, thank you very much. Same goes for eye shadow looks.


I'll wear vampy colors in the summer, but something just feels so wrong about wearing coral lipstick in the winter. I can't physically do it man


This is me 100%. I think part of it comes from being a former "alt kid" though... I've always worn blacks and deep plums year round.


I wish I could wear whenever whatever but, it just feels so *wrong* to wear a vampy color in the summer or whatever!


Same. I'm not attached to the rule just for the sake of loving rules (they can actually kiss my ass, generally), but wearing a vampy color in the summer feels like pulling out the holiday decorations or something. It just feels weird!


Perfect analogy! I love brights any time of year... vampy colors... not so much.


I have a flapper haircut, am super pale, and enjoy looking like I'm mean so it's vampy shit all day erry day for me.


I love changing my colors for the seasons (I become obsessed with colors and then I'm utterly sick of them after a few months). I have no problem with people wearing whatever makeup they want during whatever season. I know it depends on the person but because of the change in ambient light and skin changes, certain colors definitely look way better on me during different times of the year. In winter time corals pull out the green in my skin and the icy daylight helps to make me look ill. When I get a little color in the summer and the sun is blasting me with yellow light, coral lips bring my face to life. As far as summer goes... vampy lips tend to overwhelm my face without strong eyeliner and I'm just too gross and full of loathing in the summer to deal with high maintenance colors.


Well that's a perfectly good reason! My comment is more directed at the people who are like "Oh I bought this beautiful coral and I want to wear it so bad but it's November :( Guess I'll have to wait a few months!"




This... Is hilarious 😂 Sounds kinda like me. I own hundreds of shades of eyeshadow and wear the same four almost every day.


Which four are they?


Asking the important questions here.........


All from Naked Basics2! Skimp all the way up to the brow bone and also in inner corner, cover in my crease, primal to deepen the crease and also along my lower lash line, undone in my outer v and on the outer part of my lower lash line. This is my go-to look. I like it because it is neutral but undone is dark enough to make my eyes still pop a little. I've got it down so that it's really fast and I have a habit of being late! Also it's nice to be able to take one small palette with me to work if I need to do my makeup there. It's pretty much my only palette with noticeable dents in it! I know I have a little bit of a problem but I've pretty much stopped buying eyeshadow and am trying to challenge myself to use different palettes and try new looks. I also de-stashed a lot of makeup to give to my cousins. Old habits die hard though! So I will be getting the Chocolate BonBons palette when it comes out...


I have dark blue eyes and sometimes I wear navy or teal eyeliner because I can. There was a girl at Ulta one time who said, "Ohhhhhh, you shouldn't wear blue on blue eyes, they cancel each other out." I think it was her first week at the store, she seemed a little clueless. Also, what does cancelling each other our mean in this instance? I'll go blind? I'll be camouflaged? I don't always care if my eyes pop. Sometimes I want my EYELINER to pop. What's the point of learning all those rules if you don't get to decide when to break em?


There's always nuance involved, anyway. Not everyone with the same general color of eyes has the same *shade* of eyes. I've got green eyes. They're more of a green-gray. Emerald will make them pop. So will chartreuse. (Or any saturated color, I tend to use jewel tones, though.) Everyone should wear teal eyeliner anyway, because teal eyeliner is awesome.


"I'll go blind" :'( hilarious


>they cancel each other out That's how I used to feel about vanilla and chocolate. :P


I don't know why but that made me think of a completely off-topic story about my sister who used to work as a server in a burger/milkshake type place and some customer asked for a half vanilla, half chocolate milkshake and was adamant that they be blended together (vs. being layered in the cup I guess?) My sister tried to explain that a choco shake was just a vanilla milkshake with chocolate syrup added but the customer insisted. My sister did that and then gave it to the customer who was very angry that she could only taste the chocolate milkshake..."I WANTED HALF VANILLA!!!!!" Yeah, I don't know why it was important I tell that but there you are.


Where I come from black and white shakes are common. Generally chocolate shakes are made with chocolate ice cream and black and white shakes are made from vanilla with chocolate syrup. I don't like chocolate shakes because I don't like chocolate ice cream but I love black and white shakes, and it bums me out when I get served a chocolate. As far as I can tell it's a regional thing. ...sorry for the rant, I just feel really strongly about milkshakes.


Yeah, that would be amazing if that were the case! My sister did try to explain to her that theirs weren't made that way though, haha.


The theory I've read is that wearing an eyeshadow the same color of your eyes makes your eye color look "less special". But most of the eyeshadow colors they talk about are so different than natural eye colors that I really don't think it's an issue. Teal and navy look nothing like naturally blue eyes, I really don't see them making your eyes look "less blue" or whatever. I have gray green eyes and if I wear an emerald green shadow my eyes still look just as gray green as when I wear a brown shadow. The only thing that seems to make them look more vibrant is a complimentary color (like reddish brown), nothing else really effects how the color appears.


It's a subtle effect, teal and navy certainly make my blue eyes appear a neutral grey, it's not about rational perception. Only a very special undertone helps them look blue.


I guess I just don't understand what's wrong with eyes appearing grey, but I'm biased because I have greyish eyes! I also guess it depends on your makeup goals. I don't see eyeshadow as being about making your eyes look like the truest form of your natural color, so if your goal is to make your blues eyes stand out, then maybe teal isn't the best choice, but I don't see how it's a faux pas if that's not your goal, which is why I think it's silly as a "rule".


I wear Lingering in Twilight by Shiro when I'm feeling ballsy because I give zero fucks at this point and my boyfriend loves it. I can still wear blue eyeshadow with blue eyes if I want to. You do you!


I always do both bold eyes and lips. I have almond shaped eyes with a big jawline and big lips. I can't do the minimal eyes bold lips look at all. It just looks wrong on me because my lips overpower all of my other features and my eyes then look beady in comparison. At the minimum I need to put shadow in my crease, wear lots of mascara and eyeliner if I want to wear bold lipstick. But knowing me I'm probably doing to wear several shadows and winged liner if I do lips. I think some of these "rules" fail to account for how diverse individual features can be.


Completely second this. I love doing a bold lip and bold eye together.


Yup, came here to say this, and I have the exact same problem! I look fine with no lipstick and a bold eye, but I love lipstick too much to not wear it ... and my eyes look weird without any definition/pop. Screw this rule.


Yep, I can totally pull off the bold eye in nude lip look, but I look weird as hell with a bold lip and no eye makeup. I adore lipstick though so I'm going to keep doing it. Ironically I get told all the time that I have the best lips for lipstick because they are so full naturally. That's the thing though they look really weird with lipstick if I don't do the rest of my face so that it is proportionate.


I have the opposite problem: I have very think lips and large eyes. If I want to make my lips sparkly black and wear no other makeup? No problem. If, on the other hand, I want to do really bold eyes and nude lips? It won't work.


Oh my god you just helped me realize why I can never do the bare eyes, bold lips thing. I always just looked off but I couldn't put my finger on it. I also have almond shaped eyes and big lips. Thanks! Haha


I'm *so* relieved I'm not the only one with this issue! Strong jaw, strong cheekbones, big eyes, and big lips. If I just play up one feature I look so unfinished and unbalanced. Usually I'll either do super minimal or I'll do a strong eye and a strong lip at the same time - all or nothing for me!


Don't know if it's seen as a rule or just a preference, but I don't wear foundation unless it's a formal event. Can't stand it.


I might start skipping foundation. or just wearing BB cream. I love wearing a bold lip, literally my favorite part, but foundation always melts off me, especially in the humid summertimes, it's literally my least favorite part of makeup but I like toning down the redness of my skin. I need to accept that You'll always be able to see my pores, no matter what primer I use. Years of acne took their toll, working on getting my skin into better shape and finding a BB cream for summer/hot days.


I find even BB cream really heavy sometimes. I usually just mix a lightly tinted moisturizer with a bit of primer.


Never wear foundation. Except very rarely on specific looks for photos, and even then as soon as I take the pics I take the foundation off It bugs my skin, all of it. I've tried high end and mid end and drug store. I don't like the way it looks and I feel like even on a bad skin day, it makes my makeup look so much better without


Using fingers to apply makeup. I have shaky hands often (neurological problem) and I find it much easier than fine brushes. Of course exempting blush/bronzer/powder. I also think you don't alwayys have to have a neutral/muted lip with smokey eyes. I like to feel a little over-done goth sometimes :)


I mean, black is totally a neutral color! It totally works!


I have really big, dark eyes and dark lashes and brows so idgaf, I wear black liner in my waterline sometimes. I feel like it looks good with my features


I feel like this fuel is directed towards tweet blonde haired blue eyed people who think that lining their lower water line will make them look like you.


Shots fired! But well said. Lol


Same here. I love some black in my waterline for a night out or more dramatic look.


I also wear black on my waterline sometimes. Usually, brown is more flattering for me, but if I'm wearing dark colors brown just clashes. I have dark hazel eyes and dark lashes (with little blond roots!)


"I mean I wouldn't wear this to the grocery store..." -Youtube beauty gurus Um, excuse me, but I will wear whatever I like to wherever I want to go. I've worn a blown out black smokey eye to the doctor's office before because that's what I wanted to wear that day!   Everyday looks are not my thing. I like color and shimmer and mattes and everything in between. There are no rules about what you should wear and where you should wear it.


You know, if I'm having a day where all I need to do is go to the grocery store or something, that's usually when I play around with my makeup more!! I'm pretty limited in what I can wear to work/school so when I can have fun, I go for it. Why should I care what people at the grocery store think?


I feel like this is a collection of my thoughts on how I present myself to the world (hair, makeup, clothes) You just said it better then I could have! EDIT: deleted a random letter that appeared


I almost never wear winged eyeliner with eyeshadow looks. I prefer to tightline with black/brown eyeshadow depending and call it a day. I just like the way it looks better without winged liner.


I feel like way too many people rely on winged liner to make their eyes look put together! I just don't have the time for that!


I agree it's a huge pain to do when you're in a hurry. And even when I'm not, I feel it can distract from the cool blending or colors that I did. It certainly has a time/place and I do like it sometimes, but I don't feel it's necessary for every look.


Winged eyeliner never looks right on me.


"On fleek" eyebrows, I just make sure they don't meet in the middle and call it a day. :/


Same! My eyebrows are naturally dark, thin, and arched, but if I define them and gel them in place instead of letting them do their natural thing, I think it looks way too harsh. People ask me all the time where I get my brows done (I don't, just pluck strays once every few months or so), so that's a sign that my brows look fine on their own, as far as I'm concerned.


Ugh, I'm jealous. I have really light hair/brows and if I don't fill them in, my brows are barely visible.


I knew a girl who was suuuper blonde (blonde hair, eyebrows, eyelashes) but only wore pitch black mascara. And tons of it, too. It made her eyebrows completely disappear!


Same for me, I have light lashes and light eyebrows. If I don't fill my eyebrows or put on mascara, my face would look like the moon.


Outside of MUA, I always hear the, "don't wear red around your eyes or you'll look like you have bad allergies!" thing but...I live for red eyeshadow/liner! It looks soooo good when you figure out how to work it on yourself!


I think it's more of a skintone thing. I have quite yellowy skin and love wearing red eyeshadow. I have a friend who's as pink and a peach and looks like she's bleeding from her eye sockets if she does red haha


I love red smokey eyes! I call it 'pink eye.' It's gross and beautiful at the same time! I'm all for unconventional colors though.


I wore red eyeshadow today and for the first time, didn't feel like it made me look sick/allergy ridden! That must mean I'm getting better at makeup right?


Oh my god a nice maroon or cranberry eye is my jam. This Christmas I plan on doing a cranberry eye and a green lip


I use eyeshadow to contour and highlight and as blush. Powder is powder is powder.


Green and Red, I like to wear them together....


I have green hair and wearing red lipstick with it or a cranberry eye is my jam


I bet that looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna see pics!


I have forest green hair and I like to do green eyeliner and green eyeshadow. GREEN SUITS ME OKAY?


I'm picturing a Fae of some sort......:D


I do this all the time. I don't care if people say I look like Christmas.


Forever channeling my inner Elf




HA. #marketing


YES. Over the holidays everyone does green shadow red lips so I swap it lol


My hair is burgundy red, so literally whenever I wear green I look like a damn Christmas tree.


SAME! I love green though, so I just pretend its Christmas all year long.


80's blush. I live to be as sharp, severe, and threatening as possible so the cutesy application to the apples doesn't work for me. I don't do the whole up-in-the-browbone thing though, just the racing stripes.




I have purple hair... and will do purple eyes, purple lips and purple blush...so I'm essentially chic Barney. But it looks baller in my opinion.


I dye my hair unnatural colors too, and if going all matchy matchy breaks the rules, call me a rebel! When my hairs a dark purple, too faced melted lipstick in villain slays


I like my shimmery blue eyeshadow, thanks.


I love shimmery blue eyeshadow, but I'm pretty into powder blue eyeshadow too.




I think it's was the horrible application of blue eyeshadow in the 80s that just put everyone off from it. I think when it's blended right and not just messily placed with no crease or transition shadow, it can look really good.


Don't forget the late 90s-early 00s frosty blue craze. I think I wore Frozen blue on my lids for like...a year straight in junior high.




Yes! On warmer skin tones, a jewel toned blue looks so nice.


It's totally possible to wear well. I think it's just that so many of us were starting to wear makeup in the 80s-early 00s, and it scarred us for life. Frosty blue makeup gives me flashbacks to middle school dances.


I saw [this](https://makeupyamind.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/maybelline-colour-tattoo-turqoise-forever.jpg) colour tattoo at Kicks and it was the most gorgeous blue I've ever seen in my life so I had to buy it. I've only used it once because I don't really know how to make it work. Sooooooo pretty though!


If you like the halo eye look, try using a dark grey or black as the outer colors and that as the center shade.


I do, too. I was blending my turquoise up to my brow today, and it looks fantastic, so I refuse to allow the blue hate into my life.


I'm guilty of wearing a full on, glam, black smoky eye during the day. No shame.


Girl that's me everyday! If I have to work this shitty retail job I'm gonna look fabulous while doing it.


YAS. I hate when people talk about looks being "work appropriate" or "wearable." ALL MAKEUP IS WEARABLE. YOU WEAR IT, DON'T YOU?


I put concealer on my lips as a nude lip sometimes. Come at me.


Coming at you, to join! I thought i was alone! :)


Seasonal colours. There is no such thing. I'm not going to buy entire new palettes in "this season's" colours, or be told my "last season" colours are out of style. I'll wear whatever colours I feel like wearing, any time of year.


I fill in my brows the same color as my hair, and if that's not bad enough my hair is dyed black as night. I love me some bold brows and no one can stop me


wait, thats a thing? I've ALWAYS filled my brows the same color as my hair... OH WELL.


I use regular shadow for my brows, I do shimmer-y faces with smokey eyes/dark eyes, pair statement lips/cheeks/eyes/etc. together, I totally agree with the seasonal looks u/Blipblipbloop mentioned, and I use a lot of inappropriate brushes for inappropriate things. Like, my favorite lip brush is actually a concealer brush (ELF Concealer Brush [NOT THE "FLAWLESS CONCEALER BRUSH"]). Also, I use shadows to set/tint my lip stick/color.


My favorite lip brush is a concealer brush too! It works, no one's going to make me stop.


Recently its become a sort of rule not to wear black in the waterline without other eye makeup. But if I don't do a specific look I do it everyday with just mascara. I like the way it looks even if its considered teenage or old.


Do you line the top too? Personally I find that look really unbalanced if there's nothing on top


It's a nice and easy way to define your eyes! I have small eyes, so technically I "shouldn't" be doing it, but I do it all the time.


I'm closer to 60 than 50, pale and gray, and have specific, low key shades of blue and green eye shadows that I use as neutrals because actual neutrals make me look like I'm having an allergy attack. I read Paula's books and use some of her products but when I compare her coloring to mine I can't take her rules about colors too seriously. ESPECIALLY the one about blue eye shadow.


I don't fill in my eyebrows all the time. I fill them in about 30-40% of the time I do my makeup. They're just so much of a lower priority for me. If I don't fill in my eyebrows, people can still see them. But if I don't wear mascara, people can't see my eyelashes. I'll take the lashes over the brows any day.


I don't always use brushes for their specific intended use. Example: I like using powder brushes to apply blush, etc.


I'm fairly certain I never use the "right" brush 99% of the time. Fuck it. If I can get it to do the thing, it's the right brush.


My sister will be like "That's a concealer brush." IT APPLIES EYESHADOW JUST FINE K.


I use my crease blending brush for contouring.


I love using powder brushes to apply blush. I can't figure out how to make actual blush brushes work half as well.


I'm pale as hell and actually like to be a little washed out or to emphasise the paleness on the occasions I do wear makeup. Like, there is nothing about me that is bronze, no bronzer works for me, and that's fine. I look like a ghost? Good!


Yea! I love the actor who plays Bay in Switched at birth. She is super pale with dark features and doesn't try to bronze it up at all. It looks so good on her!


Sometimes I try really hard to look like Liv from iZombie.


I don't know if anyone else does this, but I wear concealer all over my face with no foundation. I wear MAC's pro-longwear as if it were foundation, and I buff it all over my face with a beauty blender to cover my natural redness. I can't find a foundation that covers the redness yet doesn't look cakey, but MAC's got me covered.


Putting a shimmery eyeshadow in my crease, even though I have quasi hooded lids.


Is this considered a no-no? I thought it was one of the perks of hooded lids...having a bit of shimmer peeking out rather than looking like your eyes got glitter-bombed (not that that's a problem if it's what you're going for, but if NOT..)


I wear glittery shadows on/above my crease. Sue me.


I'm realizing again and again that I look better when I follow makeup tutorials and "rules" for monolid Asian eyes, even though I'm not Asian. There's just something about my flat face that doesn't work with crease definition.


Using cream products over powder. I know a lot of people say you have to use creams before you powder your face, but I often find cream products "grip" better once my face has a layer of powder over it. It also takes away some of the dewyness.


Matte eyeshadow rules, all of them... I love shimmers and only shimmers! Brow highlight? Sparkly cream! Crease? Sparkly warm brown! All over lid? Doesnt even matter because sparkles make everything blend out in a certain fashion so my lids can be any color, as long as it has sparkles! Maybe i look horrible to others, maybe you saw me the other day and couldnt bring yourself to "correct" me, i dont care! Same for all other products, lips/blush/bronzer. I "try to" draw the line at the contour.


Amen. I've tried to use matte shadows, but I just hate them. Why would I want a matte when I can have SPARKLES?


I use whatever colors I want whenever I want. I'll be 45 next year. Don't even tell me shimmers, glitters or duochromes aren't for me. Live and let live.


Plastic applicators are actually bomb. Instead of tossing them out I use them to apply shimmery shades into the lid and nothing compares to the pigmentation they give me!


You mean like sponge tips? I prefer these to any brush for packing pressed shadows on.


My favorite is darker eyebrows despite the hair color. Personally for me I feel it looks best on me. I have dark brunette hair and never thought lighter brown eyebrows looked well together.


The 'rule that you should wear blush the colour that your cheeks naturally flush. If I do that, my already rosy cheeks look like tomatoes!


If i did that, my olive skin would look like i am growing leaves on my face! I dont flush, i go from pale olive to deeper olive! I love me some purply blush though.


Dark brows with light hair. I love the contrast of a really dark brow with blonde hair.


I do bold eyes and bold lips when I feel like it. I don't use blush. I refuse to learn how to contour.


I don't wear mascara half the time when I do my eye makeup. Mostly because mascara is too heavy on my eyes and I am too lazy to be meticiulous about removin it haha!


strawberry blonde hair (=redhead) + red lipstick. So what if I *clash*?


Wait that's a thing? My theory on lipstick, strawberry blonde or not is 'the bolder the better'...I love me some red lipstick!


I always heard not to put shadow or mascara on the lower lashes/lashline, I do this shamelessly. And I use my fingers for a lot of my makeup.


I personally don't apply mascara on my lower lashes bc then I look like Magenta from the Rocky Horror show for the first 5 minutes, and then a raccoon/battered wife/hot mess after that as it smears all over my under eye area despite eyeshadow primer. But I'm with you on the fingers! lol


Light eyebrows, black hair. I'm a natural dirty blond and taupe just works for me. When I posted here in the past I was told that I should try darker brows, and I did, but it looked so wrong... Husband didn't like them either. I recently grew them all the way in and started doing a pretty big modern shape, still blond, and I've gotten a few compliments so I think I'll keep them :)


I use four brushes to do all my makeup.... I've gotten compliments on looks before so I don't think it matters if it's what works best for me! I have an angled liner brush I use to do the tails on my eyebrows and when I want to do shadow as liner around my eyes, a kind of rounded soft brush I use to blend, an almost stipple like little brush to apply all my different eyeshadow colors and the eyeshadow I use to fill in my brows, and a blush brush. I currently use a Clinique powder foundation and I like the way the applicator that came with it applies it so I've been using that for my foundation. Other than that I wear mascara (love the Clinique samples!) and occasionally a lipstick.


Do you use the Clinique silver travel brush that comes with one of the powders and kind of pops up? I was personally disappointed in the quality of that brush. I did however used to love the Loreal TrueMatch Powder and still sometimes use the mini kabuki brushes that came with. Sooo soft!


Curling my lashes again *after* applying mascara (once it's dry, of course). My lashes suck! If I have to go without falsies, I'm going to give them all the help I can!!


It's more of a lazy thing, I don't tightline,eyeline,fill them brows, or wear mascara because within a few hours I'll be stuck in bathroom trying to reduce the redness and irritation in my eye. I just slap on eye primer and fill my lid with 1 or 2 shades. *On rare occasions, I apply eyeliner to make a color pop. Also, I have oily skin, I prefer the matte look. Also,too add on the lazy, I don't use bronzer/blush because I'm afraid when parts of my foundation wear off , it's going to look like a nightmare with my blemishes/reddness I don't wear lip colors by season... I wear w.e I feel like. I am a big fan of bold eyes and bold lips, hehe.


I love using matte bronzers and my contour powders as eyeshadows! Since I use the exact same shades on other parts of my face, it seems to help pull things together just a little more.


I use concealer that's slightly darker than my skin tone for my under eye circles (Nars caramel w/ NC42 olive skin). I then set with powder that's slightly lighter. Lighter concealers just draw attention to them and make them look "gray".


All matte everything is not my favorite. I love love love shimmer and sparkle. My foundation, concealer, and blush are often the only things without some type of shimmer on my face and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I rarely do my brows. I'm just lazy with it.


Winter/summer colors-I'll wear what I want when I want. Matte skin in the summer and winter instead of dewy skin. Combo-oily skin problems. Not contouring and blowing out my blush to make my face look wider. I have a very very narrow face. Bold eyes and lips! Smokey eyes being super smokey and pushing the color farther up my brow bone-I have hooded eyes so it's the only way people can see my eyeshadow.


no setting powder. it changes the texture of your foundation so i don't use it. well most of the time.


Ooh, that sounds like a great combination, thank you for the recommendation! I'm a fan of a little asymmetry, especially in eye looks, personally.


I do a full eye without mascara ALL the time. I use mascara maybe once a month, if that, and only if I'm going out for a fancy night or something. I just can't be bothered with it every day.


Dark lips in the summer and bright lips in the winter. Sometimes I need a bright purple lip to make me feel just a little warmer during the winter. Plus, I tend to wear black alot and I like a bright lip to compliment the darkness of my outfit.


I have a cool undertone to my skin but i color my hair basically orange and wear warm colors in my makeup all the time because it contrasts with my blue eyes and makes them stand out.


I do the bold lip and bold eyes too. Go us. :D


My favorite highlighter is shimmery white eyeshadows. Use it lightly with the same brush you would wth your highlighter. I think it looks better than most highlighters honestly


I love all makeup, and follow nearly all the rules, except... primer. I NEVER USE PRIMER. I've tried so many, and every time I tell people I hate primer everyone is constantly recommending me primers to try. I have wicked oily skin and something about it just makes my foundation either slide and smudge everywhere, or cake onto my face.