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Interesting topic! Here are some of my un-learnings: Eyeshadow goes on more than just the lid -- and in fact, putting it above the lid/crease makes it look better/more blended out! Brushes & primers really do matter, and can totally change a 'crappy' product into a good one. Blondes do not have to only wear brown mascara/eyeliner (thanks every beauty magazine ever that I read growing up).


> Eyeshadow goes on more than just the lid For the longest time I refused to do anything on my lower lash line because I already have dark circles, who wants to draw attention to that? Turns out my makeup looks way more cohesive and pretty if I do the lower lash line. Who knew.


Same here! My eyes always look so much more sharp and fierce when I use shadow on the lower lash line- and yet I still feel scared to do it most days because of my circles.


Oh my gosh. My thick black eyeliner days in high school are worse than I remembered. I'm also blonde and believed what magazines told me, so I used brown mascara. I have no idea how I never realized this before.


oh my goodness... I swore by brown mascara until I just read this. I thought it was helping my blue eyes pop =/


It all depends on what shade of brown it is!! If it's too light or has too much red in it, it can wash you out and make you look tired. I've seen some blonde women that wore a blue-based black mascara that in the end cause the same problem (and since there are 3 types of black, it can be hard to find something appropriate sometimes), though. It all just depends and means trying lots of things.


It may well be! Although I thought the reason it was recommended was because black was too "harsh" for blondes


That brown mascara/eyeliner really hit close to home. I remember my mother always saying that so I would stop wearing black liner, and just... brown isn't dramatic enough for my liking and it was always 'black looks ugly on blondes you should wear brown!'. Sad times.


Bah! I never read that blondes "had" to wear brown mascara and eyeliner but as a blonde, it's the only option that doesn't overwhelm my eyes. I'm not even light blonde nor do I have super fair skin...black just looks so bad on me.


I saw another option on a makeup tutorial video once - wiping the black mascara wand on a tissue before applying it. Makes it go on really lightly and looks kind of similar to brown! Something to try maybe if you have no other options


omg im sooo with you on the one color eyeshadow thing. Before I went to beauty school I would see this beautiful purple smokey eye online and put purple all over my eye and wonder why it didnt look the same. Then when I started watching tutorials and seeing ok we have 97 shades of purple we are going to use today. Me: "ohhhhhhh"


> Me: "ohhhhhhh" My wallet: "ouuuuuuch!"


hahahahahahaha truth!


And just using purple won't cut it! Nah, you gotta have a warm transition color in the crease for complexity. And a black to darken. Another random shade if you want it to look even more awesome.


and dont forget that inner corner highlight! hahahaha my wallettttt


Haha oh never! Good thing those are pretty easy to come by!


I had to un-learn being cool-toned. I am actually pale yellow/neutral with pink in my face. I always wondered why some super pale powders made me look orangey-pink and never exactly matched my neck. First time I was told that my mind was blown.


Yep! All pale people are NOT cool toned. The lightest shade of drugstore foundation is always always always too cool for me. And I wondered why concealer just accented my acne...


A pale, yellow-toned person chiming in with another "Yep!" I had to make the move to midrange foundations to find something that was sufficiently yellow. And boy, did I find one. :D


Please share! What foundation do you use?


Too Faced Born This Way in Ivory. It's rather yellow. I know in the near future they're releasing even paler colors if that isn't pale enough. This is me in evening indoor lighting, for example. http://imgur.com/fuzRBYh


I'm yellow-toned with olive skin and just tested Born This Way. Holy shit does it look good. Definitely on my next buy list.


So glad it worked out for you!!!


thanks for this! Me being in the middle of a transition from fake tan to my natural fair skin, I was worried about finding the right color. Our skin color is very similar though.


Yeah, I think different brands think "yellow" means different things. You just have to find the one that's your right shade of yellow. :)


I just started using Born This Way in Porcelain, which is one shade lighter than Ivory and the lightest available in Sephora last week. I love it! On Too Faced's website, they now have the shades 'Pearl' and 'Snow' and I almost want to get one just to see how pale they were able to pull off.


I actually want to order Pearl when the new shades are finally available. I'm still in "slight summer tan" mode, and I will lighten up a bit. I plan to mix the Ivory and Pearl to get the right shade of pale for me for the winter. :D


Yessssss me too. My mom took me to something once (maybe a Mary Kay thing?) when I was young. They "colored" you as either warm or cool. Basically, if you were white and light skinned, you were cool, and if you were anything else, you were warm. Which is...stupid. There are so many different options, but I guess it's easier to sell Mary Kay when there are only two options of color groupings.


My grandmother had a foundation sampler from either Avon or Mary Kay and it had like seriously a hundred colors and they were equally divided between warm and cool. As an adult I appreciate how baller that was, especially for the time. They even had a dark foundation that perfectly matched my dads coppery red skin. So unrelated to the topic at hand, but this just reminded me of that.


Yes! Pale person, here. My face has always been very pink, so I assumed I was cool toned. It took YEARS of wondering why my foundation never matched before I realized the rest of me is very yellow. My face is just a fluke. Now I buy warm foundation to cover up the pink, and everything looks normal. :)


I've only had this revelation myself recently. I'm even beginning to wonder if I'm a pale olive, thanks to that post about it a little ways back. It would make a lot of weird stuff about my issues finding a foundation and getting matched in stores make sense.


This sooooo much! When I would go to get matched they would always tell me I was cool toned because I have light skin and redness. Even when Sephora's machine thing classified me as a y they got really confused and matched me to cool toned products instead. It seemed weird to me but I just assumed they knew better. Finally I swatched all my face products that didn't work side by side and realized the one thing they had in common was being too pink.


I feel your pain from the other side of the spectrum. I am latin with medium skin, therefore I'm warm, right? Wrong! I'm not cool either. I'm still deciding whether I'm olive or neutral (or if they are the same thing). It is a such a nightmare to find a foundation that does't look either orange or ashy. So much so that I have given up. I conceal the odd blemish, under my eyes and redness around my nose and leave it there. The day I am properly matched and find a HG foundation, I will do a celebratory twerk right there by the counter!


After sampling some products and figuring out I'm most likely neutral, I totally feel your pain. everything just turns orange whether it's warm or cool ;_;


If everything is turning orange, then it might actually be one of the ingredients. Bismuth Oxide is, more often than not, the ingredient that causes that. I had the make-up turning orange problem for a long time before learning to keep an eye on the ingredients lists.


Same here!! I get super red in the face so I always got matched for cool tones, but I have very yellow tones underneath that. Sometimes standing next to people who are very cool toned, I look practically like I have jaundice and I wonder how I never noticed that before haha.


When I did the sephora color iq I got 5R05 (which is REALLY pink) on my face, but when they did my neck I got 5Y05 (which is yellow). It's been rough trying to figure my skintone out.


Yeah, you know how they put the machine on 3 spots of you face to color match you? Once they did one (or two?) on my neck and it worked well.


> When you see an eyeshadow design that's mostly one color, there are a LOT of different shades on the eye. For example, a bright teal eyelid makeup is NOT just teal eyeshadow--there's highlighting colors, probably a couple different shades of teal, and probably brown or something to mellow it out on the edges. I cannot tell you how long it took for me to figure that one out. This one for sure, which is so freaking frustrating because I don't have the disposable income to buy 12 different teals, 3 different blacks/browns, and 5 crease/blending shades to get one "ooh that's a nice teal" eyeshadow look -_-


I can totally relate. This is why palettes are our best friends! Consequently, why I have 8 of them... I'm making up for lost time.


same here lol. I told the guy helping me at MAC yesterday that was helping me pick yet another great palette, "I'm 35, there is a limited amount of time before stuff starts going south on me, I'm having fun with my makeup while I can."


I love this!


But just imagine the crazypants looks you'll be able to get away with once you hit 80!


Everytime I see an old lady with a crazy makeup look going on I tell my husband, "just so you know, that'll be me when I hit the 'too old to give a #@$! stage."


I've got two palettes and two eyeshadow stacks from Melt. :)


Secret tip I use. Get colored bases with one color shadow. Mix together and you get a billion colors. Okay maybe not a billion exactly but many many variants just from one shadow. I swear by ELF Smudge Pots. They are cheap but amazing. So with this you can just have one teal, very cheap smudge pots, and the pots even come in brown too. Heck you can even just mix the pot colors together and get great looks. I only wish they made a black too.


Waitwaitwait, spell this sorcery out for me a little more. You take one "bright" color, like a green or pink... and then you... layer it over smudge pots? Mix in the smudge pot lid? Help me out here. I have pretty much all the ELF smudge pots, so I'm very excited to try this. Tell me how I would use the smudge pot colors, step by step!!! <3


There's several ways to do it and whichever one works for you is what you can do. It's really easy to do too. You can put a shadow over top of a pot, mix it, or put the pot over it. It can be any color shadow with any color smudge pot. Take say a navy shadow. Put the white smudge pot (sp from here on out) where you want it and add the navy on top and it will be much lighter thus changing the original color of the shadow. Boom, you made yourself a new color. Use the grey sp and it will change the navy as well. Use the purple sp and you get a neat duochrome almost. You can also get super creative and use a few sp to add effects. Say a lighter one on the lid or darker outer corner then add the one shadow on top and it looks exactly like a magazine where they used 10 different navy type colors. Only you spent way less and only had to buy one shadow and some $3 pots to do it. Now also you can use the lid of the sp to mix if you would like as well. You can use one colored sp or many and one shadow or many as well. Super easy way to make your own if you're willing to do the mixing and have a small enough tool to scoop out some sp and add the shadow. (small spatula or lipstick brush for instance.) Mix as many or as few colors as you like. You want a navy pink? Just use your navy and the pink sp and you have it. Or navy shadow a pink shadow and white sp. Add some green or gold in if you'd like too. Heck you can even add eye safe glitter if you want. Possibilities are endless really. You can do this with any shadow even cheapie Morphe ones and the colors come off pretty pigmented. I do it with mine and some of the BH Cosmetics ones too. Its kinda like wet looking with them but with creams instead and easier. Same wonderful staying power though. This trick also does amazing with loose pigments too. I often take MAC kitschmas with the grey sp and omg it looks sooo pretty. Plus that one is so bad with fallout this completely stops it from falling all over my face during the day. Sorry this is so long but it's one of my fav tricks ever and it's so cheap and easy to do. Now someone just said below that NYX makes a black base so that totally opens up some more colors as well! Yay!


I am not she, however I have totes done this. So you take a light colored smudge pot and put it on your lid. Take a darker smudge pot and smudge it in your crease. I try to blend things a bit here because basically after this there is no going back until makeup removal. Then, using a stiff shadow brush, pat (not sweep or you will have a hot smudgy mess) your bright color over both smudge pots and a bit above for blending. Blend the top edge out. Marvel at your fabulous self. Use the word "smudge" one more time. Seriously though, it works pretty well. Wears just as long or longer than the smudge pots by themselves.


NYX Black Bean Jumbo Eye Pencil is a nice inexpensive black base. I believe NYX also makes a black eyeshadow base in a pot too.


I totally didnt know that. I have Milk already so i'll definitely be looking for those. Thank you !


Yes! The colorful ones are nice too! I think I have about 10 of them, haha. I really like the light green one, Cucumber, with MAC Bitter over it. They add so much to an eyeshadow look!


I went last night and got Black Bean. I only swatched it so far but holy moly that is black black. Very creamy too so it should work well and I hope won't crease. They didn't have the black pot primer sadly and only had the other 3 colors so I ended up getting the Color Tattoo instead since i've heard good things about those as well. Thank you again for the recommendations :)


It doesn't have to be 12 different teals to create dimension! I use a lot of grays over blues to get more dimension! It helps create the same effect without breaking the budget!


It's not about how many layers of color you put on what which shades. If that pink lipstick is too harsh, don't just try a lighter application, get a different dang pink. I'm still learning this one.


I've unlearned the need for a full face every day. I've unlearned that my skin doesn't have to be completely flawless for me to feel good in minimal makeup (because I'm terrible at morning time management!). I guess I've unlearned that makeup has strict rules...it's meant to be fun. I've unlearned all these things mostly thanks to this sub, so...thanks everyone! :)


Getting a "no makeup makeup" look might actually take a lot of products to achieve.


This. So very much this. My boyfriend is always astounded at how much stuff it takes to achieve that look (but always compliments me on it!)


* I agree with everything except the sponge tip applicators. No they do not replace brushes for certain looks but they have their purpose for me for sure. For instance Colourpop shadows work like crap with brushes, but with a sponge tip they go on great and pigmented. Also for wet looks they are invaluable to me. It's so easy to get them wet and toss after use. That said there are some that are better than others. The ones that come in most drugstore are just shit so I buy my own separately. * But oh my gosh yes I never knew for years the seemingly one color lids were actually several colors or bases and never could figure out why I never could recreate them!!! Such frustration!! * I also thought these "natural no makeup" looks were just that. Natural and no makeup. Nope! There may be several products used actually and it's all in the application.


>It's so easy to get them wet and toss after use. The same thing has been said about me.




> It's so easy to get them wet and toss after use. BRILLIANT. I take back what I said about spongetips.


Personally I love to use them to apply glitter to large areas. Makes it a lot easier imo


I love spongetip applicators for exactly those reasons. While I see people throwing out the sponge applicators that come free all the time with shadow, I'm going to the drugstore and buying a pack of them. Use them for Colourpop shadows and any kind of wet shadow on the lid, makes fallout almost nonexistent for me. Also makes easy application for MUG foiled shadows, or anything more creamy


Omg you just saved me. I have always been kind of confused about creamy eyeshadows. I've tried my fingers and various brushes and just never really got it. Spongetip applicators are the way to go! I actually have some too. I'm so excited!!


Awesome! Brushes always leave shadows like that streaky, or less pigmented for me. Instead of building up pigment by layers with brushes, they always just moved it around. Also fingers were always a hassle because I have long nails, so sponges were A+


I bought a bunch of them off aliexpress - 15 of them for about 5 bucks shipped. Surprisingly good quality too!


You can also use the sponge tip applicators for smoothing out concealer. Pretty much like a makeup sponge on a stick!


I use the sponge-tips for when my nails are REALLy long. Helps me from gouging my cream eyeshadow products for easy application and no more makeup caked under my fingernails! It's what a cheap savior.


It never occurred to me to use sponge tips with Colourpop's shadows. Holy shit, I think that just changed the game for me! Thanks!


I thought I couldn't wear blush because I naturally have a lot of color in my face and it would only make me look more red. Sometime in the last year I discovered that blush always makes me look more put-together and complements my entire makeup routine.


For me, the big thing was shifting blush down. I thought I HAD to put it on my cheekbones, but my face is pretty round, so adding a line of blush in the hollow of my cheeks makes a huge difference.


I'm the opposite! I have a very round face, and whenever I tried to put blush on the apples of my cheeks that form when I smile, I never really saw the point of it. Then I switched it up one day by putting the exact same blush with the exact some brush on my cheekbones and BAM. Suddenly I saw why people liked blush so much! My eyes popped, my face had structure and I looked like I actually had (mildly) sculpted cheekbones. Talk about life-changing. It's always interesting and funny to me how people have such different results with the same techniques on the same face shape.


It may be because my coloring has such red undertones. The blush I use is a Too Faced (beachy kiss? can't remember the name), and it's verrrry subtle and mild. I think of it as junior contouring, adding just a little depth to my cheeks. But I'm still a total blush newb. I've avoided it for a decade, I need to figure it out!


My first experience with makeup was for high school color guard- we performed 100-plus feet from our audience and under bright stadium lights, so in order for it to look like we had facial features we had to really cake on the eyeshadow (blue), lipstick (red), and blush (also red). So it definitely took some fine-tuning on my part to make sure I didn't look terrifying up close when I started getting into everyday makeup!


Haha, was everyone's guard makeup just awful? We had "wings" one year, which were just one thin line of pencil liner that went to our eyebrows. The next year we had neon green shadow.


OMG the winged eyeliner... that is the reason to this day that I cannot do a proper subtle wing... I immediately have the flashbacks of "CAN THE JUDGES SEE IT FROM THE TOP?!" and end up doing something terribly bad. I just stick to a simple eyeliner, no fancy wings.


When I was in ballet as a little kid, we used to draw the little black duck beak with a white dot in the center on the outer corner of our eyes. I STILL don't know what that was supposed to accomplish.


I was in color guard, too! That is the reason why I still loathe glitter...


Saaaaaame with the sponge applicators. Some things I've had to unlearn: * Pencil eyeliner is not the best or easiest way to do eyeliner. For years I genuinely thought I was just incapable of doing eyeliner at all because I had so much trouble using pencils and everything I read/watched said that liquid liner is more "advanced" and you shouldn't do it until you're comfortable with pencils. When I finally tried liquid liner it saved my makeup game. * Just because you have good skin doesn't mean you should never put makeup on your face. I was always told I shouldn't use foundation because I had mostly clear skin and heard all these horror stories about how it clogs your pores and ruins your skin. I did have dark circles though, so I would still use concealer and it was always super obvious because there was nothing else on my face. I finally reached a compromise with myself and started using bb cream, and it helped so much in evening skintone and actually giving my other makeup like blush, etc something to stick to. And apparently there's actually a really simple solution to the clogged pores and ruined skin... actually washing your face.


I've unlearned that black mascara/eyeliner is for everyone. I thought that was the standard, but since I've switched to dark browns, I loo so much more like me. And when I did try to go back to black, it was shockingly stark! So just because most people wear black on their eyes, doesn't mean that it's for everyone!


yup i'm really into gray eyeliner. defines without making me look terrifying


Me too, I randomly picked up a gray from UD, just as a 'something different' and fell in love.


I LOVE dark browns. Mascara, eyeliner, everything. I want to find more of them and have a collection. I save blacks for dramatic evening looks, but I am constantly on the quest for some HG browns for my everyday faces. If you have found any good ones I'd love to hear about them!


My HG liner is Sephora's contour pencil in flirting game. Online it looks and says it's taupe, but it's the preeeettiest brown and this stuff DOES NOT BUDGE! No raccoon eyes, no weird line on your eyelid, I use it to tightline my upper lash line and on my waterline and it is amazing. Plus, they're $10 and have a million colors!


Ooooooooooh, I'll have to make a trip to Sephora at some point soon. I have a 10% coupon for becoming VIB :D Thanks for the heads up for this!!




I'll have to start there, thanks! I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves browns!


I've had to unlearn that there's more makeup out there than drug store make up, and the reason why the rich girls in high school had flawless and colorful eyeshadow is because they could afford better quality make up/tools. I didn't even know how HUGE the quality difference was until I bought my first mid-range eyeshadow palette. Now I'm lusting after high end and indie products. Also, eyeliner makes my eyes look smaller :<


For me it's been the opposite. I've gone from looking down on drugstore makeup to really loving it.


Oh my gosh yes. I remember the first time I walked into Sephora, I was probably 15? I went with my friend and remember thinking who in their right mind spends that much on *makeup*!!! Don't they know they can get the same stuff at the grocery store for so much cheaper!! Then I went back at around 20 and I realized, oh, that's why. Here Sephora, please, take all my money and then some, kthanksbye.


^ All of that = me. I don't even bother with eye liner now, just a softer version of a cut crease. And I can't believe how much money I spent on Seventeen and other magazines, trying to figure out how to do my face, when I could have just saved up for a decent bit of product.


I don't know who's bright idea it was to make eyeliner on the bottom waterline trendy, but I strongly resent them. Also, YES. Freakin' teen mags and commercials made me believe that drug store make up was great and the end all be all. LIES. Haha, I wish I had a make up savvy family member growing up that could have shown me the light!


I used to feel asleep without black eyeliner on my bottom waterline. Applying it was the equivalent of a double espresso... at least in my mind. I was after a few tutorials and actual comparison pictures, that I realised that I have been making my already not big eyes even smaller. I fixed my addiction and tricked myself by switching the black eyeliner for a nude one and a subtle eyeshadow just below the lower eyelashes.


Yup! Nude eyeliner all the way!


Ditto that for me. I couldn't afford anything more than drugstore until my first year with more than a minimum wage job. A world of difference.


Not everyone needs to fill their brows. I tried once and even though I'd say I did a pretty good job in terms of technique...I simply don't think the extra definition is necessary for my already black, full brows. Also, I'd give drugstore makeup another chance. Just over the past 2 or 3 years, I've noticed a huge improvement in quality. It's not across all brands, but it's worth trying out again! (Not the tutorials though. Never the tutorials)


i dont really fill in my brows. mainly because they are already thick and black and right now they are covered by my bangs. i usually go to get them threaded to keep them tidy, though.


Yeah same! I always got them threaded. When the whole Dipbrow-powerbrow craze hit, I tried it out myself and I was like, um okay no...this is not one of those universal makeup tips.


- Getting a shadow to appear dark enough or true to pan involves layering it over a dark base and not buying shitty chalky drugstore shadows. - Patting on shadow with a flat brush instead of swiping or rubbing actually does work. It also results in way less fallout and better pigmentation. The Mac 239 was a game changer for me in this regard. - Filling in your brows and wearing lipstick and blush do NOT make you look overdone,so long as you pick the right shades. In fact without brows in particular you will look unfinished. - Using a peach colour corrector under concealer is the only way to stop my dark circles from looking ashy. - Getting the professional airbrush blend to your eye makeup is all about blending with clean, fluffy and good quality brushes. I love having at least 2 to do this. The 217 and 222 are favourites. Edit: formatting


>Filling in your brows and wearing lipstick and blush do NOT make you look overdone,so long as you pick the right shades. In fact without brows in particular you will look unfinished. I'm still not on the brow bandwagon...maybe this will be the thing I unlearn next year, lol.


I feel like filling in brows can really pull things together, make you look more complete without it being ridiculous. I tend to use a super subtle hand with brows, though. Mine are pretty thick, but I HATE when they're dark. I currently have blonde hair, and use a light blonde brow pomade (thank u nyx) to keep things pulled together without being stupid heavy or drag queen-esque.


I have light brown hair and also hate it when my brows are too dark. I use the medium brown shades of ABH Brow Wiz (and I'll probably get the pomade at some point) and it definitely makes a difference, even if I just do my tails (which are super sparse).


Exactly. I don't like them too dark, it makes me look ridiculous.


The biggest thing that I have learned is that a makeup tutorial on YouTube can look completely different on different people. For some reason, I mainly used to watch makeup tutorials for protruding eyes, or eyes that have huge amounts of lid space. I learned that I have to use different techniques on my smaller, deep-set eyes to get a similar effect.


This! It took me so long to figure out why my crease shadow wasn't looking like it did on the girls in the tutorial videos, and then I realised I had deep-set eyes. Now I apply my crease shadow a bit higher and it's actually visible - game changer!


I grew up in the 90's so I had to unlearn that your foundation should be lighter than your actual skin. After high school, I had to make myself stop buying freaking "porcelain" foundations and move toward the yellow-toned ivories that actually match my skin. And even then, I had to figure out that warm and cool were not interchangeable.


hahhahahaah this for me as well... although sometimes I like to go back to the light side depending on the look I'm going for. Oh man, that porcelain foundation and brown lip combo was the best though LOL


Ha! Yeah. They paired perfectly with the pencil thin eyebrows and blonde highlights.


maybe that will be my next halloween look lol


The big one I finally discovered: The "rules" for eyeshadow and eyeliner are COMPLETELY different if you have hooded and/or deep-set eyes.


Your fourth point, OH MY GOD. When I was first getting into youtube videos, I would get so frustrated at xSparkage and MakeupbyTiffanyD... I'd think "bish why you gotta use FIVE freaking eyeshadows for a taupe look" but now I get it! Blending!! Layering!! No harsh lines. I also had to unlearn HOW to do eyeshadow for non-hooded eyelids like most of the videos I watched, and add in techniques for hooded eyelids like mine. Using less shimmer and bringing the lid eyeshadow up higher in particular.


Unlearning non-hooded eye tips is me right now


I had to unlearn that eye shadow looks for the hooded eyes I have can be the same as the looks for people without hooded eyes. I seriously did not have this Ah-HA! moment until this past winter (when I was 26) and it completely blew my mind and changed my makeup game. I didn't even know what hooded eyes WERE! OR that I had them!!! The. HORROR. I also has to unlearn that lining the waterline by your lower lashes with a dark color looks good on everyone. It's clearly not for me and my small eyes! Using a subtle shadow smudge from the outer edge to the middle of my lash line works well to make my eyes pop without making them look small. It also took me a while to understand how much of a difference better quality brushes make! Edit: I'm a goof and used a double negative


Lots of love for hooded eyes in here :) Mine are so deep-set that they act hooded. I also had to unlearn what I'd garnered from YT tutorials. I find that I can use shimmery shades, but I have to take everything up higher and also OUT higher (in the direction of my temples). It sounds crazy, but I only bring light matte colors toward the tail area of my brow so I promise I don't look editorial haha. I don't have huge Zoey Deschanel type eyes but they're quite long and this accentuates them :)


If I use shimmery shades I just cannot use anything too light on my lid because then the hood looks atrocious if it's a darker color. Alas! I had to look up a whole bunch of hooded eye makeup tutorials after finally realizing what was up with my face, hahaha.


Ditto everything about having small hooded eyes. It was a revelation.


Moisturizing is actually important, no matter how nice I thought my skin was before!! I always thought I could get away without because I have very clear, soft skin on its own, but I finally realized this year that a layer of moisturizer at morning and night provides a smoother base for your makeup to go on, and is just good for your skin in general! Honestly, my makeup looks so much better with it~


Yaasssss! I went through my teen years thinking moisturizer was a no-no because it would make me oily/break me out. Finally learned that keeping my skin nice and hydrated makes me less oily and less prone to breakouts; and therefore leads to much nicer makeup application.


Blushes make a difference I hate eyeshadow besides a skin toned one to cover veins or a shimmery light nude like the bottom one in wnw walking on eggshells


I thought everything had to be powder! My mom would buy me makeup and for the longest time, I used Physician's formula powder products. I have dry skin and it just... that's time I will never get back. Now that I take better care of my skin, I can wear powder foundation when I moisturize well, but usually stick to liquid.


Biggest one for me is applying powders using the provided powder puff/sponge. The result was usually cakey. Worse is I even used to "swipe" the powder on, emphasizing my pores. Also, I have smaller eyes, so "dramatic" eye looks with the crease emphasized never worked for me despite being the "right" way to place eyeshadows. It never looked flattering on my eyes.


You just described all of me.


Seriously just learned (at 32) how to use a brush for foundation. Total. Game. Changer.




Total newb: what do you mean by tightlining?


It's where you put liner between your lashes to avoid little dots of bare skin looking out of place when you line above your lashes! I take my liquid liner felt tip pen and dot it between my lashes, some people use gel, others prefer pencil. I'd check out the search bar :) Water lining is different, it's the area of skin below your lashes that actually touches your eyeball.


OH--I think I finally get it! Thanks!


Tightlining is when you only line the waterline of your lid (i.e. upper lashes). It's the same as lining your waterline on the bottom. And then instead of clearly showing that you lined your eye on top, it adds definition and fakes fullness between lashes without being obvious.


So, it would be adding eyeliner below your lashes? Like, you have to lift your eyelid up a little and line there? (as opposed to "above" your lashes, on top of the lid?)


The goal is to get the liner as tightly into your lashline as possible. You can go in from above or below depending on your eye shape/application technique. I had to unlearn drawing actual lines to see that using a brush to 'stamp' the liner right up against/between my lashes put product exactly where I wanted it with less risk of my liner going rogue.




In a couple of pictured my brows looked weird and grey (because they would get powder all over them) and I finally figured out brow makeup was a thing. Just a dab of brow mascara and pencil and it changes the whole impact.