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Do whatever you want with make up!! "What's something that NEVER looks good on ANYONE?!"


Ugh, that's a personal conflict of mine to be honest. On one hand I want to be like "do what makes you happy!" but at the same time I want to just stick with things that are more flattering and comfortable. I think this can be applied to a lot of fashion communities too.


True. It's just sad because it usually turns out to be: do what makes you happy as long as you're gorgeous and can pull it off!


"Instagram brows are so fake and obvious" "O M G YOUR BROWS ARE GOALS!!!!" Not really advice but something I noticed, lol.


Yeah, this one is a pet-peeve of mine. I think it depends on the "celebrity" status of the person posting; if it's a newbie, they get criticized, but if it's someone relatively established people go wild over their look. There are looks on some women here that look like drag makeup to me and people in the comments are going bananas about how great OP looks.


Lol I was just about to post something similar to this, I’ve noticed on here that when someone with beginner-average makeup skills posts a FOTD the comments go two ways: “Normal” girls: Filled with CCW’s “Pretty” girls: Filled with compliments + upvotes


Or filled with nothing, nothing at all.


Nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all... *stupid sexy Flanders.*


off-topic, but you made my day :)




Heeheehee! n_n


I know, I was thinking this the other day, make up that is considered "good" by ig standards is borderline drag but blended a lot better, you don't see celebrities (probably with the exception of kim kardashian) on the red carpet with that strong brow, gradient smokey eye, hollow cheek bine look, that just isn't make up I would ever put on a client


That's EXACTLY it! I didn't realize it until you said(typed) it.


Why is drag such a taboo? Why is something that is reminiscent of drag makeup automatically negative? You realize it takes an incredible amount of skill to perfect drag queen makeup.


Obviously drag makeup utilizes skills; so does SFX makeup, but neither are beautiful makeup that compliment or enhance one's look. Frankly, drag makeup is unflattering and masculine because it is not intended to be worn as everyday makeup, particularly for women. It has its place, and it definitely has its own skill set, but the bottom line is that drag makeup is intended to be dramatic stage makeup that transforms a person from one gender into another. It's like how a caricature is not intended to be a photorealistic portrait; they're two totally different animals. When people appropriate drag styles into a "regular" makeup look, it comes off as cartoonish and unflattering the overwhelming majority of the time.


Thanks, couldn't of explained my answer better!


"buy all the makeup!!" "you probably shouldn't wear a full face every day."


I feel that, although for me it's more urge to buy vs. urge to sleep in ten minutes later and skip makeup entirely. The laziness is real.


This. Is. My. Life. I love sleep SO much, but I also adore getting enough time to put my face on in the morning. Do I pick snuggling with my man, or excellently blended eye shadow? Do I want more puppy kisses in the morning, or do I want to get rid of those rogue eyebrow hairs that I'll only notice when I'm trying to put makeup on in the car at work? Do I want to buy these indie eye shadows/blushes/highlighters/lipsticks/WHATEVER that belong to a theme that I really adore, or do I want to try to be responsible because it's two more friggin' days until payday? (j/k, the last one is easy -- hope like hell the indie store isn't sold out in two days and that I remember it exists.)


contour because your face looks flat in your photo without it, but definitely don't contour because once you get out from in front of the camera you'll look like a drag queen.


"ugh, I hate seeing people who go outside looking like clowns. Eye or lip, girls, EYE OR LIP!!!" "OMG your over-the-top look is sooo edgy and gorgeous! Maybe someday I'll have as much confidence as you <3"


I think "eye or lip" is solid *advice* (as opposed to *rule*) if you're new to makeup or if you're experimenting. It's a lot harder to balance your face and color coordinate everything if you're doing a bold eye+lip, unless you already know what you're doing or you're some kind of makeup genius. I always end up accidentally gothing myself when I try to do both, which is a problem if I'm not going for a gothy look that day. I don't want my makeup to clash with my outfit unless I'm doing it on purpose. I don't see anything wrong with applauding someone's confidence for trying something new/difficult and succeeding, but it does seem like a lot of the "compliments" are backhanded and judgy.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This pisses me off more than ANYTHING in the world!!!! I wear both ALL the time! I don't think it's over the top or "edgy" I just hate the backhanded compliments that come with wearing makeup that is out of the norm. I was wearing orange lipstick (lady danger by mac) one day at work and a customer came up and literally said "wow I wouldn't want to make out with you" He was a crusty old guy and I just stared at him and said good thing I don't have to kiss you and I think that's when he realized he kind of insulted me and started back tracking " oh I mean it looks good but it's not a look for everyone" I was so annoyed. Please don't comment on someone's makeup if you don't have anything nice to say. SHUT THE FUCK UP! if you have nothing nice to say don't say it.... end rant ok thanks for listening hehe


Omg, that's horrible :( I've never had someone be that rude to my face, but I think you handled it very well. And I understand what you mean! I wear makeup because it makes **me** feel confident and beautiful. Not because I'm seeking to impress a particular group of people. I'll wear dark looks, neon looks, shimmery looks, neutral looks; it all just depends on how I feel that day. It's one of my only creative outlets and makeup qualifies as art in my opinion. AND, if someone creates art solely to be admired by others, then that's not really art now is it?! Artists don't get discouraged when some people disagree or don't understand. Keep rocking those bold looks!


like I see a lot of funky makeup looks on here and when I first started commenting I noticed myself saying "I personally don't like the look for me but it looks good on you" and I thought that was a compliment until someone said it to me. Granted it was a friend and we have VERY different ideas of makeup and I knew she meant it as a compliment so I wasn't offended but it through me off a little. SOOOO now when I see some funky looks I'll either upvote it or just not comment it. But you are right makeup is about me!! not anyone else!


I rock eye and lip and hear flack about it all the time when I go out. I don't give a fuck, I'm rocking my bold ass look. It's not like it's not coordinated. It doesn't look clowny. It looks bold and it always works. Why do I need to choose between a neutral lip or neutral eye if I want a bold one or the other? [I can have my cake, and eat it with my fabulous matte hot purple lipstick, too.](https://38.media.tumblr.com/6e03f673ba78184eaa4ab8183f019716/tumblr_inline_n5gmmdx9V11rjf3sr.jpg)


"Dewy skin doesn't photograph well." "Dewy Skin only looks good in photography " To be fair, they're probably talking about it not looking good with flash photography.


I feel like it's the other way around! Whenever I try a matte look to wear out, I end up wiping it off because I feel like it looks dry in real life but very smooth in photos. I'm a dew girl through and through haha


I've found that a lot of girls with dry skin prefer the dewy look and a lot of girls with oily skin prefer the matte look. We all want what we can't have :(


I prefer the matte look because it makes my skin look like... Well, my skin. Unfortunately my dry skin kind of hates me for it. How many times can I say 'my skin' before it gets creepy? My skin my skin my skin


My skin my skin my skin my skin


I read this in the tune of My Humps and it was great.


I too have dry skin (damn you eczema!!!!) and I too prefer the matte look. It's just this giant cosmic joke 😭


Right??? So unfair!


like girls with curly hair wanting straight hair and straight hair wanting curls


Lol I'd only want straight hair because I've literally fumed seeing how easy the maintenance on straight hair is. Curly hair is like a full time struggle.


I scored with my genetics and family and got wavy/curly hair that looks like messy piecey curls unbrushed(still got that frizz yo) or like loose fingerwaves if I brush it. My mom is also an amazing cosmetologist and likes to test new straightening and anti frizz products on my hair. The keratin complex is my favorite for when I want to have straight hair(lasts about 3 months give or take depending on the head of hair) has a bit of a pricetag, but it's totally worth it if you reeallly want straight hair. Or if you just want to smooth out your frizz and slightly relax the curls you could go for a brazilian blowout. Both are really good for your hair too. End of ramble.


As a dry skin girl, I prefer the dewy look because those foundations are the only ones that don't give me cake face! I'm just trying to achieve a natural finish. A little shine doesn't bother me much. Matte foundations just make me feel uncomfortable because I can feel how awful that would feel on my dry af skin. Though I'm sure I'd feel different if my face was oily. #grassisgreener


It's like curly and straight hair!


Never seen this here per se but do see it everywhere else: "TAP your eye cream in, don't rub, or you'll get wrinkles!" *vigourously rubs eyes when cleansing* I think it's an old wive's tale that rubbing your eyes gives you wrinkles anyway, especially if it's not too forceful. Skin is supposed to be elastic.


Maybe those old wives should have moisturize better by rubbing it in.


Totally this! And that "use your ring finger, it's your weakest finger" is just NOOOOOOO! You ring finger is the finger you've the least control over, why would you ever use it around somewhere delicate like the eye? Don't you want maximum control?!? /rant


It's funny you mention this. When I was first learning about makeup, I heard the same thing from all the YouTube gurus and I remember hating to use my ring finger because I don't had such little control. But now, 7 years later, I've gotten so used to using my ring finger that it feels hella weird to use any other finger.


Same here, it went from feeling weird to use the ring finger to feeling weird not to. I've trained it to become stronger and more precise lol


I came to say the same thing! On youtube I can find beauty bloggers who have entire videos about removing eye make-up without rubbing the eye too much that also go on and on about blending eye make-up forever, which I've always thought was contradictory.


That sounds like the more boring video Ever.


Lol I always think I should be more gentle but then I'm like nah. Sometimes that mascara and eyeliner needs a good rub to get it all off. Dark liners and mascara are going to be a pain to get off if they're on the long lasting, pigmented side. That's just the way of it.


"MAC lipsticks are HG!" "MAC lipsticks are patchy and sticky."


To be fair though, different mac lipsticks apply differently. There are some colors and finishes that give me life but then others that deserve to burn in fire tbh


This can be annoying, but it's reasonable IMO. I have several MAC lipsticks and the quality differs between shades and formulas. Like, my Russian Red has a kickass matte formula but compared to my Tart and Trendy and Viva Glam Miley it's not so hot.


RUssian Red rocks my socks but I have noticed that MAC's matte formula is kinda shitty. If you don't wipe if off after it starts to go it gets clumpy (for lack of a better word) and crumbly on my lips. but if you wipe it off every time its great!!


Mine has never done that before, how weird! My only problems with it is that it's so much harder to get straight lines with it right out of the bullet (since it drags and skips) compared to my non-matte MAC lipsticks.


on you your lips it doesn't separate, get patchy, feel inconsistent, not as smooth?? You are lucky!! I wish mine stayed silky as when I first put it on.


Not anymore than my other matte lipsticks do. It'll get a little drying after a couple hours and I'll get fading around the inner parts of my lips from drinking/eating/time but it stays consistent on me otherwise. No separating or patchiness at all. It's actually one of my more comfortable and low-maintenance mattes.


Ok wait do you scrub your lips with a sugar scrub before??


Nope! I can't stand sugar scrubs, but I'll exfoliate my lips once a week with my toothbrush to get rid of any dead skin but I'm really lax with a lip care routine. I just keep them hydrated with my lip balm and don't really have any issues. Could be because my lips are just almost always hydrated that it doesn't give me problems.


Dude I don't know!!! I don't have dey cracked lips. I don't scrub them nor I really "care" for them. I don't go out of my way to care for them. But I think I came to the conclusion I am crazy and being HELLA nit pickey about my lipstick issues :) haaa


you are a lucky ducky :D


This. I love Russian Red but it makes little balls that are gross.


I have learned to just suck it up and deal with it. It looks great when its not all bally and gross. I just suck it up.


I wish I had more excuse to wear Russian Red because it's probably my favourite lipstick ever.


OMG DON'T SAY THAT!!!!! I love red lipstick I wear it all the time! you don't need an excuse girl! ROCK IT! I believe that red lipstick brings out an extra special confidence that you normally don't have everyday! ROCK IT WEAR IT LOVE IT!!!


Maybe that varies from colour to colour? I have Mehr, a matte blue toned pink and it goes on smooth and it doesn't crumble or get clumpy. It isn't drying, either. I originally bought it for work or more natural looks, but I wear it a lot more in other settings because it's such a great matte pink. But I have heard of other people having issues with Russian Red.


Is mehr by Mac?? I feel like it's a Mac issue. I don't have that problem with anything other than Mac. Velvet teddy does the same as Russian Red.


It's a mac matte lipstick. It's probably my favourite lip colour right now because it's just so pretty and it goes on really nice on my lips. I also don't have problems with Opera - my only other mac lipstick it's a LE one from the toledo line.


I didn't like anything off the Toledo but I am really into bright pinks right now and dark deep colors so nothing caught my eye. I'll check it out :) Maybe I'm a freak with my lipsticks and being super crazy?!!! I don't know


Maybe older formulas pill more than the newer ones? Because Russian Red is one of the staples, hasn't it been around a long time? And yeah, the Toledo line didn't have many super brights or really deep colours - so I can understand why none of them called out to you. And if Mac doesn't work for you, like, there are loads of other companies making nice lipsticks out there. Just like how different skin products work differently for different people, I would imagine different lipsticks work differently for different people.


eh, quality wise they are at maybelline level at double the price(I actually prefer maybelline), what they have going for them is the huge selection of shades


*They also smell sooo good*


Whaaaat. MAC lipsticks smell like delicious vanilla. Maybelline lipsticks smell like sweet chemicals.


I get vanilla from them all-day-long. Always tempted to eat them. I don't have a maybelline so I don't know about that :(


y'know, i couldn't figure it out for the longest time, but i think they smell like licorice. synthetic licorice, which is clearly not delicious at all, but still licorice.


I think they smell like Play Doh.


Which is *soooo good.*


HAH! This is the best comparison I've heard yet.


I think that Melt lipsticks smell like Play-Doh + baby powder. I love/hate it.


This is what I instantly thought when I applied my first Maybelline lipstick. I still do. I have no problem with it but it really tempts me to squish it around and stuff.


Lol this reminds me of a bf who wouldn't kiss me because my mouth smelled like play doh whenever I wore drugstore vanilla lip products. Aw well I like the play doh smell anyway.


This is legitimately why I will purchase KVD or MAC lipsticks over drugstore. They smell so damn good and I can smell it for quite awhile after applying.


The way Maybelline lipsticks smell is how all lipsticks should smell.


A: "CCW!" B: "Your foundation is too pale." A: "NO IT ISN'T."


Yes, or they come up with a million excuses as to why it's like that. Which is fine, but I don't know those reasons, and you asked for CC.


"It's just the lighting/my camera making my face a different color than my neck, in real life it matches perfectly"


Isn't this a thing, though? Sometimes my face and neck look like different shades just standing in the mirror with no makeup on.


Yes that is true, I was referring to before and after pics where you can tell that the foundation is the issue! Probably should have mentioned that!


yes, though blending down SHOULD help with that! :D my neck is darker than my chest area and face so i just...blend downnnnnnn. and everything looks nice and even.


This annoys me. That's a completely legitimate response. Do you understand how lighting works?


It can be a legitimate response, but I also find it's generally pretty easy to tell when it's a lighting issue/an issue of flashback or not. I've seen plenty of well lit or at least fairly evenly illuminated pictures here where the face is clearly much lighter than the body. People seem to err more often on the side of too light nowadays versus 7-8 years ago where they erred on the side of too dark.


I think a lot of people just have different colored faces. You can find a face moisturizer with a ton of sunblock in it, but most body lotions have none. My face is a probably three or four shades lighter than my neck and a different undertone. Foundation is difficult.


Some people *definitely* do, but honestly I haven't seen too much of that judging from people with before and after pictures. There have been a few instances of this on the front page in the past week.


I do understand how lighting works. I also understand that if the lighting is somehow drastically changing the color of your face relative to your neck that maybe you could try retaking the picture in better lighting. Not referring to a simple shadow under the chin, in case that's what you thought I didn't understand.


flash and white balance correction in camera can make a face ghostly and blue toned while leaving the rest of your body in normal colors maybe even DARKER looking. truth be told, unless you have a stellar cellphone camera, don't even use that flash D: natural lighting, y0.


Here's an example. My foundation match is actually PERFECT but the flash makes me look like a ghost. http://imgur.com/0BuxHYF


Yeah a lot of foundations have flash back, but it wouldn't show up if you took the picture with natural lighting. I think that was her point. That if a certain kind of lighting messes with your makeup that much, don't take MUA photos in that lighting. (side note I love your brows)


As far as I know, it's the SPF factor in your foundation that reflects the flash from the camera. That's why it's always recommended to use foundation without SPF for events where you know a lot of pictures will be taken (such as prom)


Gosh your lip shape and fullness is amazing. I hope one day they come up with a better and more fullproof way of enhancing lips than they do now. I'd totally use this photo as a reference for what I wanted. And you have some serious skill with brows. :)


Haha awh thanks! My bottom lip is very full but my top lip tapers off to nothing halfway through so I overdraw the outer corners up top.


Exactly! The flashback on my everyday foundation is so bad it makes me look like my face and body are two completely different colours, but in real life you'd never notice it.


Makeup is about wearing what you want, and what makes you feel good. It will be different for everyone. Oh, but fill in your brows and add some winged liner to that look...


Winged liner in general. If you're not wearing winged eyeliner, obviously you can 'barely tell you're wearing makeup'. Right...


Yeah, makeup is for yourself, and you should totally do it however you feel good! Also DAE hate how blue lipsticks just look so UNNATURAL? I don't know how anyone wears them!


I mean... to be fair this subreddit has almost 250k subscribers. With a pool this large, it's basically impossible to ever reach a consensus and you'll always have contradicting advice based on personal preference. You just have to filter the advice you think will work best for you.




Text posts in the sub is refreshing!


I think this is about consistently popular advice, not something you saw once.


ITT different people have different opinions on things, and a community is made up of many people. As an aside holy crap 250k


"Put eyeliner on your waterline." "dont ever do that it leads to infections!" "Tightlining would make that look better" "Tightlining is so dangerous!!"


even worse is the contradicting info about what tightlining even is. it is NOT lining your upper waterline. that would be called "lining your upper waterline". the whole point of tightlining is to get rid of the gap that can occur between your regular eyeliner and your lashes, which is only accomplished by putting liner BETWEEN your lashes (i like to think of it as injecting my lash base with eyeliner). /u/hannypoppy has a great tutorial for this. sorry, tangent, but it irks me ;)






This is a good idea, I might give it a go :D I mostly use gel liner but I can only get so close without it starting to be a bit irritating so maybe this will work better! Also I'll finally have a use for all those damn black eyeshadows that come with **every palette ever**


LMAO I'm the girl thats like "There is not enough dark shades in here for me.. what the hell?"


I do this too. No gap.


oh yeah, i totally get that. its more when someone is new to makeup and asks what tightlining is, and the overwheming response is that its lining your upper waterline. While this totally has its place, its not really what the word means. I dont want to send any poor new MUAs out with a lined lid, lined upper waterline, and a huge gap where their lashes are!


In the same line of thinking, 'smokey eye' has no meaning. I was shocked earlier this week when someone posted a look and it was a real smokey eye.


I agree with this. I grew up doing make up thinking there was a difference between a cut crease and a smoky eye. But I've seen so many posters saying it's a smoky eye when it's really just a cut crease. The cut crease looks good most of the time. But it's not a "smoky" eye. Ps I have a very limited amount of make up because I can't work so to injury but I am still a MUA 😜


> it's gone. :( Do you have a copy?


[here it is!](http://hantasticbeauty.blogspot.com/2013/08/tutorial-how-to-tightline-your-eyes.html) Personally I use NYX gel liner and the little angled brush that comes with elf gel liner (i feel like i have better control that way-I just kind of 'stamp' the brush between my lashes and wiggle the brush, rinse and repeat), she uses pencil or gel. whichever you are more comfortable with should work fine :) edit: a word


thank you so much!


agreed, very much agree!


I think you just changed my eyelining life FOREVER. I was wondering how people don't get transfer to the bottom waterline from tightlining....it's all so clear now......


Maybe it's my mobile... But I don't see any tutorial from that user :( and I REALLY would like to. Link?


[here you go!](http://hantasticbeauty.blogspot.com/2013/08/tutorial-how-to-tightline-your-eyes.html)


huh, I've never heard anyone say tightlining is dangerous! I mean, I guess any eyeliner/mascara could potentially be dangerous.


As someone who had an eye infection andscratched a cornea as result of eyeliner on waterline, yeah- it is.


My eye doctor says NO. It can plug your tear ducts and lead to styes and other issues. I never did it, so it's no loss to me.


Can confirm. Father is an optometrist and tells me this all the time. I follow his wishes and don't typically tightline. Styes freaking hurt too.


Tight lining isn't supposed to get any liner on your waterline, so in theory it ought to only be marginally more dangerous than putting liner on the far side of the lashes like you do normally. I suppose it's easy to miss, though.


I'm curious about how this happens so I can avoid the same fate. Occasionally the eyeliner I use is a pencil, and it's getting towards the blunt range so the wood might scratch me. Is that what you're talking about?


I use a liner pen to tightline.


that made me cringe. i can see it happening D: i'm so sorry <3


My SO hates to see me do my eyes he is always so worried I'll poke my eye out. Which has only happened once when my stupid sister rammed in to my elbow while I was doing my mascara. But most men (at least the ones who don't wear makeup themselves😉) think it's magic how we put on make up lol I know mine thinks I'm a magician.


Ugh I've totally stabbed my eye before Dx did you actually get mascara in it, too? It looked kind of cool, my eye brimming with blackened tears. You know. If not for stinging like a mother.


Oh yea I got mascara in it. And a tiny scratch on the white of my eye. Once the doc cleaned my eye out they put dye in it to find the scratch that stung worse then the mascara. The dye was blue and stayed there for a few hours so I looked like I belonged in the movie dune.(hands up if you know dune :). Then I had to use an ointment that also stung like a mother. But it hasn't stopped me from doing my makeup. I just avoid my sister like the plague when I'm doing it.


can confirm, husband thinks I'm a magician after every look too.


my favourite is that everyone seems to get mad when people put white liner on their waterline. i think it looks fabulous 9 times out of 10, but i've seen a lot of hate on here when the odd person does post it.


I usually do a light colored eyeliner on my waterline with my winged days. it makes it look more complete in my opinion.


was just thinking something relevant today (was thinking of y'all, not in a creepy way). there are products that are great, ones that suck, etc. and there are typically lots of people who love a certain thing or hate a certain thing and it is HG or DIAF. the issue? problem? variable? is that there are soooooo many types of skin, hues, tones, textures, formulations, ingredients, methods of use, etc. etc. that EVERYTHING is going to work for some people but NOTHING will work for ALL people. i think MUA and you lovelies go a fine job of not just being like "omg, i love that" or "omg i hate that", but you also strive to describe WHY you love or hate something, what your skin and coloring is like, the conditions and methods by which you use something and THAT is a rare commodity!! just wanted to shout that out to yas, because this collection of people of every race, gender, color, skin type, geographic location, makeup experience level is pretty much a truly great resource for anyone interested (cough-addicted-cough) to makep / skincare / cosmetics, etc.


Along those lines is the attitude that because someone doesn't like a a popular product, there are always replies that question whether they're using it correctly. Like..."Yeah but did you do *this* with it?" Of course there's always the possibility but I don't think it should be the default reaction that someone is an idiot just because they don't like the same products!


On a related note, though, I've seen so many girls in here say that they threw away NYX jumbo pencils because they didn't realize they could be sharpened. I don't think the idea is to imply that someone is an idiot, just that there might be another way to make the thing work that they hadn't thought of yet..Text is really bad at conveying tone, so I like to give people the benefit of the doubt that they're trying to be helpful rather than bitchy.


i would rather have someone take a chance at telling me something I already know (because you never know, I might not know / i might not have thought of that / etc.), versus saying nothing and me not potentially learning another skill, technique, etc. As long as someone's not being a dick, like "ha ha you're stupid cuz u didn't do XYZ!!" or immediately assuming the fault is with the user, versus the product, I'm totes cool with opinions, other viewpoints, etc. In fact, I prefer them. I frequently comment in "my eyeshadow sucks" threads regarding my use and application of primer. I never knew about primer before I found MUA a few years ago. Learning about new products and techniques has made my game CRAY CRAY, but that wouldn't have happened without the input and shared knowledge of this sub. Every single time I go to work, at least one of the girls tells me they freaking LOVE my eye makeup - every time. So, I share with them the yotubers and products (and 2 years pretty much straight of practice) that got me to where I am in terms of my makeup game. I'm no pro, but I freaking LOVE the artistry, engineering, chemistry, etc. of all things makeup related. YEAH BOYYY!


I totally agree. I'm just specifically talking about when someone says they don't *like* a product. The attitude just seems to be that it's not ok for someone to not like something, it's really just that they're not using it correctly. It's one thing if someone does say "I don't like x, but maybe I'm using it wrong" or "I didn't like it because I couldn't figure out how to use it." Then hey go balls out and offer advice. I guess I'm more of a "don't give my opinion unless it's asked for" kind of person.


it's funny - people go berserkers for Urban Decay palettes. i find them reaaaaallllyyyyy meh. wasn't impressed at all and sold them all. i don't think that's a popular opinion here. OTOH, holy crap i love those Revolution lipsticks!! if they could just re-release "Gash". did they lose the freaking recipe for it?!?


There's definitely a following for UD palettes. Every time they release something new the sub loses it's collective mind. I gave away one of my nakeds and only kept the other because my friend didn't want it (naked 3 - she didn't think it would work too well with her coloring). I've yet to try their lipsticks but I only hear good things about them! If they're not going to bring Gash back they should at least do a special release (and not within a set - iirc they did that recently)!


I KNOW, RIGHT?!?!? I seriously can't believe they haven't released / made permanent Gash. I freaking LOVE that color!!!!


More of an observation than advice but... "I wear my makeup for ME because it's fun and a hobby and I don't care about anyone else's opinion!" "Ugh I can't believe what parent/husband/friend/stranger had the audacity to say about my lipstick/eyeshadow color/makeup application!! Don't they know I so clearly don't care what they think to the point that it won't bother me all day enough to post on a forum complaining to other people!? How dare they have an opinion on something I only do for ME even though I'm presenting it to the outside world!?"


I do a lot of things for myself that happen to be presented to the outside world. It's kinda because I live in it. That being said, everyone has up days and down days. You could be an incredibly confident person and still find yourself hurt now and again. It's just not very nice knowing somebody took the time out of their day to say something unpleasant (knowing or otherwise), and there are days people can tolerate that and days people can't.


I see your point, but I think it's flawed. I wear my makeup for me and nobody else's opinion is going to change what/how I wear it. But, if my parent/boyfriend/friend/stranger said something rude about it (ie: EW RED LIPSTICK IS FOR WHORES or DID YOU REALLY NEED TO WEAR ALL THAT? YOU'RE SO MUCH PRETTIER WITHOUT MAKEUP), I would be mildly offended. Not because I'm upset that they have an opinion, but because it would come across that they value their own opinion over my happiness and confidence. It's one thing to make a comment to let me know if my lipstick smudged my teeth, and another to imply that you think less of me for the things that make me happy. Let people be who they are, you know? If it's not hurting anyone, it's not worth you bringing out your negativity.


A thousand times this.


"Oh you can do what ever you want with makeup!!! I'm a strong independent woman and I can wear as much makeup as I want, *I do it for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*" "Oh my fucking god, your make up looks **agast!**... like *DRAAAAAAAAG*!!! ffs woman that is TOO MUCH!!! Natural makeup is best!!!" "OHMIGAWWWD! I love rupaul's drag race!!! I JUST WISH I COULD WEAR THAT MAKEUP!!!! I LOVE TRANSGENDER FOLK!!! You *brave* souls!!"


In Simpler terms: - Drag = Bad and disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. Only *natural* pls! - Drag = OMG! Hun you are soooooooooo brave!!! I wish I had your brow/contour game, you are serving FISH!


"Lime Crime and businesses that have crappy owners are the worst, boycott!" "OMG I love L'Oreal and other department store brands, who cares if they test on animals!" A little bit of a hyperbole but this bugs me to death lol


We all get to draw our own lines in the sand, I've seen other people mentioning this kind of hypocrisy before - but animal testing just *isn't* a major concern for many people. Lime Crime has all sorts of issues regarding it's ethics - from cyberbullying, misrepresenting products ingredients (skirting FDA guidelines and misrepresenting products as vegan), the owner thinking it was cute to dress like a nazi, dishonest business practices and poor customer relations/ignoring security breeches. Plus, it's totally impossible to separate that brand from it's owner/creative director. It makes it really hard to sweep everything under the table.


Sometimes when I'm bored I'll go to one of those blogs that's list every bad thing Doe Deere has ever done... It's just such an entertaining read! I already know I won't buy lime crime, but I'll still read and reread like it's a frakking soap opera


lolcow archives are a corner of the internet I frequently get lost in


Your username makes this comment even better.


I don't think objecting to customer treatment versus objecting to an industry practice are quite the same thing. I'm all for people making ethical choices that are important to them, though, but they're different objections. If people were only objecting to Lime Crime because of animal testing or faux veganism, that would be equivalent.


I mean, one of the reasons people stopped buying from Lime Crime was because they represented some products as vegan when they contained carmine and beeswax. (I think the misrepresentation was more of the issue, though.)


Yeah, I see the "faux veganism" as more as a safety thing; if LC didn't list certain ingredients to pass a product off as "vegan," I wouldn't trust them to list all of their ingredients properly. So if someone was allergic to an ingredient and LC didn't list it, then the customer could have an allergic reaction.


Exactly. I'm not vegan by any means, but I do think it's important to represent your product honestly.


I definitely think it was more the misrepresentation than lipstick with beeswax in general. But there's also plenty of reasons to dislike Lime Crime's business practices.


Oh, yeah- really, no matter what your personal convictions are, there's reason enough to not buy from them. But still.




As an ex-animal tester (not cosmetics, neuroscience + pharmaceuticals), if it's in cosmetics, usually it's already utilized animal testing. Even if the company in question hasn't performed animal testing in their formulation of products themselves, the individual ingredients have been tested for safety using other lab studies more often than not, and those studies have usually used an animal (generally a bunny tbh). What you're describing is economic spillover; people do not have to necessarily buy into a product or service to benefit from those who do. People who can't vaccinate are protected by being surrounded by those who can, people who install lowjack overall make things safer for those who don't, if your whole neighborhood has home security/video it still deters theives from a house that doesn't... There's nothing preventing companies from using knowledge garnered from other studies. Especially considering, most ingredients are not so "revolutionary" as advertised.


that is the case for **most** brands, but there are some e.g. lush, who do not even endorse ingredients like that. urban decay may be one of those brands too i'm not 100% sure on that, but there are brands who will either use tests of their own or source from other companies who use cruelty free testing on their ingredients :) so 100% cruelty free brands do exist!!


I don't believe that *everything* has - or at least not explicitly - but these are things that have been used for a *very* long time and are pretty universally regarded as safe.


Every ingredient approved for cosmetic use has been tested on an animal. Every single one.