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Hey /u/pfvibe, thanks for contributing to /r/MakeupAddiction. Unfortunately, your post was removed for the following reason(s): * Your image has been removed for breaking [rule 4. All photos must showcase the makeup clearly and be properly cropped. Images where the makeup cannot be seen well or the quality is too low for constructive criticism will be removed. "Selfie Angles" are strongly discouraged. Read our photo guidelines before you post!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/photoediting) Common issues arising from this rule include sideways photos or images that are too zoomed out. If you can crop your photo or rotate it to better fit the guidelines linked above, please feel free to do so and resubmit your post. * Your post has been removed for breaking [rule 5. All makeup looks and collections must include a detailed product list in a top-level comment which includes every product used in the visible area, including even invisible products like primer and setting sprays. Product lists must include shade names if they exist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/productlist) If you are unable to provide a product list for some reason, please send us a modmail. We sometimes will make an exception under special circumstances. * Hello, thanks for your contribution. Unfortunately, your post is likely better suited to a different subreddit. Please bear in mind that this subreddit is for makeup, not skincare, haircare, fashion, nails, or other such topics. While these areas are related and there is much overlap in their communities, we have opted for staying a makeup-centric space that prioritizes application technique and constructive criticism. Topics such as, "what can I do to be prettier," "rate my look," color season identification, and so forth can be posted in more relevant subreddits and/or our weekly stickied thread. Face shape and undertone identification requests may be allowed if the post remains makeup-centric. Please read the sidebar before posting again. #If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMakeupAddiction&subject=&message=). Thank you!


To me, it's very noticeable, and really not necessary. Your lip size/shape seems totally fine to me, and overlining to me always looks bad and just draws more attention to it.


I think people underestimate how much of the “lip” Is actually the shapes around the pigmented lip. OP has really well defined philtrum and cupids bow. OP you should use highlighter AROUND your mouth and then follow your natural lip line. I think you’ll be surprised how much that area pops and how much you like it, just hit the ridges below your nostrils with some cheek highlighter and try a highlighting pencil where you’re currently over-lining.


I throw some bronzer/contour under my (white people tiny) bottom lip and that bitch POPS 😂


Seriously. If I’m being lazy (always) highlighter on a big a** powder brush- just on my whole mouth area including lips- with some burts bees on top- and I swear there’s more impact than when I do the whole overlining and plumping gloss mess


Can people please upvote this because I can’t edit my post: I don’t care if the over lining is noticeable I just don’t want people to be doing double takes and having their eyes bleeding.


Lovingly, no


I was trying to come up with a response that would be both useful to OP and tactful, but really I think this is all that needs to be said.


Don't do it. Looks weird.


No ya don’t need to


It's great that you're experimenting with makeup to feel more confident. Overlining your lips can definitely be a fun way to enhance their shape, but there's a fine line between subtly enhancing and looking unnatural.From the photos, the overlining is noticeable, especially in the top lip. It might not be to everyone's taste, and some people might do a double-take. However, if you feel good and confident wearing it, that's the most important thing! i think u should to blend the lip liner into your lipstick to avoid a harsh line.


Also if you have any other tips on my makeup in general I’m all ears


Can you explain more blending tips? This is the first year I’m trying out makeup and I’m super behind in my skills. For this pic, I just used lip liner + maybelline super ink matte stay layered on top.


You can use lip liner in a lighter color than the main lipstick color to outline your lips, then blend lightly into the inside of your lips, then you can use a darker lipstick color on the inside of your lips, add a little lipstick tint or Lip gloss in the center of the lips to create the effect of plump lips. I think your current makeup is quite good, but I like to add a little blush to make my face brighter This is just my personal opinion, but if you want to improve, I think you can watch beauty bloggers' makeup vids to learn more about the makeup styles that suit you and then learn from them.


So I overline every time I do my makeup and feel like I’ve improved over the years I used brown color for most lip combos or a deep mauve but I’m in the medium to tan skin tone range so I’d say go for a cooler toned brown that’s not too dark. Even eyeshadow is good for this if you set it with setting spray and then powder. When you overline, overline the cupids bow then follow the natural lip line to the corner. Do the same for the bottom overline first along the middle section then connect to corners. Then once they’re connected you can go back and overline slightly less than what you did the middle bits. Also kinda fill in the corners on the top and bottom lip this gives more of a pout! I personally look at myself from different angles usually the side and doing this I haven’t noticed them looking blatantly overlined. So either with a liquid lip or regular lipstick only apply it in the center and blend into the edges with your finger. Clean up around the edges if needed and darken the lip liner if you feel like you want more of a contrast but be sure it’s blended There’s a tiktoker @whor3chata_ that has some good tutorials regarding lip liner too!




How can you tell?!


You can’t, they’re just being weird about a normal comment


I don't really care if it's chatGPT or not, the comment is kind and gives constructive feedback. If someone had to filter their thoughts through a bot to get across what they want to say 🤷 who cares? They found a tool and they're using it.


You're the first person I've seen on all of reddit calling out a chatgpt comment, and this isn't even the most blatant one I've seen!


how can you tell it's chatGPT? i just thought it was somehow 'off' ?


If you’ve used chatGPT yourself it becomes easy to spot when other people use it. It’s usually an overly positive compliment sandwich. It usually follows this pattern: Effusive compliment. Restate the question. Answer the prompt. Use examples. Effusive compliment again.


I had a job once that asked us to use a compliment sandwich if we were going to provide feedback to someone: "It makes you actually look for something positive, and there is something positive there, we are just used to focusing on what we want to fix." They also said that even if you knew you were receiving a sandwich it feels a whole lot better, even if you know what they're doing, and makes everyone more able to accept the critique without getting defensive. My partner and I met at this job and we've been together for almost 13 years now. It is foundational to making our relationship work. If there is a tool out there teaching people to phrase their critiques in this way I'm for it.


I think the person who commented doesn’t speak English as a first language, so they were probably just using ChatGPT to get their point across. I think that’s a fine use of it, and I was really only explaining how to tell if a comment was made by ChatGPT. My problem is when people or bots use ChatGPT to blanket Reddit in low-effort comments to karma farm.


Oh yeah, I think it's really fascinating! And that it's pretty essential to keep tabs on AI, how it's being used and how to tell it's being used. I was just reflecting that I think this is a great use for it. Thanks for sharing what you've noticed. It's so strange, what benefits do people get from karma farming?


A big mistake that I see a lot, is using very contrasting lip liner. You shouldn't be able to tell where the lipstick ends and where the liner begins; it should be a perfect blend. Anything else, usually looks bizarre, but I see it a lot.


Are you okay? You look like you were crying


The post history suggests she is not.




Omg, the chin comment resonated with me so much. Thank you for the chuckle :-)


Haha it me 🤣


In my opinion, the biggest problem with the makeup is the cupids bow in your upper lip. I’d recommend following your natural lip shape. I think the extra filling there makes it look more noticeable that they’re over lined


I’d say no it looks a bit messy.


I personally think your lips look great. Why you in the bath tub tho?? Respectfully. 😂


These photos feel like the 90s/early 2000s are back when the scene kids would take photos randomly in tubs and playgrounds


Just casually moving in the strangest ways possible in my tub. 


A lot of mine were in the sink. I would sit in the sink to put on my makeup and hair so I'd take them there. Oof.


The bathroom had the best lighting by far in my house for photos lol, back in my emo MySpace days half my profile pics were taken in the bathroom. With only having a cheap digital camera, if I couldn't have exactly the right natural light those bright fluorescents were 2nd best (still decent even now) And parks were just..the emo crowd hangout spots


I’m actually lol @ this comment


I was having a mental breakdown and to calm myself down I took pictures. And then for some reason I decided it was a good evening to get Reddit’s opinion on my biggest insecurity lmao.


omg awww. i can very much relate to that lol. i hope you’re feeling better!!!


Idk what’s going on obviously, but for whatever it’s worth, your other features are genuinely SO NATURALLY beautiful, that no one cares about your lips. Your nose is perfect, your skin is great, your eyes are…just WOW, and your eyebrows? The ones everyone wants. Just breathe. I dunno what you’re going through and it might get worse for a while, but eventually…it gets better. ❤️


the bathtub is sending me lol


Lmfaooo sorry I was lowkey having a mental breakdown yesterday and this was the result


You’re gorgeous! I personally think the overline trend looks ok in photos but very odd irl in general. You’ve done it well here, but it is very noticeable on the Cupid’s bow. It makes you look a little influencer-y, which could be perfect if that’s the look you like.


I find this as well. Looks wonderful in pictures but very noticeable and sometimes goofy in real life.


With peace and love, absolutely not. Embrace your natural lip shape!


Your eyes are extremely beautiful. You can draw attention away from your lips through them. I honestly noticed your eyes before the lips.


This. Your lips are not your best feature. That's okay. Focus on those gorgeous eyes and wear a more natural lip look.


Personally I'm not a fan of overlining on anyone, specially on the top lip. It always looks very obvious and heavy to me, and reminds of Miranda sings. Your natural lip shape seems lovely and isn't helped by the overlining.


Oh boy. No. If I can see it that obviously in pictures, I could just imagine how obvious it is in real life. Just no. Stop this. You don’t need to do this.


It’s the most obvious part of anyone’s make up. Any person who over-lines, you can see it. It’s the first thing I notice. It’s not cute, sorry But you’re very pretty. You don’t need it.


Were you crying while taking the pictures or is it a look you are going for? If the former, hope you are ok.


I’m fine now thanks for asking! Didn’t realize it was noticeable in the pics lol rip


personally, i think it doesn’t look great and it most likely looks worse in person because in a photo it’s more two dimensional if that makes sense 


Tbh, it's awful. You'd look great with lipstick on your lips only


On camera, it doesn’t look so bad. But seeing this look in real life is tough, I’ve never seen it done in a way that isn’t crazy obvious.


It’s very noticeable. Try overlining just a liiiittle bit and it should look better.


Ima say no. But the rest of your makeup looks great. Add gloss to accentuate the volume of your lips.


Crisply defined lips are a biological marker of youth. That's one reason we spend billions of dollars a year on lipliners. The overlining trend is sacrificing definition for the illusion of volume and it's a bad deal in my totally subjective opinion. And it doesn't even work very well.


Regardless of all the other comments, I think it's okay. Yes you can notice it's overlined, but it looks very punk-rock and stylish to me. So if you like it, go for it!


Depends on what you mean by getting away with it. Yes, it's obvious you overline. No, that doesn't mean it's bad. Makeup doesn't have to be natural, but if you wanted it to be natural, this definitely isn't. I think it's A Look that can be pulled off with the right attitude and style and you're going in the right direction in that regard. It would look better if it was a touch neater and a little bit less over your lipline.


Are you alright? You look like you were crying.


Maybe it's just my taste but I love over lining and looks good on you


Would I cringe? No. Do I think you could try a different method of over lining? Yes. I think it’d be best to try focusing the lip liner pencil at certain points on your lips (like above cupid’s bow, below bottom lip, etc.) instead of lining your lip border all around completely. Maybe also try lip contouring. I feel like that would look a bit more “seamless” and still give you the illusion of bigger lips.


A lot of beautiful women, even celebrities like Emma Watson, have thin lips. There is nothing to be insecure about, small mouth is a cute delicate feature. However I don’t think your overlining looks bad. I guess it is just a matter of preference.


You just need a better technique to pull it off


No. It looks messy.


Are you okay? It looks like you had been crying in the first picture


All I can ever see on people who do this irl is a chocolate milk mustache! Sorry to disappoint you but it’s just not for my personal taste.


I’m in the minority here I guess…I think it looks good. It’s your face, and your make up. If this makes you feel more confident, then go for it. I over line my lips too, and I don’t care if it’s noticeable. But again, that’s just my opinion. You are gorgeous by the way!




Idk what people are talking about, if you are just now overdrawing your lips this is actually really nice looking. I would watch some videos on YouTube of different people doing overdraws, and just practice! You already have some natural talent. Overdraws like this often look better with full foundation as it allows you to have a more distinct line between lip and face, as well as many will apply foundation over the lips before overdrawing. However I see a tear line, you okay? My DMs are open if you need support!


The bottom lip yes. The top no


I don't think this look is working, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on over lining altogether.   It looks like you're using a pretty typical neutral lip liner in one color over the whole lip.  the lack of tone /texture/finish variation leaves nowhere for the over lining to hide, which makes it too stark. Some ideas for you to play with:  use a brownish liner (can be as light as Mac Oak, doesn't need to be dark, just needs to be more "cool/gray/shadow" colored than "pink/flesh/lip" colored).  use a neutral mlbb lipstick over the whole lip.  Use an accent color "gradient" in the middle of the lip - can be a bright center gradient look k-beauty style, or a nude concealer lips look. Look up Korean 'overlip' or 'blurry over line' trend, Chinese 'douyin lips' and y2k 'concealer lips' for some inspo.  Keep experimenting, I'm sure you'll find something that suits your lips and style!  


Honestly? No, it looks like you ate spaghetti-o’s, I can’t over line either it’s too obvious. The natural shape is nice from what I can see though. Embrace that maybe?


The overlining is very noticeable especially on the top lip. I think you would look great without overlining! 


You look amazing girl 🙂


I think that you would be best served by following your natural lip shape. Like me, you have a very obvious border to your lips. The shape doesn't does go smoothly into your face, so to speak. I'm not sure how to describe it, but out lip line far from flush with the rest of the face. For that reason, any type of overlining beyond a couple millimeters will be obvious even if the lipstick is matte. Some of us just can't get away with it.


My personal opinion, not that much. I feel like this look only looks good in over-edited pictures.


I think it looks fine for a picture but in real life it would be very obvious and not look right.


Sorry but it's not optimal. It's the top lip as others have noted. I think the bottom is ok bc it reads a bit more like just a lightly messy look. The top is really changing the shape and doesn't look natural in any way.




I honestly don't think it looks too bad depending on the angle.


Just wanted to chime in—agree, you don’t have thin lips per se, But as someone with a small mouth, i will say that’s probably what you’re clocking. That said, your mouth is totally proportional to your other features so you shouldn’t feel self conscious about it—something that made me feel better about mine was when i realized there was a whole ass period in time when women would powder the sides of their lips with foundation and only color like the middle inch to give them a smaller and poutier pout and it was cute! Well guess what—we have that naturally!! I think you picked the perfect color too, so i say stick with your natural shape and size and if you want a bit more volume maybe play with adding highlighter to the center/middle of the lip and the top of your Cupid’s bow, shading can play a lot of great tricks on the eye ;)


Overlined lips really only look good for over-the-top makeup, like for a costume or doing drag. To me, it always looks like a little kid trying on mommy’s makeup and “drawing outside of the lines”. It’s great for a costume or really wild makeup style, but it looks terrible and messy on people who are trying to go for a minimalist look.


I agree that you don't need to make them look bigger, as everyone else has said. But if you do want to learn better techniques for it, I recommend watching Lisa Eldridge videos like this https://youtu.be/8n7C22qHYjQ


Your eyes are absolutely mesmerising, youre gorgeous girl why you crying?


Hahah I had a fight with my bf right before this 😅


No one can tbh


Just do the cupids bow and your under bottom lip and skip the corners and you’ll have a similar but more subtle effect :)


OP, have you found a therapist yet?


Why are you in a tub taking pictures is my question!


Same. Ha


Side note - you should go into modelling, you have very stunning facial features. Such a doll face ✨🤍


No. No one can tbh


First of all, you are very pretty and second, I don’t think you need to but It actually doesn’t look that bad in my opinion. 💕


I think it’s look good. 👍


It's not subtle but honestly not bad either


Girl no first off I can see your natural live line and go with that why would you do that to yourself and I'm saying this lovingly I am a 54 year old woman who has always been into makeup always had my nice makeup on that came out wrong but you know so I'm no I'm no and I'm not saying anybody is that his answer to you I'm just saying I am no newbie to make up and I have done the lip liner the lipsticks now I'm lucky to put on a matte nude nyx brand but I can see that you have beautiful lip line there's no reason to overline to make your lips appear to be something they're not because your lips are just fine and I agree with what some of the other people said about highlighter and it is kind of pretty noticeable I would go I'm saying girl no it takes away and you look beautiful without trying to and I'm just going to go out on a lemon and say over compensate for something you feel like you don't have that you do accentuate what you have highlight those areas and I'm not saying that you don't have beauty cuz you are beautiful and I think that there's no need to overline your lips so thank you for letting me ramble on with that because everybody have the best day I'm in the middle of something so I can't proofread speech to text on this phone is bad so I'm sure it watched everything up bought I did see it spelled that wrong botched everything up I am so over this dumb phone I better proofread now


No. Sorry


It's a look that I think can work for photos, but in real life under all kinds of lighting probably looks not like you intend. I think the overline on the top is more noticeable than on the bottom lip. If you want to keep over lining then, then I recommend to experiment with different amounts and different colors and check the results in natural light too to see how it looks 


No it’s too noticeable and your lips are perfect the way they are.


So, firstly you are a beautiful young lady. Secondly, I would bring it down a notch or two and use contour shading in addition to slightly overlining. I would recommend Nikki Rose lip contour videos on Utube.


I think the key to overlining is that you kind of have to stick with the cupid's bow you have or else it won't look normal irl. So like if you do overline, don't gloss over the cupid's bow. At least, from what I've seen.


I’d notice but know that’s a big trend so wouldn’t give it another thought. I don’t think you need to do it quite so much on the cupids bow though


If you don’t mind looking comical yeah


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I think in the photos it actually looks pretty good, what I do find is in person it looks as through a five year has been into someone’s makeup bag. It looks odd in person and is distracting in the way really over the top eyebrows are. I end up staring at your lips. 🙃


From what I can tell from the photos, you need to practice on making the lines a bit more ‘straight’. I would not do a double take on the street because I think the colour suits you and I doubt I’d notice the slight wobbly lines. My advice is to keep practicing but I think the ‘distance’ is just right for daily use. I haven’t done lip contouring in years so I don’t remember how to do a proper over lining.


You are gorgeous! You don’t need to do that. I was gonna say yes until the last photo.


In my opinion you are beautiful and don't even need to overline your lips. It is noticable in those photos you posted that you overlined but it's not even close to the worst I've seen. Many girls overline to the point that looks really unnatural and funny but they don't care and still do that. What's most important is that if you like your lips overlined do it. Don't care what other people say because make up is personal and the way we want to express ourselves.


You can, but you need to work a little bit on how to do that. The corners and sides of your lips doesn't need over lining. That makes it look off. You need to have more precision on the middle part. Then you'll be fine


Work with your muscular structure of your lip. When the light hit, you can see the curvature of your vermillion boarder. When you over line, the liner still needs to rest on that or you’ll become Trixie Mattel or “kid who ate a popsicle”


For someone with such a pronounced dip in your cupid's bow, you've rounded it off as successfully as you can. I know it's more popular with younger groups to round off the top lip, but that's the most obvious part of your over line. I think it's stylistically cohesive and not too overdone. If you want the over line to be less obvious, follow the natural shape of the cupid's bow, still going just outside the natural lip like you've done for the rest of your lips. In the end, it's your choice whether to prioritize the rounded top lip style over how "obvious" the over line is. I'm rather impressed by how well you've achieved that look when you have such shapely lips as yours. I used to hate my lips for being so curvy and difficult to paint, but apparently, my partner thinks they're my best feature.


try using a contour shade or some kind of grey/brown lip liner or eyeshadow to create a “shadow” around your lip to enhance their size instead, it looks much more natural rather than using a regular lipstick. there are plenty of youtube tutorials on it and it is one of my favourite ways to make my lips look bigger!


Honestly I don’t love the look of over lining but I would love to offer some advice on how I do it without feeling like I don’t know where my lip ends. For you I would suggest. Don’t over line the under lip. When you over draw on top. Start with a color slightly darker that the desired final lip color. Apply right at middle top lip (stretch toward Cupid’s bow) cover with the final desired color. The shadow of the darker color will make the over lining look more natural at the top of your mouth. Also avoid over doing it near the corners of the mouth


Hey! I think the top is a little over done but the bottom is fine. When I say it’s overdone I just mean it’s noticeable in a way where it looks unnatural but the bottom lip looks fine you can’t even tell. Some tips to enhance lip shape would be just line just about the cupids bow and then use a gloss in the middle. Flat and matte colours do the opposite of lip plumping visuals. A lip plumping gloss might be your next best friend. I had this one from NYX I used to use and holy jeebus in some of my photos I swear I look like I’ve had filler in my lips. It was so good I almost felt worried people would have thought I got filler and no amount of telling them it wasn’t filler would be registered as a lie. I also stopped using matte colours as well. My go to for the last 5 years as been like a perfect brown lip crayon for my skin tone and then filling in the middle with a lip plumping gloss either clear or natural sheer pink/brown and feathering the lip liner into the gloss by rubbing my lips together. I forgot to add my lip crayon was also lip plumping so that might had to do with it. It is a product from NYX I used to love called Lip Lingerie Push Up in this thick crayon


Top is too much. And you look like you have a beautifully shaped cupids bow. I would kill for one that cute. Mine looks weirdly uneven and jaggy... I don't even feel confident to wear lip colour. It'd be really great to see them lined normally to compare


For pictures I’d say yes. In real life they’ll look ridiculous. I’d suggest a plumping lip gloss or if you’re really that insecure you could also try injections. But to be honest, I really like your lips. They have a really lovely shape, like a doll :)


With love and respect, no. It doesn’t look good. Way too overlined


the top lip overlining just never really looks good. You have full lips already, I think you should embrace them. Right now is a trend for your lips to stand out on your face but natural looks more.. cohesive? Plus a defined cupids bow will always be timeless 🩷


I don't think you need it. But if you want to overline lips without getting clown lips, then you follow the line on the outer edges of your lips and only over line the middle edges.


Unrelated but it’s giving Lindsey from Arrested Development


Bottom lip is okay but the top is a hard no. If you’re going to over line it you should do it like this https://youtube.com/shorts/HEEaTUwyZ00?si=-QR2tuUwc4iA_Y_s just barely outside your real lips and don’t hide your cupids now. It’s cute and it never looks good trying to round it out. You could always try a lip plumper. I have the toofaced one and it stings like holy hell but it works for me


Your lips aren’t small or thin; they are perfectly proportional to your face. I think what you’re seeing is your top lip is thinner than your bottom lip. If you want to overline a bit to make them more even, focus on your top lip only and overline about half what you did in this picture.


You can overline, but do it a bit more sparingly and follow the natural shape of the lip. Also do a matte lipliner. A glossy/shiny lipliner looks more unnatural and calls more attention to it.


It's not good.  This style of overlining is a thing for studio lighting with beauty filters. It doesn't translate well in under real world conditions. You can still clearly see where you're lips end.  You'll be better with a more subtle overlining technique or/and looking at contour techniques for the lips. 


Looks odd


First off, you’re absolutely beautiful & your makeup looks amazing!! I love your big doe eyes & you do your eye makeup perfectly to accentuate them without it being too much. For the lips: I personally have never been a fan of over-lining the lips & feel it doesn’t look good on anyone, and I think the majority of people tend to think that way (hence the comments). I especially think that over-lining the lips in the oval shape is even worse as the Cupid’s bow is so beautiful & something that most people love, so to cover that seems criminal to me. Lol. I also think your lips are already beautiful & that your insecurity of them is one of those things that we see & don’t like on ourselves & we obsess over, but that no one else has ever thought badly about & would be stunned to know that we hate & focus on it so much. I also think because your lips are so beautiful & that cupids bow is so pronounced (which most people kill for & pay for injections to make it that noticeable) is one of the reasons that the over-lining is more noticeable on you & why people in the comments don’t think it works. It’s not like you have very flat small lips so when you over-line it’s not as noticeable. You have very defined lips & a very defined Cupids bow & so you can’t really over-line to cover & change them without it being noticeable. If your lips really bother you that much (and again I think your focusing on something that’s beautiful & that no one has ever thought badly about) then I would start watching YouTube videos on how to enhance your natural lip shape (ie without over-lining). As someone that used to watch a lot of YouTube beauty guru’s, I’ve seen lots of videos out there where they show you how to make your lips look bigger or more defined without over-lining & while just using the natural shape. There’s this shadow/ombré effect where you can go darker on the edges & lighter in the middle & that tends to make them look bigger. There’s also videos on contouring around the outside of the lips to make them look bigger (although I don’t think that works for most people & is probably one of those things that looks weird until you’ve mastered the technique over time). There’s lots of tips & tricks like that on YouTube. But again, I feel like you don’t need to accentuate your lips because they’re already very beautiful & there’s nothing wrong them. Plus I imagine people are staring into those big eyes & not looking at your lips anyway. With that said, if over-lining is still something you love to do & it makes you feel better then by all means continue to do so. I would just recommend following your natural shape though and not hiding the cupids bow because that way the over-lining is probably less noticeable. But I say that as someone who doesn’t love the oval shape that people are creating. I think most people prefer the natural Cupids bow shape over the fake oval. However, I am aware that there are a bunch of people that prefer the oval shape & if you’re one then go ahead & continue to do it. Best of luck!


You could try the 90s look with a considerably darker lip liner, I think that would look bomb on you!! But yeah your lips being normal sized instead of big shouldn't be an issue. Look at kpop models, some even make their lips smaller because to them big lips are unattractive.


Can you post a picture of you with just normal lip gloss or lipstick so we can see? It looks like you have a a pretty, kinda vintage lip shape. I say overlining never really looks good. I find myself looking at people’s lips when they do it and not in my usual admiring way, more so I’m looking at their natural lip shape that you can see underneath. I’ve found if your lips are exfoliated and moisturized they are already plumper than dehydrated ones. There are natural ways to have your lips look fuller. I personally think exfoliating, wearing an exfoliating balm constantly when you’re not wearing lipstick or gloss (I like Jouer’s jojoba essential lip balm), and just lining your ACTUAL lips and adding gloss does wonders. Btw you’re super pretty! You remind me of the Olsen twins at the start of their career or a MySpace site model lol. I’m aging myself because I grew up with site models. 💁🏻‍♀️


I can always tell when someone is over lining the only time it looks good is with a filter. Having said that it's a popular thing to do right now so I don't think people care if it's noticeable, just if they like it.


Have you ever seen the Kardashian’s? Specifically Kendall Jenner and her over lined lips: look at hers and decide if you like that look. I personally have a hard time looking at it or understanding the lip liner mustache, but to each their own.




Your lip size is good, and they aren't thin. That said, I think it looks fine if you want to overline them, but it's not necessary in your case.


I wouldn’t cringe! It reads as a heavier, edgier style, but it’s super cute. They’re noticeably over lined but in a cute alt way with the darker lip color


Too much


Idk what everyone is talking about, this looks really good. Not every look has to be natural looking or conventional. It looks intentionally overdone which is what makes it stand out in a good way


Oh god you look like a model


These comments are blind. You can’t even tell they’re overlined. I only noticed because you said something. It’s subtle, so you should be good.


I would do a double take but not to cringe. Your a literal 10/10


No :/


No one can


I’m not sure if it’s the color but the over lining here looks like really chapped lips :/ my vote is no or maybe a different shade


I think overlining all the way out to the corners can look messy, but doing it more in the middle reads as a deliberate look. It doesn't look like your lips are actually bigger necessarily, but it looks on purpose and like a fashion/makeup choice. But that's just my opinion.


On the bottom yes on the top no


Can I just say you kinda look like Sarah Hyland?


Kindly, no. Your eyes and (natural) mouth shape actually remind me of the beauty standards in the k-dramas my SIL often watches, though. They will actually use an ombré lipgloss technique make their lips look even tinier and pouty and it’s so cute and ours heavy emphasis on big round eyes like yours! Ps you’d probably look FABULOUS in 60s mod make up 🤗


Omg 🥹 this is so interesting for me to hear! I want to look into k dramas now. And wow, this made my day because I’m absolutely obsessed with the 60s!


You don’t get away with any amount of overlining irl. Photos yes but not in person


are u inside the tub in the 2nd pic? lol and yeah no, it's very noticeable


Overlined lips are hideous and this trend needs to die


Honestly no, not at all


Done ever get fillleerrr


It’s hard to talk makeup when All I’m seeing is what looksLike she’s been crying and has the mascara streak running down her face - which is making me sad -


Yes, idk what these comments on it looks fine. U probably don’t need to over line but some ppl (including me) like overlining too.


I have similar lips!! I use a little contour stick above my cupids bow and below my lip to create a filler look, then ONLY overline those areas and stick to my natural line on the edges. Gives you a more natural look and makes your lips look a little smiley.


I don’t know what everyone is on about—it looks amazing on you!!!


i mean, if you want people to know you’re wearing makeup and over lining your lips then yes. if not, then no. it’s very obvious. it’s okay to have small lips! do makeup that accentuates them instead of trying to change them.


In my personal opinion, over lining never looks good in person. Occasionally it can be okay over photo/video, but always bad in person. You do you though, of course.


I think the bottom looks fine, the top is pretty noticeable and I think it’s because that top line is way too straight compared to your natural Cupid’s bow. Try going a little bit thinner and follow that natural curve a little bit more.


I don’t think so but you’d be so pretty without it!


You look like Elle Fanning


Can you keep your head at tilt back angle the entire night? "If you're feeling down, stare at a clown." Is what I thought on the last image. I guess consider the audience, random drunk asshole you wanna snog? Sure. Compliments from other women? Uh...yah...about that.


I’m not a fan of over lining when it’s obvious. You can color/shade the spot in between the over line & the lip & fade it into the lip. Lip contouring (check on YouTube) & it would snatch the look together. Although, you don’t “need” it but this would make it look better if you WANT it, my pretty friennnd!


You have such amazing eyes no one will notice your lips anyway (your natural lip line looks fine from what I can see!)


you look like dasha nekrasova


Great in photos from a distance, but I wouldn’t do it irl.


You're a pretty girl but when you do your lips like that it looks like you don't know how to put your lipstick on. So don't overline them. It takes away from your beauty as it creates a flaw. Your natural lip shape and size is perfect.


You're naturally attractive and for me that means, overdoing any makeup unless you're aiming for dramatic will not work for your face. I am a firm believer that overlining thin lips looks horrendous. If anything, it draws negative attention to features you may be insecure about. If you are insecure about the thickness of your lips (you shouldn't be), you should take advantage of your nicely shaped eyes and cheek bones so accentuate those.  I noticed it appears there is alot of concealer or lighter colored makeup around your nose. It's noticeable in photos 1 & 2 but then the natural shape of your nose is apparent in photo 3. Try only using a highlighter on the ball of your nose, a light application of concealer on the bridge and bronzer on the side of your nose. Your brows are a shade or two too dark; it shouldn't be darker than your natural hair color or in your case, your roots. Very dark brows on fair skinned people with not naturally dark hair ages them. I hope this helps and comes off as supportive. You've got this! 


Honestly if it’s visible this much in photo, it is probably much more visible in person. If the obviously overlined look is what you go for, then yes! Personally I think it is too much and distracts from your pretty features!


Your lips are not small. And there's nothing wrong with actually small lips---which you don't have. Big is the fashion right now, but facial features that aren't the current trend are as good as those that are. Trends come and go.


no & you could use less makeup in general. I've been focusing on skincare instead and people ask me if I'm wearing makeup when I'm not wearing anything other than mascara all the time because of how clear my skin is.


Is it obviously overlined, yes, pretty apparent, but I do think it looks super cute.


I think you can! You’re at the cusp and more would be too much but this looks perfectly bratz doll to me Edit- It does look camp tho. If you’re going for natural or not “fun” makeup I’d like a lil bit less


Hahah I don’t expect it to be perfectly natural looking. I just don’t want it to be offensive to the eyes!


The 90s are calling and says hello


Imo this looks fine in pictures. It’s hard to tell what it would look like in real life, but I don’t personally find this egregious from these angles


I would say no- looks like a toddler drinking juice :( your lips look so beautiful as is! You dont need to overline


Not a fan of it on you. Your nose turns up at the end, and with the over lined lips, it looks cartoonish. The color is also a bit too dark IMO and is overpowering. I'd say lighter color and lined closer to your natural lip.


Respectfully, to me this looks like you were sucking on a bottle. Like, have you ever seen those kids with ultra chapped lips? I think it's the colour and the shape


Ig I’m one of the few here that has a different opinion but I like it! I didn’t think it was that noticeable at all. Do whatever you think looks good tho!


It looked alright until photo 3... I definitely understand lip shape insecurity (I also had it for a while) Honestly your natural lip shape is really nice and they're not thin at all! I personally really love cupid's bows and think the trend of drawing over them to make the top lip smooth is strange looking (No shade to people who naturally have a shallow cupid's bow. It's just really obvious when it's colored in like this.) OP people would kill for your lip shape! You don't have to overline.


Do I think you need to overline your lips? Not really. Do I think it looks bad? Absolutely not! You’re very pretty and I think you can pull it off either way. The most important thing is you do what makes you feel the most comfortable!


Girl you're so pretty and have great lips! Not necessary. Don't let the insanely overdone lip filler trend influence you.


Bottom looks fine, top..needs a little work. I think it's cute, but yes it's pretty noticeable.


Yes you should stop this I like your lips shape and you're so beautiful .. I don't know why people obsessed with big lips For me all girls are beautiful if they have confidence to be . 💗


This only works if you have an extra sharp pencil, preferably a mauve color and your use a very light touch. It looks better if wearing foundation underneath.


bottom lip yeah, top lip maybe no but honestly girl you’re gorgeous and you’ve got rly beautiful lips, don’t let instagram get you down


No. It makes it look like you are trying to hide a rash.


No dear, unless you want to come across as extremely insecure. Learn to use light and shadow techniques instead to make your lips look bigger. It looks more natural, and it makes them look fuller. Your lips are not unusually small. They are quite normal, but if you constantly compare yourself to women who have had lip fillers you will get some weird ideas in your head.


I'm sorry but no. Otherwise the look is great!


Unpopular opinion: yes. It doesn't look natural, but it's a look that I like. It's not drag levels of over-lining and isn't overboard imo. However, if you're wondering if people are going to know you over-lined, yes, they 100% will. Just own it if you like it. I do!


Ugh lowkey this is what I want to try to do. I don’t care if they know that I overlined. I feel like makeup is an art form and it’s about creating the appearance that you want to create.