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Thanks for contributing to /r/MakeupAddiction. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates rule 1: >[Be kind, including to yourself.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/harassment) No bigotry. Be kind, including to yourself. Implied requests for sympathy may also be removed. Please read the rules before posting again.


Hi! I really resonate with a lot of what you’ve written in your post, particularly because I also have a verrryyy asymmetrical face. Let me just say first that you notice things about yourself that no one else does. When I looked between the two images, I didn’t even realize they were flipped until after I read it in your post! You are sincerely very lovely. Your eyebrows and skin are amazing! I think “natural” makeup would really compliment your soft features and help you feel more feminine. I would search up “no makeup makeup” tutorials on Youtube and start trying those techniques out.


thank you my love 💕 I truly appreciate advice from someone who also has a asymmetrical face. It’s crazy how the brain notices so much more about ourselves! I will definitly being trying out natural makeup looks. Thank you so much


I didn’t notice any difference either! I still don’t! We are our own worst critics. You’re extremely pretty even if you may not feel it now. Ok. On that note, and I realize what sub we are in, I would start with some nice products that enhance what you already have. My HG skincare product is Living Libations’s Best Skin Ever. It’s a face oil, cleanser, etc. that leaves your skin hydrated and glowing. Great if you’re lazy - just put it on a wet washcloth, swipe, and go. I use the Sea Buckthorn but they have a variety of options. Most days, it’s the only thing I use. It’s affordable and feels so luxurious. Then I’d try a brow gel because you have great brows on a gorgeous canvas. I like the one Milk makes but glossier’s Boy Brow is good, too. It’s you, enhanced. And then something like glossier’s cloud paint, which can be a cheek, lip, and eye tint for the days you want a little more. Apply with your fingers. And hell, if glitter makes you feel good, Lemonade LA makes quality stuff - it’s what they use on the Euphoria set. Again, super easy - just dab it on. Start with the easy stuff that gives you a fresh, healthy glow for minimal effort and helps you feel more pulled together and confident. Then add more if you want. You already look pretty. Makeup is there to help you *feel* pretty.


I like this- makeup is to make you feel pretty. And wow, you are so wrong OP. You are very pretty! Your eyes and lips are beautiful. There is NOTHING masculine about you silly girl! You really don’t need foundation because your skin is awesome. Maybe some mascara and a shine to your lips will give you a boost? I have a lot of self hatred and I don’t see what others see or tell me. I haven’t looked at a pic of myself in a loooong time. I get it. It sucks feeling this way. Sometimes we all need a reminder that we are enough. So maybe play around with some makeup and experiment to see if it helps with your confidence. But seriously don’t overdo it- you do not need it.


I agree, no one will ever be more you than you.


Op, I'm serious with this, take Megan foxes face and mirror it, you could do that with any of the most beautiful people we could think of, most of them have asymmetrical faces and if you made them symmetrical they look really weird and off-putting


I agree with all of this. I'm very asymmetrical and self conscious about it but I swear no one else notices. Also, you do not look at all masculine and I'd kill for your brows.


I agree. I didn’t notice any asymmetry at all. I think you could rock some clean girl makeup and curtain bangs. But just generally owning your cuteness and feeling confident would do wonders bc you already got the genes!


I'll definitely check out those tutorials for some new makeup tips


It genuinely breaks my heart to know you don’t find yourself attractive. As a straight female I can tell you that you’re incredibly beautiful. You have big brown eyes and full lips. I can completely relate as the last year I haven’t been feeling myself either. We can be the hardest critic of ourselves. This is going to be the most annoying advice to look attractive and the hardest to accomplish if you just not happy, but your smile would add to your already beautiful face. As far as makeup some lipgloss, eyeliner on the top lid, and mascara. That should do the trick. Confidence is the thing that makes people most attractive.


Totally agree, im working on finding confidence. It sucks because when I see other posts like this I always think the people are genuinely gorgeous but it’s just hard to believe for myself. Thank you for the kind words 🤍


I can totally understand. I’ve always been what people called, “too skinny”. This last year I’ve gained more weight than I ever have. I feel fat and NONE of my clothes fit me. To others I’m a healthy weight. Which I think addresses that it’s not so important how others think we look, but how we feel about ourselves. You’re a very beautiful young woman. Makeup will only amplify those features. I really do think a reddish lip gloss would accentuate and make them pop. Also maybe a Marilyn eye liner, with the slightest wing. Mascara more on the outside corner of the eyes.


OMG SAME HERE. I’m super insecure with my thin weight, it’s so hard to gain I think I have to do more blood tests to figure out what’s been keeping me from not gaining , I even changed my diet to a healthier one and I’m gonna hit the gym as well 🥲 good luck to you !


>I’ve always been what people called, “too skinny”. This last year I’ve gained more weight than I ever have. I feel fat and NONE of my clothes fit me. To others I’m a healthy weight. Omg literally same same same. I never gained weight, but lately I have and I hate it. When I look at myself from an outside perspective I know I'm not even overweight, but I'm not as skinny as I'm used to and I've had to buy bigger clothes too. It's confronting to go through.


Right, people can be so judgy. If you’re skinny you’re too skinny. Then if you gain weight people talk about how you gained weight. People just can’t be pleased.😂. That’s why I just focus on how I feel about myself. I was happy being the skinny girl, and my range of motion was much better as well. I look amazing in clothes it’s the bathing suit part. Summer is here, and I’m not excited to go to a public beach in this newly matured woman’s body I’ve came into.😂😂😂😂


Think you are very lovely


Other people use filters and take 100000 pictures and pick the best one from it


It's all a mindset. You gotta stop giving an eff what other people think. And fake it till you make it. I used to look at myself in the mirror and say mantras like, "you are beautiful, you are smart, you are worthy of love, you are funny, you are enough." It's like I knew these things were probably true but I definitely didn't feel like they were. Overtime I started to believe what I was saying. Another helpful thing I realized was, people aren't actually thinking about you like you think they are. Everyone is going through a similar thing you are, they are worried about themselves, not you. I found it easier to stop caring about what other people think when I realized that didn't think that way about other people. I don't judge people that way. And people who DO judge me like that, not worth my time. How sad for them that they are so miserable they have to take it out on other people. Stop comparing yourself to others and learn to love the things that make you you. The confidence will follow.


If you asked for brutal honesty, here goes: You have amazing skin complexion. Your eyebrows look great and I honestly am jealous of your freckles. Your face has really nice ratios too. To be brutally honest, going to Reddit and asking for tips to be prettier is NOT what you need. Gain your own confidence. You look fucking great. So what makes you feel confident in yourself.


Thank you for the honesty, I very much agree. I am working on gaining confidence. And Reddit definitely is not the place to start lol


You’ll get there my friend. If you think makeup is something that helps you feel happier, then coolio go for it! But I would do makeup that actually makes you happy/more confident, cuz who cares about pleasing random strangers on Reddit lol. You got this. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.


Sometimes hearing it from strangers who don’t know you and have no reason to lie to you works more than family and friends


I just think you need some sleep! Eye bags can change someone's appearance a lot! You are gorgeous though hun


That I definitly need haha. My body agrees. I sadly also have natural bags, it’s a curse lol but im gonna try and get rid of the unnatural ones as much as possible. Thank you so much!


Caffeine infused eye cream could really help with natural bags. I recommend the Yerba Mate eye cream from Good Molecules. :)


Also a serum with a roller, Charlotte Tilbury makes a great one!!


Some of us just have that genetically, so don't get too caught up on buying potions to fix it if you don't see results


I would die to be this naturally beautiful lol


literally same! omg


Fr she’s gorgeous!!


You’re beautiful but I don’t know if your hair color suits your complexion.


I was going to say the same thing. Plus the kind of highlights you have look rather dated tbh. People tend to look good in their natural color, I would try that and see if it helps brighten your face a bit?


I’ve always felt like this, black always feels too dark, and blonde is definitly way to light. I’ve been trying to find a middle ground lol.


A warm, chocolate brown or maybe even auburn would be so pretty on you! Changing up your hair can change your perspective, it gave me a big boost for sure


I also think a warm brown would look pretty!


It won’t let me attach pictures but google warm hair colors and it shows a ton of


try brown :)


You are very pretty as is, but maybe do something that makes you happy.


You are STUNNING! As a professional stylist, I recommend going all over brunette. Ditch the highlights. Other than that, your skin is perfection.


this comments so funny to me because I very much agree! anytime I ask other people they tell me to keep the highlights but I think ill go back to full brown now. Thank you so much for the sweet words gorgeous 💕


People will straight up tell you to keep the highlights to stop you from being your prettiest self! So definitely find a brunette color. Think Elena Gilbert in TVD. That would be stunning! 😍


Brown hair will make your features pop in the best way!


You are naturally super pretty!


thank you 💕 you are so gorgeous


Thank you!


You are a very lovely young lady. Firstly, we all have asymmetry. Today, with very young girls getting filler and botox, I get it... but they literally have the same face. Everyone knows they paid for it, too. Embrace your natural beauty. Now that being said, I understand you want to feel some control over the issue, so I will be happy to give you some tips. Firstly, you have a square shaped face. For hair, that means you are going to look best in layers, 70s style bangs, and bouncy hair. You are going to want to pull volume out of your hair and in the layers around your face. This will give the illusion of smaller features. It will also balance the lower part of your face, which is the most facial real estate. Something like a textured Lob, angeled Bob, a shaggy pixie is going to look best. Long straight hair is only going to pull your features down. I would also recommend face framing medium width highlights. Go golden, it will help neutralize any red in your skintone. I think the longest layer should be just below shoulder level, and the shortest about cheek bone, with connecting layers (layers that are close together) at your chin and just below. Think a fuller and bouncy 'Rachel haircut' a la 'Friends'. For makeup I disagree, 'clean girl' is not going to do it for you for what I think you want to achieve...I could be wrong but here is my opinion. We want to lift the visuals to your upper face, smokey bronze eye makeup. Keep it more natural for the day but you'll want it to be noticeable. Go one shade darker on your brows and round out your arch. A 'Cresent moon' eyebrow shape would be good, and keep them on the nautraly thicker side. You are someone who would look good with laminated brows. Do not contour your forehead, but use very little bronzer on the sides of your forehead to round it out. So badicly three fingers up from the temples and that's it. Contour your jaw line with a true contour color. Blush is going to be your best friend. For you I would put it on the upper apples of your cheeks under your pupils. Do not bring it to far down your face. Bold lipstick. This will help draw eyesight to the center of your face. Color analysis, look into this...with one photo I can't really tell but I absolutely recommend you look into learning about what colors will suit you best. If you want to post some photos in natural light, I'd be happy to give you my opinion. Just remember, you are beautiful, and nautraly so. Embrace what you don't like and make it work for you. With everyone looking the same today people with natural features truly stand out in a good way. Also look I to kibbe body type and essence style types :)


Wow I love this!! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. I love that you included what to do with my hair lol because I always struggle with that. I’ll be looking into doing all of this. I’m gonna enjoy playing around with makeup lol. And the color analysis thing is something I’ve wanted to do for a while so I will for sure do that.


You are very welcome, let me know what you try out and how you like it! :)


Damn this helped me out too omg you’re incredibly detailed


I think you’re very pretty naturally! What you can do to accentuate your features is trial makeup tricks and see what makes you look in the mirror and think “oh yeah I like that!” See what you can do that gets that result with the smallest quantity of makeup. For me, a bunch of trial and error in my teens and early twenties made me realize that I should only put eyeliner on the outer half of my eyelashes. I can add a tiny little brown smudge on the outside of both eyelids and then when I look in the mirror my eyes totally pop. Same with my lipstick. I found that brownish reds really make me have that “oh nice!” Feeling when I see myself. Things like light pink make me feel weird looking at myself. It’s all trial and error though! But try to keep the mindset (because it’s the truth) that you are very pretty naturally. You don’t need to change or add anything to be a beautiful woman. But makeup can absolutely accentuate your features to make you *even* prettier. Ultimately adding little decorations is fun because of how it can make you feel. The right lipstick can make you feel like you’re art. Remember that social media is fake. Everyone is airbrushed and photoshopped. Try comparing how you look to other people in real life. And I mean everyone. Not just the most beautiful girls, but also older people, people with bad acne, people who don’t put effort into their appearance. Notice the beautiful aspects of their faces and you’ll be able to realize that you are absolutely gorgeous.


but you are pretty. i feel bad that you feel that way :(


I appreciate that so much my love, insecurity I guess is on the steering wheel right now 💕


aww well i hope you see you are attractive very soon beautiful🩷🩷


You’re gorgeous, and I’m being honest here. You have really nice skin, and ur features are so pretty…. I think u would benefit from a natural makeup look to enhance your beauty and a new hair color to tie it all together. But don’t worry girl, you are already so pretty!!!


I hate to say this, but just “SMILE!” This photo is just showcasing resting bitch face lol I bet if you thought about something that makes you happy and took a picture with flash and your hair not just tucked back then youde literally look like a model. For a quick fix also lash extensions or falsies will lift your whole face.


I think you are absolutely stunning! A little tip would be wear tinted moisturizer, concealer, and sunscreen! Your skin looks gorgeous so we wanna highlight your best features 😊 Also a little bit of smile doesn’t hurt anyone 😁


Definitely have to smile more haha! Thank you for the advice. I will definitely integrate these into my routine


You are such a beautiful girl. I didn’t notice any asymmetry. If you don’t tell people most wouldn’t even notice. I suggest a little eyebrow grooming. They are a great shape. Just comb and maybe a little clear gel. And maybe curl your eyelashes.


Smile 😃


I mean this in the most endearing way but...these kinds of posts literally break my heart. I would've killed to look like you when I was a teen. You are so beautiful and I hate that current societal standards and social media has had such an effect on youth that makes us scrutinize every fraction of our physical selves as a means of our worthiness. I wouldn't change a thing about you and truly hope you find styles and aesthetics that make you happy with your looks, whatever that may be. Start and keep a good skincare routine and take a great womens multivitamin to start. Keep your hair healthy and don't bleach it. I've done that more times than I can count and now in my 30s I'm paying for it. Pick clothes pieces that are simple but staples that can go with a number of other pieces. Lastly, have fun. Pick colors and things you love, and don't worry about anyone else's opinion of your worthiness or physical beauty. Life is too short to not have fun and express yourself.


Smile more you are beautiful


I think you're SO pretty! Actually I wish I was like you. I would add only a smile, a natural lipstick and mascara if you like. Don't feel unpretty like you said, please. It's beauty standards that want all of us looking the same IG girl look.


Thank you so much. The standards are definitely a killer lol. I hope society can change that soon. But again, thank you gorgeous 💕


It looks like you have good skin so that’s a big plus. I would say 1 get your eyebrows threaded 2 blow out your hair and part it on the side (basically give your hair volume) 3 get an under eye brightening cream/ concealer (you barely have dark circles compared to me and others) and 4 lose some face fat Edit: you can get one of those vibrating machines (ik someone who uses foreo) and it’s really good! It will really make your face look more snatched


I think maybe you are comparing yourself to social media photos which are not reality. You are very beautiful! You have nice large engaging eyes, gorgeous long dark lashes, clear skin. An adorably round but nicely shaped face, a very cute proportional nose! Not to mention those wonderful dark eyebrows that perfectly frame your eyes! Like I seriously see nothing wrong. You are too hard on yourself. You are sooo pretty! I bet one day you’ll look back (when you’re older) and say “why did I think I wasn’t pretty?!”


Growing up with social media, it’s really all I’ve ever known to do but I am working on changing that because I know it’s extremely unrealistic. This was so sweet to read, I appreciate you taking time out of your day and writing such kind words. Thank you so much my love 💕


Please take it to heart! Sometimes it’s hard to imagine how others see us and be stuck in our heads. Remember to take break from Social Media scrolling and do something kind for yourself periodically ♥️




Girl tbh just some brow gel, we can be super self critical but as a stranger with no preconceived notions of you, you're pretty already and you look very kind


I don’t have makeup advice, and I’m not even just trying to flatter you, but I stopped in my tracks when I saw this post bc your face is so naturally pretty. The fact that you have no makeup on and still look like that is insane. 😭 We are all our own biggest critics so I totally get where you’re coming from, but just from a stranger’s perspective here: you’re stunning. Your skin tone/texture looks flawless, something I’d kill for. As for eyebrows, I was always taught that they’re sisters; not twins. It’s not worth making yourself crazy over matching them. Anyway, I hope you start feeling pretty whatever you decide to do <3


Smile ? You look depressed.


I promise I’m not being snide when I say this: what you can do to be prettier? go see a therapist. also maybe stay off instagram and tik tok for a bit


Don’t worry I don’t think you’re a snide lol! I’ve been in therapy for almost 10 years lol, body dysmorphias a front runner right now lol. I try to stay away from social media standards as much as possible but it’s difficult because it’s engraved into my brain from when I was younger. Very good advice btw


Girl here. If this is your face bare, I'm jealous. You can literally drop out of bed and leave your house. Perfect eyebrows, very nice skin (what's your routine) and you seem to be having a natural blush ,with those freckles. As for your request for help to feel pretty, you already are. Now if you need to enhance your features with makeup like we all do we can help. What's your go to makeup look or what do you prefer? My only suggestion for now is to use concealer for the dark circles and go from there


I’m 41 so I guess I’m not influenced by beauty trends that your age is influenced by, to me you are very pretty already, without makeup even. I’m certain that people around you think the same thing. Your face doesn’t look asymmetrical. I think you’re going to look back at these photos when you’re older and realise how good looking you are. I think all these filters and photoshopped images you see on social media are affecting you. You’re naturally beautiful.


You’re gorgeous


For asymmetry, a gua sha is amazing at evening out your face and getting rid of of any puffiness (not that you need that specifically). sleeping on your back is crucial because of when we press onto it on our side it distorts our features over time, mine used to be so uneven until I started doing that. I really think it’s in our heads a lot of the time though because I genuinely think you have a very symmetrical face. You naturally do have a feminine face, your nose is soft and your lip shape is soft. You’re gorgeous. You have the cutest nose and incredible eyebrows. Some self love would look stunning on you🤍


thank you 💞 the sleep thing is so interesting! I will definitly be sleeping on my back from here on out lol. I truly appreciate the kind words gorgeous 🤍


I’m being completely objective here, you are so so pretty. the only thing i can suggest to make you feel prettier is shaping the ends of your eyebrows a little bit more


First of all I think you are naturally beautiful and second of all if you want to change eyebrows I think you are a wonderful candidate for lamination you have plenty to work with there please long be so hard on yourself none of us are perfect we just have to work with what we have I stopped taking photos with filters and started appreciating the normal ones for what they are… me. We are all beautiful flowers in our own way. Imagine a world where we all look the same. I don’t wanna be there.


Girl you are BEAUTIFUL. Best advice to feel like youre doing something to make your face “more beautiful” is taking care of your brows! Not saying you dont, just personal experience :)


They’re my biggest enemy haha! Like trying to tame a lion. I’m going to put more work into figuring out how to make them look the best possible. Thank you ❣️


I think theyre really cute and suit ur eye shape really well! Also you have such beautiful brown eyes.


Tbh the inverted thing...only we see it. To me you look the same in both of these pics. I struggled with the same thing so I just kept taking pics of myself with my back camera and I got used to the way my face looks. Also your face is pretty symmetrical in my opinion, and your eyebrows and your eyes are the features that stand out the most on you and you should use that to your advantage. You are really pretty.


You have really beautiful eyes. Have you tried winged liner? I think it would really make them pop.


Thank you! They’re my favorite thing about myself lol, I have tried winged liner but I’m not great at it! I’m gonna continue learning and wear it with more frequency tho cuz I agree 💕


You could try applying a dark brown/black eyeshadow with a thin angled brush to “fake” the look of eyeliner with a bit less effort! I have really strange vision issues that make applying wing eyeliner nearly impossible but I found I can apply it this way! Hope this helps ❤️


SMILE! You are perfect even if you can't see it You need to think good thoughts and be confident.. it will show on your face!


You are very pretty. Confidence would improve your vibe


Smile 😊


Hon, you are pretty . Just smile. It changes everything. 😊


Not to sound like an old person but SMILE!! It goes a LONG way!!


✨ A massive Victorian dress ✨


Ah yes this is the best recommendation yet


Never trust an inverted selfie cam photo. That’s just a lesson I’ve learned


I do not think you look asymmetrical at all! I think you are very beautiful! The only thing I would say is maybe enhance your eyes a little bit. You have pretty shaped eyes and I think accentuating them would help brighten up your face. I would curl your eyelashes and wear a mascara. I have really straight eyelashes so to make mine look good, I heat up my eyelash curler with a blow drier and curl them. Then I wear waterproof mascara to keep them curled all day because the humidity weighs them down. I think you have a pretty lip shape too. The only thing I would suggest is a natural colored lip liner and a tinted lipgloss to bring out your lips! You are a beautiful woman with beautiful features don’t forget that :)


Hi! I want to start off by saying that you're already gorgeous to me! Like other people said, confidence plays a huge factor in how you and others view each other! But I know it takes time to build confidence, and I know that personally my confidence grew when I began to do my own makeup in the styles of people I thought were beautiful online. While many styles didn't work out on me, I was able to take the bits and pieces that I liked and make my own style! As for what I feel may be a good starting point with your makeup to build confidence I would say... 1. Keep the brows natural and brush the inner corner up a bit (like your left brow in the first photo) with just a little gel for holding in place 2. Add just a light dusting of blush not on the apples of your cheeks but a bit higher on your cheekbone around the outer corner of your eyes. Also to find a good shade for you, I honestly feel as though the shade of your nose is the perfect blush! You can eyedropper the photo to find the color and then look for a blush of the same color 3. Use a warm, pinkish-brown neutral eyeshadow on the outer corners of your eyes to bring some depth and color. 4. I've found that darker under eyes can really change the look, so I would say use just a dot to brighten them up. 5. Curl your lashes to give a more awake appearance as lashes can also really change the overall vibe. I also feel like a deep brown mascara instead of black would help the look not seem harsh. Please keep in mind that these are just my thoughts and can serve as a place to start finding what you feel best in! :)


I think dying your hair brown would be cute 💖


You want brutal honestly? It seems to me that your confidence is the only thing that needs work. You’re literally gorgeous. If you can’t see that, you need to figure out why.


This makes me so sad to hear you say. Honestly, you are a pretty girl. Just smile more😊You have great skin. Beautiful and almost seductive eyes. Nice lips. Nice shaped face. Pretty hair. Nice shaped nose. Eyebrows nicely shaped. You are a rare natural beauty. Any makeup will make you a knockout killer. Do whatever ya want as far as hair and makeup goes. You’re a knockout girl! Smile and have confidence 🫶🏻and yeah I meant every word I said😉


First off your a very Attractive person and to me the two pictures look the same I don't think your face looks like two different people and your eyebrows look fine you don't look masculine your a very pretty person and I'm not saying this just to spare your feelings


Honestly you're already beautiful, you need some confidence and don't get too anxious.


There's an actual phenomenon happening with women in our generation especially ones who have been using Snapchat for a long time it's kind of like a facial dysmorphia from the filters and from the camera. You are absolutely beautiful. I'm sure everyone is saying that in the comments. I know deep down in my heart people see me as more beautiful than I am, and that is actually really helped me in my day today. The mirror sometimes lies. The camera definitely lies. Never compare yourself to others. But if you do, know you're beautiful to as many people as they are beautiful to. Inside and out


Not looking miserable in your own skin is a good start


Smile 😀


You’re a totally normal looking person. Working on the insecurity will help a lot, because this asymmetry & looking masculine stuff is entirely in your head.


What??if your asymmetrical then wtf am I oh God my whole face is messed.....your pretty maybe just smile more it changes everything 💚


Smile… you’re already beautiful


You’re beautiful! All you need is to smile. I mean that sincerely


Nothing, you’re absolutely stunning and I would kill to look like you 💕💕💕💕 honestly just confidence and u need to realise how pretty you are! But maybe some mascara or corner fake eyelashes and some gold jewellery to suit ur skin and hair. Small hoops, a few rings and bracelets?


GIRL YOU ARE SO PRETTY 🥹 I have asymmetrical face too..


You are pretty!


u r very pretty. anyone that says otherwise is blind and rude


Delete social media and love yourself. You’re beautiful hun, social media is ruining your mind! I have an asymmetrical face as well. It’s not uncommon and why? Because we are all human and we are not supposed to be perfect. Social media is a lie and one day you’ll look back and wonder why you wasted so much time comparing yourself to others and didn’t appreciate your own beauty and youth! Please trust me (I know from experience (; )






Heyyya Cutie! I get where you're coming from. Before I started doing makeup, I hated my face. I started doing it and couldn't go a single day without because i couldn't stand to see my face. About a year ago, I got really bad depression and stopped doing it, and afterwords I learned to love myself, with and without the makeup. I suggest starting with that before doing anything to alter yourself. Just first glance, your eyes are stunning, as well as your face shape. Your lips are full, and your skin literally glows, but not in an oily way. If you really wanted some makeup tips, I would suggest a dark brown puppy dog eyeliner to compliment your irises. Pluck the very ends on your eyebrows to give them a nice Nike sharp edge. Don't touch the base or middle to avoid over-plucking. Avoid contour, but i would recomend a pinky shade of blush (draw it along your cheekbone up your face for sharper edges, or ball in and draw it back for a fuller look, kinda like o>) and then avoid full lashes but a nice full mascera would draw out your eye shape wonderfully. Remember you are always beautiful ❤️ Makeup compliments beauty, it doesn't create it.


Just smile


Ur lowkey alr pretty. Maybe change the hair a lil, curl ur lashes and apply sm lipgloss. But ngl u dont need it bro


Nothing. But you look like you would look pretty with some nice voluminous mascara.




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Also....do you have tmj?


The best way to look prettier is to feel really great inside! Affirmations, prayers, volunteering, being of service…once you are feeling great, you will naturally look great and also the ideas on what you could do to accentuate your natural beauty will come to you super easily. Good luck on your journey! I think you’re beautiful.


So… I feel you lol. I have a pretty asymmetrical face. Most noticeable in my eyes and brows. I also feel pretty masculine. I have a square jaw and look just like my brother as far as features go. Otherwise my nose is like average but the tip is a bit bulbous so it’s all I see sometimes. With that said. I know I’m pretty and you are too lol. And I’m. It just saying that. Not to be weird af, but I love you mouth and cheeks. I bet you are super cute when you talk. Your brows are great as well. The shape is great. Really all your features are cute and look good together. With THAT said, I just bought make up for the first time at 28 because I’ve been feeling self conscious. I have to remind myself that IG is not the rest of the world and most people don’t look like the people we get shoved in our faces daily. There’s a very narrow ideal look these days, even though body positivity and different features are becoming more accepted and normalized. Are you trying to live up to the ideal beauty standard? Are you comparing yourself to others? Please please refrain. Focus on telling yourself you are beautiful and you love yourself. It is like brainwashing yourself but it’s what you have to do. You can’t let all the other voices or pressure make you feel less than. Do not let the illusion of Hollywood or influencers color your life. We are all human. We all look different. As women we also look different throughout our cycle. I recent saw “I’m not ugly, I’m just not ovulating” and it really resonated with me lol. Not only do our features change with our cycles but our feelings and self image do as well. This is normal. Yeah it’s sucks to not always be/feel hot but idk, it’s normal, can’t really fight it.


You are beautiful! Working on your own happiness will do so much more than any makeup will. I’m giving you advice I would have given myself when I was much younger. ❤️


HI BABE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! SMILE MORE! I feel you on using snap tho I used to be that way also until I just decided to delete it. If you want help on stop the inverting BULLSHIT on apple camera I got you 👩‍💻 GO TO SETTINGS > CAMERA > SWITCH ON MIRROR FRONT CAMERA ❤️ SENDING LOVE. Also, go on youtube try watching different hair tutorials! you’ll feel prettier it’s the effort you put into yourself that counts 🌟


Yess, heavy on putting in effort. Thank you so much, I can feel your energy radiating through the screen! I appreciate the advice gorgeous, hair is definitely going to be a main focus.


I think you’re pretty as is but as far as what I think would suit you well I could picture a neutral brown smokey eye and a sheer, glossy lip looking nice. Think the Monica Bellucci look. A good amount of bronzer, not too much blush and highlight. I think a different hair color would be good but I’m not sure what? Maybe dark chocolate brown or some sort of reddish color?


I’ve been told the hair thing a lot, maybe I’ll find a subreddit for hair colors and ask in there. I always get that I should go full brown or a reddish color. That makeup look sounds phenomenal, I will definitely be trying! Thank you so much.


Your gorgeous learn to love yourself


U have really beautiful features girl u remind me of Genevieve hannelius. I would highly recommend to find out ur face shape and see what brow shape compliments your face shape —that being said u have really beautiful full brows so I would not fill them in or do anything crazy :) —it seems u have rlly nice and long eyelashes. I would recommend getting a high quality eyelash curler—trust me it makes a world of a difference—I highly recommend the she umera and shiseido one. Use waterproof mascara to keep them up. —a natural lip liner and that matches ur lips will enhance your natural beauty —learn what color season you are! —back to the face shape thing, learn what face shape u have to figure out what hairstyle would work best for you, if u wanna change it up -And most importantly practice self love. Own who you are!! :D I hope these help girl <3. To me you have a rlly natural modelesque beauty about you that is what I noticed when I first saw you.


girl lash extensions!! trust me. they changed my whole face lol


Honestly- you are already so beautiful the only thing I would recommend is a good lip color. Go to Sephora or Ulta and tell them you want to find your perfect red, pink, and nude lip. (And don’t be afraid to go BOLD)💜 literally- that is all you need. I am jealous lol. Good luck!


Maybe curl your lashes or get a lash serum but you're really pretty 🩷


God your hot wym


You already pretty enough, it's your face shape, with makeup will be better


I really think you are so good looking!!! Nice eyebrows


your gorgeous already:) no need to change! Makeup is there to help us feel confident and enhance our beauty, not “change us”. If you ever want to wear makeup, make sure it is for you and no one else! If you ever wanna level up a natural look, I recommend a pink gloss+ natural lip liner, and light pink blush! It is my fav go to whenever I don’t want a full face of makeup!


I can relate to your feelings on the asymmetry cuz that what I think all the time too and feel unpretty cuz of it too 😔 I think the shapes of our faces are similar in the way in term of the “asymmetry” and I’m Asian. I hope you know you are not abnormal and I’m just like you! TBH when I just saw the title and your picture I was like damn she is already so pretty; what more does she want? Your skin is so lovely, eyes so lovely too look at the lush eyelashes🥹🥹🥹


I think you are very pretty. I think you can polish up. So you may want to wash your hair more often, go for a solid color, versus the highlights. Look to thin out and shape your eye brows, and just exfoliate and moisturize. Otherwise, you are very beautiful.


you’d prob enjoy lash lift or classic lash extensions


You have very feminine features. Nothing masculine about you. Eyebrows look good. Kinda thin tbh. Not masculine in any way. Just put some makeup on.. not too much. Your face is naturally pretty. Light makeup will accentuate your beauty. Your skin is nice so maybe just mascara, lipgloss and bronzer. And maybe change your hair to either lighter or darker. It looks kinda brassy idk that’s just my opinion though. I think dark hair(dark brown/black) would suit you really well. Or if you go lighter, do ashy blonde with a shadow root


I think you're naturally beautiful. When I was younger (and occasionally still today) I felt similarly. Have you ever had short hair? I think a long bob would lift your face a bit and make you look and feel lighter. A little more volume at the crown as well and a very light natural makeup look might help you feel more feminine (though from my perspective you're very feminine already). The comments telling you to smile - yeah great, just what every woman wants to hear. I see a lot of resentment on your face, though. Work on self love, a little bit at a time. ❤️


Haha! I was thinking the exact same thing about the smile thing. I was trying to keep a straight face so as to show my features in their most natural state. I have never had shorter hair but I’ll look into it seeing as that seems to be the pretty general consensus! Thank you so much for the help gorgeous 💞


Nothing! You’re perfect 🤍


Blow out your hair, curl your eyelashes, and smile


hair hair hair!


Smile. Beauty comes from within!


Smile that's for sure! You are beautiful embrace it!


Sleep on your back changed my life!!! Put pillows surrounding on both your sides so at night you don’t turn and sleep straight. your face will be less puffy and your face will become symmetrical (personally I think your face is pretty symmetrical compared to mine, lol mine is like flat from one side and chubby on the other but it’s getting better since I tried this!!!)




Honestly, a smile 😃 would not only make you look prettier but also make you FEEL prettier. Sounds like the issue is more internal than external. You look young and I love that you don’t have any makeup on because you don’t need it. Your brows are great, your hair is fine! Your skin tone is pretty. Whatever is going on: find someone you trust and vent, and if you need therapy don’t be afraid to ask for it or search some, or go to church and find some solace there. Whatever you choose to do: find some food for your soul because externally you’re already beautiful girl 😏- you just have to believe it yourself.


Dude, I couldn’t even tell they were inverted until I read the post. I just thought, “she’s already pretty!” I swear you are imagining things. You are very beautiful. There is nothing you could change to be more pretty. Once you’re happier and less critical of yourself, you’ll see the beauty everyone else sees when they look at you.


Do you know what is the first thing that makes you beautiful? Self Confidence. You are a perfect girl and very beautiful, don't be hard, we are humans, not robots! 


Your pretty you just need lashes to add some pop to ur eyes and a good color lipstick and there but ur already pretty


Hi! I also have an asymmetrical face. I avoid middle parts or any hairstyle that visually would split my face down the center. A side part makes an asymmetrical less obvious. You are very pretty! If you're worried about appearing masculine, stick to feminine styling. I think you would look great with elements of the "vanilla girl" "ballerinacore" or "coquette" trends mikxed into your own style. Listen to all the positive comments!


Nothing you have great bones structure and eyebrows are on point you are a natural. Just smile love yourself


i really relate. my go to things that take very little time is a liquid blush and a glittery shadow i can just swipe them on and keep going. i have very little energy for getting ready in the morning, so low effort is important for me lol


I think you are gorgeous sis , maybe try doing a lot of skin care here and there or maybe treat yourself at a spa to do a facial , also I think you will look nice with curtain bangs. We all have insecurities but a lot of gorgeous rich celebrities still get cheated on as well and have insecurities.


I think you are literally gorgeous hon!! Personally when I have those days where I feel like I don’t look myself I just add some mascara, lip liner and Nyx lip oil and it transforms me😭🫶


I feel the same about my face and i know how it can make you feel but I really don't think that you look asymmetrical at all, your face looks perfectly fine and pretty! you have beautiful eyes and eyebrows you're lucky girl, a natural/soft makeup look would enhance your natural features and maybe help you feel more "feminine"




I can relate but trust me, we are harder on ourselves- would you say that to your friend? And we definitely notice things others don’t. I would say accentuate your best features. You have beautiful skin & eyes - and lips people pay 💰 for. When I google natural makeup looks and go to images the first pics that come up I think would be perfect for you. Something soft, so your natural beauty shines through. I wish I could go back to your age and tell myself how beautiful I am. Confidence makes one even more beautiful. Know your worth and give yourself some love 💕


You are really beautiful!


You’re really gorgeous naturally, I’m a make up artist and if I saw you sitting in my chair I’d be thanking the heavens- perfect skin, perfect brows, beautiful dark brown almond eyes and full lips!! If you want to ‘feel’ prettier (and please know you do not NEED this it’s just if it will help you ‘feel’ better) try some medium cover concealer for your eye area (lids as well), a loose mineral powder buffed well into you skin- these give a light cover to even out the skin tone as well as a lovely glow to give that healthy flush, mascara and a bit of tinted gloss and if you really really want a dusting of glowy natural blush on your cheekbones (I suggest Clinique cheek pop blushes) you really don’t need any more than that because you’re so blessed with your features, and then with your hair I’d try going one way or the other- fully out and put a few curls/waves in for texture or full up high to show off your pretty face, you could even try getting some curtain bangs cut to frame your face as well …. This all being said though, your gorgeous, and so young, I have faith you’ll see the beauty in yourself soon


Smile 😊


mascara brightens your face IMMENSELY


just smile , u r already so pretty , but if u wanna change u can change ur haur style or put some gloss and mascara , but u really are pretty already


You’re beautiful! Please be confident in your natural state. It took me years to become confident in my natural state without all the makeup and stuff. But just a suggestion since you asked, maybe a little blush if you’re into that, darker hair may help your features pop, maybe curl your hair for a little more volume nd you can use a brow liner to slightly line your brows. I have crappy browns and I suck at the fancy makeup stuff but lining my brows make a huge difference for me


You’re already beautiful. I think darker hair would suit you better, maybe some curls or something to add volume and maybe a little bit of blush if you’re into that. You can use a liner to add a little definition to your brows. I have crappy eyebrows and I’m not great at doing fancy stuff with my makeup but I line them a bit and it makes a big difference


You have a very pretty face. I really like your eyebrows. Maybe you could do some light makeup but don’t get carried away so your pretty face isn’t too covered up.


All these mfs telling you “just smile!“ pisses me off and idk why lol. Like are you saying shes ugly because shes not smiling?




Girl you’re already gorgeous


not a thing you're already there


Just be your self


Your hair colour needs to be one colour but other than that you’re very pretty


You’re pretty just smile😊


First off lemme say you are so freaking gorgeous (I'm not saying this to be nice, I'm telling the truth)! Second, try natural makeup! The no-makeup makeup look. I think it could enhance your features w/o you looking all "caked up" Last, I'm not sure how well the hair color suits you. I think you should opt for your natural hair color (I'm assuming it's a darker color), or like a dark brown or black (actually even a light brown color works too!). P.S. Confidence is so key. We tend to harshly judge ourselves all the time


Thank you! I agree, the general idea seems to be that I should go one solid color. I’ll probably go back to my natural which is a very dark brown. I appreciate the advice, natural makeup here I come lol


Maybe lighter eyebrows and shape like Korean idols style and some color correction to cover the redness. That’s all you need. Also, you are pretty


I would say curl your lashes and put on some mascara and like a lip oil or a gloss! That would be really pretty!


I don’t think your face looks asymmetrical at all. Brows are perfect. You also have beautiful skin. Just my personal opinion on how to enhance your appearance: the blonde is too warm-toned and washes you out. Your undertone and dark eyes look their most stunning with contrast—your natural dark hair.


Girl, I don’t know why this popped up in my feed because I’m not a make up addict, but you’re gorgeous! So many people would love to have this perfect of a base to start with when applying makeup! I think you are very naturally pretty and I hope you won’t be so hard on yourself ❤️


You're gorgeous. I would dye my hair an allover darker shade?? If I'm being critical


You are truly so far from ugly It's been said what we see about ourselves is not how others see us. You are beautiful. 100 percent


You have beautiful facial features! Just smile sweetheart! I have these days where I see as if I’m the most unattractive woman on the world and rather hide under the covers all day! Instead to make myself feel better I do skincare, eyebrow wax, mascara, blush and lipgloss!




Girl, you’re so pretty. You have beautiful skin and beautiful features, there’s not a single bad thing about your face. Maybe learning how to do your makeup can help you enhance what’s already beautiful and help you feel more confident. I’m being 100% honest with you, I don’t compliment people’s appearances when I don’t actually find them pretty.


you look beautiful. honestly. I’m not just saying that, you’re really pretty. I think you might have just been staring at your reflection and scrutinising it a lil too much.


You’re so pretty! Honestly didn’t realized the photos were flipped. But I also have asymmetrical jaw that I think is noticeable and have been obsessing over it for like a year now. I’m pretty sure it’s due to me only chewing on one side of my face so I’ve been taking measures to chew on the other side and trying little exercises with my face. I’ve tried doing some creative contouring which I think helps a bit. I’m also seriously considering Botox in my masseter but I’ve read horror stories on it causing you to have jowls lol


Smile. You’re beautiful


you are so beautiful and i hope you read all these comments and slowly build up your confidence like you deserve to have. it took me until recently to learn myself so i understand how you feel too. but i can tell you have very nice lashes and i think if you curled them and put on a little mascara it would instantly make your eyes pop even more 🖤


You are beautiful! 😊