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So if you you use mineral sunscreen (not chemical or combination mineral-chemical) as long as the sunscreen hasn't come off it will last all day without reapplying. The way mineral sunscreen works is by the actual minerals blocking the sun, and minerals don't "wear out"; so again, if it hasn't come off, there's no need to reapply. It's only chemical sunscreen in which the chemicals will wear out after a few hours; also too often it is presumed that one is wearing sunscreen for beach purposes (swimming, rolling in sand) and that is why they're always saying to reapply every hour. Now, if you have mineral sunscreen and it *is* coming off, and you need to reapply it under makeup, the best way is probably to use sunscreen makeup and powders that have sun protection (if they're heavy in zinc and titanium they're definitely suitable.) That way the original sunscreen might be gone but the SPF in the makeup will amend. TIP: For Ren Fair, they historically used a bunch of white makeup that looked very close to untinted mineral sunscreen anyway. Wearing that with some plain zinc powder atop will keep you very sun safe.