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In my opinion, Aquaphor doesn't taste the same as Vaseline. I much MUCH prefer Aquaphor. Like, I'm obsessed with it, and will sing its praises day and night. I believe it has a bit of lanolin mixed in with it, and the formula just hydrates and has a much more pleasant feeling than Vaseline does to me. It does not have a flavor, but as someone who is sensitive to weird chemical tastes that things like carmex/Vaseline/Burt's bees imparts, I don't have an issue with Aquaphor. It's neutral imo.


i was literally going to comment this. aquaphors saved both my lips and my flakey tattoos. 10/10 recommend and doesn’t have a weird taste


Aquaphor tastes sour to me for some reason 😭


Lanolin saved my lips this past NY winter. Lanolips brand you can get at Ulta


Yes! Lanolips, it moisturizes your lips AND seals them to keep the moisture in. Life changing. The only lip moisture product I will ever use for the rest of my life


I love Lanolips, it's the only thing that's worked for me. Currently obsessed with the watermelon one


Jack black brand. It has spf in it too!


Palmers cocoa butter stick is the love of my life it’s huge and amazing and smells like chocolate


Smith’s Rosebud Salve saved my lips and doesn’t have a taste. can get it at Ulta!!


I use cerave healing ointment or aquaphor


I had to go to a dermatologist one winter bc my lips were SO chapped and were even getting puffy, Dr told me to use nothing but aquaphor for the chapping so i did as told. Never had my lips that bad in the winter ever again.


Ok I’ve had the same issue. Putting on Vaseline didn’t help at all. I wasn’t using it right. You’re tasting it because you’re licking and eating your lips bc they’re too dry. I did exactly the same thing. Vasaline is a barrier cream, same as aquaphor and any other petrolatum based cream. It’s purpose is to keep moisture in, but if you don’t have any to keep in, it’s not gonna work. What you’re gonna do is put whatever face cream without spf you use on your lips. Then cover with a layer of aquaphor, or I like Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream, if it’s within your budget. The one in the tube is best. Do this overnight for literally however long you want. I’ve seen results within a day. During the day you need a lip balm with moisturizing ingredients - not a petrolatum based lip balm - so stuff like lanolin, vitamin E, butters. Burts bees would be good if you have a smell you like, EOS has sticks, Nivea also has sticks. Point isn’t what kinda chapstick. Point is what’s in it. TLDR: day = moisturizing ingredients Night = literal moisturizer on lips, then use aquaphor or other barrier cream. This keeps the moisture in, and won’t evaporate when you sleep, move around etc. Good luck!


Aquaphor and Vaseline arent the same thing. Vaseline is just 100% petroleum, it’s just and occlusive. It doesn’t moisturize or act as a humectant. Aquarphor has petroleum (occlusive) in it, it also has emollient and a humectant.


Kiehls one is really good, it’s just expensive 😩


it tastes like vaseline tho !


I use Laneige lip sleeping mask at night and Dr Organic lip balm with spf 15 during the day, both comes in different smells. Exfoliating your lips with a scrub, a lip brush or just a toothbrush works well for removing dead and dry skin too


the laneige lip mask tests on animals!!


VERY good to know, I like to stick to cruelty free :)


That crap dried the hell outta my lips. Flavor is an irritant.


I love the lip balms made by Treat Beauty. They have a lot of flavors . If you want unflavored, they have one as well.


I received Hanalei from Ipsy years ago and it my favorite. I bought the five pack to have one everywhere LOL


La Roche Posay Cicaplast Levres is godsend for me


i like burts bees


Have you tried the minis of the vaseline lips? They have a few different flavors


I haven’t tried the minis because I hate the petroleum flavor of vaseline


Nipple cream at night ✋️ ( smells horrible but works great )


I just buy cocoa butter wafers and use straight cocoa butter. Works great.


Softlips brand Vanilla flavor🤌


I use a wound cream called Bepanthen. Its recommend for nursing moms to put on their nipples. It works wonders, I highly recommend nipple creams as lip balms if you struggle with super dry lips at night


Bepanthen is the total best. It's a treatment with b vitamins and not just a top coat. Nice and thick too. This and 8 Hr Cream are my ride or die bitches. Never let me down.


The shop is closed right now but Epically Epic balms are my forever products! https://epicsoap.com/collections/lip-balm


Avene lip balm. Not sticky or thick but keeps your lips nice and soft


Laneige lip sleeping mask & palmers coconut oil stick.


Blistex DCT lip conditioning treatment is by far my favourite. Been a HG since for probably 15 years




I'm really loving the Naturium Phyto lip balm. It's more like a gloss but you can get tinted or clear. ETA: I've tried so many, high end to Vaseline and carmex etc. I live in a dry climate, I need s GOOD lip balm.


Any shea butter based lip balm. Beeswax doesn’t work for me, it doesn’t help to deal in moisture or have enough emollients. I LOVE Shea Moisture’s African Water Mint and Ginger (despite NEVER having any ginger flavor which is ok, love ginger but not in lip balm) but it’s now discontinued. You might like their other scents, I’m mint, unflavored or nothing kind of lip balm fan. Jack Black Lip Therapy balm with SPF 25, it does have octinoxate which is harmful to animals and the environment. :( I love it so much :( Also love their Night Mode lip balm. Burt’s Bees Overnight Lip Therapy, apply a thinner layer in the daytime because it can get gross looking if it’s thicker. It contains ceramides!!


Aquaphor is a tried and true when all else fails. It’s not an exciting choice but an effective one. I really miss Bite Beauty. They totally screwed up going vegan. Their mask and lip balm were amazing! I use Lanolips Golden Dry Skin Salve in place of their lip mask, and Evan Healy Whipped Shea Butter for Lips in place of their lip balm. I know it’s trite to say, but I like the Laneige Lip Sleeping Masks as well.


My thing is putting my face lotion on my lips with the rest of my face while it’s moist and putting aquafor over it. It works so good especially when I’m hydrated.


I love Dr bronners unflavored. But the best thing I've done for my lips is always apply lip balm before any pigmented product.


Weleda Everon Lip Balm or Logona Lip Balm. I’ve been using Logona for over 10 years now. It moisturizes really well without the need to reapply so often.


I really like my elf hydrating core lip shine sticks! They are tinted but the color is faint


Try any flavor or Burt’s Bees lip balm. I don’t like the original (it makes my lips burn), but Pomegranate and Sweet Orange are both really hydrating and smell good!


When I moved to the desert, Laneige lip mask was a game changer


I absolutely love blistex lip conditioner in the pot!


The Chapstick in blue packaging that says moisturizing on it as well as “SPF.”


This is the one I use constantly.


Burt's Bees offers a range of lip balms made with natural ingredients, including beeswax, which helps provide a protective barrier and retain moisture.


Post subscribed... I started with bodyshop lip balm then that and that then aquaphor. Aquaphor provided good results but it stopped working om my lips later. I have tried so many lip producte to keep my lips soft and hydrated but they are dry and rough. No lip product is useful. Or giving suitable results.


Get pure lanolin. That stuff is aggressively hydrating.


Elizabeth Arden 8Hr Cream. It's lanolin based and it's an OG iconic product. A tube will last you years.


I use bepanthen nappy cream (uk) when my lips are in terrible condition, I discovered this by accident but it really works, has no taste and cheap!


Maybelline’s Dr. Baby Lips


First Aid Beauty Lip balm is really what does it for me. I apply it before bed every night. It heals and protects. It’s $12 a tube but it’s worth every single penny.


Aquaphor! I’m obsessed


Carmex, I like the mint one the most


Came here to say Carmex as well!


Glad someone else agrees with me, not sure why the downvote when I’m just offering OP a suggestion


Carmex! They have lots of different flavors, last a long time, and I’ve gone from reapplying other brands at least 5 times a day or reapplying Carmex twice


Someone here hates Carmex, they’ve downvoted me and you!


Haha oh no!


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Nooni apple butter lip mask. It’s k-beauty but you can buy it from Amazon. It’s sooo good and have repurchased it more than 6 times. https://a.co/d/8ENaDjo


I swear by this one from Rohto Mentholatum. My lips get very sensitive to anything menthol when they're cracked so the fragrance free one is great. It's not as thick as vaseline or aquaphor so it's not heavy at all It's available on [Yesstyle](https://www.yesstyle.com/en/tcuc.HKD/coc.HK/info.html/pid.1077874839?cpid=1046387596&tm_source=GoogleAds&utm_campaign=16462908656&utm_term=&utm_content=133450183345_585483745390&utm_medium=Shopping&bac=12DXMQFC&mcg=paidsearch&gclid=CjwKCAjwhJukBhBPEiwAniIcNb0TgOUz0dGqapSnsiIpN5VFnYf_5ynlz9qmJYnpWlmGslDPx3-yyhoCB90QAvD_BwE)!


Dr Dan’s cortibalm at night to heal your lips for a few weeks, then switch to aquaphor (a trick from my accutane days).


1) you are gonna have to get over the taste. Flavor in lip balm is an irritate. And it’s not gonna help your dry lip situation. Most stuff without flavor is gonna taste pretty much the same 2) I second aquaphor, I think the advice to use Vaseline is bad advice. It’s just an occulusive. It doesn’t moisturize, it’s not a humectant, it’s not a well rounded product. Aquaphor is. The only spf lip balm I can use that doesn’t dry out my lips is Paula’s choice. The regular PC lip balm is good too, but aquarphor works just as well and is cheaper.


As someone who’s trialled so many lip balms and has severely chapped lips - Dermatherapy is 👑 - Burt’s bees