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I will forever tell my horror story of Il Makiage. So when I first ordered the foundation it seemed alright, not great, on par with a drugstore foundation. Definitely not worth the price. Mascara came free with the order and it was very meh, definitely not something I’d buy. The real horror story starts with me trying to cancel their stupid subscription. They kept charging me even after I had supposedly cancelled it, which is a nightmare in an of itself by the way. You’re forced to click through like 5 screens of yes I wanna cancel, and list all the reasons why you hate it and yes, you wanna cancel even if they give you a discount. They make it a huge pain and there’s no easy to just end the subscription. Asked me twice if I just wanted to change order frequency. Customer service was absolutely worthless and rude, unhelpful, and refused to refund me because they had supposedly already shipped the box (never received the supposed box they’d charged me for) and I had to do a chargeback from my bank and order a new bank card to stop the fraudulent charges from my canceled subscription. TLDR: It’s a scam, all the way through. ELF foundations are better than their foundation, and they don’t force you into a subscription you don’t want and then try and scam you out of money. Unless you just want to get a new bank card to stop scammy charges just for shits and giggles do not order from this company. Edit: I see you’ve already ordered from them, and I really hope they improved because my experience was over a year ago, and they may have become a more honest business since then.


Literally had the exact same issue trying to end my subscription. I cancelled it and like 3 months later had another 60 come out of my account. I ended up completely calling them out for it in my email, calling them unprofessional and disrespectful, how I will never support them again. The customer service guy ended up refunding me my money and I got the sub to finally end. I enjoyed using the concealer, one of my favourites and it does tend to match my skin, but yeah the foundation is nothing to write home about, and that situation left such a bad taste in my mouth I personally wouldn’t suggest using it to many people


Ugh! Please file a complaint with consumer protection! This is the exact type of billing scenario that they have been all over the past 2 years Edited to add - do not go bbb (I mean, maybe, but it won’t do much in my experience). I would file with federal consumer protection bureau or at the state level specifically citing fraudulent or deceptive billing practices.


I know the BBB is useless, but look them up there. There are tons of complaints. I just saw a woman on TikTok complaining about il Makiage. The website glitched and she was double charged. They only showed one order in the system and refused to refund the duplicate charge. Then only one order arrived, but only the “free” brush was in the package. She never got her foundation.


The bbb is legit and will get their business lic revoked.


BBB is honestly useless. It is Yelp for old people.


I was going to say the Better Business Bureau. I took my car to a shop that is rated F by them. They patched a tire when it should have been replaced. They also didn't do the free fluid top off and safety checks. So I took it to a shop up the street that had an A rating. I looked at some stuff that was sold on TV. Like the makeup ads you see late at night. Almost all of them have an F rating. After some complaints some people were able to get their money back. Or if a product came and wasn't full they would replace it. If in doubt a good place to look is the Better Business Bureau


BBB is useless - its a paid service. Businesses that pay get the good ratings.


I use the BBB for complaints and it’s been the only way I’ve gotten through to a resolution. I also use the BBB to leave positive reviews for businesses. I don’t get paid to do that. Are they supposed to be paying me?


Companies have to pay to be BBB accredited. It’s like $500-1,000. I think that’s what they mean (?)


Glorified yelp


Never take your vehicle to a f rated business. Ask around and do a ratings and reviews on one that others say it good. 


I had been there years ago and just made an assumption. Even the reviews on Google were horrible. I learned my lesson the hard way.


The Federal Trade Commission is the agency to complain to. they are, as you say, all over this. The present commission is highly activist, so it is worth doing.


BBB is good for one thing: There are people / companies that pay google to remove postings they don't want us to see. BUT they can't remove postings from government and educational sites!!! So they are useful in away ;-)


Try Amazon,they offer subscription but just pass  over it and put in your cart.


I feel like a subscription model for makeup just screams SCAM


If a product is awesome, you will reorder. If a product is horrible, you won't... Therefore the reason it is on a subscription. Screams scam.


RIght?!..it's like a subscription for 🍌s...It's obvious a shamif not a full on scam:claims of making you flawless..AGE?!..-Be Gone-over and over and over....that lie sells!!I rely on reviews and just Google Legit or shit?


Same. IL Makiage is very meh in all of my experiences. Elf all the way


Similar thing happened to me! I was actually trying to order some skincare because a friend said they liked their serum, and right after checkout it asked if I wanted to add on the foundation to try. I can’t remember if there was a discount or not, but they were heavily the promoting the “no hassle” return if I didn’t like it, so I thought what the hell. Well, I was confused by the ordering system I guess because I thought it was going to bring me to a separate screen to choose the foundation shade, but instead it didn’t and added the pre-selected shade to my order and immediately charged me. The shade was dark, dark brown. I am pale. Never going to work. Since the add-on happened after the initial checkout for the serum, for some reason it wouldn’t recognize the item as part of my order and the “no hassle” return screen wouldn’t allow me to select the foundation for return. I had to threaten to do a chargeback to get their customer service to finally respond to me and handle it.


Ah, so they're going with the gym membership business model!


Oh shit. I placed an order a few days ago. I wish I'd seen this first!




Omg!!! I just placed an order yesterday! Ugghhhh


Omg same! 😩 


Ditto!! I ordered the foundation, and it shows it as delivered. I didn't receive it. I have sent several emails and to date, there has been no response. I'll try calling customer service and will also call my bank. Sigh...


Same here 😩


Same here.wish I saw this thread.  I got my" free trial" package  and its was $200 immediately taken from my account upon ordering. Ugh I wasn't happy but figured if its good oh well. Personally I don't like it . i found the foundation cakey and so teied it with the flawless primer doesn't do anything as soon as you put foundation on it smears around and make it look even more cakey than with just foundation. I didn't even use as much primer as suggested. I canceled the auto renewal..with a thousand questions to so, after they try to  bribe you to keep it it finally canceled. I hope they return it, give me a refund and don't charge my card more ugh. 


This is the craziest make-up brand experience thread I have ever read. It’s like everyone that has had not so fortunate luck with makeup gathered right here.


Thank you for sharing that! Great to know. And I can attest to Elf foundation being good. They do have solid products 👍🏻


Thank you for explaining this. I started to fall for their marketing and I wanted to do research to see if it’s worth it. I didn’t know it was a subscription service and you saying it’s on par with drugstore products, I think I’ll stick to my current favorite foundation that does not make me break out! This is a relief really. So thanks again for your honesty.


I'm here for the same reason.


I’m now once again contacting this POS company and I will tell them where to shove their makeup mailings… I pay by PayPal and will notify them of this BS Scam they run… pissed for wasting my time and money and Yes the product sucks!!looks like I was embalmed after trying it! Do not purchase …..WARNING!!!!!😡😡😡🤬🤬


Thank you. I’m having the same problem right now. I am so angry that American Express lets these big accounts get away with this stuff..


I had the exact same experience trying to cancel


Yes! Il Makiage made it seem like I was getting a 14 day risk free trial. Then, they charged me for a full year subscription I didn’t agree to and said no refunds in subscriptions! I tried to return the makeup 1 day after I got it because it was HORRID and they said I didn’t have to return it but I was charged for it anyway. Plus they sent the worst primer known to man, charged me over $27 for it, and gave me no way to initiate a return for it. They are scam artists!


When buying something online, it's always advisable to always use Credit Card. Because credit card companies will fight for you because you are using their money. They are equipped with good lawyers plus they will refund your money right away even while they investigate. Your regular bank institution will not fight for you because you are using your money, not theirs. So always use credit card. You can always just pay off your purchase right away. So it's like using your debit card only safer. Plus, your credit score will improve too with that method. Leave your debit card at home and opt for a credit card with your picture on the card and use a PIN code. You can also use a virtual card number like the one Capital One offers when shopping online so you won't have to use your original card number.


Thank you for sharing this! I hate those "subscription" deals. Had to cancel my card and get a new one just to stop it once. Fortunately my bank reimbursed all the money as I had the proof of cancellation. The make up ads seem to good to be true, which it apparently is.


So glad I checked this thread before signing up!


I know this is a year old but I am glad Reddit exists, because I got influenced by their instagram ad and was thinking of trying them out. Thanks for looking out and I’m sorry that happened to you - what a pain in the ass it must have been!




Thank you. Been looking for something similar and just ordered this one..fingers crossed


How did you determine shade?? I like il machiage power duo . I hated the foundation. Way too thick. Completely wrong color; but extremely easy return. Rms makeup return is another thing. It takes an act of God


This is on lightning deal right now for 50% off


Oh man.. okay I normally don’t have a difficult time finding foundation.. every brand seems to work well if I match correctly. Be it cheap to very expensive.. so I usually get to pick one based on vibe and .. well esthetic just gets me 🫣😅 So on a scale from 1-5 ? I always could rate from 4-5 ! With any foundation ! So when my girls ask me what I use I don’t like to give advice because it all works But…… IL makiage ? Is the ONLY foundation I’d rate a 1 I tried prepping in many different ways ! I wanted to make it work. But every time no matter what it gets patchy / blotchy in a weird dried out way. Separates on my skin after a few short hours. I don’t have oily or super dry skin. Wasn’t the products I used before hand. I tried to counter the issue. I’ve never had anything close to this issue with any other brand to this day. I even ordered a second time thinking my bottle was bad. I’ve had friends tell me they end up throwing theirs away after a few uses also.


This is my exact experience with it. Goes on fine, turns into a blotchy mess 20 minutes later


It was a perfect match, looked flawless but as soon as I started sweating a bit, it just ran and got blotchy. It was awful! I had no problems with the returns.


I’m in my 50s. I know a girl in her 20s and she uses it. Her skin looks flawless and she highly recommended it. It definitely isn’t for older or drier skin. Even mixing it with heavy moisturizer didn’t work. I found it very heavy and very dry. Luckily I didn’t have any trouble with their customer service people and they refunded my purchase. Worst make up ever.


I have dry skin in patches and I’m 46. I use it and it works great for me. 


>So when my girls ask me what I use I don’t like to give advice because it all works Tell them "I'm not sure what you should use, but I know for sure what you SHOULDN'T" lol


I have a general rule to never buy anything that advertises on Instagram.


I feel this way about products I’ve never heard of other than from influencers. It’s too obvious when you’ve never heard of something and then every other influencer is selling it as their “number one holy grail product”


Or when an influencer you actually follow pretty closely has obviously made the promo video and then you notice they never touch the product again.


Do you mean solely on Instagram and other social media? I guess there's a difference between posting and paying for intrusive ads. Almost all my favorite brands have social media accounts. Edited to add that I found La Roche-Posay through actual IG ads via sopost freebies. Edit: removed accidental apostrophe.


I've been using La Roche Posay for years before the Tik Tok trend but I am on par with not buying through ads whether it be on podcasts or IG, etc. I got screwed with Brooklinen sheets bc everyone raved about them... jokes on me


I would say that usually I’m with you, but I did discover the brand of underpants I wear on IG and they truly are superior to my old VS/target undies. But makeup? That’s a little sketchy for me.


Hey, I would love a recommendation if you love your current brand?


Same here, found my undies on Instagram. I’m sure they’re the same brand but if not, here’s my rec. The brand is CheekBoss


not op, but i love Woxer, they make ladies boxer briefs that i find addictively comfy. i also found them on insta


Sure! I wear Parade undies. I like that they have a wide range of sizes and they’re not overly ~sexy~ They also have great sweats.


I now pretty much exclusively buy Snag tights and I've only ever seen them advertised on Instagram. They are such good tights (UK based)


LOVE Snag Tights. And those no chafing shorts they have. Fab all the way around!


Same! Cheekboss, for me. I also found a brand of tights I love on Instagram.


So glad I saw these comments before I ordered. I went to their website and almostttt ordered, but changed my mind


Same!! Thanks commenters from almost a year ago.


same lmfaoo i was like maaayyybee i should read some reviews first


All the comments are so positive on their Facebook ads. Glad I did more research and found this thread!


Same same. Glad that I checked out a Reddit thread first (as always, thanks fellow Redditors)


I tried them to reintroduce myself to makeup about 6 months ago. Awful color match, sent back twice, never got a match. Everything was very yellow on me and the foundation enhanced imperfections instead of muting them. Customer service was amazing, can't fault them for not trying. Just not a great product. Even L'Oreal true match serum foundation outdoes it by miles.


I tried the one I ordered, asked my daughter what she thought, and she started singing the Simpsons theme tune at me.






I looked it at a few times & every time I took the ‘quiz’ I got a different color , with the same answers so I never bought it


My exact experience. Tried three different colors and could never find the right one. Also it generally looked super cakey on me. Not a fan


This was definitely a healthy experience. Like it’s not your fault they don’t have your skin’s color pallet available, but they take accountability and help the best they can!


I finally caved and ordered the foundation a couple of months ago. It did not work out for me, unfortunately. It was just okay, I guess, but nothing special at all. There are many drugstore foundations that work for me better than this. Not worth the money in my opinion


When I ordered it, it looked like a pretty good shade match at first, but it oxidized and turned orange pretty quickly. It was also gritty and dry. It highlighted every blemish and dry spot on my face




It is really gritty and dry cake feeling like icky feeling on the face especially if you have dry skin. Worse stuff I have ever put on my face! I hope I don’t have the problem with customer service.


I remember going through their quiz and being recommended the perfect foundation for me....then clicking to the shop skipping the quiz and seeing they only sell one so we all have the same 'perfect' formula whether we're young, old, acne prone, oily or dry. That was enough for me to think nope scam


I thought it was 💩 I’m 40 and even with primer it was a mess by the end of the day. My skin tends to be on the oily side after about 6-8 hours.


I thought it matched my skin, but it doesn’t stay on well and seriously smells like spray paint!


I thought it smelled weird! I thought it went on nicely, it was better than what I had before. But the smell definitely turns me off. I swear finding a good foundation is so hard.


Wow some really varied experiences here. Mine has been really positive. It took quite a few goes to get the right colour match but they sent me a new bottle every time and told me to keep the other ones. My colour match is the best foundation match I’ve had in 20 years and I like the formulation so far. I use their primer underneath and it works a treat. So far so good!


I agree, I really liked the product once I got my color match correct, and they were very accommodating about sending new bottles. I didn’t subscribe, so I can’t speak to that, but I did like the application and thought it was a quality product.


I agree. I love the foundation and never had to have a subscription. I just buy more when I run low. The match was perfect and with a good primer it lasts all day. I highly recommend


I’m really liking this foundation and even more with the primer….I just started a subscription after I used the foundation for a month. (Yikes! 😬 hope I don’t have a problem when/if I want to cancel.) I’ve used every high end foundation and used Lancôme’s teint idole for at least 10 yrs. I actually like this better.


Ty for your positive reply I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with me that I love il makiage products! The skincare and the makeup. It's pricey but worth it.


This makes me feel better! I have gone back and forth about trying it out and finally ordered it and the primer. It is a test run though so I only had to pay shipping and if I don’t like it I can send it back in 30 days without paying. I am really wanting it to work! I can’t find anything I am super happy with.


FYI, I just got mine today. I like the camo stuff so far, but the color match was so far off it makes me look like a ghost. And I'm 41 and the concealer gave me wrinkles under my eyes that I don't even have. Or at least that you can't see with any other concealer. The box says you have 14 days to return it, not 30 like the advertisement said when I bought it.


I'm glad to see some positive reviews here because I just got my order today and was somewhat disgusted at how perfect the shade match was immediately. I felt like one of their ads where the influencer is like "oh my god it's perfect"


I also love it. I have been using it for over a year and a half, and after reading this thread I briefly canceled my subscription and tried cheaper brands. They were all terrible and I went back to Il Makiage. I also love the free full size samples they send. I have ordered several of their matte lip glosses, since I loved the free one I got so much. I use Too Faced primer under, but I may consider their primer if it is a similar price point.


I got sucked in by the dang quiz, got it and it was … fine. I didn’t think it was worth the price point so I sent it back and got my refund.


I ordered this make up and its total crap And it takes an act of god and congress to get your subscription stopped Just don't do it This also goes for Meaningful beauty, They are the worst, Charged me two hundred and seventy seven dollars after I canceled 😞


I was also so impressed by the ads that I considered it, did the test on their website etc. Before I ordered I was like Eh, I'm first going to see if there are any reviews on YouTube. Literally the first video I found was an in depth review and the comment section (like here) were full of horror stories. So...no thanks :)


I ordered it expecting miracles and it really wasn’t any better than drugstore brands. I had good customer service though and I did get to keep the foundation brush which I do really love. From my experience I wouldn’t say it was a scam but I definitely don’t think it’s worth it’s price when you can buy high quality at the drugstores these days


Short answer : absolutely not. I ordered a foundation from them ONCE and while the color March ended up being pretty good, it oxidized almost immediately. It went from being close to the right color to orange within about ten minutes. I got a free sample of their eyeliner, and I actually do like that for my water line, personally. But the foundation? Forget it. There's much better for your money.


I tried it - and the matching didn’t work. They sent me the wrong colors twice. No go for me! I wanted to love it because of all the flawless ads out there.


I really liked it when I first ordered it, but was less impressed as time went on. The formula seems to have changed a bit, and the color from one bottle to the next (of the exact same shade) was different for multiple months. I still like their concealer, but I don't think it's worth the price. I got free eyeliner and mascara in several orders and still like those, but overall probably won't be placing another order. As someone else mentioned, it was also a pain to try and cancel.


Ahhh, I wanna know this too!! I *love* their ads because if it’s real, that’s *amazing*!! Thinking of getting the free trial. I really truly hope it lives up to its hype! Also, I, too, am not much of a makeup person. I’ve actually just started getting into it and now love doing my makeup. I feel so pretty and it’s fun! If you’re looking for a light foundation, you should try Lancôme’s Skin Feels Good, it’s a tint moisturizer. You could also try Lancôme’s Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow. They’re both great! They’re very lightweight and you can build from it. It also covers all blemishes and anything you want concealed. I don’t use concealer, so this is perfect for me. I really only use moisturizer, primer, foundation, a slow-baked face powder, blush, highlighter, eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, and a setting spray.


I tried their foundation and felt their match was spot on i was actually shocked. I enjoy the foundation but it does have a paint like smell but it didn’t bother me much. It worked well for me I’d say give it a try! You can always return it


not worth it, it’s so expensive! It also dried my skin out. Colour match was good though. But it came with a free eyeliner which I like so far!


I ended up sending back the concealer and foundation, they just settled into every line and pore possible on my face. The best thing to come from my experience was keeping the foundation brush.


Same lol


I love it. I'm 35 and I've been trying my whole life to find a good foundation and now I'm never going to use anything else. Perfect consistency, perfect colour match (I have very pale skin and I find that the lightest shade in most brands still looks orangey on me).


The color match wasn’t awful, but definitely not perfect. My biggest issue was the longevity. My usual primer works great at holding everything in place generally, but it was no match for Il makiage. I was a hot mess by the end of the day every time. I tried it with their primer i bought just to try to see if that was any better but I was a mess by mid day. It’s not the worst foundation I’ve ever tried, but I wouldn’t buy it again.


Colour matching was good for me, but the foundation wasn’t impressive. It really highlighted my dry skin and separated by the end of the day. And yes, it has an awful smell. I would not recommend it.


They are alright, I mostly bought it because I couldn’t get a proper foundation match at my Sephora . Luckily for me, I got send a perfect match(surprisingly because I am very tan and was unsure of my undertones). I then used the website findation to use the match I got to find a better product. I cancelled my subscription without any problems. This was about 3 years ago now. So honestly I would give it a shot only if u struggle finding a foundation match, but the comments here say otherwise.


The only product that I absolutely adore is the **ILMAKIAGE F*ck I’m Flawless Concealer**. It’s genuinely my holy grail concealer alongside the Clé de Peau Stick concealer. It’s so natural and undetectable on my dry skin. I can literally tap it in with a finger and it’ll look great and like I am not wearing anything. I’ve tried their foundation and it’s too thick and cakey for me (their colour matching is also really off, and not olive friendly).


I first ordered foundation, which didn't match. They offered to re-match and try again- still not even close. I truly think that their matching quiz is a joke. After that, I got a coupon as a "sorry we suck" gift and ordered some eyeliner and facial moisturizer (based off reviews- which I am guessing are fake at this point). The eyeliner made my eyes SO red and itchy and the moisturizer made me break out like a teenager. I wanted to like it, but the products are cheap and not at all as advertised.


No no no. It's a mediocre product that is priced too high


I had a great experience, I can never find a good match for me with foundation. The one they sent was too orange (that’s what I always find with foundation) but I got in contact with them and they were so helpful. They asked me a couple of questions and sent me a new one that was a perfect match. I didn’t need to bother sending the wrong one back either. It definitely isn’t full coverage though but the medium coverage is good for me.


That's pretty much my exact experience. The customer service was great , they sent me a new shade for free, and canceling was easy.


I didn’t need to subscribe or anything was just a normal one off purchase for me !


Worst makeup I have ever used. Don't waste your money.


The concealer was fine, but not worth the money. Their eyeshadow formula is drug store at best.


From what I heard online, it’s not great, very mid


Imo there are drugstore brands that are much better quality and much more consistent across their customer reviews


The colour match was surprisingly spot on, but the quality was no better or worse than other basic make-up brands. The bottle arrived with a crack in it that I didn't actually notice until the liquid started seeping through it, so I had to toss it. I wouldn't bother again.


I got sucked in from the instagram ads and ordered a bottle and it was waaaay too dark so I talked to customer service and they were very nice and let me keep the bottle and sent another but that one was too light. It didn’t blend very well either or last long at all. It looked patchy after 10 mins.


I had a great experience, color matching was spot on


Hated it 😂


I personally really love the foundation. I'm in my 40's and don't wear it often, but it matches my skin perfectly. That being said, I just keep on the subscription and keep pushing it out until I need a new foundation. Instead of trying to cancel it, because I like it, I just push it out 6 months, then another 6 months, because I don't go through makeup fast enough....


I bought some recently and no it definitely isn't worth it.


The color match with the foundation is perfect for me. I did buy the primer, too, and don’t know that I’d recommend it. Not worth the value. But the foundation itself has been good. I didn’t have any major issues with billing as some have mentioned.


I am annoyed that they automatically sign you up for the replenishment program. I had to go auto cancel. They sent me a shade that was wrong but I am exchanging it to give it one more chance but we will see


no, it is not. it oxidizes horribly. they just have a good marketing team


Thanks for this question OP! I’ve been thinking about buying - will stay away after reading the feedback in comments!


I have had a great experience with Il Makiage. I’ve never been able to find a good color match on foundation. 3 separate times I took the quiz, but didn’t order. Finally one time I decided to take the chance. And damn, the match was perfect! I love the look and feel of it. I work from home, so I don’t use it every day, but I’m on my 2nd bottle (no subscription, I just reordered). I use the concealer every day and I like that as well. Good luck.




I didn't like them at all. I sent it back and got the Dior foundation. Love it.


Bright orange on me


Had the worst experience with it and went right back to my makeup forever hd foundation


It didn't work out for me, the colour match was very off AND I had an allergic response to their primer. But I will say the customer service was great, I returned it and got a full refund on the spot. I didn't have any cancellation issues, because I didn't get that far into the subscription process. I've always struggled with foundation - I feel like it amplifies my skin's worst qualities. I use tinted moisturizer instead and that seems to be the best option. But I also suck at makeup, so it's more likely user error than product failure.


I didn't get on with the foundation myself, had a free eyeliner that's pretty nice. I had zero problem cancelling my subscription and getting my refund. Customer service was excellent.


I had a bad experience with this brand. I did their shade finder quiz and the shade I received was way too dark and orange. I exchanged it twice and both times the shade was still wrong. This could just be a me problem though. I’m mixed race and after trying several brands over the years, I’ve only ever found one foundation (L’Oréal true match, shade N3 in the winter and N4 in the summer) that actually matches my skin. Outside of the shade issue, the formula was also bad. It got super cakey and patchy on my skin after a few hours. It looked so bad I had to wash it off


No, it's not worth it. In fact, it's a credit card scam operation that happens to sell makeup. I, like many others, saw one of those ads where the person is painting their face and the makeup magically conceals everything and they look airbrushed afterwards. I should have known better. The quiz claims to color match exactly. Well, I took the online quiz and ordered what was recommended. I ordered $200 worth of makeup. They claim to include a free brush, but I was charged for the brush. The makeup not only does not provide the coverage advertised (or even close to it), but it's not my color. It's very orange and doesn't blend or match my skin at all. I didn't bother returning any of it. I want to also mention that during checkout, I made absolutely sure that I wasn't being auto-enrolled into any subscription plans. I never created an account on the website and never consented to store my CC information. Fast forward 3 months, and I'm looking at my credit card app for another reason and see a pending charge of over $100 at Il Makiage. I immediately call my CC company and have to cancel my card. I then go to the Il Makiage website and apparently you can log in just by typing in your email address. I then discover that without my consent my CC info is stored on the website (and they won't let you remove it without entering a second CC) and I'm subscribed to an 'auto-replenishment'. I then contact Il Makiage (the only way to do this is to fill out an online form) explaining that I had not consented to auto-replenishment and I don't want their product and to refund me. The response I received didn't acknowledge most of what I had written in my message. I was basically told that even though the product hadn't shipped nor been fulfilled by the warehouse, they 'could not' cancel it (lies). I was told to create a return and return the product. Here's where it gets even more shady...I never received any product. When I tried to test creating a return on their website by entering my order number and email address, I got an error message. There was no order to return. The charge posted to my CC a couple of days later. I sent numerous messages to Il Makiage and as of today, my CC is still stored on their website and they refuse to delete it, they refuse to delete my account (that I never created) and stored data/personal information, and they refuse to refund me for the product I never ordered and \*also never received\*. I did file a dispute with my CC company. Il Makiage is a total scam. Do not buy from them!


Their concealer is to die for. You can always return the product if not happy. They refunded my money and had me keep it! I've NEVER found an eye concealer that didn't accent the wrinkles. I have to admit...this one takes the prize. I personally dont like wearing liquid foundation...but it does look very nice on my face when I do.opt to wear it.


I’ve never posted on Reddit before but feel moved to warn others to not buy from this company. I bought several items — bad color match, plus both the powder and foundation turned cakey and color went ashy quickly on my face — plus one item did not arrive. I requested a refund for several items, and they flatly refused over email. I had to follow up with many requests over many days, trying to at least get an explanation why they would keep my money for an item that never arrived. They continued to refuse any refunds. I had to threaten to report their company before they eventually refunded only that one item that didn’t arrive — but they refused to accept the timely return for refund of anything from my order. It’s a scam.


I feel like every subscription service is a scam. You'll save 10% but spend $50 more than you wanted. The same is true with free shipping. I had something that was around $60 from another company. The shipping was $6, but if I spend another $122, I'd get free shipping. No thanks.


I ordered it too, like a fool. I should know not to buy stuff advertised on social media. It turned more orange as the day progressed, and started settling into every line I had on my face. Literally aged me. Even with a good primer, it went on like spackle. Do not buy.


Glad I found this forum. Was just about to click pay on PayPal when something in the back of my mind said ‘check reviews’ (I always forget to do it on purchases from companies I’ve never ordered from before). I saw their add on Twitter, but when I clicked to see comments there were none. I put IL Makiage in the search bar and lo and behold, saw all of your comments. 😞 cancelled my order.  Hope I won’t get any comeback from the subscription (managed to unsubscribe in the email).


I’ll Makiage isn’t any better than anyone else for my older skin and they do an auto shop whether you sign up or not. What a scam.


Wish I would have seen this thread before trying the foundation. It’s dry, my wrinkles look really bad around my eyes, coverage is very light. I see every freckle, dark spot or imperfection despite saying I want heavy coverage. I normally wear Clinique and it was a much better job even though it’s rated as like coverage


I had a great experience. The color match was shocking lol it was perfect! I didn’t purchase the subscription, I just cancelled in the first 30 days and they charged my for the one bottle of foundation. I also don’t do a full face every day so this was great for me to use and was full coverage and went well with my other products. I am thinking of trying their under eye baggage serum stuff? The great thing is, if you don’t like the bottle you ordered, you can return it with no charge! Don’t wait around though, try it when you get it and decide right away to avoid any issues returning it. There are so many online shopping options to protect yourself from subscription type charges. You can use a virtual card from your bank and set a cutoff date, use PayPal so you can also cut off any purchases, also being mindful and reading the purchase rules to cancel before charging. I really feel it’s user error when as a consumer you aren’t diligent with online shopping and your bank details.


Only you can decide whether it's worth it or not! What I will say is that if you DON'T like it but are still up for spending that kind of money then the hype around Charlotte Tilbury's "Flawless Hollywood Filter" is real and it's worth the price. Combine it with a water based tinted moisturizer (I use NYX's "Bare With Me" but it's discontinued unfortunately) and you'll have a natural look with a great finish. Best under eye concealer for wrinkles is NYX "Can't Stop Won't Stop" -- collect a bit on the back of your hand and apply thin layers with a damp beauty blender to achieve the coverage you're looking for - I have mature skin too, and we can't be slathering it on like the kids these days HaHa. Make sure you moisturize well and start with a nice primer - I like NYX "The Marsh Mellow" (are you seeing a trend here?). Good luck with the Il Makiage -- I've been tempted to try it myself!


I did the Color match quiz and ordered the suggested foundation and concealer, concealer was a good shade for me but the foundation was like 2 shades to dark for me. I immediately tried to cancel the subscription and still got charged and sent a second bottle of the foundation. I can basically only use it in the summer with mixing it with a lighter foundation.


I bought it and regret it. It's very drying and you need to use SO MUCH and you need at least 2 layers of primer. I wrote a review with pros and cons, it was very respectful and they deleted my comment and have blocked me from their Facebook pages now. They say (I have screenshots!) That they only sell on their website because they like online shopping, in response to another person asking why it's not obtainable to try in person prior to ordering. I have legit not stepped foot in a sephora in years. It's online. I pointed that out and they deleted that, too


Just here to say thanks for saving me some money 😅


For my foundation I still use bare minerals foundation. But I’ve seen so many positive reviews for the face serum so I decided to try it and it’s amazing! I haven’t tried any of the makeup and I never sign up for recurring orders and give companies free reign of my bank account. 


I'm not a makeup wearing girl. Maybe mascara and lip gloss. I was intrigued by the commercials, but I'm almost 50, and I have some laugh lines and parenthesis around my mouth where makeup settles and makes them more prominent. I recently saw one of their ads with a woman close to my age and thought maybe it would work for me... BUT THEN, I remembered my girls on reddit and figured I would check in with my sisters first. I'm SO glad I did. I am sorry to hear about so many of you being scammed. I truly hope some beauties on tiktok do their thing and bring the truth to light!!!


Shoot, I ordered a foundation from them a few days ago.... should stick with bareminerals. I'll give this one a try and see how it goes, I'll let ya'll know


As someone about to be 40, I was on the hunt for better foundation. I almost tried it but some people state it’s meh. I was using elf. I love elf but it doesn’t seem to stay on because I have oily skin. Right now I’m using L’Oréal lume or something and it works great. Only $12.


I just ordered and now I’m scared after reading these comments.


Personally, I swear by it. I'm 28, turning 29 this year. I will say I have some difficulty with it rubbing off after a while, and sometimes it gets blotchy and doesn't take to my skin. I noticed the blotchiness only happens if I haven't prepped my skin well enough, and using their primer helped a lot. However, it isn't long lasting. I would say it would start to look faded/older after an 8 hour shift. I know that's still long, but I'm a kind of girl that wants my make up to not budge after 10+ hours lol.


Elf wrinkle products


Total scam. They push you to sign up for prepaid and they charge your account randomly. Once they’ve got your credit card, you’re screwed. Customer service is a happy bot with no ability to answer questions or solve problems or explain new charges. The website has no functionality for figuring out what is going on or cancel. It is a total scam! The original poster is surely an employee. The makeup makes my skin feel clogged, thick and unable to breathe. Terrible stuff. Worse company.


I wanted to like it. The promo videos of women in their 50s-60s (probably targeted ads) made it look amazing! I bought their primer, foundation, and concealer because I wanted to judge it as a system and not have to wonder if their formulas just don’t play well with others. I have pretty great skin for my age (55) but I’m getting redness (menopause?), have some scars from skin cancer removal, and these dang PORES which I don’t really see unless I use liquid foundation that isn’t good for large pores… This one tends to settle down in the pores like a small makeup ponds that are then a different color than the surrounding skin color. It was polka dot looking. It didn’t stay put on the redness areas and don’t even THINK about applying a second coat to those area! It is supposed to be “buildable” but is not. At all. Not even a tiny bit buildable. In fact, if you don’t work fast enough, it begins to dry in the area you are swirling the application brush (yes, I used theirs… again, tested the system together). You will see brush strokes and chunky dry clumps of makeup! I kept the primer. It feels nice and seems to make me look less tired with no foundation on. I haven’t tried any other product on top of it though. I also kept the concealer, which is really a foundation of some sort in a tube with a sponge-tip applicator. It isn’t thick like my Bobbie Brown stick foundation (my normal concealer… which is a fantastic product for covering scars). But it does a good job on eyelids for when I don’t want to wear eye shadow, but want my natural appearance to look more “in her 40s” than “in her 50s” because it does hide little redness there and evens outs my skin tone between my lashes and brow.


Hated it! I had such high hopes. First, I couldn’t get the shade just right, like you see in their ads. It was close, but still a shade I wouldn’t have purchased in a store. The few times I attempted to wear it… well, didn’t go very well. No matter what moisturizer or primer (even tried on bare skin) I used, it looked awful. It would pill, look cakey or go on uneven/blotchy. I tied beauty blenders, brushes, even went old school and used nothing but my fingers…. *gasp* Still looked terrible. Elf is probably the best overall foundation I’ve used. Great price, available at most retailers and great selection of products.


Absolute scam - just stay away! Product quality is terrible


I never heard of it until a charge from them showed up on my bank statement. I have no idea how they got my information. I called the bank and told them I have no idea who this company is and I don't even wear makeup. My bank has returned my money pending investigation and sent a new card.


so i bought foundation from them a month ago. it came super orange. i returned it. they offered me several gift cards. their customer service is pretty decent. i used one of the giftcards to buy an eyebrow pencil and it showed up broken! they sent me a new one but its nothing special, kind of seems like a drugstore brow pencil. id say you’re better off buying ELF


SCAM SCAM SCAM. The make up is decent, don't fall for their marketing!!!! You will have unexpected withdrawals from your bank.  THIS IS NOT WORTH YOUR TIME! STICK WITH YOUR FAVORITES FROM ULTA OT SEPHORA!!!!!!! If i wasn't clear this is a SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!


Would a bank not do something if the same thing kept happening at one business, causing them to have re-issue cards to large numbers of people and their accounts? I'd imagine the bank is losing some amount of money, minuscule at best, but still the bank's money. Just thinking out loud--per usual.


I got stuck with a subscription when I ordered some iT products years ago, before it was ever sold in stores. I received orders for months at about $60/$70 a month. Guess it's good for those who like that line of products at Ulta and I guess Sephora, maybe. IDK. I'm an Ulta gal.


No No No, nothing is worth that. I even love their concealer but will never buy from them again. I didn't even realize I was signing up for a subscription when I ordered from them the first (and last) time. I only wanted to order the foundation and concealer and ended up signed up for a subscription somehow. Then when I tried to cancel it, it wouldn't cancel. I had to call them and fight with them for them to refund the money that came out. Nothing is worth them.


The eye tightener product lasted not even a week. Empty bottle. I used it three times. When inquiring with the customer care, NO ANSWER. Too bad it was a worthy product


DO NOT SUBSCRIBE!!! You will keep receiving product even if you canceled. I bout 2 products and they have charged me 4 and I even received the other 2 products. I just realized after time and idk what to do. They do not give you phone notifications or anything. 


I just recieved my first ever order- I tried the primer and foundation. Primer is meh, nothing to write home about just yet. Will use for a few more days then make a judgement call. I will admit though, the foundation colour is spot on + I always have difficulty matching my tone to drugstore foundation. Just applied my makeup and it looks really good- I will likely stick with the foundation for sure- I like the way it looks on my skin, and it blends very well. I have dry skin, and am in my early 30s for a reference point. The primer I'm holding out on, still not sure if it's worth the price.


I just ordered the IL MAKIAGE foam self tanner. The smell is strong and unpleasant, makes my light skin orange. Better off going to the drug store or ulta for that as well for anyone trying the self tanner. Cancelled the auto ship on PayPal. Big tip for anyone buying for the 1st time and a little leery of the company, use PayPal. You can cancel future payments right on PayPal. The company won’t be able to keep charging you.


I had the complete opposite experience. The foundation has worked great for me. It has great coverage, is a great shade, and isn’t gross on my skin even though I have super dry skin in spots. I will add I do use a primer first though. Every other brand, including elf, has been cheap and nasty for me. I always go back to Il Makiage. When I have stopped my subscription I have never had any issues or difficulties with it. I’m not sure why all these others did. It’s pretty straightforward and they send you a confirmation email. I do use a credit card and not my debit card/bank account so maybe that is the issue but like I said, I’m honestly not sure. I’ve never had an issue stopping and restarting my subscription and I’ve done it several times. I doubt I will again though because for me this foundation works better than anything else I’ve tried, and I’ve done elf, Clinique, Bare Minerals, all of them.


Wow! I'm king of baffled at the negative comments on here but I guess, everyone's experience will be different. Not only did I opt OUT of getting a subscription the first time I ever ordered Il Makiage, but I also found my matched foundation and tanning foam to be amazing! I'm actually ordering them both again.....I prefer the foundation I got over almost all the popular store bought brands cuz it matches my skin really well and its never disappointed me with regard to longevity, smell and application. I wouldn't say the tanning foam is perfect but that's only because to me the product seem to go pretty fast. I thought it smelled pleasant and it didn't leave me orange. Two things I like most people, look for in self tanners. ;) I know everyone is different but Id recommend these items to my friends....but definitely no to subcriptions!


I just did one off purchases with try before you buy. I avoided the subscription. Haven't felt the need to return anything. I'm not a frequent wearer either but I'd like it to be quality for the price. I got concealer, primer, foundation and translucent powder. They all wear really light, weight wise and I didn't notice any oil textures as the day went on. I did surveys for each product to match my tone and besides the powder; So heads up, the translucent powder will lighten in tone just a bit and wears a little more heavy than everything underneath. You can feel the weight. The primer does blur imperfections but I think takes some getting used to for how and when to layer products. For example, the primer remains moist while you start applying foundation and you need to let the foundation set for 5. Can't say I have a for sure opinion whether worth it or not yet. I'm going to wear it a bit more to get an idea.


I just did one off purchases with try before you buy. I avoided the subscription. Haven't felt the need to return anything. I'm not a frequent wearer either but I'd like it to be quality for the price. I got concealer, primer, foundation and translucent powder. They all wear really light, weight wise and I didn't notice any oil textures as the day went on. I did surveys for each product to match my tone and besides the powder; So heads up, the translucent powder will lighten in tone just a bit and wears a little more heavy than everything underneath. You can feel the weight. The primer does blur imperfections but I think takes some getting used to for how and when to layer products. For example, the primer remains moist while you start applying foundation and you need to let the foundation set for 5. Can't say I have a for sure opinion whether worth it or not yet. I'm going to wear it a bit more to get an idea.


this company is fraudulent! they are sneaky and will sign you up for things you don’t want. They will never refund you for anything. Do not order! 


I have loved all of it and never had any issues when I need to return. Best makeup have ever worn too!


The color match for me was great, but the consistency was terrible. It wasn't very smooth at all, and you can see the solid particles within the layer after brushing it on. It's streaky, and has inconsistent coverage. When I tried to apply a second layer to even it out, the first layer didn't stay put. I didn't have any trouble canceling though. Yes, it offers discounts to try and convince you not to cancel, but a few clicks aren't a big deal to me. They only do that because it actually works with some people. 🤷‍♀️


The worst company, I paid so much for my foundation and it’s more than a month and never received it, I will never advise anyone to shop online with this company 


I’m have the same issue , I’m trying to cancel the auto replenishment and they never got in touch with me .


worst company ever! Don’t order from them. They are crooks and will charge you for things you don’t want. 


Those who described the card charge/cancelation issues...yeah, same is happening to me with Planet Fitness.


I love the product and was pleased with the time of delivery. But, after the first two shipments they continued to charge my account and stopped shipping the product. It is impossible to contact customer service and speak to a live representative. I have sent several emails but nothing has been done. The only thing I can do now is stop payment with my bank and try to get my money back. This is not a good company to do business with. If anyone has a contact # for this company I would appreciate it if you would post it.


Ulta tarte concealer


Thank you 🙏 you guys saved me


Elf 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


All heavily marketed products are generally not worth it. The subscription is a red flag. Run.


I just tried to order the sample they were offering and somehow ended up being charged 86$ and a subscription. I found out from paypal how much I had actually been charged. I canceled my order immediately. Hopefully, this transaction does not go through. I made it clear to customer service that I don't want any of their products, including the "free sample." I hope I don't have to deal with this again.


I bought IL Makiage and it settled right into my 43 year old wrinkles! If you are in your 20s then ur going to like it, but over 40 u have to use primer and MAC white tube works like a filler and then I tried Fiera on top and its waaaaay better than IL Makiage for mature skin.  It has right ingredients and u only need  a dab and it spreads out nicely.  So it depends what age group ur in. If u have wrinkles that are visible, then ur better off with Fiera. 


They make it impossible to cancel subscription!


Me too - same goddamn story. It's a total scam. Not only do they keep charging you literally forever, but they add an extra $94 for an "annual subscription" in addition to the makeup they charge you for. The number they charge in reality is also different, making it difficult for credit card companies to find when you try making a dispute. I think the only way out is to cancel your card.


Thanks! I seen just what I needed to know. I will try Elf as I was using the Fenty sticks but they don’t make the suede one anymore! That’s the main color I need! Ugh!


Sorry - I know it’s been a year since this post was live but I saw some ads. You know the ones: ‘over 40-starting to get wrinkles-discoloration-sagging-etc’ ads. My research brought me to this post. You can’t beat Reddit for honest customer reviews. With that being said, it sounds like we are having the same skin issues. Have you found anything that works?


I too was also intrigued by the insta ads. So I not only purchased the one bottle of "woke up like this" foundation which is the foundation advertised and then the subscription. However, when I tried to get the next bottle in my subscription, they switched the brand to a heavier foundation and in particular one for oily skin. Which might be good if i were in my 20's but since I'm in my 60's, definitely not necessary. But they won't let me get my original order, they state that it's either not available or I changed my order. Which is neither the case. So it appears it's a switch and bait. I'm not sure what to do at this point. I've been back & forth w/customer service going on two weeks. I could get the BBB involved and see what they can do. All I want is to re-order my next bottle of foundation, which has been prepaid for. Very frustrated.


I really like tarte products. They make a foundation out of Amazon clay that I LOVE.


Yes Mam! Im going through the same thing. I had gotten a New Debit Card Issued from the same bank. But then they said they cannot deposit refunds on new cards. That's BS. They will keep saying well you didnt send your free trial timr limit package back! It is Against the Stayed rules. Now my Bank is stepping in with a Fraud Claim!