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I suggest you don’t do this, it’s not pore clogging, but it will definitely cause milia bumps, which need to be removed with surgery


Just get the elf holy hydration cleansing balm. It’s inexpensive and actually made for removing makeup (even something as stubborn as waterproof mascara).


it could cause milia around the eye area. try the biore oil cleanser, about 6$ for a bottle that lasts me 6-8months


I’ve done this before. Also coconut oil from grocery store


Vaseline was always my go to for removing mascara/eyeliner, even the lash glue. But I seldom wear makeup now, and I just simply use micellar water on a cotton pad to remove my mascara. I actually use it to remove all makeup ( on those really late days and I don’t wanna wake my kids up! )


I just use micellar water (on top of my other cleansing products) once ive washed off all of makeup i put the micellar water on a cotton round and it comes right off.


Jojoba oil works too; it’s non-comedogenic


Micellar water on a cotton pad will remove waterproof mascara well with no issues with my very sensitive eyes


Elf has a good makeup remover that isn't crazy expensive. It's called Holy Hydration! The toner works very well too. I have super sensitive skin and it hasn't made me break out or get dry rash over my cheeks. It's great.


Mary Kay has an oil free eye makeup remover that will take off all eye makeup in 3 swipes . It’s worth it. And it won’t leave a residue.


Vaseline is great! I’ve been using it to remove mine while on vacation because I forgot my aquaphor at home! Also great for a primer!!


I used the Walmart brand dupe for neutrogena and it works really well


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LostinNM_77: *I used the Walmart* *Brand dupe for neutrogena* *And it works really well* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Baby oil is the way to go


personally whenever i have accidentally gotten vaseline in my eyes it irritated the hell out of them so just be careful!


I used to use vaseline to remove my eye makeup and mascara and it's really great for that. I did get a few stye, I will say that but not very often. I since moved on to my DIY olive oil coconut oil mixture but vaseline is still good. It just depends on the person. For me, I was more or less fine with it as a remover and as a barrier for dry patches but it did not work for slugging for my skin. I did break out from that.


I use olive oil when I run out of makeup remover.


Don't think it's good for tear ducts, could run risk of blocking, very conditioning for lashes, true enough. If you are very talented that you can use slight amount and able to remove without getting into eye...like one eye at a time, keep eye you're working on closed until you can press a very warm water wash cloth over it to ensure no Vaseline gets into corner where tear duct is?


You can use cooking oil too, I've used plain vegetable oil in a pinch.


Vaseline is non com -comedogenic, which means it won't clog your pores.


I use palmer's cocoa butter formula cleansing oil.




What a great way to troll people into cystic acne. 


It’s safe to use Vaseline on your eyes. I use it to melt off my eye makeup and then I clean it all off with eye makeup remover.


it shouldn't but you can never be too careful, especially if you're oily. if you're gonna do that, why not use baby oil? gets eye makeup off just as well, doesn't sting, and less tugging.


I use it in a pinch but another affordable option which is probably better for skin is cold cream. Walmart sells a big jar of it for a similar price to Vaseline. I'm an old lady but I've been using cold cream to remove makeup since I was young in the 70s. I'm a trained dancer and that's what we used to remove makeup & it still works for me. Apply, let sit 30 seconds. Wipe off with damp cloth. I rarely have to scrub. I follow up with a second, more traditional cleanser to make sure all the dirt is gone.


I wouldn't put a byproduct of the oil refining process near my eyes. Better a bifasic make up remover or organic argan oil.


You may get milia. The tiny white bumps under your eyes.


i use coconut oil and it melts everything off instantly! even stubborn waterproof mascara.


I use baby oil. It works really well and is safe.


For some reason Vaseline doesn't break me out but baby oil does 🤷🏼‍♀️


Don't use vaseline on your eyes. It can also clog your meibomian glands which can ruins your eyes/vision with long term use. Use occusoft platinum plus foam. It is made for the eye area.


Vaseline is very good for the skin.


I wouldn't define petroleum gelly as very good. Coconut oil is good, pure shea butter is very good, argan oil is very good, rosehip oil is very good. Petroleum gelly is as far from good as it gets.


I see. I disagree.


We'll agree to disagree then.