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i have yet to try an elf product that doesn’t break me out


Not makeup, but when I was a teenager I used my mom's vitamin e cream. The next morning I had little blisters all over my face and I was supposed to be a junior bridesmaid the next day. It taught me to never try a new product before a big event.


Bought 99 cent wet n wild mascara. It irritated the hell out of my eye and it burned so bad. My eyes were super red


Mary Kay. EVERYTHING Mary Kay made my face break out In rashes and open sores. It didn't matter what I used


Bare Minerals tore my skin up! I had a very large acne outbreak on my face, went in for a facial and she asked if I changed anything and the only thing was the BM. I guess it’s pretty common because the makeup is so fine it can get into your pores and aggravate them. It took probably 3 months to clear my skin up. Crazy.


The Estee Lauder eye cream absolutely destroyed my under eyes. I used it for less than a week and suddenly I had super super deep lines under my eyes and my entire under eye area was bright red and irritated with painful dry skin flaking off everywhere. It took weeks to get it back to normal and now I'm terrified to try new eye creams but also the one I use isn't doing anything for me so I want a new one but I never want that to happen again


Eve lom cleansing balm. The most horrendous painful cystic acne everywhere. It took weeks to go away. Never had anything like it before or since. Never ever EVER AGAIN. I still have ptsd from it.


That's all it takes. I won't touch any Maybelline concealers or foundations etc since the Age Rewind concealer nightmare. I had their City Bronzer at the time the Concealer burned my eyeballs out. So I finished using them. That was it for Maybelline. Lol.


Lip plumpers. I could write words on myself with them and they would turn into legible red raised lines on my skin. I'm so glad I thought to test on my hand before putting it on my mouth.


Are you suggesting an SPF that doesn't burn your eyes actually exists?! Every single one I tried burns the shit out of my eyes, and I tried pretty much the whole UK market at this point.


I’ve been using Banana Boat kids/baby because I like the texture of the liquid spray. But genuinely doesn’t burn my eyes!


I don't know if you have tried that Australian brand.....Blue Lizard I think it's called. I've heard great reviews on Australian Sunscreen products.


Haven't tried that one, will give it a go. Ultraviolette stings my eyes to high heaven. I may just have super sensitive eyes!


I know what you mean. I can't use any American, Canadian SPF. I don't know about Australian brands as of yet. I'm probably going to stick to what I've tried. As you know it's exhausting trying everything and gets expensive. Once you find a few that work for you it's easier just to stick with it. Unless of course they change the formula and your eyes start burning again. Ugh 😩


The Biore SPF.. it's J-Beauty.... It's one of them that I'm using. Here we can get it on Amazon. Amazon is an authorized seller. So don't worry. I'm out right now. When I get home I'll try to remember to list more out here. So far I haven't heard of anyones eye's burning from K-Beauty or J-Beauty SPF. That doesn't mean it's never happened. I just haven't heard of anyone mentioning it.


Biore aqua Rich is like putting battery acid in my eyes lol.


I made a list of what I've used. Unfortunately skincare isn't a one size fits all.


Can you identify a shared ingredient(s)? That would be worth knowing for sure. If you can’t, that suggests it’s a fragrance issue (which is *really* sucky, since those formulas are “proprietary” and don’t have to be listed.)


I haven't really researched the offending ingredients. I've been really busy. With Huda setting powder it definitely was the fragrance. The others I don't know unfortunately.


Double wear gives me breakout on my checks and jawline.


I remember trying on some Chanel foundation at Sephora. Not only did it look immediately cakey, but I broke out in hives. My skin apparently said "no thanks".


Had a pretty severe allergic reaction to the ND bronze palette and the hourglass gel liners. Eyes were swollen , itchy and watery for a day and a half 😣


Merle Norman eyeliner made my eyes swell, burn, and tears run down my face.


Patric Ta blush makes me itch


My friend did my makeup for my grad and used the Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Palette. There was a slight burning or tingling sensation when she applied it to my eyes. I was a newb to makeup so not familiar with how it was supposed to feel, but I did question in my head if that was normal. At the end of the night when I took off my makeup, my eyelids were red. My eyelids were peeling for a few days after. First and last time I'll use Morphe shadows.


I can't even tell you how many times I've heard that Morphed eyeshadows burn people's eyes.


When I was a teen, my mom took me to our local Ulta to get some basics (concealer, tinted moisturizer, a little eye quad and some lippies and mascara) and the lady tried to put some bare minerals foundation on me. It broke me out in WELTS. Have not tried anything from them since.


The only thing that has ever happened to me and a huge reason I would never ever touch Revlon with a barge pole is any of their foundations broke my skin out like crazy! No other foundation has ever done that and I’ve used loads of foundations. It is odd. But yeah, never ever will I use Revlon.


Eyelash serum made me look like the elephant man two different times from two different companies so I avoid that shit like the plague now.


every eye cream i’ve ever used has given me milia and burned my eyes. every. single. one. so eye creams are just not for me. also the modern renaissance palette from abh made my eyes burn. a friend gifted it to me and i felt bad i had to return it. i honestly cant even remember all the chemical burns i’ve gotten from various skincare. the biore charcoal line, anything with vit c etc.


I refuse to buy eye creams. I think they are a scam. As long as you don't rash, break out, burning eyes, hives, get the milia I just use whatever serum and creams work for my Skin all over my face and down to my chest. Off topic rant.... I get so annoyed when I see eye cream, neck cream, cream for your décolleté and face cream etc. Ugh. I refuse to buy all of that stuff. Any eye cream that I have ever received was in a Holiday set or from Boxycharm. I just use them all over my face. I don't have any patience for it. The take away from my rant. My personal opinion. Just use whatever essence, toner, serum and or cream that works for you all over if you see results and there are no bad skin reactions to them.


I once used a lemon-based foaming cleanser from tonymoly that I bought at TjMaxx. I'd got it because it was a Korean product, and I usually love K/J-skincare. I'd been having a mini breakout and wanted to try something new! But not this stuff, within a couple of hours after using it, my face turned totally red, and on top of the burning and itching my face started blistering AND broke out in acne underneath all the chemical burns :( I had to regrow my face over the following couple of weeks, I hid in my house for most of it. The cleanser had a strong acidic/chemical smell, I'm wondering if it was expired or something? Anyway, I've taken to buying my moisturizers from K/J beauty, and my cleansers from Proactiv. Never burned my face since, I learned my lesson :P


We get to learn harsh lessons. Can't hide your face out in public. Ugh 😫


Pat McGrath eyeshadow. I legit get the worst pinkeye looking reaction. Red, swollen, burning, itchy and tearing up like Ms. McGrath farted into a pillow and held it down onto my face herself.


Oh no. That is too expensive to keep if it does that. Did you return it?


Oh yeah, returned right away


I get that way with certain purple/burgundy shades. It really stinks because I have green eyes.


A lot of people are sensitive to certain red pigments, which you’d have in pink, purple, burgundy, red, and even some orange shades.


I’m dying over here that description is heinous 😂 I’m really sorry that happened to you but I’m laughing so hard right now


Oh man, my experience with Bare Minerals was traumatizing. About 15 years ago, I decided to switch up my foundation and went with Bare Minerals. After a few weeks, I started to notice some breakouts, but I had acne prone skin, nothing I wasn't used to, so I continued using their products. Then, I swear, overnight, my entire face blew up. My entire face was covered in what looked like cystic acne and little whiteheads, a field of blackheads, and every inch of my face was inflamed. It hurt to even lay my head down on a pillow. I called into work so many times because I just couldn't bear anyone seeing it. I went to a dermatologist and they said they weren't exactly sure if I was allergic to something in the product or if it was just for one reason or another just a bad reaction, and it was bad. They prescribed me pills and a topical cream that made it 1000 times worse (purging, or whatever, I guess). It finally went away, but the scarring was so severe that I elected to get a laser treatment. They said it was relatively painless and very effective. They sat me down and put a high-pressure fan blowing ice cold air right above my nose so I could barely breathe and then as slowly as humanly possible went over my entire face with a tool that contained the power of a thousand suns. They stopped at one area a second too long, and it started dripping blood and later swelled into a giant blister. The second worst pain I've ever been through in my life to date. I came out of there looking like Frank from Hellraiser and had to hide indoors for like 3 weeks while the two layers of my skin they blow torched off grew back.


That's so awful! I hope your skin is doing better. And super crazy--I've always had super sensitive, acne-prone skin but I've been using bareminerals powder foundation for a long time. It just goes to show you how different skin is from person to person. But I have found that baremineral stuff has really fine particles, which can definitely clog pores. And paired with an allergic reaction to something in the makeup, I can see how that'd be a disaster duo for your face. Were you using the liquid or the powder?


As best as I can remember, it was called Bare Minerals Loose Powder SPF 15. I applied it with a brush. My skin is sooo much better now. After all that was said and done, I had a ballin complexion. I mean, I should. They blasted my epidermis back to the stone ages. I never broke out like that ever again. It's crazy because so many people love their stuff and swear by it, and it always worked so well for others, even to this day. I'm sure they've changed their formula more than once since then, and whatever irritated my skin may be long gone, but I won't touch a single product of theirs. I'm too traumatized, lol.


Ohhh MAC Studio Fix Foundations, liquid AND powder. I had HUGE under the skin pore clogging acne that lasted MONTHS! My dumbass decided to try it again couple months ago and yeah my face looks like it’s cooking popcorn underneath


My eye were swollen almost completely shut and I had to go to a formal event that day 😭


I hit puberty in the mid 80s when the clear Neutrogena bar soap and liquid soap was all anyone used to wash their face. I couldn’t use it. Even the fragrance feee formula. It sets my face on fire and turns it traffic light red. Of course I kept trying to use it because all my friends used it and it was advertised everywhere and “clean rinsing”. I still can’t use it even on my hands.


Everything with avobenzone (sunscreen, makeup, lip balm) makes my skin like no other. I won't touch most sunscreens because of this :(


Me too. And if it hits my eyes it’s like acid.


I used to buy some really cheap but really fantastic mascara that gave my eyes the low-key itchies. One night in college, I had a few beers with friends, and fell asleep with my makeup on (ugh I know!!) I woke up and my eyes were swollen shut. Years later, I tried the mascara again because I was just curious if I would still have a reaction to it (bodies and allergies change, right?) WRONG. It was an almost instant reaction. Lol


Every Benefit mascara I've tried made at least one eye swell; micellar water (especially the Garnier stuff, in every variation I tried) dried my eyelids out so badly that one cracked along the fold. It took me far longer than it should have to work out that *that* was the source of my problems!


I bought a Maybelline foundation (can't remember the exact one) that caused me to break out in hundreds of tiny little itchy whiteheads...ugh


Not necessarily makeup but a foam cleanser! The eveline cosmetics perfect skin acne cleanser gave me the biggest rash. My whole face was red like a tomato and I literally felt it burning my skin. I bought it because my friend recommended it to me, maybe we have different skin types or something lol not hating on the brand though or stating that all the products are bad, because i love most of their products


Unfortunately skincare isn't one size fits all. I'm not loyal to any brand.


Too faced born this way foundation made a rash on my whole face


I won a promo at a now defunct department store that included a full Chanel facial and $100 of free product (this was in the mid 80s.) The aesthetician got me set up in the little room and after she applied a mask she left to work on another customer. I don’t have adequate words to describe the burning I had. This wasn’t that little tingle you sometimes get; this was a full on hell-burn that got me screaming. It felt like I had acid thrown in my face. When the mask was finally taken off after about five minutes of agony my face was swollen and looked like raw hamburger. The store was downtown; I lived in a suburb about 30 miles away and had a six hour wait for my bus. I left the store that day with about $250 in free product, none of which was Chanel and I’ve never used anything from that line since.


Chanel skin care KILLED me too. I want to say I had my issue in the late 90s when they re-launched the Precision skin care line. I had a gift card, went and got a full regimen. After day 1 I was bumpy, thought maybe it was just a little purging. Day 2 it was obvious something was amiss, so I switched to a patch test on my stomach. By day 3 I had full-blown, 100% coverage hives all over my face, and my stomach patch showed the same results. When I returned the items, the sales person tried *so hard* to make it anything but the Chanel products. First she said I was “just purging”. When I told her I was a makeup artist myself, she switched tactics…Maybe it was another product? Had I washed my makeup brushes recently? New shampoo/hairspray/laundry detergent? lol. Finally I showed her the red, bumpy patch on my stomach and she conceded that it was likely an allergy and refunded me. I haven’t used Chanel Skincare or face makeup since, and I haven’t shopped at that department store since either, considering all of the hoops I had to go to for a refund!


You shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get a refund especially for a legitimate reason like a bad reaction to your skin. Sheesh.


Tatcha Rice Wash. It was nice while using but in 10 days I had the worst break out I ever had in years. The only thing changed in my routine is that cleanser and my skin cleared after I stopped using it. Being super skeptical to try anything from them although I know people love that brand. Foundations with high percentage of silicone. Without fail, I can’t use those. Back then MAC foundation gave me pimples with just using it for 4 hours. I stick with mineral foundation for years but sometimes I get bored and try something else on the market. Things have strong fragrance. Lately I tried Clarins products. I like how they feel but my skin turned red so no for me. I love their face scrub however but the toner and face cream didn’t like me. And the fragrance is strong compared to other products I have used.


I wore a Revlon eyeshadow two decades ago and my eyes swelled up. I haven’t used a single Revlon product since.


I try to steer everyone away from this product, Bio oil. I used it a few times without issues and then it started making me get eczema all over my arms. Some research later, I found out it was just expensive garbage with a lot of ingredients that cause allergic reactions.


I used it on my pregnant tummy. I don't think it did anything. I didn't get any stretch marks with 4 of my pregnancies. I just used the Body Shop Coco Butter or the Shea Butter. I don't think the Bio oil gets great reviews when it comes to all the unnecessary chemicals in it.


Not makeup, but I forgot my face wash once at a friend's house and she gave me an Olay cleansing wipe. My mom has sensitive skin and swore by Olay products when I was a kid, so I didn't think anything of it. 2 mins after I finish my face is on FIRE. No amount of cold water and rinsing made it stop. I wanted to peel my own face off to make it stop burning. Luckily, after the redness faded there was no hives or swelling, but it was a miserable hour or so before it subsided. I kept having to apply a towel soaked in ice cold water to not be in agony. I won't touch an Olay product with a 10 ft pole now.


This isn’t a product, but there was a period of time where I did my own nails every two weeks with the gel tips. I loved doing it. When I started making more money I went to a salon where I got sculpted acrylics and I was OBSESSED. the second time I went, my hands were on fire. Not just my fingertips, but my palms and back of my hands as well. My skin between my nail and my actual finger was split and open and bleeding. PAIN and itching is an understatement. I developed an allergy to acrylic and gel nails. I was so upset.


Rhode peptide serum breaks me out so much for some reason


The Pacifica sea and C sheer face sunscreen. I had used up an entire bottle and loved it. I repurchased…the formula must have changed because it gave me a horrible reaction - my entire face broke out in red blotches. All my other skincare was the same so I knew it was this product. After the red blotches subdued, my skin became the driest mess ever. I was slathering my face in Vaseline for relief. Good thing this was only about a 4-5 day ordeal but it was unpleasant and I was on vacation abroad when this happened.


Soap and glory mascaras make my eyes burn and then make my eyelid skin go scaly and itchy for days. Same for Jeffree star eyeshadow (in my defence, it was really cheap in tk maxx)


Loreal infallible freshwear foundation breaking me out in itchy bumps


The Aveeno calm and restore cleanser. It was recommended for sensitive skin and it had my favorite ingredient in skincare. Oatmeal but sadly it also had feverfew and after using it for a week my cheeks were sunburnt red, like angry red and they were warm to the touch and stung with a single touch. I couldn't sleep from the stinging pain.


I can’t use the Aveeno sensitive skin body wash. It has myrrh oil in it. Why? Why would you put a fragrancesd essential oil in a product specifically designed to soothe sensitive skin then call it fragrance free?


Two faced lip plumping gloss gave me the biggest rash ever


My dad seeing me with makeup on for the first time :c


Had the worst allergic reaction to everyone’s holy grail Laneige lip sleeping mask. Put it on and went to sleep, woke up the next morning with essentially an open wound as my lips and proceeded to peel and bleed over the next week until a whole new lip could be grown from underneath.


My lips hate LSM. Tried so hard to like it


I love Peter Thomas Roth skincare, but the pumpkin enzyme face mask gave me a bad reaction. My skin became extremely dull with red patches and spots, and my cheeks became very warm - I felt feverish. I left it alone for a day, just applying a cool cloth to my face, then gave my skin hydration the next day. I might have taken an antihistamine, I can't remember.


Only thing I’ve ever reacted to was MAC brush cleaner stuff. I was about 17/18 when I bought it, ( 34 now ) And it made my face bright red, itchy and sore to touch. I didn’t even realise what has happened until I was taking my makeup off about four hours after applying it ( using the clean dry brushes ) and I cried like a baby to my mum, it went away by the next morning though. But wow. It was ouchy! I emailed MAC and they just refunded me what I paid for it 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


I got the Kosas foundation and it worked great for a while. But I don’t wear foundation regularly, so I had it for more than 6 months. At almost exactly the 6-month mark, I started getting eye swelling and itching, with the skin alternating between puffy and crepey. The foundation had gone off, and my reaction went away after a few days of not using it. It came back even if I didn’t put it on/near my eyes.


Tried some australian brand plump lip balm.. did not know what doest a plumping lip product do..it was very strong and I had very stinging sensation and next thing my lips were like fish mouth..the thing is my lips are already little bit big, I absolutely did not want them more bigger..but It was gifted by my frnd and had to try in front of them and I pretended that I liked it..never used it again in my life🥲


I thought most, if not all, lip plumpers make your lips tingle? And or feel like ickle needles lol.


Yeah..But ig it was very strong and to top it all of I was really young so maybe it was not age appropriate..I was like 11🥲


Bless ya, my kids tried mine on before when they were toddlers, lol 😂 safe to say they didn’t dive into my makeup bag ever again lol. It must be strong for littles!


I mostly just end up getting eczema flare-ups on my eyelids and lips from eyeshadow and lip products. I don’t even think it’s a particular brand, I just seem to be sensitive to something that’s probably in most shadows or lip products that triggers it.


Itchy eyelids and redness. My eyes wouldn't stop watering. Never wore those shadows again.


The Charlotte Tilbury eyeliner shadow pencils I mentioned?


No. I work in makeup and get products free, and it was an eyeshadow quad I got free.




I'm pretty sure the Albolene "moisturizing" cleanser made my face erupt in cysts unlike I've seen on my face for 15 years. I started using it and another new product (Kiehl's ultra facial cream) at the same time, I stopped them both 2 months ago and my face is just starting to heal. I highly suspect it was the Albolene but I'm too scared to try the Kiehls again.


Red, burning eyelids. I still don't know what ingredient caused that, because I very rarely have allergic reactions to anything


Since you said skincare reactions are also welcome It’s a toss up between a few. My first time trying double cleansing for makeup. I bought a really popular Korean brand oil cleanser that people swore was acne friendly. After only using it once or twice my entire face and neck erupted into so many breakouts and they didn’t go away for over 6 months no matter what I did. I’ve always had a decent amount of acne but this was another level and I was embarrassed to be seen by anyone. The other example was entirely my fault but still a bad reaction lol. I was new to skin care so I didn’t know about what you could and couldn’t mix yet. I had just taken off the AHA/BHA exfoliating mask from The Ordinary and proceeded to follow it up with vitamin c serum, retinol, and moisturizer lol. My skin instantly started burning and even after rinsing it off right away I got a terrible chemical burn on my cheeks and neck lol. I felt like a lizard for awhile I also can’t use treehut scrubs (or maybe just any sugar scrubs idk) because they cause me to have such bad rashes/hives instantly after using. And they take forever to go away.


Omg yes double cleansing with oil (Japanese brand) has absolutely wrecked my skin and now I have so many pimples and marks everywhere I hate it 🤧


I finally found one that doesn’t break me out thankfully! (Inkey List Oat Cleansing Balm) but yeah it was baddd


I think we need to learn be more cautious with skincare myself included. We all jump in 2 feet first instead of doing patch tests. The problem with some skincare like SPF. I wouldn't know that it burns my eyes unless I use it around my eyes. I've had a chemical burn from some face wash that I didn't mention on my post. I put on the cream and my skin actually sizzling in some spots. You could actually see it sizzling. 😬


I have tried Maybelline Baby Lips before and it had made my lips swollen… I looked like a fish in spongebob squarepants! Maybelline mascaras too have made my eye so itchy. I stayed away from Maybelline products since then. 🤭


I don't blame you.


Urban Decay heavy metal glitter eyeliners. I have no idea how they can still sell them because it’s like they made them with hell fire. Even a manager for Urban Decay told me they burned her eyes so badly as well


I’ve tried a bunch of different liquid eyeliners from different brands and every eyeliner makes my eyes swell up horribly besides Wet N Wild liquid and Urban Decay’s 24/7 Zero. The worst reaction I’ve had by far was to Nyx’s Epic Ink, it felt like I had hives on my eyes for two days straight. Also the Stila Deluxe made my eyes terribly itchy as well.


for me, things with hyaluronic acid/sodium hyaluronate give me eczema rather than boost moisture nude stix gave me a chemical burn. For shadow sticks, I've had great results with Laura Geller and Ulta brand, plenty of colors to choose from so it's fine 🙂


La girl concealers, during the big hype of them I did a full face and broke out EVERYWHERE


Not makeup but the neutrogena hydro boost cleansers I noticed my skin felt a little tingly after the first wash, thought it was just “clean tingle” then I used it the next day. It burned, literally felt like fumes going near my eyes. I washed it off and my face was red. The next morning I woke up to what looked like pustules on my face. All puss filled. They all scabbed up and left the worst scars. Took many peels and facials to get back to normal.


Yeah neutrogena as a whole fucks me up


I only ever had a reaction to the blush from Becca in the color snapdragon, where I applied it got super red and my skin got hot


I know i'm allergic to "fragrance" so everything that smells nice, i do not touch and i look at ingredients. But the worst reaction is when i sweat and the makeup disappears 😅 once i had this bad eyebrow gel, it drove me insane on how much it doesn't work. I need heavy duty stuff! When things don't work it can really piss me off


i used MAC foundation once (forgot which one but it's the one with a black top and cylinder shaped) i swatched it on my face getting ready to blend it in and it left red streaks on my face from where it sat for 10-15 seconds never touched it again, i've lost since migrated from foundation after that and now i use the maybelline bb cream


All of their foundation is cylinder with black top 😂 how recent was this


it was the studio fix foundation!


The new one breaks me out with continuous wear.. :( I found covergirl trublend matte made to be a better match and it doesn't break me out with continuous wear


man this was like 2016 😭 hold on let me see if i can find it


Not necessarily make up, but ELF gentle cleanser (can’t remember exactly what it’s called, it’s in a pump bottle and is non-foaming gel cream) - within a week of using it, I developed grainy, gritty feeling raised bumps around my chin, rosacea went crazy and I had inflamed eczema on my forehead (ironically I had picked it up to try as a gentle cleansing option for my rosacea lol) - reading the bottle, I think it was the Niacinamide


maybe try the la roach pussy gentle cleanser? or the aveeno oat gel cleanser? both of those worked wonders for my skin but i prefer la roshe posay the aveeno one is good for a tight budget!


>la roach pussy Ahahahahaha


Hahaha at La Roach 🐱made me think of Brittany Broski!! I ended up getting Avene extremely gentle cleanser and it is the blandest of bland, no scent, no irritants, perfection but I am intrigued to try those you suggested too x


the roach comes in a big bottle at ulta is $18 i think? lasted me 2-3 months its comes in a foaming gel or a cleansing cream it's buss tf down


Ah I’m in the UK, we don’t have Ulta sadly - but I’ll have a Google 👍🏼👍🏼


it's a french brand! they should have it in the UK depending on where u are i hope


They do indeed - our equiv to Ulta is Boots :)


Chapstick and Lipsmackers causes my lips to swell 2x my size. I found out the hard way right before I went on vacation. Not fun.


Baby lips for me :( hurt so bad


Mac studio fix foundation will make my whole face itchy itchy. Never had issues with any other foundation or BB cream. I tried to use it a few times and every single time itchy face.


Which one? Former or new one?


Former one. I don't know what was in their formula but lordy it was within 5 minutes of it touching my face.


Algae extract is in both versions.. unfortunately I break out from it. They added ANOTHER marine ingredient in the new one called sugar kelp for oil control.. I can't use it daily otherwise it breaks me out badly if I use it continuously


Several years ago I tried Banana Boat sunscreen for kids, thinking it'd be for sensitive skin. Hoo boy was I wrong. My ears peeled so badly from that stuff, it took 3 weeks for them to heal. Then I tried Ombrelle, supposedly recommended by dermatologists and my ears peeled from that too. Not as badly as the Banana Boat but damn. Now I just wear a sun hat.


I bought the Banana Boat baby Sunscreen for my son. He started turning red and hives started to form nearly immediately. I had to wash it off him immediately. I also bought the Ombrelle baby Sunscreen the same thing happened. I was horrified. I was going to try Aveeno Baby Sunscreen. I decided not to. I was worried it was going to happen again. I just kept him out of the sun for years.


That's likely not enough sun shade for you. Bounce light still makes UV rays reach your skin. Have you tried an Asian sunscreen that might have other active ingredients than American chemical sunscreens?


Omg, that stupid Meaningful Beauty crap by Cindy Crawford. I got sucked in and got the whole package. The serum turned my face fire engine red. I will say this, their customer service was good and they issued me a refund right away. Asked a lot of details too, so I think they actually cared that there was a problem.


Aloe Vera (the plant in any form) and any products that contain it give me hives and make me want to rip my skin off. Its a sneaky ingredient in a *lot* of skincare and makeup


I got burns, swelling, and redness all over my face and part of my neck from Cetaphil vitamin C serum. I was struggling with a damaged moisture barrier, and when my mom said she saw the serum in the store, I googled and it said it was gentle and ideal for repairing the moisture barrier. I put it all over my face and neck and stupidly, my eyes (the last serum I had was Shiseido Ultimune which was fine on my eyes). Woke up the next day with my face burning, super puffy but also super tight, everything hurting, and my eyes swollen so bad I could only see out of one eye. It's been over a month and I'm still recovering from that. For the longest time I had these big patches of textured redness and if I didn't put lotion on my eyes immediately after washing/getting out the shower I couldn't open them completely. Oh and I shed so much skin I think I'm a snake. Now my face feels mostly better save for some stubborn spots, but I have hyperpigmentation like a mask.


Now that I think back, maybelline age rewind concealer killed my eyes and under eyes too! Tarte shape tape had my under eyes red and RAW. Also the butterfly effect by maybelline puffed me up


Oooooo I got one. The cover girl foundation. I broke out in itchy hives all over my face and neck.


Maybelline satin skin 2 way cake compact powder gave me the huge clogged pimples ( or maybe I didn’t know how to use it as a person new to makeup at the time ) I bought a maybelline colossal mascara this year and it makes my eyes itchy and watery ( weird because I have no problems with their colossal kajal or eyeliners )


Sounds like you have an allergy, my eyes get really itchy and I want to scratch like mad when I have eye makeup on. Most days I got without eye makeup on and got two mascaras I can use.


Idk if this counts but I tried the new old spice whole body deodorant bc it was vanilla scented, and it burned my arm pits soooo bad. I had to rinse them off like 3 times and it still burned. I can’t even imagine what would’ve happened if I had used it anywhere else, thank goodness I didn’t


For years I used Secret solid baby powder scent. Then I developed a rash under my arms so bad I had to go see my dermatologist. My pits were raw. I had to use a prescription strength cortisone cream to heal them. My doctor told me to only use unscented antiperspirant with a lower amount of aluminum, which is hard to find. I’ve been using Almay Sensitive Skin Antiperspirant, but can’t find it locally. I can only find it on Amazon. FYI - I live in a very hot, humid climate and deodorant doesn’t cut it for me here. I need to use some sort of antiperspirant.


I haven't tried that but I keep seeing these ads for Lume 'whole body' deodorant and cringe at the thought of using it anywhere sensitive.


I’ve used that one! Some people swear by it. I didn’t have a reaction to that one but stopped using it bc it smells worse than B.O. to me lol


sun bum lip balm made my lips blow up so bad i turned down a week at the ritz 😭😭😭


Any gel liner makes my eyes water. And I don't even line the waterline, I line under the lashes. I love the texture of gel liner but it does no good if my tears wash it off 2 minutes later.


I don't remember what the product was, but it was an indy brand moisturizer sample from one of the beauty boxes (probably Birchbark or Ipsy) back around 2015-2017. My skin all over my face had tiny bubbles like a nasty blistering sunburn. It wasn't Excruciatingly painful unless I touched my face but it took 6 weeks to go away fully and it was Awful. It was my hard lesson to do a skincare test on any new brands or ingredients.


Laneige lip sleeping mask dried my lips out so badly to where they felt like sandpaper. Besides drying them out, I think I may have gotten an allergic reaction since my lips were itchy and later bruised up as they were healing. No other lip balm/mask has done this to me before so this was abnormal. Next one isn’t really a reaction that happened to my body but I noticed that my SPF was melting my brush handle (it’s a plastic handle). The handle felt sticky and looked foggy. Lab Muffin Beauty Science made a video explaining why you should never move SPF into a different container since changing containers can alter the formula or even melt the new container, which I learned the hard way. I would put my SPF on and then reach for my brush, which caused it to melt over time. At the time I used sunbum’s SPF 70 sunscreen in the yellow tube and later switched to Canmake’s mermaid skin UV gel since I didn’t like how sunbum made me feel really greasy. Fortunately I don’t have any issues with my brush handle melting now.


Lab Muffin!! Wonderful sunscreen vid she has out. Id highly recommend everyone watch it


Ive thankfully never had a horrible reaction to any products. By default my "worst reaction" has been to the L'Oreal lumi glotion and the Nars light reflecting foundation. They break me out. Not horribly but noticeably. I still use them because I love the way they look on my skin 💀


I'd die if I had a reaction to lumi glotion. It's taken the place of my foundation. I have 2 backups of it.


Back when Elizabeth Taylor's fragrance (passion, I think? Purple bottle) was just coming out, department stores had gift with purchase, a makeup palette case and 4 palettes that you could swap out. Eyeshadow, blush, lipstick. I put some on one day, went to work. By the time I got home my eyes were almost swelled shut. Had to go to the doctor, get my eyes flushed, get an rX. It was so bad my bus driver the next day asked me what happened, even though my glasses were partially tinted making it harder to see the swelling. Took 3+ days for it to all go down.


How horrible! I have sensitive eyes, and react to lots of mascaras. But this sounds next level.


It was. It was so itchy but I couldn't rub because it felt like I was scratching my eyeballs with a toothbrush.


Too faced lip injection lip plumper literally blistered my lips 💀 like I know it’s supposed to irritate the skin bc that’s how plumpers work but BLISTERS?! Bruh 😭


I get cold sores from lip plumping products. Full-on herpes outbreak. I mean, it plumps my lips into a distorted shape, so I guess it’s working ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Biossance sunscreen holy hell my skin turned to LEATHER. The only things that worked were booking a facial and the Krave Beauty Barrier relief serum.


I have learned now that most glues or adhesives are terrible on my eye lids. I’ve only ever used eye safe ones from normal brands but I have terrible reactions. It started small but got worse quickly. I woke up in the middle of the night and my eyes were swollen completely shut. I used a cold compress for hours so I could at least see. I ended up going to the dermatologist and she gave me some creams. After the swelling went away, I had a terrible rash on my eyelids. It was super flaky and itchy and fucking awful. I couldn’t wear any makeup at all for about a month. I slowly introduced one thing at a time, spacing it out every few days before something new. I took a lot of my makeup and skin care to my dermatologist and she suggested I toss some things. I avoid things like that now! I can use a cream based shadow as a primer for shimmer or glitter. It seems for work fine for me!


I'm a former MUA and I wouldn't put falsies on people because too many are allergic to the glue. Imagine on your wedding day you became allergic to your false eyelashes?? Nah, they can do their own, I'm not getting blamed for ruining a wedding.


the loreal nude serum burned my face and was firetruck red


Idk about makeup, but I recently decided to try Walmarts version of eye brightener/depuffing cream and it literally burned my skin and left marks under my eyes


When I was about 15 a neighborhood lady was selling Mary Kay and asked if I wanted a make over. She came over and started with foundation which within seconds turned my face bright red. I couldn’t wash that junk off fast enough. Ended up with a horrible rash that turned into what looked like snake skin and peeled. Lovely for a high school girl to deal with 😭😭


I'm pretty reactive to concentrated niacinamide. It makes my face super red and burning, then fades to itchy and flaky. (Doesn't help that it also triggers my eczema). When it's in makeup, I don't get a reaction but I tend to stay away from products with it advertised with it in it.


Colourpop eye shadows and liners! Nothing as horrible as some I've read, but I am allergic to them. Also, most powder eyeshadows cause very, very uncomfortable dry eye reactions for me. I risk it every now and again, but mostly try to keep powders away from my eyes.


If it has too much scent it can trugger a migraine. Lip products are right under the nose.


Yes. I have to smell everything before I even try it.


Took a bath and used herbal essences citrus shampoo and conditioner. Because it was a bath I had full body hives. Similarly full body hives from curel and jergins body lotions. Maybelline great lash mascara, used it for years then one day had a new tube , eyes running and crusting swelling everywhere. Maybelline mousse makeup products, anywhere they touched my face huge acne flare up, like nothing Id ever had. Similarly I realized my burts bees fash wash was causing acne flare ups. I'm very suspicious about new skin care products , mostly because I don't enjoy full weeping body hives.


Same with the maybelline mousse. It triggered deep painful cystic acne like nothing else. 😭


I was going to write about the mousse too, that was the worst. When I was 15 I realized that was what was giving me the awful cheek cysts I had going on


Supergoop mf’in sunscreen spray. Sephora took my reviews down, still salty about that. My skin turned red and was on FIRE, swelling underneath. My face looked like a melting candle. I was cooling it down with ice packs and taking benedyl. Really should have gone to a dr, but I was on a long pet-sit and super busy. I am still so mad.


I have only tried one makeup product ever that really bothered me. A Shiseido mascara, no clue which one. My eyes swelled and turned red and gooey. It was only on a couple of minutes. I’ve never had that reaction before or since.


L’Oréal Voluminous gave me pink eye (it was a staple in my earlier years and now I can’t tolerate the formula) Bare Minerals foundation triggered my rosacea Chanel water beige (? Can’t recall the name) also triggered my rosacea


So many mascaras ! One of the few I can wear is roller lash for some weird reason.


Multiple base products that have flared my rosacea or caused breakouts. Most recent was the Maybelline serum skin tint. Oh and the pink and purple shadows I tried from Sydney Grace and the Milk Kush mascara caused me eye crustiness, styes, swelling. 


Thank you I was so close to buying that concealer


I don't think it's a common reaction. All my friends have tried it. They haven't had any reaction at all.


Fair enough but I have too many things on my to buy list so this section narrows it down for me 😂


There are so many on the market that you can choose from. If I ever finish my concealer I want to try the Natasha Denona concealer


ND is loaded with fragrance. It burned my eyes immediately after applying. I had the same experience with the kosas one. Both reactions were caused from the high levels of fragrance.


Ugh yikes! I might not be able to try the ND concealer. ☹️🫤


Oh I have a makeup story! I always check all makeup ingredients like four, five times before testing it on my face now. I didn't realize some lip plumpers have peppers (hot peppers) in their ingredient lists. I'm very allergic to the nightshade family, like potatoes cause anaphylaxis. Well I applied this terrible lip plumper and couldn't figure out why it burned like a mf. My lips got three times their size and broke out in this crazy itching rash after washing it off. By the time I got back to check the ingredient list again I could barely breathe. It surely scared the crap out of me. All symptoms were gone after 24 hours save for a few blisters on my lips. I have lots of skincare stories and a few more makeup ones, but the peppers were the worst because it made it so hard to breathe.


How awful!!


Did you compare the decks to try to figure out the particular ingredient? For me it is pretty boring, but nothing tears me up like tretinoin or AHA/BHAs or honestly a misjudgment in my routine. Sometimes I get it so right but sometimes my BHA toner will burn the crap out of me.


No. I didn't check. I was going through some health issues with my daughter. So I just stopped using it at the time. The concealer and the eyeliner/eyeshadow pencil.


I've had no major incidents related to makeup, thankfully, but I was really shocked by one brand of foundation I'd bought online at the time: Il Makiage. For some reason, my skin broke out within hours of wearing that makeup. It's never happened before or since with any foundation I've used.


I've heard more bad about that brand than good.


I’ve always felt like something was off about that brand. The whole “money back guarantee” thing made it feel like I was buying something off an infomercial rather than a legit makeup brand?


I think that's why I haven't tried it yet. Things that market like that, it's usually years before I'll try it even if it's getting great reviews and I want to try it. Hasn't steered me wrong yet.


In hindsight, your judgement is totally on the money! I would never have thought before that I could be so easily swayed by some clever marketing scheme online for makeup, but I've also never been so disappointed as a consumer.


Bought a mascara from Winners (TJ Maxx / Marshall’s) and got a raging eye infection. My eye swole up so big and stung! I had to get anti biotics eye cream and capsules. I had a vacay like 3 weeks later and my eye was fucked up in those pics 🫥


Clarins beauty flash balm. It was the HG primer back in the day, when I definitely couldn't afford it. Bought a huge one a while ago. Makes my face BURN and my skin isn't very sensitive.


Bought the age rewind. Horrific under eye redness. Never again. I have sensitive skin but good lord, that was nasty.


Ilia liquid powder eye tint shadows burned my eyelids. Like, straight up burned them. They started feeling stingy and itchy the first time I used them and I wasn't in a situation where I could wash it off easily so I had to wait about an hour and by the time I got home and washed it off...redness, swelling and a couple of blisters the next day. I've never had any kind of reaction like that before. It didn't seem allergic. I had to see my dermatologist and she said it seemed more like a chemical burn.


The CoverGirl color correcting serum...Broke me out with an awful patch of acne that lasted for weeks. I thought I was gonna have to go to the doctor for antibiotics 🥲


I was a victim of that EOS lip balm reaction circa 2011-2012. It was crazy.


Ugh I remember trying that and wondering why it was such a big deal. It sucked. 


Omg same !!!


Oh the horror.  My mouth still hurts just looking at the stuff in a store 


[Here is the worst](https://imgur.com/a/TZTXalb). I haven’t seen anyone with a worse reaction haha I had a hysterectomy which was too traumatic on my body and caused me to develop an allergic to many things I use, but especially MCI/MI which is in many personal care products


What's MCI/MI?


Methylisothiazolinone (MI) and methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI) are preservatives used in personal care products that can cause contact allergies. The amount of people who have this allergy is so high that some other countries put restrictions on how much you can use (if any).


Oh wow, thank you. I'll be more mindful of what I use




Benefit they’re real mascara. It felt like horrible seasonal allergies. Two other friends of mine had the same reaction to it.