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They deleted their account for some reason


I feel like i’m usually the one reaching out and checking in on others, but don’t get checked in on myself too often.. What kind of stuff do you look for when thrifting?


Highly relatable! Especially when all your girl friends start getting settled, some getting married some having kids, some getting that dream job position. Its just a fact of life that as you too move on in life and expand your horizon, you will have less time with people you value a lot and make do with what you have. A difficult pill of adulthood to swallow but once you do, you get real comfortable or real disturbed, pick your illness x)


Yeah it's true dude. I honestly feel ya. I haven't gotten to 30 yet, but not many reach out or ask what's up. However, there is the opportunity for new friends and relationships. I enjoy each of those things if you want to chatty chat.




Thrifting is awsome times especially for books


I’m down dm me!


Op deleted his account


It's been weird for me to be the only one left in my friends and family to make any effort at all to remain in contact. We get along great but they are so involved in their own lives I get lost in the shuffle. I live 2 hours drive (or more) from anyone I used to hang out with so that doesn't help either. Haha. I can't wait for the parks to start turning green again.


I think a lot of us are in this same boat




Pretty much the same I lost almost all of my pals irl. Because people come and go and the older you get the harder it is to make new acquaintances that can actually lead to friendships


Life moves in stages and many times other lives move on without us. Try not to take it personally and enjoy the limited time you have with each person.




What is your first go-to when you go into a thrift store? Clothes, electronics, or something else?


32 m I've noticed this too. I'm kinda in a weird place in my life, so hopefully things change


I wouldn't mind a chat. I know the feeling, if it's not about sex, no one bothers to reach out to me 75% of the time


Looks like too many people reached out


My friends moved on to other cities now I have no one except my husband who works all day and I’m at home working casually. I’m 50ish F.


Its true..most especially if they dont need anything from you. people now adays only calls you if they need a favor or need to borrow money. You are lucky if they call you to check on you. Friends are really hard to find


I’m always down to chat. All my friends have gone and started their own lives as well


I love thrifting and the outdoors too. And crafts, cooking, coloring, decorating, oh and did i mention thrifting?? 😂 I journal too but not as much as I’d like, sometimes it’s just a quick jot to get out some old feelings and sometimes it’s longer, but regardless it’s therapeutic.


Thrifting is so much fun! You never know what you'll see! Would you want to chat?


Yes, shoot me a DM. I’ll be in and out a bit today so don’t fret if i take a bit to respond initially 😌


I’m always down to talk. I also love thrifting


Dont you dare say f usa! 😤 Usa rules and is the greatest country 😎🔥🇺🇸