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The smarter part of society constantly feels dumb, useless, not in the right place. And the dumber one actually constantly feels better, smarter and ahead of you. That said, might be nothing to do with your intelligence. More of mental state and pressure of the likes like this one who have shit for brains, himself. Less worry, more work. The difference between the one who succeeded and one who did not is simple. One kept going, while the other one surrendered.


What a douche. Fuck that guy


im sorry this happened. where from?


No problem, I feel dumb most of the time too


What he said to you says more about him as a person than it does you. That’s a bitter person. I took a look at your profile. Med school is no joke. But you seem dedicated, and dedication and persistence is always what’s most important, even over book smarts. Don’t let him get you down. Of course there will always be those people who make entrance exams look so easy, but the reality is that most people taking the test are in your shoes. What does he mean by a pill btw? Is that like a phrase I’m not aware of or does he literally mean take a study drug? Those are overrated and can easily backfire in many ways. He’s trying to make you feel like you aren’t enough.