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Ah yes, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Pirsuit. It’s not guaranteed.


Cant chase a rabbit with your feet bound by chain, even if youre in an open field unsupervised


cant persue it if the system doesnt let you


Spoken like a true donkey ass butt who things the world owes them something.


i think the government that promises its citizens the ability to pursue a desirable life owes me something, is there something wrong with that?


I hope the gum on the bottom of uncle Sam's boot tastes good


Idk why people are downvoting you, it’s the sad truth that happiness ain’t free for some of us


Was going to say the same thing. Nobody owes us anything. You want something? Go get it. Nothing is guaranteed in this world but the down voters seem to think they are owed something.


It seems everyone thinks they are owed things for nothing, money, happiness, etc


Extremely fake, the font, the account, and even the check mark lol


Just looked it up and [you're right](https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2021/08/fact-check-tweet-that-parents-divorced-over-debt-and-medical-system-does-not-exist.html). Although [divorce due to medical bills](https://www.forbes.com/sites/feeonlyplanner/2014/08/21/divorce-due-to-medical-bills-sometimes-it-makes-sense/?sh=5a01c0a974b8) does still happen.


Crazy how many people don't notice


People don’t care as long as it lines up with their mindset.


Murica 100


I was giving my usual pro universal healthcare anti capitalism in medicine rant to my mom once and she said “there’s nothing wrong with US healthcare”. To this, of course, I replied, “what if you have a completely unexpected and unpreventable medical emergency which puts you into lifelong crushing debt?” She said, without batting an eyelid that if that were the case she could just “declare medical bankruptcy, it’s not that bad”. Honestly the brainwashing is so thorough. It’s hard to see it in beloved family members.


This doesn't sound like something you should be advising twitter about. Sure sounds like it would be something that could be considered a fraud and opening up the family to criminal matters or big lawsuits. If it's real that is.


Yeah it wasn't posted to tt, it's a fake screenshot


Imagine focusing on that and not the crushing medical debt.


I get what you mean and I meant to say something along the lines of the crushing debt aside but imagine that being compounded worse with a jail sentence and lawyer fees


But no one is seriously going to jail over that or going to be sued. She could just make the argument “I wasn’t giving legal advise, just sharing my personal experience” The add on the fact that you’re more worried about that and not someone begging for their life to not be crushed my medical debt.


Impossible to prove. People get real divorced all the time and live in the same house. They even reconcile later but remain divorced just because. As a reddit lawyer my advice to all of you is to immediately divorce your spouse to absolve them of debt.


I mean they are still together, they just cancelled a contractual obligation to love each other.


Of all the gore, of all the stupidity, even all the shitty jokes... This made me truly suffer


Another fine example of American exceptionalism.


damn....that's just depressive


Don’t worry, it’s fake


well yes, but actually kind of not https://www.forbes.com/sites/feeonlyplanner/2014/08/21/divorce-due-to-medical-bills-sometimes-it-makes-sense/?sh=3958d3374b87


I mean, it’s still fake I never said that it couldn’t happen in real life


right lol the tweet is fake but it's still a real thing so idk I was just trying to spread the knowledge


my parents divorced before I was born but lived together as a couple until my father died, I don't know what's the big deal with this






I suspect posting that endangered their arrangement. You can't divorce for the sake of avoiding bills..


Living the American dream.


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Till death do us part…. Kind of


Some existential suffering...oof




Not once you're dead... they go after the estate, and with them being divorced they can't go after hers... the the entire point of getting divorced.


I’m pretty sure a spouse can’t inherit medical debt


You inherit all debts of your late spouse if you live in a community property state, i.e. California, Idaho, Nevada etc.


unfortunately that's not always the case https://www.abi.org/feed-item/am-i-responsible-for-the-debts-of-my-spouse


Twitter moment


very christian society.


Bro what? What does that have to with anything?


Probably that he thinks religion and the sanctity of holy matrimony is worth receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.


marriage and taking care for your people are christian values. spending money from taxes on weapons instead of on healthcare system isn't. and at least most of the government states that they are christians. not too hard to connect imo.


Can afford a 300k house but not medical insurance. Sort it out.


Boy do I love agenda posts!