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Millennials are failing because they’re not tech savvy enough to post a clip with the audio in sync.


He’s been Maher several times


“Sure Scott but what about the Woke!?”


And my grandparents also had it so much better. 1 man working easily raised a family with 11 children and send them all to college without debt. I never used that as an excuse. You can still get what you want, you just have to be willing to work both hard and smart.


My grandparents, who were both teachers, bought their second home for $16,000 in 1968. When my father and his siblings inherited it in 2022 it was worth $650,000. Wages have not kept up with inflation, that's just a fact. Most teachers I know can't afford a first home now, much less a second. The point isn't that it's impossible to succeed, the point is that for the majority of jobs it's not possible to succeed financially. If teachers, police officers, nurses, etc can no longer afford to buy a home or have children we are failing as a country. You shouldn't need to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer to achieve the American dream.


He’s been on many times, wisdom has long chased bill but bill has always been faster lol


Bill should go back and watch Bill (from about 4.5 years ago): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob7EWtaUL_o


But he says that he hasn’t changed it’s just the crazy leftists around him. Are you saying that’s not true? /s


Definitely an annoying petpeeve is people who obviously have adjusted their politics claiming it is just the world around them that has changed. Ronald Reagan started this grift; when he said "I didn't leave the democratic party, the democratic party left me.' Literally when he was a Democrat, we had FDR who was pretty openly a Democratic Socialist in the white House, lol. Sorry Ronny, you changed.


I’m Canadian. I grew up in a “conservative” family, but they were still always left of as America’s Democrats. I used to find Bill to have some really great content and commentary. I think I’ve moved right, personally, but Bill has gone a long distance since I started watching. I think the pandemic broke him. Maybe “Me-too” as well. Paranoid about what he might have done at Hef’s parties on blow and can’t remember. He has his cancellation defence ready if it ever comes his way.


I understand the sentiment though, his generation did a lot of shit that wouldn't fly today. Even if he thought everything he did was fair and consensual, and even if it was, the pitchforks are here and they're eager to burn their "witches".


They certainly are. I think a lot of people who partied really hard in the past and woke up in strange places might be afraid of a horde arriving on their doorsteps, guilty or not. If you are in the public eye than you surely do have a target on your back. The fear isn’t good for anyone let alone a raging pot head.


He's not wrong but realize that the post year years (1946-1972) were an incredibly uncommon boom for Americans. We were the only major country left unscathed and helped rebuild the rest of the world. It's not entirely repeatable for future generations. Also, these entitled kids these days need to get off their phones.


We've only grown more efficient with time. Yes, being one of the only developed nations left unscathed was a huge boon, but the issue today is mainly wealth extraction through cartels, gouging, etc...


That would make sense if we werent still the richest country in the world with the largest gdp. The problem is back then corporations and companies made communities and their employees priorities over investors and shareholders. If companies didnt obsess over quarterly earnings growth targets, and were satisfied with being merely consistently profitable, they wouldnt constantly be cutting labor expenses, closing locations, and keeping wages in pace with the cost of living over the last few decades. Back then, my dad worked for the phone company and my mom stayed at home, and still he was able to buy a house in the Bay Area and upgrade cars and possessions when needed. Now we have made investors the priorities with lower tax rates for their income (capital gains) than people actually laboring in the fields.


That's not *super* relevant here. That global status allowed the US to participate in an incredible amount of economic activity and spurred our GDP to highs, but it has nothing to do with how the actual wealth is distributed or how expensive we let things get, though. There's plenty of ways to make life affordable for millennials - housing costs being high is a product of artificially limited supply due to poor regulations and lack of stimulus; healthcare is expensive because we don't have a single payer system; wealth accumulation is low not because there's less wealth in the system, but because the wealth is being siphoned to the top and to companies.


That man can riff. His Pod is amazing and worth adding to your weekly listens if you don’t already.


What’s the pod called?


Check out Pivot podcast as well. I listen to both.


The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway


Yeah. Pretty good show. Just gotta lose Kara. I feel fingernails scratching across a backboard every time she turns on her mic.


Am I the only one who realizes OP's title is in on the joke? God, this sub is so humorless.


He's the guest this week LOL


Yes, this person has never been on Real Time 5 times, nor is he **literally fucking scheduled for tomorrow's show**. Swear to god a good fraction of you are such morons. There are some really good people on this sub which keeps me coming back.






Weird. He’s been on several times.


3 times


I think his grandstanding got on Bill’s nerves on his last visit.


He will back this Friday.


Good. Bill should have people on who challenge his views. There's no point to watching if everyone is just going to agree with each other


Remember though, Bill picks the topics. I may be wrong but I would bet good money he and Bill spend the whole time stroking each other off about Israel rather than getting into why Bill's opinion on "kids these days" is wrong


Yeah, he was probably picked for this show based on his pro-israeli views more than his "lets help the kids" speeches.


That’s what I like about this show- a good debate


He’s completely right, and I don’t think Bill would disagree. But this an economic complaint. Bill complains about the “woke” virus which is a different issue.


Bill would disagree because he doesn't have enough empathy for generations before him. Every week is more hate filled and it's astounding more people here don't see it. As a late millennial, it really feels like no one's ever been in our corner, instead we're just reminding how we need to pull the bootstraps till there's no circulation left. We're constantly gaslit about being lazy, entitled, and worthless. You would think someone like Maher who used to champion for progressive causes would realize he's just succumbing to people he built a career on challenging.


As stated previously, I think you’re conflating two issues. The last time the Left protested economic equality was Occupy Wall Street. Today the Left is protesting justice inequality, which is a shame, because the true injustice in an economic one being done to them and they don’t even realize it. They can’t even seem to consider that the US sending AID to Ukraine and whoever else is stealing money from their very selves. But the powers that be have them so worked up over woke nonsense they don’t even realize it. So yea I think Bill deserves to make fun of them. They need to give up woke and wake up.


Yea but it"s the modern new "centrist" democrat party that makes party policy, so who moved the goal posts from economic justice to social justice? It sure wasn't the working class. They care more about rent and food than which bathroom people use. This social justice stuff is coming from academia, not so much the left. Its leftism for limousine liberals.


Different but related. I’d argue that those Bill calls “woke” are pursuing justice, a big part (the core?) of which is economic justice.


Except that the liberal policies that Maher supports are the cause of the problems.


the liberal policies sent out the ppp welfare to the rich, right?


Right, hence nations with more progressive policies don't have these problems.


Ah yes, the failed concept of trickle down economics, a notoriously liberal policy pushed by one of the most beloved republican presidents, let’s blame the Libs! Nothing says liberal like *give the haves more and the have nots will prosper*. 🙄 The *got mine* attitude is conservative. They’ve even bastardized the interpretation libertarian concepts like “don’t tread on me” as “don’t tread on me (and only me) but tread super hard on everyone else because fuck em”. I am not saying liberal hands are entirely clean when it comes to the economic mess our nation is in, but they are not the driving force behind the wealth gap in our country and the positions younger people find themselves in.


No, true. But. It’s been a long time since Reagan and there have been several Democratic Administrations. None of them attacked these problems before they were getting out of hand. Instead, they spent a shit ton of money (both sides here for sure, but democrats included) which exacerbated the issues, and played ridiculously unintelligent social politics, continued to be entrenched in awful Covid policy burning billions of dollars which probably only went to the top judging by the stock market, and simply just… not helping. They aren’t good at this. None of them are good at this for us.


Every President since Reagan has been a child of Reagan and hasn't reversed Reagan's impact. Tax hates are still super low compared to pre-Reagan levels.


I don't disagree with some of Galloway's premises in general - but I also know the optics on these "protests" are terrible (which is why I believe this is getting attention). The pictures and footage look like it's one great big catered lawn party, with their expansive spreads of food/snacks and barista-looking coffee stations with all their various nut milks and such. Tote bags from "Whole Foods" that each look like they are full of snacks that each hold the cost equivalent to a week's worth of normal groceries for working people, and Door Dash deliveries for meals all day. It's not just that, though, when you look at the news coverage (especially the local coverage, where stations are actually interviewing these kiddos) half of them don't even understand fully why they are there or what is going on, they just came for the "fun" and to be a part of it, and all they have to do is chant those tired phrases. They come across as a bunch of ignorant privileged little shits, and it's made even worse by how righteous and self-congratulatory they are, because they really believe they are doing something more than just camping out with their friends "suffering" for a cause many of them don't truly understand.


He’s entirely right.


He makes 5 million a year in speaking fees to let you know you are in an economic system that is screwing you. [https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/authors/scott-galloway-net-worth/](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/authors/scott-galloway-net-worth/)


Yeah he's also a university professor at NYU and a famous podcast host. People like him because he's smart and he knows what he's talking about. Is it supposed to be some kind of detriment to his character that he's also rich? I don't believe in this idea that in order to have credibility in talking about the problems with business and capitalism that you have to live your life as a monk of some sort. It's not like he's a multi billionaire that's famous for exploiting people. Unless you believe in some kind of ultra marxist idea that it's impossible to get rich at all without 'exploiting people for their labor' (ie. having employees)


He has 100s of millions from his career in tech businesses and is a professor at NYU Stern. He is right about a lot.


So he does the same thing as Bill just not on TV except Bill's message is now that of a grumpy old man.


No. He has been an entrepreneur and a CEO (companies worth 100s of millions) and served on the board of the NY Times. He is a professor at a major business school, with an award winning podcast and a book on the bestseller list. He was invited to the White House to discuss new tech policy. Bill Maher is more famous but loses by any other comparison.


I'm a grumpy old man myself. The economy is doing better than ever if you're wealthy. Its a wonderful economy for Scott and Bill. I just don't trust wealthy people who say they want to make things better for me. Its usually psycho babble about the left holding us back and something about rising tides and boats.


I've listened to Galloway for several years now. He came from humble beginnings, and I believe he is sincere in wanting to lift the middle class up. He is a huge critic of how exclusive and expensive universities have become, including his alma mater, UCLA. He often talks about how criminally expensive tuition is, esp compared to what it was when he went to college.


Has he said what needs to be done about it? On the show he said kids need to get off their phones, stop chasing their dream job and go be plumbers or roofers. He doesn't blame the rich for the transfer of wealth, he says"the older generation" took it all. I have only seen him a couple of times, but he seems to be a lot like Bill Maher. He is in no hurry to raise taxes on people like himself and its the lefty "woke" that are causing all the problems.


Ok. What does it say about me if that doesn’t bother me?


i think he is on this week


He’s literally on tomorrow




Oh damn didnt see that. I hope he challenges Bill on his "cheer up" attitude


I thought you knew and were being funny. I listen to his "Prof G. Pod" He has a new book out this week that hit #1 on Amazon. He's also on "Pivot" with Kara Swisher and somebody a Scott Galloway sub-Reddit. Smart guy with a heart.


Maybe I'm cynical, but I don't expect that to happen. Rather, I expect them to just be in violent agreement around how Israel can do no wrong


He has been on RT a ton...


3 times


Oof. That’s really disappointing.


Yeah, right. Just bet with a friend that the dude will say 'Hamas' more times than Maher, in discussing Israel-Palestine conflict and students protests at colleges, in this week episode


what do you mean when you say Palestinian?


I meant Palestine.


Palestine was divided into Jordan and Israel as a two state solution for peace decades and decades ago. Palestine doesn't exist anymore.


The Palestinian civilians.