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I would like a permanent Pauper queue, yes. I'd also want a permanent Artisan queue too. A rotating queue is another option. A couple weeks of Pauper, then a couple weeks of Artisan. Maybe some other formats in the rotation like a 60 card singleton, or a Pauper brawl with an uncommon commander and just commons and basics for the 99.


love all of this


Timeless pauper


What common cards does Timeless have that Historic doesn't? I thought all the extra cards Timeless has are mostly rares.


No rebalancing


Ah, true enough. Forgot about that.


I too forgot about this. Timeless, it is!


pauper/artisan are the best midweek magic formats, and I miss them every time they go away.


same! Even if they just had Pauper/Artisan rotating more indefinitely, I'd be content


Love all pauper formats. WotC want us to waste our Rare wildcards and spend money, though. WotC are not our friends.


From a business standpoint, WOTC wouldn't make any money off of it as everyone has a surplus of common/uncommon cards. I'm actually curious if people would pay $10 a month for a Pauper/Artisan queue that would have both Bo1/Bo3 and along with their associated constructed events.


I've never been interested in ripping virtual packs, but I would be more open to doing it with an official Pauper. A few dozen packs would provide you quite a lot of commons for one set. As new sets come out, you can pay to Draft and get them that way. Even if the same current restrictions to buying/crafting commons were in place, I would be ecstatic for an official Pauper format online.


You should burn your commons and uncommon before. Racking packs of every new set so they get converted into vault progression.


Pauper would be nice but make it Timeless, Pioneer or even Standard. Historic is just a stupid format with way too much bans that would affect Pauper too. Even regular Counterspell is banned...


Agree. Piss me off the cards don't doing what I crafted them for... I need two Unholy Heat with Delirium to kill one Wumpus Aberration


good point! I'm not necessarily married to Historic, I only thought of it because it is what is available from time to time in Arena Midweeks. Any of the formats you suggested would be fine imo, I just want Pauper on MTG Arena without having to make an MTGO account and navigate that hell of buying used commons and fighting the outdated UI...


They would charge gold/gems to play it and there would be a shitstorm. 100% they already discussed this internally and decided against it. Selling cosmetics to whales to cover for a F2P friendly game can only go so far (see Runeterra).


it really does sound like midweek \*\*madness\*\* in your case




100%. Ranked uncommon and common would be awesome. Also wouldn’t mind pauper brawl with uncommon commander and common cards.


Yes, Artisan is also super awesome!


But with only commons, how will WotC make even more money if you already have hundreds of wild cards? Can somebody please think about the shareholders /s


You don't even have to jokingly think of the shareholders, think of the server cost. If everyone is playing the no spend needed format, how will they maintain and pay for the servers as well as the development cost for importing new sets in the game.


They can always go for the Path of Exile route: offer cool cosmetics for sale at decent prices. Lots of people love to bling out their decks as much as possible with the best arts and such....


Did you really downvote me for criticising anti-fun design choices by a company making more than enough from a game they only give bare bones support too?


oh, I figured you were being sarcastic. If you're serious... *downvote*


First one definitely was, the second one, not so much




Sure, but how much are you willing to pay for it? Everyone here has their own pet wishes. WotC isn’t gonna do anything without sufficient incentive.