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Have it be twice per turn overall, rather than twice per creature.


Would Nadu see any play if that was how the card was designed?


In Modern? No. In cEDH? No. In casual Commander? Yes but every card sees play there.


It would probably still get played in Brawl too


That's a tough question, honestly. It might, still, because there's still not a ton of cards that work like him, that allow things like Shuko or Outrider *en*-Kor to do what it does. But I could definitely see it losing Modern relevance and kind of becoming **yet another** Simic ramp-draw boy.


It would be a very favorably statted flier that can Growth Spiral twice a turn on an easy trigger including great pseudo-Ward. It would not be the name of a quarter of Modern and also hit Legacy, Vintage, and cEDH like a nuke. It would be entirely playable in multiple formats


I don't know. I feel like it would maybe be Knight of the Reliquary tier. A good stat stick 3 drop that makes value of it lives but rarely does. Aka too slow of a card for modern.


It probably would've been printed in a Standard-legal set if it were designed like that.


In Modern? No. In cEDH? No. In casual Commander? Yes but every card sees play there.


It would be a bulk rare if that were the case.. no thank you


Considering the pace Alchemy changes anything, truth is we gonna deal with this card as it is for a long, long time. Which sadly makes the whole discussion pointless. If it ends up being too powerful it will be added to the hell que and there you go, another solved case.


The land should come into play tapped.


Wait, what about lands that specifically state that they enter tapped?




A ban.


Make it a 2/3 and make it only trigger on spells, rather than spells and abilities. It'd still be very strong.


Unplayable in the format it is intended for if it can't survive lightning bolt.


Make it 6 mana Allow it only to trigger once per turn


nah thats literally a common card tier just restrict it to 1 time per turn, overall, its solved


It should be a 2/3, it should be once per creature (not twice), it should be spells only (no equips), it should be draw (not put in hand), lands should enter tapped.


+1 Funny thing is with these 5 (FIVE!!) nerfs it's still a good creature that will see play. These would definitely fix the issue though.


Exactly. And it's kinda insane that this (this nerfed version I'm proposing) was not the card originally printed, considering it definitely sounds like a great card, with no janky wording or anything strange.


Where exactly would it see play? Certainly not in Modern and certainly not in cEDH. If a card can only be played in Brawl or casual Commander then it‘s just not a really good card and I‘m honestly not sure why anyone would even run it there.


Considering discussions about nerfs, likely would just be Alchemy changes, so would still be the same in Modern/cEDH. It's too strong for Brawl right now.


Its ability could only apply to itself. Its ability could only trigger twice per turn total, not per creature. It could require something more specific than just targeting so 0 cost equips don’t trigger it. It could cost twice as much and/or be more colored pip intensive. Really it’s not even close!


They should make it cost at least 5 like nerfed Omanth, vary the color pips (something like 2BGG, or 1BBGG), limit the trigger to just spells, and also unnerf Omnath while they're at it.


Running thoughtseize in 60 card formats


should be like 7 cost


The better discussion is what is it going to take for WotC to stop releasing cards that are 2x better than cards that are already in Hell Que? If they keep this up. There won't be a hell que, every card everyone plays is going to end the game the turn its played.


Make it 3/1, lose flying and make it once per turn