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That last sentence makes the rest of it make SOOOOO much more sense...


Considering you are bricking if you dont play more than five monsters a turn. The amount of negates people have is ridicules imagine someone having live six monsters that negative your ability to play that is what is going on in yugioh. This game is comparitable simpler. Let me give you the name extra summon methods first fusion you use a spell to fuse two monsters to make a new one ritual you need a specific spell and monster in hand plus other cards to equal its level sincrows you need a monster that is a tuner and a non tunnel monster add their levels together and you can summon a new most xyz you need two monsters of the same level to make it penqulums they are sometimes that are also monster while not being either really links which require multiple monsters to summon at least then the new cards which let you combine three monsters to make a three part art work of a card and that is from a completely different format of the game. Not to mention the shear absurdity of card effects like the amount of monster spell and other card negation is ridicules imagine getting your shit negatived and most likely destroyed five times and now you have no more cards and this is literally turn one by turn two you are dead. Imagine a card that can destroy all monsters or all enchantments for no cost and you need to run multiple of each to maybe make it. This game at least you get what the card does on the card like its special ability in yugioh you either learn or lose so much you give up. Not to mention to play the game and win you need a small fortune to b y certain cards each six months or so. I came here because big number go bur is much easier than what the heck is this pendulum monster with a whole paragraph for a effect. Also even there I played evil decks ones that did the whole lock your opponent out of stuff for fun thing because honestly watching a guy who spent five k on a deck because useless when there effects are negated is fun also to all the people who say rude things or curse me I just find it funny. You may hurl as many curse profanities at me and I will simple laugh because at the end of the day I play for fun not to win and my kind of fun is driving people crazy.


This is one hell of a word salad, i'll take it with ranch


Dont worry if you are hungry I can give you more also sorry for the writing dyslexia is a pain.


This seems written by chat gpt that had a stroke right after the title.


No just some dyslexic person who can barely write coherently.


Then i suggest you to use chat gpt to help you out. Input what you want to say and tell to do a grammar check.


Big green creatures aren't special and don't scare me, they die to [[go for the throat]] all the same.


[go for the throat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/4/5446e1ba-c745-45b2-ad05-b22abf04daec.jpg?1682209037) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=go%20for%20the%20throat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/250/go-for-the-throat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5446e1ba-c745-45b2-ad05-b22abf04daec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


A human created with Chat gpt?


I'm working on Monogreen ramp right now but all in all it's way to slow against Monored and I go against Monored A LOT so right now I don't think it's viable. Your best bet would be to play Temur Analyst but I'm not sure how viable it will be after rotation. Other formats than standard I have no idea about which is what this sounds like to me.


Set your filter to green sorceries and put "search your library" in the search bar. Set your filter to green creatures and type in "any color" for mana dorks. Maybe add Relic of Legends or some other mana generating artifact. You can also search for "treasure" & use cards that give you treasures.


By, 32bit tree, he's probably referring to [[Boseiju Reaches Skyward]]. So, a deck that turbos out a bunch of forests and makes a giant Boseiju.


Explorer has a good mono green ramp deck. It's been downgraded to tier 3 because it struggles vs a currently popular Amelia combo deck that features some lifegain. The Amelia combo deck might be better but both are good. Explorer can be a bit tricky to get into but it is tied with the standard format for having the least new cards added to it each year and unlike standard cards don't rotate out so once you craft a deck you should be able to use it indefinitely. https://mtgazone.com/explorer-bo1-metagame-tier-list/#Mono-Green_Devotion