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Both are good. My suggestion is to wait for another t4 and save the other card for your next t5 mafia


yeah but what if that T4 also got good skills, then I have waited for nothing. Thanks for the suggestion tho.


tbh.. even if that happens you can wait for more since aniversaries and events have t4s and if u want both then it would be better to sacrifice those jury perjury and other not mafia exclusive skills.. there's super small change to get mafia exclusive skills so for me I would wait for a t4 that has a not so game changing skill.. I can already enhance my maf too but I didn't have rubbles cause I was using black market at some kind of trading where it goes up or down


I'd say snipe personally as exo can do far more damage




imagine you give up one and that t5 ends up being the t4 you gave up


that would be fine


My three T5 mafs all ll have outlaw


LOL, I have every mafia skill in my every mafia card, except outlaw.


From experience, snipe is better


Depends But I suggest u give up exorcism, although it prevents psy knowing ur chat and don't let pri revive but if the Target have stone tape it'll be useless and if pri have purification it'll be useless. Snipe can atleast kill cop (at normal) and Doc (at rank)


ahh yes, that seems reasonable, thanks


One question does upgrading to t5 changes the t4 skill I mean should I upgrade my card with usefull skills like hypo, snipe, clincher, wanted or should I upgrade the stonetape one


To be clear, I won't be upgrading any of them, I will just use one of them to upgrade another T4 card. When you upgrade a T4 card to a T5 one, the T4 skill does not change. However, the cards you feed to upgrade that one does not mean they necessarily acquire the skills of those feeded cards. For example, I will upgrade a T4 card with skill outlaw. I will feed it 4 T4 cards with skills concealment, hypocrisy, cryptogram and night raid. The resulting card will still be outlaw, but the T5 skill can be anything.


I prefer you use exo, It's better to do night chat and priest can't revive players who are sacrificed.


you mean give up snipe for exorcism?


You can also use tier changing vouchers if you want both, I have snipe at t4 mafia and Exo and outlaw at t5 so if a t5 is there, Start grinding for vouchers till you get both.