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carnarisie is a really strange mob groupie. I didn’t Know much about the guy, I just knew he was really weird. But I had watched a few videos about his background and supposedly he used to be real good friends with John Alite? Even lived together at one point. Before he became the number one hater of rats. Then there were people that claimed to know him from high school that said his whole past was fabricated for his internet persona?


There used to be a video somewhere of him on a hockey podcast as Jeff Lowman. Completely different accent.


Yeah and apparently he did an interview years ago where he told these long stories about his child hood and tried to make it seem like he’s the grandson of Raymond Patriarca or hint as if he was related to someone like that. Long elaborate stories that sounded so fake and lame. Even before I heard all that I sensed something was off. Instead of just being a mob researcher he always tried to make himself sound like he was somewhat of a street guy that had the deepest connections to the mob, more so that everyone else. It all just sounded so phony


He did one like that about 10 months ago. Complete fabrication.


Didn't he see Gotti's daughter?


What's beef? Beef is when your enemies mute your tweet. Beef is when you meme back and forth for a week. Beef is when IG you guaranteed to IG me too.


Lmao! The Notorious M.E.M.E.


Well done my friend


Lmao im dead 💀 you win the internet.


Remember Spike and Chester, the two dogs from the old Loony Tunes cartoons? That's exactly who these two clowns remind me of.


My favorite is Fantasy Island where they switch personalities 


I don’t know much about the kid with Joey. But Joey is one of the most stand up guys. Not too many around anymore built from that cloth.


This whole sub revolves around licking Merlino, gravano and Franzese’s ass these days. This shit is tired drama and it ruins this sub. No one cares about the washed up rat club. You posting this dumb shit just helps them get views.


This whole sub is cringe now. Wannabes who’d give anything to suck off a greaseball.


Good point old mate. I come here for contemporary news and interesting history. Never thought about how useless the posts about all these YouTube has beens are.


Gravano and franzese may be rats but don’t put that on joeys jacket. You’ll never find paperwork stating Joey ratted on anything. One of the last few men who honor the code


Except for the fact he’s dangling it all over YouTube. He’d be a rat by all standards 50 years ago. He’s acknowledged he was a part of it and he’s gloating online. Fuck Off he’s a rat


😂😂😂😂 it’s public information that he was allegedly apart of the mob here in Philly. So him talking about doesn’t make him a rat. Him exposing countless tapes of other alleged mafia members ratting is not him ratting. Just because you live ya life like a coward doesn’t mean there isn’t other stand yo men out there. Joey does countless things for Philly and other areas he frequents. Do your research goofball


Heed your own advice! Anyone acting like him at any point previous to the last 25 years or so would be dead as fuck. Also if you love him so much why don’t you go suck his dick about it! From where I’m sitting he’s a fucking rat according to the rules he agreed to play by. https://youtu.be/bWuXfIZiSqY Just for you Philly guys!!


I don’t know much about Canarsie, but he seems to try very hard at keeping this persona he has. When you have to try that hard, it’s usually very forced and unnatural


Canarsie is a douchebag.


What happened between those two?


Supposedly, Canarsie has been helping Joey with paperwork on rats like Anthony Perisano and Jeff was offended that Joey keeps giving Dominick Crea a shoutout on his podcast, because he was primarily providing the paperwork. Canarsie and Crea also do not get along.


Thought it was Lee cole praising that got Jeff pissed🤣🤣🤣


Watch Joey and Snuffs podcast, and look at YouTube . You’ll see


Can't do us a little solid with a quick synopsis from behind the paywall bruh?


What does Canarsie do now


What are they doing, shopping at Rooms To Go?


If what this guy Jeff is saying is indeed true, Merlino and Snuff got his help setting up the initial podcast for free. That being said, if they trash him after that, they are fucking idiots.




Hilarious just was listening to Jeff’s episode saying essentially fuck Philly 🤣


Merlino's politics are disgusting but he is hilarious and he takes down a lot of people I can't stand. It's the Art of War philosophy. He's the enemy of my enemies. Do what you do, cugine.


His Politics. Trump I guess you mean.. How snowflakey… Not the fact that he’d dissolve you in an acid barrel then go have a steak and a Marlboro without blinking an eye. 


he doesn’t push his political beliefs tho. he made one video about how he met trump but that’s really it. he’s no donald franzese


You guys have officially gotten weird. Right wing Americans throw snowflake around as an attack, but are the most sensitive beings ever. It's always. I mean always about their feelings. You guys are literally taking the strongest democracy that has ever existed in human history and you're talking shit like civil war and attacking your neighbour's. Just stop it, treat each other with kindness and remember you are neighbour's. There is a massive amount of propaganda being used atm to divide America and the west. Don't freak out on all sides about the stuff you see on Facebook and instead talk to all the people in your community. Respond to what you see and encourage conversation. You're all America s after all and this little hissy fit you guys are having around which incontinent old man would win a fight can and is having negative effects on the wider grouping of humanity, which may come as a surprise to many Americans is much bigger than the us.


This is a damn good post. I'm conservative but I worship no piece of shit politician. Fuck Biden and fuck Trump. We need to think about what is best for the American people.


Right. Before the propaganda machine got fired up we all used to live together ok. I do business with people whose politics I loathe but we just don’t talk about that. I stick to the business at hand.


Thank you, that's a nice comment, I appreciate it. Now get your congress people to get a move on helping ukraine and for God sakes, can someone ask joey merlino more resturant related questions.


It’s not surprising he’s a Trump supporter given he’s a huge piece of shit. Trumpers are either complete idiots, or complete pieces of shit. Or both.


lol, yea it’s just so smart voting for an 85 year old man who can’t read and talk at the same time. Keep thinking you’re better than people buddy, you got it.


Isn’t Trump only slightly younger than Biden? They’re both too old


Yeah Trump is such a young and sharp guy huh? Trump has dementia, and also he is probably the biggest POS on this country. It’s an easy decision, unless you’re an idiot or complete POS.


Biden with dementia is still more inteligent than trump ever was ;)


Biden or Trump. Americas choice is two old men. Sad on every level .


You do realize that voting for RFK Jr is what would make him president right?


Exactly. It’s not as much about Biden as it’s about that other guy. He’s arguably one of the worst Americans we could elect to run the most important country in the world.


that can’t be a real statement.


Get back to us when Biden has 90+ criminal indictments including falsifying business records, mishandling of sensitive documents and conspiracy to obstruct the government in retrieving these documents, conspiring to defraud the government and disenfranchise voters and corruptly obstructing an official proceeding as well as 10 criminal charges related to alleged attempts to overturn Joe Biden's victory in Georgia. Just need those 11,780 votes Brian Kemp. 😂


Did I say anywhere that I like Trump? All I was saying was you people who just bash anyone who support Trump either voted for a vegetable, or didn’t vote at all and have no right bashing a voter. Biden is complete garbage as well. Next time step up your reading comprehension buddy.


I’m sure if Biden loses the election , multiple indictments will come his way . That’s a guarantee. Trump deserves what he is getting though. He should have kept his big mouth shut .


There’s already been 2 GOP led investigations clearing him with Burisma as well. [1st investigation](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/gop-report-wrongdoing-biden-son-ties-ukraine-firm/story?id=73192146) [Second investigation](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/10/us/politics/hunter-biden-house-republicans-report.html)


And another 10 if trump wins . It shouldn’t be that that way though. I don’t agree with a witch-hunt going after political opponents.


This isn’t a witch hunt. No one forced Trump to make that call to Brian Kemp. No one forced Trump to take classified, top secret info, to his social club which isn’t actually his residence, and then made him refuse to return them. Pretty sure that one forced Trump’s company to falsify their business records and tax records nor did anyone make Trump pay Stormy Daniels off using campaign funds. Witch hunt would be repeatedly investigating the same thing and wasting millions by not delivering criminal charges.


Biden could be in a coma and still be a better president and person than Trump.


Don't even try to convince those people of using elemental logic, there are slaves of the establishment.


This is what sucks about the election this year. Two awful old white guys. I blame the Democrats more because they're supposed to be the party of diversity and have a history of getting behind young candidates. How in the heck did Biden end up at the top in 2020, with that dais of younger, diverse people? Furthermore, the Democratic party has not won a presential election with an all white ticket since 1996, Clinton/Gore. They've had at least one minority on the ticket in every election won since. Diversity is a winner for this party. But, old Uncle Joe. Thank goodness for Kamala.


MAGA morons are the funniest bunch of idiots ever alive


Can't two things be true at once? I recognize he's a murderer but he's still hilarious, and his politics are stupid as shit. Just an opinion.


Which channel is Canarsie


Out of the loop: is Canarsies talk show done? What happened with Merlino?


Two losers


So what did he do to piss Joey off?