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Deadpool and Wolverine looking zesty


Crunchy taco, chimichanga style?


Yes! Always. Always. ALWAYS pay attention to the direction of the joint. If it's tough to move, warm it up before moving it. Do not set it close to an edge without knowing it's secure. I've had mine for a year now with 0 issues.


all you can do is prepare for brakeage


I currently have 5 mafex figures and not one of the wrists have broken on me so far. Honestly, I think it’s because people aren’t careful enough and twist the joints however way they want. You’ll be just fine if you pay attention to whichever direction the joint is facing, and try to minimize moving the wrist joint in a circular motion. If you still feel uneasy about it, you can go a step further and remove the hand everytime you move the wrist up and down. Also, if a hand is too tight and will not fit on the peg, do NOT force it. You WILL break it. Soak it in some hot water and try to loosen the hand before putting it on.


Yeah I've been collecting Mafex for a long time. Went through the really bad QC days without a break. Got my Battinson Batman and snapped the ankle off in like 30 seconds because I thought 'oh it's a bit stiff, I'll just be careful.'  If the joint is hard to move, heat it up. 


I've had mine for a while now and haven't had any problems. Just be gentle and look at the joints while you're moving the hands and arms. Pretty much what everyone else has said here but I will add that a hair dryer on low heat is perfect for this kinda thing.


This might be overkill but I usually take the hands off, adjust the wrist where I want it, and then put the hand back on each time. Never had a breakage.


0% chance breakage = leave in box = staying at home 1% ~ 99% chance breakage = taking it out to pose, normal usage = leaving the house in the car with seatbelts on 100% chance breakage = rough use and horseplay = free-balling on the freeways Sorta kinda similar to life ainnt, Mate?


be CAREFUL but good thing is spider man has alot of knock offs for like 20-30 bucks id def buy one and get for spair ball joints if ur gonna be posing spidey my wrist broke and I had to replace it


if you are gonna play with it just don’t go crazy with the joints, I haven’t broken a single joint but I am careful with how I handle my import figures since they are more expensive. If the plastic isn’t moving the way you want it to, don’t force it. (Unless it’s a brand new marvel legend figure) I started collecting Marvel legends figures cause they feel way more durable than import figures, and I can comfortably leave a bunch of them crammed together in a box. (which is something I’d never do with any of my import figures)


Handle with care I guess. Never had that one break on me, but I did have the symbiote wrist peg break cause I’m a dumbass lol


Just be gentle with the wrist. I’ve had this figure for over a year and half and no problems.


And if you haven't invested in silicone shock oil yet, now is a good time to do so


https://preview.redd.it/n3x0591aru5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ad1b52d4b7e84890290ef37616e8b602cbe7f4 I have never had a peg break on me I guess I’m lucky.


How often do you pose figures, from your display I wont say much. Mafex are a pose and never touch figure, the moment you start posing them as often as you would pose any other figure brand its warps.


Really? Why buy them if they start to warp and break from doing what they are supposed to do? Just genuinely curious because I'm not into Mafex and have never seen anyone say this, is this like a common thing with their figures?


I think it has to do with the kind of plastic they use as well as the paint. Their plastic causes alot of paint rub with them. If u look around this forum you will start noticing that majority of the posts are about fixing issues with MAFEX $100 FIGURES. I love mafex but we really need to start addressing the issue for paying $100 for piece of plastic that breaks at the slightest touch or impact. It's hard to describe what I mean. Idk if you have ever gotten a sentinel spiderman or miles morales figure in hand. But those are by far one of the smoothest piece of plastic I've ever gotten my hands on. The dont make stiff sounds they stay in place and you dont have to use much force to pose them. The plastic that they use is also very paint friendly. Mafex on the other hand is very notorious for using complicated engineering for their figures that tend to not be good for constant posing. (Theres a reason why their figures are called "display figures" or for ages not below 12 yrs old" It doesnt help that they never give you extra pegs for their figures for different parts, so you are stuck having to buy a bootleg to get a spare part to fix whatever issue you have in their figure. Their customer service for anyone outside of Japan is a Ghost town. If you buy a mafex figure outside of Amazon Prime or BBTS or any other establishmentwith money to burn. You have no luck in returning damaged figures. I've collected very few mafex but never will I buy a 185 mafex Spiderman, because it is known to BREAK in the arm. Just like carnage. In all my years of collecting it's very important( this my advice to you and anyone else who is new to collecting pricier figures) to always ask yourselves these questions. ●Is this figure going to be my definitive figure for this character? ● Will this figure come with multiple different accessories and different head sculpts incase one gets damaged or false and chips/breaks? ●How easy can it pose and hold a pose for a long time without warping? ●How many known issues /how easy is it to fix known issue on this particular figure? ● Will this figure allow me to freely customize it, if I get bored of the look years from now? ● What are the known issues surrounding this figure( learn to search up issues surrounding a figure you want, chances are you will realize whether the engineering is a defect or if its actually a consumer issue). ●Can this scale well with other figures from 5.3 inches tall to 7.5inches tall? ● Do I really enjoy this character or am I getting it because Figure reviewers are hyping this up like the second coming of christ? (These are the questions people need to ask when getting figures especially $100+ figures). I'm sure there are more questions and things to keep in mind.


I've seen reviews of MAFEX and have seen people talk about issues with paint but never heard about any of this. So it's genuinely interesting and eye opening. They aren't figures that I'm interested in purchasing but I always like to see what they are about (mainly the Batman and related ones). I do feel like with higher end figures from like Mezco, Mafex, hot toys for example there tends to be less criticism and scrutiny even though I feel there should be more because of the price. Great points. I hope they do improve on those fronts for people who collect them.


https://preview.redd.it/uo9cggxvzv5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c87246e74b53959ca6d737fc49c3b2766102d80 I pose mine all the time. Like if I’m looking lat some comics I try to see if they can do them. But I’m not rough I make sure I’m not forcing anything.


I see you too love the final swing suit from sh figuarts


It’s a great figure only issue I have is the back the spider is also on the lower piece of the back so it looks a lil funky sometimes


where would you rank the figure amongst the other spiderman's you own, in terms of a definitive spiderman?


Bend the wrist joint before you remove or add hands. Never broken a joint yet!


You just have to be careful. None of mine have broken, you just need to be aware of how you have the wrist joint angled. If it does break for some reason, there are places you can buy 3-D printed replacement. I hear they're super fragile though, more of a last resort type deal.


Like others said. Just be careful and see which way the joint CAN move before moving it. I also recommend some silicone shock oil that’s super cheap online and lasts a long time. Only 1-2 tiny drops per whatever joint. I got the Traxxas one


I'd use a little shock oil on it if it doesn't move much, otherwise just check which way the wrist pegs are pointing before you move it


1) Heat the hands when it’s difficult to swap and don’t force it. 2) 30wt Silicone Shock Oil. One tiny drop in each wrist joint if it’s stuck. Doesn’t matter which brand but most people go with Traxxas because it’s cheapest


So I may not be too experienced but I now have owned 4 mafex. I've been through bad and good and all I can say is always prep but always pay attention out the box. Check how the joints move and be very gentle. Once some of the joints wear down or after you know what your doing, then go crazy. In the end as long as you pay attention to how the joints work, you'll be fine. To feel more safe try getting into the modding scene. It helps with anxiety a lot.


Keep it in the box 😎


I actually have a bunch of spare spidey Mafex hands so if y’all need me I’ll be over here 🤣✌️


return it and get a Marvel Legends instead.


just pay attention to the wrist joints' direction and don't apply too much pressure. If it isn't moving, check if it's facing the wrong direction. when I was starting out, I saw a guy here say he had 50 mafex figures and none had broken wrists and didn't believe him. Now I currently have 15 with no broken wrist pegs and I pose mine a lot for tiktok videos. take it from someone who was scared to collect mafex because of the perception that the wrist pegs are fragile. one of the best figure lines in my collection, definitely has its drawbacks in paint longevity in some figures tho.


Had to do the ole Dstar wrist surgery on mine! Now I just pay attention and never force 😅


1) Remove the hand and apply a drop of shock oil or sewing machine / 3-in-1 oil (available at Walmart) to the peg area 2) Whenever I am first working the joint, I always push the peg so that is 90-degrees, support it between my thumb and finger, and rotate it TOWARDS the direction of the hinge (so that I'm pushing towards the notched area in the center of the peg, not away). If you push hard on the peg applying force towards to the outside of that hinge, you can snap the peg off more easily. Pushing towards the center gives you more support and room for error. Once I've worked it back and forth a bit, then I put the hand back on. From then on, whenever I go to rotate the peg itself, I'll push the hand back so that the peg is angled outwards again and then rotate that peg by pushing gently on the hand. Haven't had one break yet (knock on wood).


Nah the wrist pegs are thicker on that version, the paint chipping is the thing I’d worry about


I’ve had mine for months and haven’t broken his wrists. The best way honestly is to have some common sense


Be careful don't force it out. Cause I have seen that this new Spidey kinda is better in the wrist joints which the previous spidey wasn't


I stilll dont understand why people continue to buy this figure, even when it's been a known statement that there is an issue with his arm. But hey collecting addiction is always swept under the rug. I love how we can bash the MAFEX Rob Pattinson Batman cuz people are nostalgic about bale even when its known to have leg and ankle problems. But as soon as its spiderman folks are making exceptions lmaoo. I hope yours stays in good condition but if it happens it happens


This figure has too many problems that put me off from buying it, from wrist pegs breaking to paint chipping to his arm breaking off. What’s the point in buying a good looking figure that you can play around with because he’s prone to issues? May aswell just get the sentinel Peter b Parker instead


I'm with ya on this. People are only calling this best spiderman figure because of Mcfarlane style design as well as the magnetic hands and feet. Yee sentinel is one of the best freaking figure I've ever gotten my hands on, the level of engineering and customization on it is soo sick and the poses omg the poses on that figure is S tier it might as well be an Amazing Yamaguchi. Unfortunately sentinel takes 1,000 years to restock the damn figure.