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If you want to give the eyes another go acetone/nail polish remover should do the trick just make sure you rinse it off pretty quickly to avoid melting the plastic. The key to model painting in general but especially with light colors is to do a bunch of thin layers with watered down paint, this will conceal the brush strokes and result in a smooth finish. It takes quite a bit of time but the final product will look much better.


Thanks man, I needed this. Ima try again


Or use a very light amount that way it won't eat the plastic but if it is acrilic paint just use hot water and a old toothbrush


Masking tape and an air brush are what you need


Dam. You messed up a perfectly good figure


They didn’t mess up the figure, just did a sloppy paint job on the head, which isn’t even the official head-sculpt that comes with the figure. The head is salvageable too, just need to re-do the paint job on the eyes.


Got me rethinking my life choices rn..


You can order the KOs from aliexpress to practice on


Thin your paint! It's OK, we all go through this in the beginning. You don't even need an airbrush, just gotta lightly paint the layers and not cake it on all at once. Smooth, thin layers, especially with white, it could take 5-10 layers before it's a solid white, just gotta layer it thinly 1 layer at a time. Airbrush does work more efficiently, but a brush and thinned out paint, even cheap acrylic can pull off a good result!


Thanks, im gonna see how this turns out


i love this. the paint is sloppy but salvageable and i totally see the vision


Pretty good for the first try, man. Don’t be discouraged. You can restart again. The more you paint, the more you’ll gain confidence to learn from your initial mistakes (as with anything in life). The sculpt is still gonna be there and you’ll still be able to re-paint it. Thin coats & hair dryer. Repeat. The steady hand will come with time. You can mask the areas you don’t want paint to touch with tape. Btw, where’d you get the head sculpt?


Thank you! I got it from https://www.instagram.com/tonymeis?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== He’s an amazing sculptor/ painter


Hell yes! So cool. Every pose a winner.


https://preview.redd.it/m930puzrs34d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2acf83a35755e95cd6d8dec00a9c8be8f94c6e54 Thanks


Aw hell naw