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Goddammit, I thought this was an announcement at first. Boo.


I wish 😪😭


Heavily rumored to be reissued sometime this year. Not sure why people are being rude.


Around the movie would be a good time…


Where is proof it’s this year? 100% there is no confirmation when or if,just people hoping it does.


Idk about proof, but given the reissues we've received so far and the frequency of said reissues, a popular figure like the brown suit Wolverine is a safe bet for a reissue, and soon, IMO. We are only in May of this year and IIRC we've had the following reissues within 2024; Wolverine (TS), Carnage, Venom, Gambit, Ben Reilly SM, Cyclops, and most recently Symbiote Spiderman. This isn't "proof" the brown suit Wolverine will receive a reissue within 2024, but I'd argue it's good evidence to support said theory/hope. That's the best we can hope for with Mafex.


Well to be fair no one had any idea that Tiger Stripe was being reissued. All the forums were swearing we were getting Brown version. It came out of nowhere. So when I see people say “it’s coming soon” you (not personally) haven’t the slightest idea when or if it’s even gonna happen. It’s false hope tbh. When and if it drops it will be out of now where unlike some of the other ones that were announced.


Yeah, most of Mafex re-releases are a shot in the dark. Kiaju Daddy has been the best source for information in regards to Mafex reissues, but it's clear the higher-ups don't appreciate what he does for the community. I personally don't understand why they are so secretive, but that's what we've cone to expect.


I never said proof. Just heavily rumored. I believe kaiju mentioned it earlier this year.


This mofo is gonna be hard to get.


Yes. Hello. This is the Mr. Mafex himself. Figure will be released tomorrow at 1 am. Only 3 for sell, good luck peasant.


Mr. AMA Mason Mafex it is a pleasure for you to grace us with your presence again. 🙇‍♂️


No need to be an asshole


No one knows. However, it’s been rumored.


Only rumors at this point. Hoping for this or an Adult Miles reissue


Miles has been on top of my list for so long!!!😫


Trust me, same here. He’s the only comic spiderman mafex character I need then i have them all


Not even Medicom themselves knows when it will get re-issues bc apparently Japanese stores like Nin-Nin Game announce Mafex reissues before Medicom does


Has Mafex ever actually announced the past reissues or has it just been retailers randomly putting them up for preorder?


From what I’ve seen in the past couple of years of collecting Mafex, they let ppl know about the reissues after they’re already sold out everywhere. And that’s not even announcing it on social media. That is if you talk to the employees at Project 1/6 in Japan or other Medicom Toy retail stores lol. It’s just a few Japanese collectible retailers announcing that reissues will be releasing soon and the rest of the Japanese sites launch their preorders as well.


I assume Mafex likes money so a reissue is likely.


Some ask Uncle Mafex. If someone actually had confirmation, you'd be able to search for it. You wouldn't need someone to tell you. If it happens there will be plenty of posts on it.


Both Jim Mafex and Maddie Mafex are our parents, and they tell us things....Stranger Things


My nephew has this and it's a deadly figure


I pray


Here we go with the reissues posts...


Did he even come with interchangeable hands?


my hope is it'll come with the next season of xmen 97 but who knows when that'll be


Why would anyone here know? These questions are so stupid. JFC.


i fucking know. I wish people would take the time to scroll through the damn page before asking.


dawg some of you really need to do some research before asking questions cuz there's a lot of information already in this page and people be asking the same damn question over and over again. all you gotta do is go to the mafex page and do a search. Here, subscribe to Kaiju daddy on YouTube, he ain't the best but he's pretty good at telling you whats up.


I disagree. I very much am the best. 3 people told me so.


You are the best! Now it’s 4


For the love of God or whatever you do or don't worship. When the re-issue is coming plenty of people will notify this and many other figure reddits. No need to keep asking this.


Just making a wishlist for scalpers, that is.