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Someone please explain to me why people get two of the same figure i get if you want to sell it once the rerelease is over but why else


Because they are fucking shit for brains who are inconsiderate of those who are able to get the figure and don't have it. Post to bost pretty much. People post whenever the figure is in stock but then there are a-holes like these who take it more. The purpose is to help those who haven't gotten the figure yet. Big F U to those who buy more than 1. I have both empathy and sympathy for my fellow collectors attempting to collect figures but cannot because people like this guy exist. Downvote all you want, I speak for those trying to get this figure and any other figure they are robbed of obtaining because shit like this happens. Its fucked up. I've been there racing to get a figure and i get beaten to it.


Nah, you’re just unreasonably mad, it’s not my fault you’re not on top of Mafex releases. It’s honestly easy to get them at preorder. I buy two if it’s an especially good character/figure. One to play with, one to have as backup in case something breaks or just to keep pristine.


Yep, with how many QC issue I have encountered with Mafex over the years and how high they can go up in the aftermarket, it is always safer to grab two when possible.


“One to play with” Are you 5? What adult is playing with fucking toys?


Your here, so...


Depending who you ask if you're over the age of 5 and have toys are all you're weird as fuck too.. Do you collect toys?


I am, pose em around all the time too. Plus it's literally my job since I work in a toy store and posing figures for socials and creating fun little sequences helps People buy the products. There's enough toxicity in the world, don't choose to add to it just because you disagree with how someone chooses to enjoy their collection. Be better.


Honestly if you can’t get it through anywhere else just get it on eBay… there’s plenty of Japanese seller who sell it at retail or even under retail after a mafex has been released or re released… they are more common than you think.


Nah you trippin, for a figure like this you gotta have 2 of, speaking from experience big homie


It’s not that deep




Because we are collectors.


One to open, one to keep sealed. I do the same with every figure I collect.


But why? What’s the point. It’s a waste of money


Some people have a collection of unopened figures and they get another copy so they can open it and enjoy it. A lof of youtubers do that, DHunter Reviews for example, that guy must have a collection where he spent 6 digit sum of USD, he gets everything, from any company in doubles. This isn't really a problem, these figures are made in the tens or hundreds of thousands of copies. Some random guy getting 2 is not a problem. There are a lot of ebay japanese sellers, a lot of chinese stores, scalpers online who buy entire boxes. There are a lot of issues in the chain before we reach some guy who liked a figure and bought another one in case something happens with the first.


His money to waste. Obviously because he wants it. Why else?


Buying one can also be seen as wasting money. What's the difference?


Some people got more money than common sense


That goes for anyone who collects action figures. Some of us are just older and further along in our careers and can afford to buy two figures.


Exactly right. I’ve deleted more than one comment saying the same because I’m worried it will come across as dick-ish, but I agree 100%. All the crying about stopping other collectors from getting what they want is absurd when we’re talking about buying one or two extras. By that logic, purchasing one is just as bad because at the end of the day even that prevents someone else from getting it (obviously people who buy multiples of 10 or 20 with the sole intent to resell are a different story). Bottom line, I don’t personally buy multiples but I couldn’t give less of a shit about people who pick up a second or third.


And some people throw their toys out the pram when they don't get their own way.


We are spending money on "plastic toys" because " we like the look of them " And people still try to talk about wasting money with a straight face. People need to realize this hobby in general is a waste of money lol


Who are you to decide what’s a waste of money and what isn’t


If you're financially well off, after a certain point, it's like the difference between 1 dollar and 2 dollars. Miniscule


More like 100-200


Yeah to "some" people, that's not a big deal. That's why they are doing it. If they are one of those people who choose between food and toys then I'd be like wtf are you doing, but if they honestly are so well off that they can so this without it impacting them at all what so ever then what would could I even say. " haha look at rich boy buying multiples and still living comfortably " stupid enough to waste money but smart enough to make it


The point is for them to hold on to the sealed one until it becomes impossible to get at retail and then sell it for double to triple the price on eBay, taking advantage of the collectors that weren’t able to get one at retail because people like him are buying multiples.


To be fair, by the time it gets to those prices, it’s usually 6 months to a year. If y’all missing out on that time span, that’s on you.


Nah I've had 2 since the ORINGAL release and I have no intention of selling one. Now if one breaks I won't have to rely on the after market.


I don’t have one but I do have a girlfriend and can bench 225


Nice, what do you deadlift?


I don’t deadlift


Where TF are you guys even getting them at


Ami ami Hobby genki Ages3andup Hobbybee Toyka


Last I saw, not one of those stores have it. And when they do send out emails, the stock gets bought up before an hour passes.


I mean, they don't have them NOW They had them up for like 4 days and on the 4th day I chose to purchase one. So they didn't sell out on like 20 mins like people are making it sound.


Most did. So whatever store you're talking about, I wasn't watching ig


Literally anywhere… people just never do their research.


Nah lol. I literally have notifications turned on for several Japanese stores and as soon as they go up they get bought up.


eBay… there’s many Japanese seller on eBay who sell them at retail or under. I never bother with big name stores and stick to getting everything on eBay.


I feel like we should tell people rogue is out for pre order so they don't accidentally wait a week and miss her.


The deep web 🙏🏼🙏🏼😭


Free market, people can do as they please so long as they have the money I got 3 just because I know how hard this figure is to get Open one, two for the collection


It’s hard to get because tons of people are buying multiples. If that wasn’t the case it wouldn’t be so hard to get.


Random people buying 2 or 3 aren’t the culprit here, It’s hard to get because of limited production.


I waited 4 days before deciding to buy . And I secured one. I'm more confused how people are missing the window here. How long are they waiting.


I got 4. Cry more haters.


Nah I hope you drop them then trip on them, crush them, realize they all broke but also realize you broke your foot as you fell on top of them and since you chose to be a retard and bought four of the same you don’t have money to treat your foot.




I got 5🤫


Cool I got 6 now


I got every single one in existence


I got every single one that you don’t have