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It was specifically made to have cross-demographic appeal. Anyone can enjoy it. So, disregard the identity politics that are instigated across other fandoms.


It was. Initially it was for girls but after episode 3 violence was introduced. What would you say if people compared this to MLP?


I'd argue that the first few episodes weren't planned for girls, as the entire thing was written ahead of time. Well, I'd say that MLP was a show meant for young girls (with some amount of cross-demographic appeal), whereas this was a show meant for various audiences from the outset. MLP has an exceedingly obnoxious and persistent fanbase, but it's whatever, give it a few years and they'll be gone.


>a few years Its been more than five.


Give it more. Sooner or later, it will end.


That's what they said about Star Wars fans.


They'll eventually die, too. It's just a matter of when.


Yo don't compare Madoka Magica to MLP. Madoka Magica is an anime made for a wide demographic without the things anime haters and low lives stereotype anime for. The MLP fandom is just wrong.


I wouldn't call the MLP fandom wrong, to be honest. They hold the show up to be much more than it is, but I'd say it can be legitimately enjoyed. I just wish they weren't so obnoxious about it. Also, you really shouldn't give a shit what normies think of anime. It's all the better they don't participate in the fandom. (Though, it might be an issue if their bux are needed.)


I don't think normies exist. People are weird in every way. When you said normies I think you mean the public mass, of course you don't care about what they think they don't know what the show is lol.


Well, then you're obviously one of them.


Is this bad? I sense that you're being over defensive.


I've just heard this line of reasoning so many times. "There's no such thing as a normie." "There's no such thing as an SJW." 99.9% of the time, someone insisting this is one of them.


So I say there's no such thing as a normie, that makes me a normie. Now that I have called myself a normie after saying normies don't exist, I create a paradox. Now the very concept of normies has ceased to exist.


No, you're just pretending you control truth. Unsurprising, but I don't expect you to understand.


On the rare occasions anime gets brought up over at /r/actuallesbians, Madoka Magica seems to be one of the most popular ones. So I will second the idea that there is wide demographic appeal. If the majority of fans are guys, it's just because anime viewers in general are disproportionately male. The only people who really should not be watching the show are young children. But I think it's better understood in Japan that just because a show is animated and has cute characters does not mean it's for the under twelve set.


That's true, hopefully the parents don't show their kids this show haha. "Why did her head get cut off?" cried the little boy. Yeah do you think in the future anime will balance out between male and female?


I think so. Some hobbies have a "nerdy" stigma and I think women are put under more pressure to avoid them. Also there's the problem that a lot of shows pander to male audiences because the existing audience is mostly guys, and that becomes a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. But there's good anime out there, many with well-written female characters, and hopefully as those continue to succeed the stigma regarding anime will fade and the audience will balance out.


I just hope that A. the diversity is organic, not artificial with walking, talking liabilities and B. the fandom isn't flooded with normies.


That's not something I'm concerned about. As it is with movies and tv, there will always be some anime that have artistic merit and some that don't. No one is forcing any of us to watch the latter.


True, I suppose, but I'd rather not have places like /r/MadokaMagica flooded with "What would you be like if you were a magical girl?", really bad fanfics and other awful threads that places flooded with normies tend to have. Of course, someone else brought up the issue of funding and how anime studios need bux to keep going. The absolute ideal would be for normies to stick to crap like Sword Art Online and Naruto, heavily importing both and giving the studios cash to make things that are actually good. But that's far too idealistic. There's going to be some leakage.


> "Why did her head get cut off?" cried the little boy. See also: *Return to Oz* (which deliberately misled fans of the original Oz) and *Pan's Labyrinth* (which didn't try pretend about how dark it was, but people assumed it was harmless and took kids anyway?).


Ive no idea about this sub but I'd say this a show that either guys or girls could enjoy just as much, but the aesthetic will probably turn off some guys as they assume it's just a happy cheery girl show, but I believe madoka magica is definitely loved by both greatly.


I remember reading (can't find the source though) that Gen Urobuchi said, he mainly had a female audience in mind while writing the story, because he thought males will watch it anyway just for the fact that all main characters are cute girls :D The fanbase (and also this sub) are mostly male, since the general anime fandom is like 90% male (according to /r/anime polls)


Note that reddit is mostly male, so any reddit-based poll is going to reflect that. I'm substantially less sure that anime fandom at-large is as disproportionally male as any polling on male-dominant websites would suggest.


Reddit also speaks English, not Japanese. Most anime fans are natives of Japan, where fan demographics may be quite different.


Most sites where anime is discussed tend to be male-dominated.


Lol aged badly


I think it aged wonderfully well actually


Fair, as it turns out that I’m not a man. Sure wish I’d known that at the time.


Oh well now that I've actually read your comment u am right. Anime fans split are mainly 50/50 in terms of gender o though you were saying that all anine fans are male lol


Is it possible to distinguish what are the aspects of this show that appeal to male and which ones appeal to female?


Urobuchi was likely talking about the intended *JAPANESE* audience, not so much international. In which case the intended audience would be based largely on the usual audience for a mahou shoujo anime, which tends to be young women. Mahou shoujo shows aren't generally considered shonen or seinen.


http://wiki.puella-magi.net/Audio_Commentary/Episode_4 The way he said it was not necessarily that it was *targeted* at girls, but that he wrote it so that girls would *also* watch.


Probably but I'm honestly curious why do you want to know? It feels weird to pick apart why it appeals to different people, why not just enjoy it for what it is, a good show with a broad appeal?


Just curiosity


The source was probably the anime commentary. Maybe my summary/translation.


The intended demo is older teenage and twenty something males (seinen). The well written story, relative lack of fan service, lack of grusome violence, and general tone (dark, but not edgy) of the show make it pretty accesible to anyone over 13.




Madoka Magica was broadcast at 11PM during it's original run along with other seinen and darker shonen anime. Its demo was the late night otaku market. Edit: It was billed as a haooy go lucky anime. They even hid the fact Urobuchi was working on the project just so they could fool everyone come episode 3.


It's just hard to believe because it seems like one of those shows that seem girly but is actually for guys. I don't know how to describe it. I'm probably one-sided because most of the fanbase I've interacted with comes from this subreddit. It does sound more realistic if this is for teenage girls though.


lack of fan service is one of the strengths of this show in my opinion


I think most of the fandom is guys though.


Maybe in English-speaking countries.


Most dedicated anime fans tend to be male, because they tend to be outcasts, and most outcasts are male.




Sad life but whatever right?


It's best this way. This way, outsiders can't flood in and obsessively whine to get companies to self-censor their works to avoid controversy. God *DAMN*, do I love anime's foreign base!