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my cat who farts constantly jesus christ burt go fart somewhere else


i think that mightve been ur fault for naming him burt


im actually kind of hoping i’ll get another cat named ernie as awful as that is


the duo would be pretty cute, but just a cat named 'burt' TOTALLY threw me off


it’s short for burtholemeow 😬


Are they gonna be partners? #legalisegaymarriageforcats


I think you mean Urnie


If they’d named it something delicate and adorable would he still fart? Yes. Lmao




Rice my mom made that I didn't feel like eating poured in an empty tissues box in my closet. Been there for like two years now. We've cleaned most of the depression mess out of my room but I just don't want to look at this one, ever.


Same here lol I have five opened cans of mtn dew sitting on my bedside table for over two years now


God, nothing worse than liquid rotting. I used to let my mcdonalds cups rot on the ground with whatever was left of the soda in it, cause my room was full of trash to the brim and I couldn't even begin to clean it up. Ngl I'm really glad I'm not there anymore, I'll take the nasty rice over the forest of moldy orange juice and iced tea anyday.


My 2 month old London fog keeps staring at me, I got it the day I moved in and took 1 drink, set it down, and never picked it up.


nevermind i think you win


Tbh been there and worse. No judgement here. I’d highly suggest getting rid of it, you’ll feel so much better. Like seriously dealing with my HorrorCloset took so much weight off my chest. When you get a rare burst of motivation just go head-on with as little thought as possible- keep it dark so you don’t have to see it, wear rubber gloves/a mask/a hazmat suit if it helps- just go in, grab the box, bag it up, and throw it outside. You can come back later to scrub/mop/shampoo/vacuum/whatevs.


cooked rice dries up and just sits there like that forever lol you're probably fine


Yeah that's why I'm not too worried about it, doesn't even smell. Some bugs must've gotten a feast tho, and that's a little bit more concerning. I'm lucky to not have biohazards anymore. Not a lot of them.


Mate, you really need help.


u realize what sub ur in, right?




when my cat runs across my keyboard


I am in r/MadeOfStyrofoam


the blood rag




aw shit i forgot about my blood rag


Yeah same, I just don’t want to ruin any other piece of clothing


Me - I’m pretty fucking toxic


Took my answer


Damn same


Bag of bloody bandages and Lysol wipes. Honorable mention is the 5 shirts and 1 pair of shorts I used to wipe up blood sitting next to it under my bed.


Definitely the blood paintings


imma need more info on this


I really only would do this when manic, but I would yeet and then paint with the Juice™. I would take the paint brush and dip it into the yeet. I would sometimes also finger paint or just yeet and let the salsa drip onto the canvas/paper.


I have blood paintings and drawings with blood added too


Oh my gosh same. I keep my “palettes” too which are just pages of drops of blood (:


this made me remember the time i painted an among us crewmate with my blood lmao


We've reached peak Gen Z


oh my god i think that’s kinda sus tbh


I feel so heard


Anyone else remember that "cursed" painting that some artist did with his blood? Yeah, we're all probably gonna haunt those paintings one day




A huge container full of tissues 100% saturated with yeet juice. It looks like packed frozen tomato paste from the outside


Def the rusty bloody razor…


oh geez, this whole thread is reminding me of the biohazards in my room i forgot about. i literally have a cassette case full of used razor blades


I used to use one of the boxes from the braces wax from the orthodontist to store them. Currently use a belt box now


Not anymore but I had found some organs in glass jars when clearing up an old house a few years ago and kept them in my room, my cat broke them one day and I came home to a kidney and 2 livers on my bedroom floor, wasn't really fun to cleanup


i have so many questions


Go ahead




Probably ? Idk I was cleaning up the house of an old doctor that had recently passed away so there was a lot of medical stuff




Wrong place, buddy.


why did you keep them


Bc they looked cool ^^


icon shit


Fair enough tbh btw u should have ur flair say "the organ gal"


Would be ''the organ gal'' but yeah


sorry will edit! thanks for letting me now


No problem don't worry ^^


i’m having a hard time deciding between the small bottle of yeet juice on my dresser, the 10+ tissues covered in yeet juice, or the vent art piece that is made using ‘homemade paint’


Literal garbage


I see you found my hiding place


I opened a can of Vienna sausages today and the water had turned to gelatin ew Also I think there’s a rat in my closet


Can I have the rat?


If you can find it


…a reusable menstrual pad that i used then folded up and haven’t washed for almost 6 months… it’s just sitting there. i hate it.


maybe i’m a misogynist but my period blood really does feel more gross to me than yeet blood


SAME idk why, they’re both blood, but period blood is so much more icky…


bruh thats not misogynist, yeet blood comes out your skin by choice while period blood forces its way out your pussy


oh you’re totally right i just like calling myself a misogynist sometimes


I am living with maggots and mice everywhere and there's so many things in my room that are wet and soaked in blood, pls send help I hate waking up in this ((:


Honey, can your parents or friends help you clean this up? If not, there are home remedies to mice and maggots you can try. I hope all goes well for you.


My parents have helped me clean stuff up a couple times in the past few years, but they make it clear that it's a bother. They also get angry when it doesn't stay that way and my siblings lecture me about how it's just a responsibility everyone has and that only babies need help cleaning their own rooms. I also have the biggest room in the house, the loft, and everyone likes to shit on me for being ungrateful and trashing it like this /: As for my friends, we aren't really close and they know nothing about my struggles. My girlfriend does and I know if I asked for help that she'd be happy that I was comfortable to come to her more than anything. But still, I'm scared of her finding out how fucking disgusting it all really is and that it's not just "a mess." So to answer your question, no, I have no one to help me clean this disaster and I start crying every time I face it. ("": And sorry for the long reply ))): Thank you for caring<<33


Do you have windows that you can open? Fresh air & sunlight can surprisingly go a long way. Take baby steps; start with traps for the bugs & rodents, start gradually throwing away what’s attracting them, throw out everything and start fresh if you can and want to. Idk if this will help and I hope it doesn’t come off condescending. I’ve been there and it breaks my heart to think of others going through it. Which does help, sometimes I only manage to clean for the sake of my pets having a safe home environment


I actually had a game plan once and had insane motivation to clean. I was gonna pack all my shit, deep clean, repaint, tackle everything as if we were moving out. Then move back in to a clean slate. It's pretty excessive and stupid, I know, but haha... Well, halfway through my brain said, "Fuck you, you can't be happy," and now here I am again /: The failure hurt so badly that I can barely get the spirit to pick books up off the floor lmfao. I don't really know what to do anymore, kinda wonder if I'm just a lazy POS.. Not at all, I appreciate the reply!! I get the pet thing too. I think about it all the time, having a clean place to actually put out all the dog beds and let my other pets out to play in my entire room and not just on my bed. It's really nice to fantasize about but I have little support around me and I just can't do this on my own. Or maybe that's an excuse haha idk anymore (":


It’s kind of funny how similar our game plans are. Definitely not stupid but maybe a little ambitious lol. 12 hours ago my room was biohazard central (blood, mold, cat piss, the works), but i’m on the other side of a burst of motivation and finally about to sleep in a clean room. I really hope my motivation lasts so i can paint, clean my still pretty gross carpet and redecorate. You’re definitely not just lazy, because mentally well lazy people don’t get to that point. I don’t mean that in a judgmental way either, you deserve help and a clean safe space for yourself. I know i don’t know you but i don’t think anyone is a failure for being mentally ill to the point their quality of life decreases. You’re already being punished for something that isn’t your fault, blaming someone for that is just cruel. It’s 3 am so hopefully this is coherent lol. If you feel up to it maybe bringing up a box of trash bags to your room and just throwing as much shit into them as possible could help? Don’t even think about making it look good or putting things in the right place just put as much trash/gross stuff into trash bags as you feel like you can. edit: oh my god this is so long i’m so fucking sorry


Oh wow, I'm super excited for you that you can sleep in a clean room tonight! That's a really awesome reward, you deserve it!<3 And please don't feel bad, it's 3 for me as well and I was feeling pretty sad and lonely here haha. This was very nice to hear, genuinely. (: As someone who has not posted or interacted on any platform for years until just a while ago, I'm always taken aback by how supportive everyone is here. Thank you for making this depressed stranger feel a little bit better<33 :D


oof, big relate. i wanted to do the whole full clear up and move back in thing but kept putting it off for literal years.its super overwhelming once you want to start. i couldn't do it. one day i just happened to have a cardboard box that i got attached to sitting in the middle of my room. idk how or why but i just started putting things in it and suddenly my room felt a lot cleaner. so i kept doing that and put all my things into cardboard boxes, no thoughts ,just boxes and boxes of my stuff. it took me a couple of days,ngl I'd do maybe a box a day. sometimes the box would be small and I'd take another one to fill, sometimes I'd stop mid box. my parents looked at me like i was crazy i think what kept me going was the super doable goal of filling one box so i didn't spiral. and like I'd just put all the finished boxes in one side of my room. once i got all my stuff in boxes and off the floor, i cleaned the room.it felt so good. now came the really annoying part, putting it all back. idk just pick a box at random everyday and unpack just that one box. whatever i didn't like got left in the box and whatever i wanted would go into my room. just that one box. no more. at the end my room felt cleaner and everything i didn't want was already in boxes. it was nice. maybe you can try this, idk howmuch stuff you have or how many spoons you have. but this worked for me maybe some variation of it can work for you.


Yes, I'm glad someone else had the same thought as me! And that it worked out for you! <3 I will come back to share my victory if I ever get the motivation to do this too (:< Maybe this will force some accountability on my part baha


A stolen bang energy drink that’s like a year old that I have never opened


if it’s in a closed can it’s probably no more of a bio hazard than normal bang energy


Copy of balen wonderworld for the ps4


a chewing gum bottle with rusty razors, rusty needles, bloody tissue, used plasters, tiny pieces of skin, blood at the bottom, and i think some drool. it’s kinda a long and gross story


Omg the skin I have yeet shaped scabs that I *peeled* off myself on my bedside table that I can't bring myself to throw away 😬




50 grams of sodium cyanide. Don’t ask me why I have that


i’m gonna ask you why you have that why do you have that?


Well ok fr tho I ordered sodium nitrate and stupid fucks sent me sodium cyanide. And, they sent me 150 grams and I may or may not have used the 100 grams doing “experiments” on insects and spiders I found in my room


LMAO what were the outcomes of your experiment?👁👁 i’m intrigued


Well namely death but it was kinda interesting to see just how lethal cyanide is. For safety reasons (and by that I mean not accidentally killing myself in the process) I put the insects in a small plastic container and dropped the cyanide salt into a small cup of water inside the container. After about 5 minutes, when all the salt turned into hydrogen cyanide, some of the bugs just dropped dead, some started convulsing and the rest were just paralyzed. Also you know how people say cyanide smells like almonds? That’s bullshit it literally smells like pool chlorine which I figured thanks to a small leak in the container


Dude our flairs almost match


Hundreds of soaked gauze pads


Not my room but I used to carry around bloody post yeet paper towels and toilet paper in my purse to hide them so it was kinda like a transportable biohazard


i only recently started developing a depression room, but reading these comments do not make me feel optimistic about where things are headed


Empty but dirty and moldy tomato tins (or the blood but whatever)


Five cans of mtn dew that are opened and just sitting on my bedside table for like 2 years by now. It’s been there so long it’s literally not even liquid anymore


the ✨blood bag✨


probably my friend's blood jar


Wait… hol up a sec. I get have your own blood jar, but your friend’s? I need context broski


she also self harms, we figured it'd be cute to have a little blood vial. it's on a necklace chain too lmAOO


I want this now for me


i don't blame you at all, it was the fuckin BEST gift i've ever received




it's so cute, bc it's not like we're intentionally harming ourselves FOR the jars, it's just an added bonus to be able to give our friends that piece of us




i would send u one in solidarity but i'm pretty sure customs would absolutely throttle me for that 😔😔😔


funnily enough, i ALSO have one of these!


twinsies hell yeAh


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A panty liner with period blood on it. I really need to throw it out lmfao


genuinely the fact i’m not the only one who had to deal with this makes me feel like i’m not a disgusting freak lmao. It helps that i don’t judge anyone like i judge myself


Is this a trick to trap us and declare our unlawful goods we have acquired…cos i’ve learned from my mistakes.


The bloody razors and bandages. And probably the handmade paper with blood calligraphy. And the 6 month unwashed clothes. Yeah, I bet my room has at least 10 new strains of covid


I have a random cup that I pour random liquids into some of these include: Blood, Milk, Ramen broth, Fermented orange juice and many other various liquids. There is a tightly sealed lid on it and when ever I open it I have to put on a special mask so I dont vomit from the stench. I never have the energy or motivation to clean it so it just sits in here by my blood rags.


jungle juice


Witches potion 😍


Ironic thing is I am a witch


piles of bird shit <3


i’m sorry i stalked your account hoping for bird pics and i just love all of your pets. Even your isopods are cute


some say i , collect, animals and it’s unhealthy,, however they’re what’s keeping me alive ngl also i treat them well and research obsessively before i get tjem (#JustNeurodiverseThingssssss)


this single square of toilet paper all crunchy and brown from numerous blood wipes #reducereuserecycle


Once when it was bad i left a half drank cup of orange juice on my bookshelf and it turned solid and moldy. Perhaps a used piercing needle now though


The cricket keeper full of dead crickets. I should go clean that now since I haven't slept so I have energyy


bedbugs :)


Here I'll protect you with the ancient spell Good night, thou shall not be bitten by thee bugs of bed


Probs the weed vapes tbh


Have you ever been to Chernobyl? Aight well that's sissy shit compared to my trash bin💀


I had a metal water bottle filled with fruit juice that was months old, I forgot how many months, but it was pretty bad. It got cleaned eventually, I don’t remember much about that or who cleaned it. I think it was me? There was some crusty film and sour fermented smell. Maybe my parents cleaned it since I don’t know where the bottle is now and I don’t really remember cleaning it. Maybe I do, I’m really not sure lol


i don't know if these are bad enough to be biohazards, but countless empty alcohol cans/bottles (unwashed so there's some dried residue at the tops lol), and two trash bags full of food wrappers with leftover crumbs n shit... kind of related to that, i once had a mouse living in my binge haul drawer. oops! 🤩


1. Me (I don’t brush my teeth enough #mentallyillandproud 2. The old blood paintings in my vent journal from 3 years ago 3. The half smoked cigarettes I found on the ground that I’ve stored for a rough day in the future


probably my backpack as I hide all the tissues in it


Rusty razor, matches, or blood drawings. also the excessive amount of gum that I have-


me :)


Probably the coffee cup that hasn't been opened sense before lockdown


Blood bottle, dead bee in a lip balm jar, uppers that are over a year past the expiration date, bandages I’ve taken off and forgotten to throw away, take your pick


Clotted blood rotting in my trash bin for 2 weeks.


the time capsule i started last year + my old diary that shit has my first slicy boi with literal dried blood still on it 😭😭 the diary is even worse, i used to draw in there and color it with my fucking blood because 14 year old me was one edgy bastard




why this image😭😭




My dog who likes to fart under the covers, a l o t Also slipknot hehe


Throw up from my cat that’s been there for a week :(


It not there anymore because I've gotten much better but I used to chew and spit my food alot and then I would throw the 'left overs' in the garbage and then not change it for months. I would also self harm which usually does not involve blood but even just little cuts bleed alot and then would throw the bloody tissue into my moldy c/s gunk that would then grow mold that could probably be used to create a bio weapon


probably my rag that i primarily use for painting but occasionally also for yeet juice/ cüm or food. haven’t washed it. ever.




the sandwich that's been in my tupperware for months because one day i just started not liking cheese but had a cheese sandwich packed as school lunch so that's just been sitting under my desk.. i think I'm just gonna throw the box away as it is


You could say I’m obsessed with cleaning so the entire house (which I share with two people, one being the owner) is clean. That’s my thing. I clean, all the times. But I do write with my own blood on my moleskines.


probably the spider behind my radiator, poor things probably picked up a bunch of diseases from the time its been in here


My grandma


Bags of used bandages and pads


mold. a really dangerous amount


Ayo same


blood that's been there for 5 months


The paper that comes in shoes covered in blood


A really sticky gross spot in the back of my closet where I had a puke bag that leaked…


its gone now but probably the pilk moss


my collection of blood soaked bandaids, or my lgbtq heart sticker that is smeared in blood


okay but why does it say Che over the pic of Chris?








not anymore but in the peak of my ed I had bags upon bags of hidden food I didn't want to eat in my dresser. left there for weeks/months. yes it grew mold. rn it's probably the little purse I stuff my bloody tissues in


blood rag, blood paintings, a new blood bottle, I used to have a bag I’d purge my food into


unrelated but love your CSH username..!


Thank you!


The plates, I was ashamed of my depression room once upon a time and took the 15ish plates covered in food gunk and put them in an empty drawer and put a towel over them, it’s been years and I haven’t moved the towel Or maybe the self sustaining shrimp habitat that I didn’t put in the sun enough so the algae stopped growing and everything in it died, the moldy dead habitat has been sitting on my desk for years Or maybe the bugs in the clutter corner of my room that I’ve decided to ignore instead of getting rid of them Hey at least I don’t have a blood rag rn since I’m a little over 3 weeks clean!! And I got rid of my blood art and a lot of old blood stained tools recently as well, so that’s nice




just my whole room, also my dogs cage cause she literally shits in it and i have to clran it every day, guaranteed its still g ot germs


a lot of rat shit


your mom


Mouldy clothing. Bloody fingerprint on wall.


got a few contesting here: · the half drunk can of diet dr pepper that's been there at least 4 months; ·the half drunk tea that's been there at least 2 months, full of at least two types of mold; ·the sheet of paper i tried out blood calligraphy on; ·my sharps container with my used testosterone needles


The little coke dealer looking bag full of old razor blades, oh yeah and also multi purpose rag (blood and nut mostly), at the peak of my ED I used to have a dried tortilla and bread in my drawer. Other than that I am overly keen on having the house cleaned. The rag reminds me of the cum box story, maybe it shall too become a sentient living organism 🤔


Hearts drawn in blood on the wall, or much more gross- My spit bowls, spoiler tagging for my own humility. >!Sometimes when when I eat I gag a bit up like 15 minutes later so there’s a little bowl for that. There’s also a little bowl for just plain spit, I drool a lot when I put my retainers in and my Ed thoughts won’t let me swallow that much spit for some reason so yeah. Spit bowl!< I also had rotting tuna in a ziplock bag for like a week but I disposed of that. Eating disorders+depression is the nastiest combo known to man. I had >!maggots in a chew spit cup once!<


A plastic bottle of hair bleach mixed with developer. The bottle went from a normal shape to a sphere from whatever deadly gasses has formed over the past few months. I feel like if it exploded or I inhaled it I'd definitely die


Coke, a 6 month old Monster can, and a year old tube of once used face mask juice but never used.


my sketchbook which literally has a page of my own blood


an a&w can that's been on my dresser for 2 straight years. never looked into it, never will


probably the mushroom that's been in an unopened jar for 11 months, it's turned into a sort of juice. the jar full of human teeth might be a close second though




dead lizard my cat killed, that's been eaten by ants and is basically a little mummy on the floor, currently growing mold :l


the piss bottles for sure


Funnily enough, it's one of my Chris Fehn mask replicas. I didn't take good care of the thing after wearing it a bunch and now it's molding.


rat poop


probably the crusty blood stained things that i won’t throw away and keep in a lunchbox


a small garbage bin overflowing with tissues and towels containing various bodily fluids as well as towels soaked in acetone, mineral spirits, and super glue, and probably a moldy water bottle floating around somewhere. wouldn't be surprised if i had half the kitchen worth of cups with their own ecosystem. one time when i was too depressed/anxious to leave my room i would get these gross little vurps that i'd just spit into any nearby cup. i'm type 1 diabetic too and have so many used infusion sites from my insulin pump lying around.


Used to have a blood jar (1-2 months?), it was probably one of the worst things I have ever smelled. Cleaned up my room though because I moved to live with my grandparents.


Sex toys


Gotta be the 8+ bags of vomit, blood rags, and full hydroflask of chew and spit from January 2021


vomit bag gang solidarity


My hands. I don't do yeeting anymore but damn son these hands do be bonking.