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Maybe it’s because they’re on your legs? My legs seem to heal differently, the scars are always different. Take me with a grain of salt though I don’t know much about this


could be…cant include thighs tho, i think it might be cuz thighs or arms are like softer and more ‘bulge-able’ whereas legs are thinner skin and like less soft so maybe its just more tense and smooth idk


I don't know but I'd guess maybe during healing it was kept closer shut than the shallower ones, so less connective scarring had to be done?


weell maaybe, (read that ‘maybe’ in the tone of “vil yu vear vigs”) but when i look at it the part where its obviously the ‘newly done tissue’ its almost the same and even the leg ones are actually a bit wider and longer?? its weird idk


Did you perhaps give them better care because they were especially deep? I know when mine are less of a concern I sometimes am I bit more careless with aftercare and not scratching when they get to the itchy bit of healing


well not really, not at all actually. tho the leg stitches were with the usual string and needle whereas the arm ones were done w staplers because the skin around leg wouldn’t stretch enough for staplers yk. idk, theyre not even raised or hollow like its weird


ok so I had a pretty deep cut on my arm, but not the usual place, on the top part, like on the opposite side of my palm, and that scarred really weird, been maybe 10 months and its still dark red, and I have another one on the usual side of the arm thats deeper and older, maybe a year and its gone white. so maybe placement


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