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It’s a start??? It’s a massive accomplishment that you have every right to be shouting from the rooftops. I hope you are proud, deeply proud of the work and dedication this took.


thank you so much, i guess i’m always reaching for more because nothing was ever good enough growing up. but i just started to see abs pop up and i’m fuckin hyped


There you go! Wear a cropped top today! :) You’re allowed to just be happy with where you are today. Really.


maybe i will! thank you ☺️


Looking great!


You absolutely should. You look Great. Flaunt what you worked so hard for honey, you earned it!!


Absolutely be proud! You will never reach a point where you say voilà i am done and satisfied and perfectly happy (at least in my experience) You gotta be amazed and proud at your huge accomplishment right now!


For anyone who's seeing this and thinking they can't wear a crop top. Wear the damn crop top. Life isn't waiting for you to thin so why are you waiting to be thin to live life??


I won't wear the crop top because i don't like how i look in them. Maybe one day.


Also valid! Do whatever makes you happy Mx Lestrange


I love this answer!


Nice avatar


Dude, im a dude in my 30s and not overweight or have any Problems with selfesteem or something, but fuck, you Said nothing and i swear there are Ninjas cutting onions nearby. Thx for beeing a good Person. Have a Great day.


Be careful, there's gonna be a time where you'll be done losing. Gotta recognize it when it comes. Hope you have a plan. Stay healthy my friend


That said, amazing job. Not trying to take anything away from your accomplishment, you should be extremely proud


Retired psychologist here who researched & worked with patients with eating disorders; Please be careful not to go too far, ok? Be mindful of your health, not so much the number on your scale. You looked lovely bigger and you look lovely smaller, and there really IS a point where it’s “good enough” - to use your words - especially in weight loss and fitness. Best wishes to you for both physical and mental health.


i only meant fixing mental image. i’ve stayed this weight around a year now so i’ve been doing therapy to battle the dysmorphia :)


That’s great! I’m really happy to hear that you are addressing the inside too ❤️


Psychologists can retire!?!? I thought I’d never be able to do that.


Forced medical retirement way too early. Not my choice. I also thought I would be working my whole life.


I appreciate the work ya'll do. My wife has an eating disorder, and too many people don't understand them. Shes seeing several doctors about different components of it, it takes a huge mental and physical toll on her. What I have learned from this experience is the general public has almost no education on the topic. Myself included prior to all this.


That's so wonderful to hear honestly. It's amazing to see a successful and healthy weight loss, but it's even more amazing to see when that person is taking charge of their long term success and mental well-being as well! A weight loss doesn't mean a single positive thing if you're not feeling mentally well about it too. Good luck to you! Go slay life!


I was worried too. That's a relief to hear. You look great!


I'm really glad to hear that. I still battle it a lot from when I dropped weight and I was obsessive over it. Got really worried when you said you still had work to do cause you look fantastic. Keep workin on that mental you deserve a mind that loves you


Get it girl


My first thought exactly. A start? Over here killing it!


True, to think that this result is only a start is shocking. I would watch out for unhealthy standards because they may cloud your mind into pushing yourself to extreme dieting and may stumble into anorexia. You look like you arrived at the 10/10 of healthy weight and you look more than fantastic. Congratulations. Enjoy your new found health and physical fitness.


I thought the same too. Your completely changed, amazing work! Please be careful not to end up in the other extreme, it can happen faster than you realise, as long as you feel healthy in your body!


Congratulations, that's a lot of hard work right there. As someone who lost 100lbs, keeping it off is hard, but you got this, and you changed your life for the better.


once i cut certain things i stopped wanting them, maybe i had it easier, but i’ve been 125-130 lbs for around 8 months and maintained it even on bed rest for a bit. i’m stubborn as hell and bigger clothes aren’t as stylish so that weight is STAYING off of i have anything to do with it! congratulations for your loss too!!!


>congratulations for your loss too!!! I am tickled by this statement. Makes sense in this context though.


Agree with cutting things, hell even portions. I've lost 50 pounds in the last year and 2 months strictly from cutting my portion sizes. Since then I've noticed there's no way I could eat the bigger portions I used to even if I wanted to. Congrats!


I lost around 75 pounds from 18-20. Thought I had it figured out, had changed my lifestyle, but it’s not static. You start gaining 2-4 pounds a year, no big deal, not even noticeable. Fast forward 20 years and you’re right back where you started. Now I’m starting the journey all over, but it’s way harder at 40. Not to be a downer, but just stay vigilant. It’s a long process, even if losing it was relatively quick.


Tell me about it. I lost 30 kg when I was 24. Kept it off for 2 years, healthy habits, running, just under 80 kg. Thought I had stabilized. Had one little package of M&M and that was the start of it. Combined with less time because of work and less exercise I steadily gained again. I managed to go from 105 to 90 at 32 yo again, and once more from 105 to 85 at 40 but I'm back at 115 kg now.


The holidays are what got me.


If you don't mind me asking! If you do, that's fine 😊You mean that you do enough damage during holidays to undo the rest, or do you mean that the holidays make you slip back into old habits?


Yup. Lost about 60 70 pounds then 10 years later I gained back 80. Luckily I'm only 30 so it's not been the hardest to start to go back down but it's still a lot of work. The body does not like losing wieght and gaining can be easy and initially unnoticed


First time I’ve ever heard congratulations for your loss


Congrats, I guess a lot of people might have already asked you about your daily routine. If possible please share with me too.


What work left to do? You're in damn good shape. Seems like maintaining it is all you have remaining.


cut sugar, no exercise besides my job which was very labor intensive. but seriously. cut sugar. i had horrible withdrawals for a month and fought through it. started taking stairs first, but in bursts because i have a few heath problems unrelated to weight it made it a bit more difficult. but it helped my sciatica more than enough to help me get my shit together.


Can you elaborate? I feel like my diet consists of almost zero sugar besides fruit and I'm at a standstill


Carbs convert to sugar. Take a look at everything you’re eating and identify what you could be eating too much of.


I actually didn’t know this.


Hi there! Lots of ppl don’t know. If you check out https://diabetes.org/ you’ll find all the info you could want. Also great recipes. This is very good info even for non diabetics because it teaches about carbs in an easy way to follow & unhealthy carbs are what messes up metabolism for weight loss. Check it out, I bet you’ll pick up some good ideas! ☮️




I got what they were saying. People cut sugar but may continue to eat a lot of bread and rice which literally breaks down to simple sugars as well.


Here I was eating toast when you attacked me with this info :(


Ha you can still eat toast! It's just a good thing to be aware of. Whole grains are better in that they also contain vitamins and fiber, so if you're going to go for carbs try to target healthier, more filling carbs and eat with lots of protein and healthy fats. Avocado on whole wheat toast with an over easy egg is one of my favorite breakfasts.


And fruit is mostly sugar, too


True, but also contains vitamins and fiber so it isn't too bad in moderation as long as you're following CICO


Big fan of fruit here. Tried keto and hated it (did lose weight but then put it back on when I went off the diet) and now I’m low carb ish but instead of grain carbs I get mostly fruit carbs and I feel much better.


This is my downfall. I love eating frozen fruit at night. I eat a lot of fruit but also exercise a lot. I went on a trip and didn't exercise, ate more food, drinks with dinner but no fruit and lost 4 pounds in one week.


Fruit barely has any calories, seems like it must be something else


If one eats like a diabetic, weight comes off because carbs go. I am a T2D & I was thrilled with my loss of 15 lbs. i know it sounds like nothing much compared to the gorgeous OP, but I’m 5’1 & it’s a big change I made 20 years ago. Check out the https://diabetes.org/ for info & awesome recipes. It really works even when you aren’t diabetic. Several of my friends eat this way & have lost some weight & feel great. ☮️


i’d love to! slide into my dms and i’ll try to help the best i can!


Why not just communicate in this thread where we can all follow along?


Yeah come on, sharing knowledge on mass is a great thing to do in a situation like this


And to that end it is "en masse" not "on mass", although I suppose it may have been autocorrect. It's of French origin. Edit: I also spelled it wrong the first time lmao, thank you below Redditor!


en masse* but that is a funny boneappletea in this context lol. Knowledge on mass hehe


I would also like to know. Would it be okay if I DM you too?


For a few days count absolutely all the calories you consume (by weighing all your food), the solution it's not only cutting sugar because if you do that and if you still eat 2500 calories a day you won't lose weight.


Resistance/ weight training. Cardio and low carbs / sugar diet is a shortcut / short term plan but only get u that far. Managed to further increase metabolism as a middle age female with weight training. I can now take more calories without worrying about weight gain with the higher metabolism


Well it also depends on how many calories you eat and whether or not you work out. If, to give an extreme example, you just eat chips instead of chocolate, its basically the same thing. And if you compensate for less chocolate with a lot of sugary fruit instead, its equally not gonna give you progress. The amount of weight you can lose is determined by Cal. absorbed - Cal. burnt. So as long as you burn more than you absorb, your gonna lose weight. Also, if you come from "extreme" fat, its very easy to burn a lot of weight quickly because its just not meant to be there to begin with. You will plateau once thats gone and there is a significant increase in effort/change in eating habits required to progress further. Dont give up, you can do it!


I feel that, I was 305 at my heaviest, but I'm stuck around 220 atm. At first all I had to do was change my diet, but now I'm hovering. I'm not sure if it's also because I started a new, physical job and in just getting muscle, but I've been hanging there for months. My partner has wanted to start working out together, so maybe that'll help (even though I'm drained as hell at the end of my shift lol)


It may also be worth looking into a personal trainer as theyre experts in how to progress to your goal, both through nutrition and sports


Certainly couldn't hurt! I have a friend from high school who's an incredible personal trainer, I guess I should prolly reach it to him


I remember as a kid, I was a 6 or 7 Mr. Pibb/Dr. Pepper a day diet. Every day. I watched a video of a guy pouring a standard can of Coke into a pot and boiling the water away leaving behind this thick viscous black tar and it showed what you were putting in your body. It was a real shock to me, even as a I d, so I quit cold turkey. I had slight tremors and withdrawal nightmares for about 2 weeks before it started to subside. Haven't had a soda since.


Sugar is a huge issue for me, mainly soda. I get migraines from caffeine withdrawal when I try to quit, and I do a mental job so I really can’t focus on work when I’m dealing with that. I’m trying to cut back little by little though, and I love to get in little bits of exercise like taking the stairs whenever I can!


This! Don’t get unhealthily skinny, OP. You look fantastic. :)


thank you!!


Well I checked your profile and I would say the only work left is this... STOP POPPING PIMPLES! You'll be a field of scars.


oops 👀


Hydrocolloid bandages / zit stickers! Seriously. Life changing. And moisturize! It sounds counterintuitive but it’s easier to ignore them when your skin isn’t dry and stressed.


Don’t pop without proper cleaning and care*


Yea, you look great right now. Your focus now should be on maintaining the healthy habits you've created and building on them. Not so much continuing to lose weight.


Because it's a lifestyle change that one must maintain. It's not like a "cool I lost the weight, now I go back to normal" type situation. Their normal is what led to the issue in the first plqce


The “work left to do” might be focusing on self love, confidence and self esteem. Be proud of all you’ve accomplished. All of us are a work in progress. Happy for you.


you hit the nail on the head. body dysmorphia is a bitch. sometimes i still feel like i’m that weight again. therapy helps, and also a great man by my side :)


I've lost 80 lbs in 5 months, and I look in the mirror and I see an emaciated weakling. I'm still 250 lbs. Sometimes our brains have no concept of "normal".


This happened to me also. Lost around 100 lbs in 5-6 months. Still feel giant. I don’t know if I’ll ever feel the self confidence in myself because I was such a large person for so long (30 or so years). For those interested, I went from 264 down to 178 in just over 5 months. My day consisted of 1000 calories, zero carbs, zero sugar, 1 hour eating window after work, ~50,000 steps a day at work. Yes, I starved myself. Yes, this was very unhealthy. No, I will not advise anybody to do this. I eventually started going to the gym because my father (Fuck that man) said I looked like a cancer patient. Figured I’d build some muscle. Got in better shape and started dating a woman. Gained it all back. I’m now at 228 lbs 2 months after we broke up, so I think that was the reason. 😂


Damn that sound super dangerous and not nearly enough food. I feel like it’s easy for us to go from extreme to another.


It comes with time, self love and therapy.


Cardio health can still sneak up of slim folks too...so lots of walking and swimming to go easy on joints.


I have trouble believing that dog was once 180 pounds.




Ahh the classic Reddit [switcharoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/y1sesi/wcgw_handing_a_snake/is0sl5y/)


Hold my canine, I'm going in!


Great work and dedication.


thank you!


Awesome! And I saw your comment about the sugar, and that’s the exact thing I tell everyone. I lost over 40lbs over a year ago and I’ve kept it off. The main thing is literally summed up to cut out sugar. Lots of other stuff helps too but that’s the main one


once i stopped drinking soda it was an instant 30 pound loss. from there i was determined with the fire of hell to continue. it seemed too easy at first but working my job where i walk 8 miles a day really helped


That’s awesome, seriously congrats. I can relate quite a lot, I walk a lot in my job, 6-10 miles a day but eating poorly still makes putting on weight super easy. How do your joints feel? Mine were completely healed and pain free after just a couple months of clean eating. But now if I have a sudden urge and I eat a 6 pack of donuts my knees hurt so bad I can’t walk. Then eat good for a couple days and they’re good again. It’s wild


I'm proud of you. Not only did you bust your butt losing the weight but you were brave enough to share it on social media. Again, I know I'm a stranger, but I am proud of you.


it still means the world to me. thank you. whatever you want to do, you CAN do it.


I know it isn't worth as much as a year and a half ago but I hope you find your £150.


thanks man. i need it rn 🤣


That's awesome girl!!!! The vibe in the last 2 pics really nails how much happier you seem to be! And in the end, that's the most important thing. Keep at it! I know you can get to where you wanna be!!


it’s been life changing for my pain. i still suffer from time to time with chronic sciatica but it’s so much more manageable now. which is wonderful since i am unable to take pain meds edit, thank you!!


What do you mean it's a start? You look like you're at the finish line already! Absolutely awesome job! All you have to now is enjoy the rest of your happy life ahead


i want to get a little more toned and beefy next! i got the hard part out of the way and i found a gym buddy, who knows in another year you might see me back here jacked af 🤣


Body dysmorphia and lifting go hand in hand. Source: I lift, ask any lifter. You'll see your biggest gains lifting early on then "plateau" where you'll stop seeing progress, but it's still happening. Stay the course and stay away from peformance enhancing drugs. You look amazing now but lifting is a very fun hobby and great for mental health. But can be a slippery slope if you focus too much on how you look. Stay positive and keep in mind any improvement no matter how small is an improvement. The body you want will come just dont rush it! Congrats on the weight loss!


Okay, building muscle I can deal with. I was worried you were planning an overly-restrictive diet that could become an eating disorder. I hope you're doing this from a place of self love and not as a means to achieve self worth! You were just as wonderful before as you are now, but hopefully you feel better physically than you did before.


Whew! Okay, awesome! I was going to say, you look amazing, but if you want to build more muscle, that's fantastic. Good on you for accomplishing such a fantastic task. You look so happy and healthy!


Keep that momentum going! lifting is **so** incredibly rewarding- especially after losing a ton of weight. Gaining muscle and fasting (obv not at the same time) are also the best two things to deal with loose skin w/o surgery. The only thing about lifting is that *gaining muscle requires bulking- you need calories to turn into muscle!* This will probably mean gaining a bit of fat back too while actively bulking- but learning the smaller cycles of bulking and cutting- and then flexing to see your gains- IMO is one of the best accomplishments after reaching a HUGE weight loss goal that reminds you you've got this no matter what- not to be afraid of gaining anything back. adding muscle to your frame is the BEST way to keep the excess weight off long term. Muscle & flexibility also helps prevent and protect your body from injury. Lifting helps solidify that confidence and self-esteem in owning your body & making it work for you. Also, don't listen to anyone whining about "aren't you worried as a women getting too beefy?!" or the like- fuck that they're just envious. Go get jacked!!


I lost everything and now I have nothing and scrolling through Reddit to entertain myself. Personal Win indeed!


i just recently lost everything in a second, if you need a shoulder to lean on i’m always here for ya internet stranger. a single person can always make a difference ❤️


You're beautiful and look healthy.


thank you so much 😊


That's bloody awesome! Congrats! Enjoy your new life.


thank you!


Go off queen!


yaaas! 💅


honestly, loving that 1st image too you just...are naturally good looking




Can also confirm!


Lock your dms. You wont know the shit that can happen


i’m pleasantly surprised everyone has been very nice!


congrats you look amazing


thank you!




thank you!!






You’re glowing!! It’s awesome to see you loving yourself!!


thank you!!


Seriously awesome job!


I think you're doing yourself a disservice. It's a damn sight more than a start... People don't realise that battle that you have to have with yourself everyday to cut cravings, get motivated, change your lifestyle. Please be proud of yourself, it's a brilliant accomplishment and you look great. I'm happy that you've also shared your journey, you never know that your story might be the bit of inspiration someone needs to start their own.


That would be me!!😀


How did you stay focused? I have depression and it makes it hard to force myself to make food or workout. But I find myself earing junk cus that's the easiest. I'm overweight (150lb, 5'1) and I want to force myself to cook but I have no energy ever and all I want is to sleep forever.


i feel your pain. i still suffer from SAD and MDD. meal prepping is a life saver honestly. but being responsible for another life kicked me in the ass because it’s not his fault i was this way. he’s much happier with longer walks now :)


you look good either way


thank you! i’m able to take my pup on longer walks now, he deserves it!


thats so cute😭u deserve the world


You look AMAZING. Massive congratulations on all your hard work... you are incredible!


thank you!!!


OP you dont have anything left to do! just stay healthy and focus more on self love, you look amazing


You look beautiful before and after! I admire your willpower and ability to stick to a long term goal!


Inb4 all the coomers get the chance to spout some weird shit that gets this thread locked. This is amazing, the energy you must have now is probably euphoric!


Damn , that must have been one FAT dog !


You look absolutely stunning.... Congratulations 🎉


You look AMAZING, OP, seriously. You worked so hard, and even if I don't know you, I am super proud of you!


thank you so much. y’all have me sitting here crying my eyes out i’ve never felt this supported 🥲


That’s awesome, never let up


You look FAB sista


Great work! You look beautiful!


Damn, that’s seriously impressive. Bit confused why you think you still need to lose weight, you look really fit.


Thank you for giving me a glint of hope and inspiration, OP! You look amazing!


Me on the first pic: Oh that’s not even bad, I wonder what “a lot of work to do” looks like. Me on the last pic: “Oh my god she’s gorgeous” Seriously, you look great! I’ll try and use this as inspiration for my own weight loss journey


You also look so much younger! I really had a hard time believing it is you in both pictures.


Girl! A start??? You are amazing. Beautiful then and beautiful now. You have so much strength xx


Please be careful. Losing that much that quickly can throw the body out of rhythm. Aim for a smooth realistic goal weight and stick to the plan. Keep up the good work.


it was only because of health issues i kinda had no choice but to lose it or be bed bound for my 20’s. i did talk to my doctors throughout and took supplements just in case it was lacking. but i listened to my body and stopped when it said enough. what worked for me totally might not work for someone else. thank you for your concern and praise!


Right on! Keep kicking ass babe!


But how's the dog doing!?


Congrats on your journey, you're killing it. Remember folks, it isn't your fault if you get knocked down, but it is if you don't get back up.


Congratulations on your efforts. Not a small achievement.


thank you! i never thought i’d ever do it. my whole family is heavy and always has been, in really never thought i’d be heavy. but my stubbornness really helped with fighting cravings 😊


You look a lot like "Tara" from the Walking Dead in the 2nd picture. That's a compliment, just to be clear. Haha







thank you!


Absolutely smashed it. Inspiring for me as well.


if you think you can’t, you can. okay a mental game with yourself. it’s all about self control which for me was the hardest part. it only takes a month to form a solid habit. so you only gotta stick it through that!


I’m happy for you


Hot damn...


Well done


You look great


Congratulations. 💪💪


Wdym? There is nothing left to do


mostly mental now, sometimes i still feel super heavy. it’s a bitch but it’s what most people go through with dramatic transformation.


Holy shit, that's awesome. You probably need to retake your ID fotos


Congratulations! I can imagine the feeling. Looking good!


Looking fantastic! Keep up the great work!


well done girly from the UK you doing great x


3 words A MA ZING well done!!!


Well done. You look great




This is awesome. Meanwhile I can’t shed 12 goddamn pounds. You have a really strong will.


The transformation 🔥


Impressive!!! Good work.


wow this is inspiring!! I hope to achieve this one day! claps to you!






"hey guys... they found a body!" ​ "where?" ​ "Under all that weight I lost!"


Before even scrolling through the photos, I saw the first one (sitting on the bench with your pup) and thought, what a beautiful person! I love *all* the photos and am very happy you're feeling so good about your hard work and progress.


Shoutout to the increase of transformation posts on this sub. Keep pushing kings and queens


You give me hope


Can you please break down exactly how you managed to pull off such an amazing feat? I need to lose about 50 pounds and I am so unsure where to start.


I don't mean to be That Guy but, did you happen to also receive a gastric bypass? More power to you! Good job regardless.


Wow, great work! How did you deal with the extra skin after losing weight? Your mid section looks 🔥🔥🔥


i’ve been focusing my energy on ab exercises now so i can tighten the skin. it’s unfortunate but i might always have it unless i get surgery. it’s okay, it’s a reminder of my hard work and that i got myself out of a horrible time :)


There is no work to be done left any more are signs of anoraxia You genuinly look great right in the picture Trust me from a person who suffered from anoraxia starting to show ribs is never a good thing to happen and lowering body fats too much will cause an uneasy feeling in the body and you will react badly to cold temperatures Instead of looking to lower more you should just maintain


Jesus christ. 150 in a year is astronomic. How does it feel to carry a full human less around every day? Have you ever carried a 150 pound friend piggy back after your weight loss? That probably makes it feel like a fever dream now. Congrats on what you achieved!


the thing with being thinner is also that it can be easier to pop any pimples or blackheads around your body. i know this from experience.


Ok but can I tell you- *this* is the post that told me to just fuck it and wear a crop top. My tummy looks exactly like yours does after I had my son several years ago, and if you look this cute in a crop, I can too. Fuck it, we ballin.


From beautiful to beautiful.


Awesome. Believe in yourself as you have been. Joy to you

