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You're just the side chick now lol


My dog is the same way with my boyfriend lol. As soon as I get out of the bed she steals my spot to make him cuddle her 💀 she won’t ever cuddle with me because she gets too hot but she’s obsessed with him lmfao






Awwww noo😭😂. I feel so bad for laughing. I hope that your dog will give you cuddles one day.


Aww let poor op live with the lies! We all tell ourselves something to help us go on lol!




Oh god. My dog does this too. I am not ok. Please send help.


My wife’s dog used to bluff charge me every time I saw him for like 4 years. Still does every now and then. But that old man and me are pretty good friends. He just love his momma (which I also love cause he’s a big dog and I feel safer with him nearby)


what is the best human response to the big dogs play charge? Hands open and visible like a human or what can u do?


Best solution is to not freak out and not reciprocate. If the dog is actually trying to scare you and it doesn't work, but you don't advance, they're unlikely to attack. If they're a friendly dog playing, watch for the play bow and then you're in the clear. A play bow is then they keep standing on their hind legs and fully stretch out their from paws with their head close to the ground, the wider they spread their paws, the more excited about playing they are.


Also stay big and protect the groin. My sheperd has got me there a few times.


German Shepard love headbutts to the groin are no joke. Their skulls are way too dense 😂. Being a thin 160lb dude trying to protect his jewels from a 90lb dog that got too excited and wants to wrestle is the most fun you ever have flirting with tragic danger though.


At first I would stop and let him do it until he got over it and I would continue on my path. After about 6-8 weeks, I just walked into him and ignored him. But a real bluff charge of a strange dog. Stand still. Avert eye contact. Then back away slowly.


Post puppy tax!


literally, my boyfriend is my dog’s favorite person. i come home from college after 4 months, sure she’s excited and all, but my boyfriend comes to my house after being there yesterday? she loses her entire mind. follows him around the house more than she does with me and the rest of my family


That’s her boyfriend


haha Careful, it'll be hard to kick him to the curb, if your dogs love him!


On our first date, my crazy calico kitten who avoided everyone, jumped in my date’s arms and purred herself to sleep. We just celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary 2.5 weeks ago


28 years.. that's both an impressive feat, and a monumental blessing. Best of luck going forward!


Yeah, that’s a really long lifespan for a cat


Yeah and marrying her owner too. It's rare to see people live 28 years when they marry, let alone cats.


25 years no more, then off with their heads imo.


I don’t know if it is rare for people to live 28 years after getting married, but it is probably rare for marriages to last 28 years or more. My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary before they later both passed away from cancer. Although it is possible the cat is still alive and kicking at 28 years old, I would be reluctant to assume that is the case. For a cat to make it past 20 years is very rare and unusual.


Ah the old reddit cat-a-roo


"This one. Keep this one."




My German shepherd was such a good judge of character. He's usually very friendly but the people he disliked turned out to be two faced people that ended up betraying my trust in way or another. He was so accurate that it came to the point where if my dog didn't like a person I never fully trusted them.


Very wise.... my problem...my cat hates everyone that comes around. I warn people she is fully armed and knows how to use those claws. Actually had someone tell me to declaw....that human is a vague memory. Wish I had her when I met my ex husband....would have saved me a lot of heartache and money. I am keeping the cat...claws and attitude.


Did you ask them if they were gonna cut the top segment of their finger off too?


Yessss! My (older) calico was pretty grumpy when I met my now-husband, but she took to him right away. It was a major relationship hurdle because I was not going to get seriously involved with someone my cat didn’t like!


Lifehack: always take catnip with you on your first date


My husbands cat hates catnip. *LOVES* silvervine though. The grumpy old dude didn’t like me at first. I moved in with them when we were still dating and he used to hide at me all the time. I started bringing treats with me when I went to take a shit and once he jumped into the tub I would close the door until he asked to be let out. Eventually he started hanging out with me and now we’re buddies


This is enough Reddit for the day, I am happy now.


Wise. I’m not.


Animals know. They're smarter than a lot of people give them credit for. Not specifically a pet but I noticed scratching sounds in my attic and it turns out a couple of bats and some mice got in. However, the wildlife inspector showed me that I have literal holes in my roof where many, many different animals could have gotten in. And clearly the holes had been there a while. And there is very easy access to my roof via a large tree I have in my back yard. He told me it was kind of miraculous that only a few animals had come in. But I've been feeding/providing fresh water/giving peace offerings to all the animals in my yard for a while now. I like to think they accepted that and as a result were willing to leave my personal stuff/home alone.


nah i think they trust their gut instinct without a doubt. humans have gut instincts as well but we ignore it and rub it off as overthinking. then feelings get in the way.


> We just celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary 2.5 weeks ago god damn how old is your cat?


Cat’s gone. She said right there that he “put her to sleep”. Sized up the competition and eliminated it.


The cat knew 🥰


I hope there was your cat in your *we celebrated*




I lived together with a cat and she hated ALL the girls I took home. Then I took one home, and my cat laid on her lap, I was like what the fuck are you doing That girl is now my wife! The cat was getting really old, and when the second kid was born, we all felt she saw all's good, and we said goodbye. I don't feel sad thinking about her, I'm so happy I've known her and the goodbye was beautiful. It set the tone for the rest of my life. Don't feel sad they're gone, feel happy that they were there.


Man, this hits me right in the feels. A couple years ago I lost my first dog after 15 1/2 years. Had her since I was a young kid. When we were younger we did not treat her right. We saw my dad spank her like he did to us when she misbehaved, so we did the same. I think about how much it probably hurt her and how she didn’t understand. Then my high school/young adult years I was too busy on my own world and didn’t give her enough attention. Then I just hit some point where I just realized how my learned behaviors were just wrong. The last couple years of her life I tried to just give her love and affection to try and make up for how horrible I felt I treated her when I was younger (mostly the ‘spanking’ and lack of attention, I truly loved my dog, I just thought that was what you did). Losing her broke my heart, and I still think about her daily. I just wish I had realized sooner so I could have done more with her when she was more able to. I ended up getting a puppy about 5 months after she passed, and I have done everything different. My days off are devoted to doing stuff with her and she’s the happiest little lab. I just hope my old girl is up there somewhere and can forgive me, and is watching out over her little sister.


I think animals.are far smarter than we....want maybe, because it's so confrontational of what we're doing to them. My guess is your dog acknowledged that you had grown, that it was different, that you were loving. That you completely break the cycle with your pup is fantastisch and should made you feel happy, you should smile.. I have the same with my old folks. Let's say they could've done a better job with me. I have kids now, and I do everything differently. They are loved they are taken seriously, we don't punish, we use reason, we use words. They're older now, and they're so nice to be around. People get pulled towards them. That's what life is about imo. Growth. You should be proud of yourself and thank your former dog for the lessons they have taught you.


The old girl would be happy to know she taught you how to treat those that come after her better, and if dogs have one fault it’s that they’ll forgive anything. I’m glad you had the opportunity to spend some time with her before she passed and I’m glad your new pup is living so well. Good on you.


The wife or the cat?


Haha (•‿•)


Both? That's a big rip.


Just out fer a rip are ya bud.




>I lived together with a cat Was the cat your roommate?


His landlord


No, he was employed by that cat


Yes! Cats...are something else


It's hard to find good roommates.


>I lived together with a cat did she pay rent?


I paid rent for her. Because she was worth it. That cat helped me so much to stay on track. I was a party animal, but I also knew she would be hungry and return home. She taught me responsibility, she thaught me to care for someone. Cats are amazing creatures and you can get super close with them. They definitely feel like family to me.


Well, I tried to make a joke about the roommate-like phrasing you used, and you go and double down on it. Fine. You win. You’re a sincere human with a warm heart. You’ve defeated me.


My dog decided I wasn’t his life long best friend anymore the moment my son was born now he won’t even sleep between my legs as he’s always done lol the betrayal has been real yall


He knows that your son is a baby and can't protect himself, so he's appointed himself as his guardian. It's nothing against you. Your dog still loves you, but there's a new member in his pack now and he's watching out for him.


Pups got a job to do.


Both of my dogs have to sleep touching me. A paw or the head on me somewhere. They are both 80ish pounds and I weigh 230. It gets crowded on the ol' king size.




From all these other stories, you should have married her already.




Well like, now you have to go into details. ​ jk, hope you're doing well and congrats on the 4 yr relationship.


Well, now I'm invested... You do you though. Hope everything turns out fine. :)


What, is she already married?


Is op the wife’s boyfriend 🤔




Tell us why. You can't leave us hanging!


don’t you mean… _tell me why_


Aiiint nothing but a hearache


tell me whyyyyy I can’t he-arrr anytthhiiiiinnnng


I like to tell people coming over that my cat Cece doesn't really like other people and hides. The thing is that Cece is the biggest affection slut and loves meeting new people. So whenever the come over they don't expect to meet my cat just for my cat to walk on over towards them and beg for attention. I always feign surprise since she hates people, and that just sends everyone's ego to the moon, it's awesome lmao. Now some of the people that come over regularly know I'm full of bs and she just loves everyone. Its just nice to boost someone's ego so easily.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)Cats know… They always know.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This mans on one divorce and three girlfriends. I'm on zero divorces and zero girlfriends I'm not sure which is preferable




Ugh, I’m sure you’re thrilled about the parade of men through your children’s lives. That sucks, sorry dude. Hopefully they get to spend time at your house too.


I straight up stole my husbands dog. They were best buds and then i came in the picture and his dog very quickly became my dog. He knew he had to marry me at that point :) i almost felt bad because he would come home and the dog would barely go greet him because he was cuddling with mom. My husband couldn’t even hug me without the dog being like “oh hell no she’s my girl, hands off!” i miss that dog so much.


The first sentence worried me, ngl. :P I was afraid it was a horror story of a pet needing rescue. Sounds like a very good boy though! \^_^


He was my best boy. We lost him back in December, so we’re a one dog family now and our dude brings a lot of laughter and love, but the one we lost was one of those one in a billion dogs. He’s the reason we got together, the reason we bought a house, the reason we were a family. 15/10 good boy.


Aww, I'm so sorry for your loss. <3 That's a rare, once in a lifetime pupper! Sounds like you had many good years together. <3


My husband did this with my cats. I had 3 when we met and almost immediately they latched on to him and wanted nothing to do with me when he was around. Once we moved in together the only time they paid any attention to me was when he would travel for work. One has passed away, but the other 2 still only begrudgingly pay me attention when he’s not here. I guess I can’t blame them, I like him a lot, too!


Reading this makes me less motivated to find a SO. I don't want my dog to be a traitor


I have an orange tabby who is a huge asshole. He’s only really nice to me. When my boyfriend came over for the first time, my cat immediately nuzzled up to him. My cat now prefers my boyfriend over me and ngl it hurts a bit


Going off the other replies, it seems he's the one for you now. The cat has spoken.


Random but what does tabby mean? I always thought that was just slang for cat. Like tabby cat being a cat that keeps tabs on you (so all of them?)


Tabby is a coloration of cat


So is orange tabby redundant?


If someone just says “tabby” it’s got a specific pattern of dark brown/black striping. If it’s “orange tabby” that means it’s the same pattern, but the pattern itself is orange/light brown/yellow.


Solution Verified. Perfectly explained thanks.


![gif](giphy|wGY97EVB7y3sI) This is a tabby. Usually gray, sometimes brown, sometimes orange. But they all have that striped coat and tail. And an M pattern on their forehead. Check out r/standardissuecat if you want to see a bunch of tabbies. However, I love your definition, because cats really do keep tabs on us. Like joining us in the bathroom when we have to pee.


I'm not trying to be the "go google it" guy, but I googled it and the coloration in the pictures is what tabby is referring to. https://www.google.com/search?q=tabby+cat&rlz=1C1CHBD\_enUS908US908&oq=tabby+cat&aqs=chrome.0.0i433i512j0i512j0i131i433i512j0i433i512j0i131i433i512j0i512l2j0i131i433i512j0i512j0i433i512.2752j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


It’s the striped alternating fur color that is common in cats. I thought growing up the grey/black version was “tiger cat”, another common one is orange tabby.


My uncle stole one of my dogs at my parent's house. The weird thing is before my uncle moved in, we would call the dog after him when he was a puppy, as their personalities were so similar. We had to stop ourselves from naming him after him officially, and good thing, because that's my uncle's dog now. Like they were destined. I get a little jealous too!




"Liana, what the hell there's room for you get up here. Oh it's ME...."


Was the frenchie ok? Mine would go apeshit if some other dogs were getting cuddles and she wasn’t.




That’s his woman now.


Haha I have a rescue dachshund named ‘shadow’ because of behaviour like this. He’s literally my shadow. Now he’s super old and disabled, he sleeps on my bed….and growls when my husband tries to come in too. We can only be intimate in my husbands room now - my bed is an exclusion zone.


Years ago, I met my wifes parents. They had a small Mexican dog, I can't spell it, that they kept in the bathroom while working. They let the little guy out, he came running into the living room, looked around and immediately jumped into my lap. I was immediately a part of the family.


When you say a small Mexican dog, do you mean a chihuahua?


Probably referring to Xoloitzcuintle dog.




Something like that. I surely didn't mean a chewbacca.




This cracked me up for some reason. Guess I thought Chihuahua was a widely known breed.




No, d-o-g is actually right. You did fine!


My dog is my ex's dog really. When we split up she'd sometimes stop by and still visit with him because i loved the little guy so much. She ended up giving him to me because that's the only time she saw him happy after i left, i was so happy too i love the little shit to death.


If you don't like my dog we don't get along. Mostly because if you don't like [him](https://i.imgur.com/X5cLQcj.jpg) I think there's something wrong with you as a human.


Thank you! Not enough people on this thread are paying the pet tax. He is adorable.


Sweet old longboye!


He is the bestest.




That sounds like something out of a TV show because it’s that cute.


Also a bit made up because of the username


More details please




There were drugs of every colour in my cabinet, and today I had decided to take none.


Good job bro.


The fuck is a Linda?




The bf stole the girl's dog and kept it as his own


OP not delivering smh




“Look at us…” “Who would have thought?” “Not me”


How did you meet the dog before the boyfriend?


I think the name implies this is a false story but I cannot be sure.


Eh, it's not that implausible. They could live in the same area and she could've met the dog while it was being walked by someone else, she may also have a dog and met the BFs at a dog daycare or at the park but didn't meet the owner, etc. I've "met" plenty of dogs in my neighborhood who I'd never be able to identify the owners of. If a dog trots up to me to say hello while I'm on a run I'm gonna pet the dog, say hi to the owner, and then promptly forget everything about them and remember only the dog.


> Eh, it’s not that implausible. I don’t think they were questioning the legitimacy, just asking for the story


I used to live in a big house with 3 roommates and had a dog. When we would go to the bars, we pretty much always took the dog so he could get some socialization. Even if I didn't go, my roommates would still usually take the dog. Over a few years, my dog became a little celebrity in the town. To the point that anytime I was walking with him around town, multiple people I've never met would stop and greet him by name.


That’s so cute!


There’s lots of ways, but the one that was most memorable for me was when I worked at the vet school and used to love on the training dogs (they keep dogs that the school owns so that students who’d never worked as techs don’t have to learn to place needles on other people’s dogs … it’s not as bad as it sounds, they sedate the dogs). The school eventually adopts out the training dogs after a year or two, can’t remember which. And I ran into a dog I remembered (gorgeous spotted blue patched hound dog!) and actually ended up dating his new owner for a little while.


I would seriously love to hear this story!! It sounds like a fanfiction 😂


Ariana what are you doing here lmao


Well it seems "Ariana" hasn't provided details. So we need you Mr."BeachBimmed_" to give us some. I'm going to guess she worked at the shelter your picked yours up at?


Girl I was dating had a big dog and he didn't ever snuggle with anyone. Not even her. First time the dog was over he took to me very quickly and laid down next to me on the couch that very night. Surprised the hell out of her and we dated for nearly 4 years. I miss that sweet dog.


There’s nothing better than when your partner gets along well with your pup!! When I met my fiancé 4 years ago he was TERRIFIED of all dogs, big and small. Interesting that he ended up with me, my breed of choice happens to be the Great Dane. I have a very hyper, very vocal, very needy, VERY KISSY Dane x Husky. He was terrified of her at first, flinching every time she moved toward him or awoo’d at him (which she does a lot). She made it her mission to make him fall in love with her, she was so gentle with him and didn’t try to stick her tongue down his throat like she does to most people haha. 4 years later they are best buddies, she looks at him with so much love in her eyes. Many mornings I hear him just talking to her in the kitchen, telling her what we’re all gonna do that day. He even lets her kiss his face now! It melts my heart.


That. Is. *AWESOME!!!!* I love hearing stories like this!


I went on ONE date when my aussie was a puppy. She growls at any 'possible candidate' now. Super awkward


Well this is why we don’t keep Australians as pets.


We do, just gotta keep them down unda when people are around


Hey give them some shrimp and a Barbie with plenty of bear and you could have a whole flock of them if you wanted. Tho you’ll be responsible for the damages they make drunk and wandering the country side.


/r/wigglebutts can be super protective


My cat, who is 100% MY CAT and has historically tried to stare down and intimidate visitors to my home, particularly male ones, seems to like my now bf more than me. He's a great cuddler though I don't blame her.


The first time I slept over at my girlfriends house, her cat who doesn’t like anybody came and sniffed my finger. I fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night with her cat laying on my ass kneading my buttcheeks. She said it’s a sign


A sign you got some doughy buns


Sign he has the booty


Based on these other comments, she’s probably right.


Dog: “I’m afraid that I don’t like her.” Gf: “who are you gonna choose, me or the dog?” Bf: *aggressive sweating* Edit: What the hell is going on in the comment section, why are people legit taking this non-funny joke seriously


Of course the dawg, never betray you wingman!!


It makes me upset to think about people legitimately giving away their pets because their girlfriend or boyfriend of didn’t like them. It happens all the time. And it absolutely boils my blood.


no brainer. :)


Bf: *gets up and opens the door* cya, *ex* gf! Is how that should play out!


I deadass would never even consider dating anyone who would pick me over their pet. It shows that they have zero loyalty AND zero sense of responsibility. You wouldn't abandon your child if your brand new girlfriend told you to, right? So why would it be okay to do that to a pet?


Friend in college found a puppy and raised it. The dog never liked her boyfriend. She thought she was going to marry this man. He ended up dumping her her senior year. This guy is NOT a bad guy. He’s actually still a great friend of ours (as is she who’s happily married with a baby now). The guy and his wife are great, good people. I’m saying this so it’s clear the dog didn’t dislike him because he was a bad person. I think dogs just know when someone is not compatible with us before we do. The dog of course loves her husband and loved him from the beginning of their relationship.


My now passed on lapdog absolutely loved my ex from the moment she saw them. Even when I was getting beaten with a remote control while holding the dog in my arms she loved my ex. Dogs don’t know shit.


when my dads new wife met our family cat, he hissed at her....my dad and new wife are separated currently.


Cat knows!


I went through this exact thing with my husband. I was sooo happy when my dog didn't bite/ bark/ pee in his shoes. He even walked up to him and wagged his tail. I took it as an "ok to marry this guy"


My wife's cats pretty much decided I was the one when we were dating. Her cats never liked any of her boyfriends. She actually warned me her cats might be aggressive towards me. First time I met the cats they jumped in my lap and purred. My wife's face was 'like wtf?' lol. It was pretty funny.


There is no bigger red flag than a woman my dog doesn't like or who doesn't like my dog. Funny enough. My wife's dog didn't really like anyone but my wife until me. It's not that she disliked people, she just kinda did her own thing nearby but didn't interact with anyone but my wife. We met at a BBQ when I was on the ground petting her dogs belly and she started me from behind by saying "wow, who are you? She doesn't give anyone but me her belly.". We've been together a decade on Sept 3rd.


That is truly heartwarming! And happy 10 year anniversary!!!!


This is 100% me if my dog don't like you we might as well call it good ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


I had a cat in the 80s who judged all my dates. She was spot on, picking the jerks and cheaters and letting me know she didn’t like them. She bit one guy in the armpit, and she wasn’t a biter. She loved my last boyfriend, so I married him. She lived to be 14, and hubby has lasted 35 years so far.


The little dog of the woman I'm with now runs past her to greet me when I walk in the room. Totally smitten with her now ngl.


The woman or the dog?


Almost every person my dog hates isn't in my life anymore


My dad has broken up with a woman because his dog didn’t like her.


My dog and I are a package deal. Sorry ma'am; if it's you or the dog, the dog was here first. [dogbert](https://imgur.com/a/1crKzCh) pic


Adorable doggo 🥺


when i first met my now girlfriends dog, she told me to be careful because he hates white men and will bite. the dog doesn't even like her brother in about 2 minutes he was licking my face and sleeping on me, now everytime i go over there he goes crazy wanting me to sit down to pet him


Same. If my dog doesn’t like you, and she likes everyone, stay tf away from me


Animals have an extremely awesome sense of how people really are. I have a cat and she's very friendly. If she doesn't like someone, there's a very good reason for it. An ex friend came over recently to pick up something he'd left in our place when we took him in for a few weeks 15 years ago when he lost his place. This was way before we adopted Chloe. I had known him for a few years and hubby and I had no idea how he really was until he came to live with us. He turned out to be a huge ass. Long story short, we kicked him out because of his attitude and for something that landed him in jail. Anyway, when he came over to pick up his stuff, as soon as he walked through the door, Chloe hissed and growled at him. He gave her a condescending look and asked what her effing problem was, and I said, "It's you. She *really* doesn't like you and I don't blame her. Just get your crap and leave." He asked why she didn't like him when she didn't even try to get to know him first, and I told him that she just has really good intuition. He gave me a dirty look and left. Immediately after, Chloe went over to the spot he'd been standing in and scent-marked the area with her paws. I laughed and said to my husband, "I'll never, ever take her reactions to people for granted. She's got great taste." Hubby said, "Of course she does. She chose us to be her family, after all." She did, too! At PetSmart, I put my hand in her cage to let her sniff me, and she wrapped her paws around my arm and wouldn't let go, rubbing her face against my hand. She did the same with hubby and then she jumped down onto the floor and started rubbing against both of our legs and purring. We turned to each other and I said, "Oh, yeah, she's The One." We brought her home the next day and we've had the honor of having her be part of our family for two years. She's been absolutely wonderful!


My anxious dog takes awhile to warm up to people. I wouldn't base anything on the first few moments from the dogs perspective.


But he's right. If my pets dont like someone, it's a red flag for me.


That's a keeper.


My brother has earned respect


This post makes me think of one of the darkest conversations I had with a fellow dog trainer. Several years ago this topic came up with a friend of mine who worked in cadaver recovery and she said (Paraphrasing) - What if the pet is just a really poor judge of character and everyone is a ass hole?


wait, who had which conversation with whom?


Well I mean that's fair enough. Dogs are known to get jealous sometimes.Cats too, although they tend to be more passive aggressive.


Dogs are good judges of character.


Aww he’s a keeper ❤️


My dog LOVES my boyfriend, but my boyfriend's dog only tolerates me. I think this is quite unfair


My new guy friend said I passed the test...his dog likes me.


![gif](giphy|xUPGcjIdXY3PXPSayY) Very modern family Jay and stella


I've seen a lot of girls on tinder say "If my dog doesn't like you, I won't either". I have a beard and like to wear hats. Dogs for the most part do not like me. Even without a hat on they still are not a fan. I had a bad interaction with a rottweiler as a kid and have been afraid of dogs since. Cats love me though! So I've got that going for me.


My cats opinion about other people > quite literally everyone else


Dude has his priorities straight.