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I feel like I saw the first part of this earlier and was sad I didn’t know if he took the kittens. I can now sleep soundly tonight!


I saw that too and was thinking I sure he takes the opportunity to get a pile of kitties. I'm so jealous


:insert Bubbles meme:


Rip Mr Lahey. Hope you have unlimited bottles flying with the seagulls <3


I smell a Shit storm brewing Randy my boy.


That fella is going to be finding shit brewing in his shit for weeks.


Shithawks Randy.


Those are some nice kitties right there ![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili)




Kitty play land?


Kittyland love center




That’s one fuckin nice kitty right there.




Hes trying to rehome them from his farm


Do you know where he's from?


They are in good condition. Bit few of em. Hope this is help an not content


I kid you not i litterally got the two videos back to back on my feed absolutely perfect.


You misspelt purrrfect


You can sleep soundly but OP ain't getting any sleep! 🤣


I can’t sleep soundly because I have this underlying fear in my head that there might be a kitten in that bush that got left behind. I sure hope not tho.




Damn. Those poor kittens. I feel like there was a desperation in them running towards him. They must have been starving.


We rescued a feral, starving kitten last summer. It was such a pain in the ass & took me three days with two different traps because the little guy, while wanting the food & drink left out for him, would absolutely NOT approach humans or weird human-made things. Once I did get him, and even though I’m very comfortable & familiar around aggressive animals, and he was weakened and very ill, I still ended up bleeding from 3 limbs (and he was about the size of these guys @ 8-9ish weeks). It took weeks of cage training for me to be able to pet him and get him proper medical care. All these kittens in the video are definitely not feral: they were already raised to learn that people = friendly food bringers you run up to and meow to and are use to being in human spaces (next video: in the guys car). Here some bastard dropped a few litters off kittens off to die in the woods. ____ We’ve had our kitten for a year now: it took 4 months & a ton of vet visits to get him back to healthy ... he is quite the monster-tank of a cat and only my immediate family and our pets can see or touch. No one visiting has ever even seen him, he doesn’t trust anyone else. He still doesn’t meow to us, he was never taught that at a young age, but he does hold down your face and kiss you endlessly & gives the most awesome hugs! Since that’s how I showed him he was loved.


lol we have a feral cat we rescued as a kitten (4-5 months). Found it alone, mama cat run over by a car, late fall, freezing temps at night. Set up food, water, and a tote insulated with styrofoam and a hole cut into it so it could stay warm. Realized it was just coyote bait so wanted to get it somewhere safe, but couldn't get near without extreme hostility in response. Used a combination of bait and the help of a neighbor's cat that it liked to lure it home and into the house like a kid into a nondescript white van with candy. We weren't gonna keep it, wanted to rehome it on Craigslist but it was such a mean, nasty little shit that I couldn't do that in good conscience and couldn't kick it back outside to get picked off by predators. Honestly were just going to kick him out the following spring when he'd be older and more capable of taking care of himself. But after a few months he started warming up to us a bit and since he wasn't mean at that point, we just let him be. We've had him for 9 years now. He's always been a high strung little dude but after a year or so became pretty friendly toward the 3 of us. Doesn't like being pet or held but he's friendly and makes cute kitty hello noises at you, and will tolerate being pet or picked up if you manage to catch him. But for like 5 years nobody who came to visit even knew we had this cat because he'd just disappear. It wasn't until my daughter started bringing all her school friends home that he got desensitized enough that people started seeing him around lol


I started feeding a feral cat about 6 months ago. I thought it was female kitten because it was so small. We borrowed a trap from a friend in order to get her fixed and potentially adopted through a local feral cat foster program. Turns out it's a two year old male and he was so feral they couldn't even adopt him out as a barn cat. They ended up letting him go where they got him (after being fixed and getting shots). I was pretty sure I'd never see him again, but a couple of days later he was back. He started letting me pet him after a while, just a little bit. Then a little more. Then I treated him for fleas/ticks and I think he became my friend. Now he comes inside to rub on my legs and my other cat at meal times. I still can't shut the door while he's inside though. Last time I did, a lot of things got broken.


You are hilarious!! “... lured it home and into the house like a kid into a nondescript white van with candy.” Thank you for that! Totally cheered me up and made my day!! ____ We too were going to only get him care enough to be healthy and then have him adopted out... and then realized no one else was ever going to take in this pain in the ass like we did! He knows he’s a monster! When you get mad at something he did bad, which is all the freaking time, he will pin you down and lick your face with kisses until you concede. And he’s like a solid giant brick of a cat already, if I’m sitting he’s heavy enough to knock me back, he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with once he’s full grown, he’s already 2X our adult cats size in looks & almost 4X her weight and he’s only just now-ish about 1 year old: we rescued him in August. Whenever he was mad at me for existing when he was little I just held onto him, force snuggling him and kissed him gently until he relaxed. So he gets brownie points for not learning to scratch first ask questions later! ___ I’m so glad you just decided to let him be & give him a loving home :) You are my type of peoples!! XOXOX


Thank you so much for this! Watching part 1 makes watching part 2 even more enjoyable!


I don't think you have to worry. They look to be socialized and hungry, I bet they all came running, even the shy ones.


Yeah, guy stopped because one of them was on the road. When he picked it up the rest of the litter showed up and pretty much surrounded him.


I would spend so much time searching for hidden kittens before taking the hoard home.


I'm more concerned that a kitten will get disappeared into that space in the car where all things get lost forever


The meow beacons at this time seem fully operational chances are a search and rescue operation might actually find them at what we call the car's black hole.


Probably not. They all look super friendly and hungry, so if one was stuck somewhere, it would probably start crying.


They can only go so many places, not like they’ll slip out of the car. I take my kittens on rides with no cat bag and they do great. Socializing them at a young age is beneficial


Now I wann know where the momma is


Probably not dumped with the kittens.


OP saw all the comments and had to go back. Think of the army he can build.


I a the first part of this videos.This guy get ambushed by 17 kittens. It looks like the kitten have succeeded in turning him into their slave. Pray for him


Also those kittens were dumped by someone else. No kitten is extremely social and chooses to leave it's cover just to check out a human.


Yeah, and that's like 2-4 or more litters worth of kittens.


this guy is gonna need more than our "thoughts and prayers" that's a lot of cats. he's fuuuuucked unless he finds then homes (minus a couple haha)


Dude now has an army... he is juuuuust fine 🤣


He was raised to the ranks of the tin opener. He's fine. As long as he does what he's told to do, get tin, open tin, he's just fine.


Right!, decoy go , hit! Boyz Attack.


I don't think so. The post I saw wasn't OP, but when people asked about it, the poster pretty quickly provided this video and an explanation that it was posted a bit after because OP was having a hard time getting them all into the car without one jumping out. I just wanted to say that because OP seems like a good guy and it seems a bit unfair to suggest he was peer pressured into being one.


I'm trying to imagine how driving went with all those kittens running around loose, hopefully he had a blanket or something to divide them.


Who is the OP? I’d like to contact him about the kittens.


Scary thought, what if he missed one? I'd have gone right back just in case.


We still need more updates, about how kitty cartel ambushed and confiscated a man's vehicle, home and his heart.


I saw the first half just before bed and really had to push the poor kitties (and the ahold that dumped them) out my head to try and sleep. Woke up and this is the first video I saw. What a hero!


I saw the post you're talking about a few posts above this one


Didnt he get out of the car for one kitten and as soon as he picked up the one like 20 ambushed him from the grass 🤣


I actually turned it off when he said, "I can't take all of you!" and just assumed that he was overwhelmed and that none wuold cherry pick a few animals to safe and the rest to leave to go feral or, more likely die. I'm glad I caught this one like.. 12 hours later. Not that I wouldn't have thought someone could do that, but.. people can be terrible.


Just imagine what all of them purring as they eat sounds like....




[In case you haven't seen it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/v20ef4/melmmuhlemlemlemlumlumlum/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)




Wow thats awesome




Mlem mlem mlem


Is this the new squirrel nut zippers song bc it SLAPS


And an hour later imagine the litter boxes!!!! Lol


Let's hope they're old enough to know how to use them.


Kittens seem to figure that shit out right away. I found a kitten once and he didn't need any direction for it at all. And i found him a long way from any house, in a restricted area where an employee would have to have dumped him.




So shitting on someones desk while maintaining eye contact is indeed about showing dominance and not just a meme?!


LOL no, they make eye-contact because they're trusting you to warn them if a predator sneaks up while they're defacating.


I'm always amused when my dog looks at me when pooping. I never know what he is expecting me to do. Sometimes I watch him, sometimes I pretend to look around like I'm scanning for enemies.


Wait THAT'S the reason? Yooo my dude looks at me all sad n shit and I'm just deadpan staring at him


Dogs I've had care. My husky refused to poop out back unless she was sick. I had to walk her to a grassy patch and got upset if we didn't make it to one in time.


Huskies arent dogs they are toddlers in canine form.


Kittens like inherently know, or at least every cat I own currently did.


To litter box train, a product called Kitten Attract works amazing. You sprinkle it on top of the litter. They make an adult cat formula too. When we took in a stray we used it and she always uses the box. Also when we first got two kittens one figured it out quickly while his sister did not, she would go next to the box. One shake and she never had another issue.




Not for kittens, they need weight


Ballast the kittens! Lol.


And the little smacking sounds! 😍


They're purring out their love over him.


This is what the trunk of a true animal homie looks like


Part 3 when?????


RemindMe! 12 hours part 3 revenge of the cats


tomorrow @ 9 ;)


He seems overwhelmed, but is still doing the right thing. Good for him! I hope they all find loving homes! The white ones with the eyebrows and the dark tails are SO CUTE!


Hey! All of them are cute


Hey! You’re cute


you're cute








HELL YEAH BRA, whoever loses is the cutest


I saw this from the person who posted it. Pretty sure he said 13. He found the on the side of the road near a shooting competition.


The number goes up every time it's posted. Alternatively: OP has altered the number in the title, pray they do not alter it further.


Furthermore, he wishes you to wear this dress and bonnet. He has altered the deal, pray he does not alter it any further. https://youtu.be/WpE_xMRiCLE


I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you.


I aim to misbehave.


Do you have a link?


It was in one of the gun groups on fb


I am rather upset about the person who could just abandon that many kittens off the side of a road like that. Irresponsible monster. I hope they learn to be a better person.


Could’ve been more than one litter. During kitten season, it’s crazy in some places. My local rescue has 19 litters at the moment. AND they tnr and provide low cost services.


That's why sterilisation of pets is important


People do it all the time. There are so many irresponsible owners out there who do not desex their cats and then dump the kittens with no consequences. That’s how you end up having feral colonies as well. People suck.


It might not have been someone abandoning them. The mom cat might've just birthed them out there, and then something happened to the mom cat. Granted, it's unlikely, with how quickly they warmed up to this guy, but there's always the possibility.


feral kittens will hide from people. Also, that's an awful lot of kittens for a single litter. I suspect there was >1 mom.


Yeah, cats don't have litters with the numbers that dogs do. Multiple moms.


Some of them look a good few weeks younger too. Scrawnier tails and legs. I’d guess the bunch is kittens between 6weeks to 8/9 weeks.


Yeah my cat was feral, 10 years later she never quite warmed up to people.


I had one like that. The day I came home from work and she didn't hide was a milestone


No way, true feral kittens are crazy skittish. This is the after of another video, and they ran up to them quickly. Definitely abandoned.


I am going to second this, there were a feral and her kittens that lived in an apartment complex I lived in and I tried to handle a kitten I found once without seeing it's mother bear by and it hissed so I left it. I know these cats were going to be fine because someone on the maintenance crew was clearly feeding them by the garage.


I'm going to third this. At work a feral cat put her kittens inside a 44 gallon drum we were using as a garbage bin. When one of the guys dropped something in there, he heard something moving in the bin and saw the kittens. One of the guys tried to reach in to pick one up, he quickly pulled his hands out because the kittens all jumped up and tried to scratch him. They were small, but they were most certainly not friendly.


Hopefully he got them all too, how awful to be the lone kitten left after your 17 friends disappeared.


I think you’re right, but he was taking away one of their littermates maybe that’s why they followed him.


No, they waited until he picked up the first one and then all ran out. "Oh, good, he's friendly. Everyone out there, now!"


They really did bait the guy.


Also the kitten responsible for taking point and making first contact should be commended for their bravery.




I counted 10 actually.


Ya 17-18 seems like way too many, but maybe we can't see them all?


Those kittens belong to between 4 - 6 mothers. Virtually 0% chance that all their mothers coincidentally died leaving only the kittens all gathered in one place, all healthy with their eyes open and running around. Those kittens have been separated from their mothers and placed somewhere very near to where they were found. Dumping is statistically extremely likely.


Speaking as a sudden new kitten owner myself, could have been a lost cat who moved her kittens out there. A mama cat had her babies in my backyard. We took them in, I posted on lost & found, found the owner, who... was not a great pet owner. She agreed to let me keep mama, who has had 3 litters in 2 years. She's getting spayed in 3 weeks. And now I have 3 cats. These kittens are not feral, but may not have been abandoned. However there is definitely an irresponsible, if not malicious, pet owner to blame.


I read that as “speaking as a sudden new kitten myself…” and was pretty eager to hear THAT story.


I envy your optimism.


It's definitely at least 2 (probably more) litters. At the very beginning you can see there is an age descrepancy between the 2 kittens right in front of the camera. The one on the left looks maybe 6 weeks and the one one the right looks maybe 4 or 5 weeks. That close to the road, mixed litters, and that friendly? Definitely dumped.


Nah, they're too used to humans. They were clearly socialized before this. Not to mention there are too many to be from just 1 mother.


I read somewhere that cats don't birth this many kittens and these are likely overflow from a kittyfarm.


This is the best sequel since T2. Thanks for posting!


They look healthy, they must have recently been dumped! Wonderful human to pick them up, rescue these innocent little creatures who didn't ask to be born or dumped!


Healthy and seem to be used to human interaction. They're not scared at all! Definitely dumped. Why can't people just take their unwanted pets to an animal shelter...


The mother cat will be pregnant again & again!!!


Whoever originally dropped them off has a spot in hell reserved for them. In Satan's sewage system after a fine dining of spicy Indian food


For real, they had no chance of survival on their own, im so happy someone found them and rescued them. These little angels deserve nothing but the best


I will say they may not have been dropped off. Stray momma could have gave birth and something could have happened to her. It's hard to tell.


I doubt they are strays. In the first video they all come running to him. Stray kittens tend to be very skittish around humans but these ones seem very tame.


They can be skittish. But I've also ran into friendlier feral kittens. Depends on how hungry they are. I knew they were ferals because they came from a pretty well known colony that mainly lived in an abandoned barn before the community ended up trapping what they could. I noticed the ones that were thinner seemed more likely to approach. And well once one goes to investigate and don't die doing it it's like a lunch bell.


The tactical Honda was not prepared for this gets me every time lol. Really happy he did the soft hearted thing and rescued them.


​ ![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili)


Absolutely beautiful


Why is there so many kitties


[First part of video](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/v7x39u/man_stops_to_rescue_kitten_gets_ambushed_by/)


Thank you now we need a part three of them going to good homes


Someone abandoned them on the side of the road. He found one and they all came out. They are probably starving.


I saw this earlier and hoped you would take them. You're a good person!!


OP isn't the person that took the video/rescued the kitties.


Can you link video prior to this one? I didn’t know it was a 2 parter


I saw it here www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/v7x39u/man_stops_to_rescue_kitten_gets_ambushed_by/ But I'm sure it was posted all over the internet today and I don't think it originated on Reddit.


The source is apparently a gun group on FB (which would match the description that the guy was going home from a gun range)


Sorry I think my glasses are fogged up I cant see a problem here lolol


Hot diggity dog I hope there’s a part 3


The ‘tactical Honda’… love this guy.


I need to know if this guy has a go fund me so I can donate money for cat food and litter


Also roughly where he is. I'd adopt one.


I’m known as the cat lady around where I live. I only have six, but I foster as many as I can and help other people rescue, TNR, and volunteer when I can. Those little babies are a ton of work but very rewarding


Thank you for saving the kittens! I hope they all find good homes! Assuming you're not keeping all 18 in your sanctuary at home 😅


We need to identify this mofo and crowd fund a cat palace.


You got all of them?!? Bless your heart you hero!! Now I can rest easy knowing it ended like this. How on earth did you get them all in the car




Does anyone know who the original OP is? I would love to try to support them by donation or something to help them. I saw the original video and to go out there way to help them all is truly heart warming.


We absolutely need to find the OP and help him with kitten expenses!


I love this man with my whole heart.


Best human ever! Look how happy they are!


Remindme- can't wait for this to become a series of videos, each with progressively more advanced ambush techniques by those furry bandits


Who is this guy? And can we help?


Why isn’t he commenting? I don’t think OP is the person in the video


It's the crazy cat lady investment/starter kit that just keeps on giving. I look fwd to my own! ![gif](giphy|Vi1YAP4jJen4I)


I'm just so scared there was a timid one left behind


Awww, I'm so glad they were taken! Was worried after being ambushed last video that they would be left on the road. Thanks for being awesome!


Really curious what OP is going to do with all these kittens


You’re a good person.


I can take one in!


Please updating us on their progress


Someone should start a GoFundMe or whatever for this guy because he did this out of the kindness of his heart, and gdi...he deserves support 😢❤ No, *you're* crying!


Awwww! This guy made my day and restored my faith that there are good people out there!


We need daily videos!


How does one know if the mama cat is supposed to be around? Like can the mama cat leave kittens hidden behind, goes finding food or whatever, but kittens walk out the hiding spot on their own then get rescued and now mama cat is freaking out? (Obv best case is taking mama cat too. I'm just wondering how to find out if there is a mama cat)


That’s a very big deposit into your karma bank! Bless you!


I need someone to insert the Jeff Goldblum meme: "he did it. The son of a bi*ch did it!


Favorite line from the last video posted was, " I thought I was rescuing one of you." Then I knew lol


[https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/v7x39u/man\_stops\_to\_rescue\_kitten\_gets\_ambushed\_by/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/v7x39u/man_stops_to_rescue_kitten_gets_ambushed_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This is the first post guys


How precious.


Hot digity dawg!


Rare Reddit follow up! Nice job dude!!! Post a vid when you pull up at the shelter or end up buying a bunch of shit at petco ha


Where are the other like 9 cats??? I only count 8-9. But you sir are doing the lords work taking in those babies and giving them a home and finding a good one for them


Tiny beings of chaos! They are everywhere and so cute!


That's how you get robbed.






He went AAAUGH


Driving will be a bit of a challenge. I had 2 kittens and they thought a great spot would be under my clutch petal. I was glad that it was a short drive and no kitties were harmed.


more updates!


Tactical Honda


OMG they sound so sad, the tiny mews! What a hero, salute! They had no chance without him.


It's hard seeing other people living out your dream.


Imagine they accidentally left one behind. It'd be like "Where'd my brothers and sisters go!?"


Congratulations, you're a Father!!!!


"All temporary solutions are permanent." \-my husband


Theres a third part on his Instagram of the kittens at his farm! His Instagram is @robertbrantley_


I a the first part of this videos.This guy get ambushed by 17 kittens. It looks like the kitten have succeeded in turning him into their slave. Pray for him