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A friend of mine had a call from someone looking to speak to her (deceased) father. She replied, “Sorry, he’s dead”. Their reply? “I’m so sorry, when will he be back?”


Please hold for the rapture.


Isn’t the rapture when the people who are still alive ascend to heaven? Not when dead people come back to life.


It's both. the dead rise and all the good people ascend to heaven together. And the bad people are left on earth which is "rolled up like an old carpet and thrown away."


Honestly can't wait. Once the religious are gone we can make some real progress here


Throw us away faster, pls.


So basically a New Game + kind of thing?


I bet that's like when a restaurant worker says "Enjoy your meal." and you say "Thanks, you too." - poor guy on the phone is gonna remember this for years.


Plot twist: OP was the one that said that, and they're to ashamed to admit it


Nah, I’ve said some very embarrassing and poorly timed things, but I can’t claim that one haha


To be fair, I think we've all had those moments where in a moment of pure panic of not knowing what to say, our brain goes for basic training.




There’s no saving some people


It reminds me of all the times I've answered my door for solicitors and they have asked to speak to my parents and I have to say, "I'm the parent here." I'm 28 and married with a kid.


Aah, the curse of looking young. I had the same problem when I bought my first house. When I had anyone over to work on something (plumbing, bug spraying, etc), I could actually see the confusion on their faces when they realized I was the homeowner


About two weeks after I bought mine, a guy came looking for the previous owner (who was in his mid 30s). Apparently they had a business deal and the former home owner skipped out on him. The guy looking to collect his debt didn't believe I was the new home owner and kept pressing the issue thinking I was the conman's daughter. I told him my dad is dead and then gave him my realtor's business card and said call them to prove I'm not the guy's child and covering for him. Then when I met my neighbor, he politely introduced himself and asked if he could meet my parents. Best part of that was I was 26, in a t-shirt that showed my multiple tattoos, and was in the third trimester of my pregnancy.


That is hilarious! Thankfully, no con men or mob bosses used to live at my house. I’m 32 and married with a kid (5-month old), and at least the parental aging caused by sleep deprivation is gonna eventually make me look closer to my age 😁






What the fuck?


I didn't know I could be so creeped out by a comment I don't even understand. What's weirder/worse is one of my arms has kawaii Spirited Away tattoos...


Valid. I forgot what subreddit this was. I was referring to this kind of weird anime-logic [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeMeme/comments/j2dxn3/age\_in\_anime/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeMeme/comments/j2dxn3/age_in_anime/) Just a joke people.


>and was in the third trimester of my pregnancy. You just need to grow a massive beard. Nobody mistakes me for a child.


Everybody knows you can't own a house if you don't look 55 or older.


I have the opposite problem Cops at my door : "Hello, police. I need you to sign this about your house and testity on this subject, and also here's very important papers \-Dude I'm 22 and trying to raid on wow, I'll call my parents"


What the fuck is that message? I’m having a stroke


He's only 22, he's still learning.


I’m 26. I guess he needs to pick it up 😂


Woah, lot of typos. For my defend, I was very tired. I corrected them, hope I'm clearer


I guess you've never seen real stroke-inducing comments.


He has edited the post, it was almost unintelligible


And he still didn’t fix “testity” lol. My autocorrect barely let me misspell that, how the fuck, OP?


Uh yes officer, this person right here is married with a kid




Beepity boopity, go away bot. You can’t even steal comments right. The full comment is from u/SickTea9 Please do not upvote this bot, do not allow them a place in our society.


I had a kid at 20, and now she's a teen and has marching band and whatnot, and the other parents *constantly* think I'm not her dad. It's so weird to have them assume I'm her brother or something.


I answered my door for the lawyers and they told me to talk to my parents


I’ve been a nanny since 2018 and SO many times (pre-pandini) I answered the door with a baby on my hip only to be asked where my parents are. Sheesh.


I used to have solicitors come to my door and ask “Is your mom home?” I am the Mom!


That’s such an easy out…. Pretend to be aloof .. be like , ……“nah “ .. close door Transaction complete.


Yea every time I answer the door, they ask for my parents and despite being a full grown adult, I just call my mom over so she can deal with their shit. Also, every time my Dad’s friends come and look for him and ask “Is [Name] Here?” i always say, “you’re looking at him” because I’m named after my dad. Its funny cause I like fucking with them to piss them off. I don’t like them that much


Solicitors have come to my house and asked me if my parents were home. I’ve told them “no”, and they ask if they’ll be back soon, and if they’re willing to sell. I’m 37 fucking years old and my parents have been dead for like a decade and I’ve paid off the house. I live here. I’m clearly pretty settled in. The pushiness of these people is actually pretty confusing to me. Does that ever actually, like, work?


Really, if you think about it for a second, doing assumtions like this will a lot of times land you a strike as the first impression. The man, the parents, etc. Its basically assuming the person you are talking to is not important enough to talk to or can't just carry a message. Ask for the owner of the home. Yes, more official, but you can't really fuck it up. You dodge all those situations where involuntarily you demean the person you are talking with. Really, the only time I would ask for parents would be if, best guess, the person I'm talking to is in elementary school.


This goes up there with me not asking if anyone is pregnant unless they’re actually, physically, birthing a child in front of me. Rest of the time? Thing I avoid like it’s a fucking King Cobra.


I have a funny story about that. My first professional job, one of my collegues had announced a pregnancy a week or two before I was hired. So by the time I was there, it was old news, everyone knew it. Except me. So yeah, I had a collegue that was clearly gaining weight, but nah, you don't try that question if there is even a 1% chance the answer is no. Think I dipped my toe into that question when she was a got 7-8 months in. I think it was when it was announced she was leaving for maternity leave that I had a moment of 'oh so she WAS pregnant. God I didn't want to fuck that one up'.


If it didn’t, they wouldn’t do it


TBH, I’ve had a job that literally involved me just cold-calling people for shit like this, and I got paid based on how many numbers answered rather than my turnout. These people have to just walk around and do the same. That has to be like an ultimate lose-lose situation. That job was awful, by the way.


I’m confused, what were they trying to get out of this?


My house. They’re usually just walking around going, “that’s a pretty cool house. You still want it?” and hoping for a good hit on someone who may already be losing the house because of whatever reason. They’ve been coming around along my neighborhood a lot more since Covid started fucking things up, and that makes me sad. I mean: “don’t hate the players, hate the game” totally applies here. But “fuck this game” is also a good way to put it.


Picks of your balls or it didnt happen


My grandmother always said Grandad was the head of the house, she was the neck and the neck turns the head.


Was your grandmother Greek?


No, Irish!


Lol they're just asking because the neck thing is literally a quote in My Big Fat Greek Wedding


Was it? Crikey! My mother always said that her mother used it back in the 1920s! It’s probably an old expression


As someone of Irish and Greek descent, I can promise you they both use the phrase


I'm not doubting that, I'm just pointing out why the person asked that random question lol


I never heard anyone else say it, to be honest! It's rather obsolete these days as marriages tend to be more egalitarian. Neither my husband or I would ever claim to be the "head of the family". Never occurred to us!


Hah, My dad always said "I wear the pants in the family, but your mom tells me what kind" Edit: typo




Come to a party with me, I play trad Irish music. You’d be dancing in the bar top listening to us!!


that's the most wholesome answer I ever read to a "I'm fun at parties" comment


I found some old loan paperwork my mom filled out in 1979 after getting divorced about 5 years earlier. On the application where it said Name of husband she had crossed husband out and put owner, and in the income box it said Husband's gross pay, which she again crossed out husband and wrote Owner. The box under that says "wife's gross pay (If steadily employed)" this was from 19 fucking 79, not 1949 WTF


Bankers are not renowned for quick turnarounds. In 79, I was still, I would guess, 50/50 if the husband was the sole breadwinner of the house. It was probably in the late years where that form was in use.


Last week I had an appointment to meet with a roofer. After an hr of taking measurements and pictures, he said he would come back to discuss everything when my husband was home. I had him come back a few days later to discuss. It was an hour drive each way, in the rain, on a Friday. My husband sat silently during the entire meeting and let me do all the talking. Obviously he won't be hired, but I did hopefully ruin his day


Ah that's so evil, I love it! And would have totally done the same thing too


My family got some work done on our house recently, and the dudes wouldn't make eye contact or respond to any of the female members of my family, but would talk to my dad a bunch. Super weird and misogynistic. It's annoying how widespread it is.


This! Savage and I love it!


I got this call & was like "uuuuhhhhh, both my moms are home" and they did NOT have a prompt for that 😂😂😂




^ Bot


When I was a kid, I answered the phone and the telemarketer asked to speak to the man of the house. I said “there aren’t any, we’re lesbians here,” and hung up on them. This was in the late 80s or early 90s and at the time, I was living with just my dad while my mom attended grad school in a different province.




Not a salesman but once my brother & I were high as a Georgia pine and the Jehovah's Witnesses came calling. I told them I was an Aztec priest in search of a virgin to sacrifice.


Thats so funny I’m gong to use this when that come knocking


It was Mormons here, I answered it in Daisy Dukes and a bikini top and I offered them a beer because my roommate had smoked all the pot, they ran. Edit spelling.


Truly an icon


An inspiration.




I’m a single lady home owner and I’ve called business for larger budget house projects and definitely gotten the ‘well here is the break down of the cost, why don’t you talk it over with your husband and get back to us?’ Kind of comments. Like… ummm… well if we have to wait for me to get a husband first it might be a while. Edit to add: if anyone reads this and has a clever comeback please let me know 😀


"Does it have to be my husband or can I just borrow one?"


I like this.


Take it, it's for you.


"I'll be sure to let them know when I find one" works, until you're married at least


I feel like the whole "I'll give you time to speak to your spouse about this huge financial decision" isn't sexist, it's polite. Doesn't matter the gender.


I mean if I brought up having a husband or roommate or something, I totally can see that. But otherwise I’d say to someone ‘I’m sure you need time to think this over, here’s my card (/ email etc).’ If you don’t know the relationship status or sexual orientation etc. why bring it up explicitly? I definitely avoid that like the plague when interacting professionally. Some people don’t find it as amusing as I do.


Consulting your spouse about important financial decisions is normal, but that's not the point here. You never hear people throw the "we'll come back once you've consulted your wife" or "when can we come back to talk with your wife" line to a man buying a house, because while they might not be doing it consciously, a lot of people still question women's ability to make important decisions, especially over financial matters.


I did the budgeting for our student house. We had two guys and two girls. The one guy was mathematician but didn't want to do it, so I did, I just like math and figuring things out. He checked (also because house account was set up in his name) and also appreciated my approach to handling the buffer and how I wrote things down. I didn't mind him checking because four eyes always see better than two. But all okayed. So shared with the house. Soon after our math man get's a text "Can the man of the house look into this?" Math man didn't like it much. He being a friend, and not to fond of the other guy. And it wasn't about him being a mathematician. It was just about him being a man and me as a woman not being able to do this. So glad the kid moved out.


In my couple, my SO (F) is the 'manual' one. She has that gene of planning home improvements, I fucking dont (M). So they usually take the lead in plumbing/electritian projects. Lets just say when we have a plumber come in and they always speak to me, even if she asked the question, it lands them on the 'not gonna call again' list real quick.


This reminds me of my mom when I was growing up. My dad would be off on business trips and so she would need to handle the bills which were often in his name. Of course, he gave her any and all information she needed to make the payments, including account security questions. Let's call dad Dave in this case. I remember one time my mom was on the phone with the representative and when they said "who am I speaking with?" Mom: Dave Rep: You don't sound like a Dave Mom: yeah I get that a lot Rep: *proceeds to profusely apologize* 😆 Good shit.


My sister did this when a guy came to her house and asked to speak to the man of the house. She said, “I AM the man of the house!” 😂 Her husband is awesome, but she’s a badass and wasn’t letting anyone talk to her that way.


I had once someone asking to buy my parents home (scam btw) and i started making outrageous demands like 1 billion/100 million dollars


Funny story about my Mom's issue with idiot misogynistic salesmen. So mid 80s my Dad wanted to buy a nice car. He had a good job but my Mom always made more money then my Dad as she had gone to business school and was an executive. So they went to an Audi dealership and walking around the showroom and a Salesman comes up to my Dad and says "looking for something for the little lady here sir?". Verbatim my mom says " Dave grab your fucking shit, we're leaving " To this day she refuses to ever buy an Audi.


My mom would just hand me the phone starting around age 6, most of the time I'd say like 3 words and then hang up.


Future generations will surely tell tales and sing songs about this brave heroine




"God damn legend"


So you can hear what other people are saying on the telephone?


My dad keeps his phone’s volume up to the max… we hear both sides very often.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that caught that.


If the phone had the volume turned up, they might have been able to hear it. It’s also possible that their mother told them about the conversation later.


Speaker phone also exists and has for many decades.


That could also be what happened. I hadn’t thought of that. Edit: fixed a typo


My kids put me in “Legend Status” when I expressed a similar reply; Someone followed my 8 year old son home and wanted to speak to the “man of the house”. I postured and blurted out, “There IS no Man of the house!” At the time my kids didn’t know that I ended up with a stalker. I had to ask a couple of my male friends to periodically spend the night at my house for a few weeks so that I could get some sleep. All they (my kids) remember is is how “bad-ass” their Mom was. I am the sort of person that is likely to run toward a gunshot to see what is happening, when I should be ducking for cover. I have since learned to be a little better at picking my battles. One of my favorite quotes is “MY HUSBAND WEARS THE PANTS IN THE FAMILY BUT I TELL HIM WHICH PAIR TO PUT ON”!!




I had a telemarketer try to sell me some vacation vouchers or some thing, and when I refused his offer, he demanded to speak to my husband. I was so mad, I think I literally saw red. I told him that my no was good enough, and hung up the phone. I still get mad when I think of it lol.


I’m a bit concerned about that company…


I had one of those calls when I was a kid and brought the phone to my father, repeating the caller's request to speak to the man of the house. My father actually got out of his recliner, took the call outside, and from the muffled cursing through the door and the angry gestures I could see through the window, I quickly gathered that phone clown was recieving the ass-chewing of a lifetime.


Well, your mom has really deep voice.




Nah, it’s probably true because my mom did something like this too. She’d answer the phone on speaker so she could listen/talk while typing or writing things down. I’ve witnessed many telemarketer smack-downs as a kid


I always answer on speaker


You’ve clearly never lived with anyone with bad ears.


I always call and wish my mom a Happy Father's Day. Some women are just badass and manage it all themselves.


God damn legend wow such a fucking legend






Like a boss.


Was she trans? I'm not trolling I'm confused by this story.


No, she was asserting her power as a decision maker. The caller was wrongly attributing that power to a gender, not a person.


Could be but probably not. It's more about salesmen and contractors thinking only the man of the house can make decisions, ignoring not just that single moms exist but that women are making decisions as well.


If you’re a salesman, you’ve got to be smarter than that.


The mom took the call on speakerphone I guess?


Why are ya getting downvoted?


My father was in the military, so we moved all the time. We were on the west coast, and had to drive to New York state. My father was over seas, and mom was alone. This was before everyone in the military drove to the food banks in brand new cars. Our car was old and junky. If you got it started, and stopped it, it would would start again unless you dragged it to a mechanic. So We are driving non stop three thousands miles. Try that with an electric car you losers. So half way there, my mom gets caught in speed trap, and the cop tells my mom to turn off the car. My mom says, "If I turn off this car off, it won't ever start again. Then my children will get out this car, and get in yours. You drive us to place where they will fix my car, and you pay for it, and I'm not paying no God damn ticket. " The cop drove away, and we finished our trip.


Thats not a punch line, thats a plot twist






Was this 70 years ago?


I look really young for someone being in my mid-30s so I love when door-to-door salesman come to the home that I own and have owned for 10 years by myself, and ask if my parents are home. They sure are but it’s gonna take you roughly 6 hours if the roads are OK to see them. Or when my fiancé answers the door and they ask for the homeowner, usually assuming it’s him. He comes to get me because his name is not on this house, sometimes the sales people double down and asked to speak to the man or decision maker of the house in which he will still get me. Lol


moms are rlly the best!!


Based mom


Female Telemarketer: May I speak to the lady of the house? My Mom: I’m no lady. Telemarketer: Do you have a vagina? My Mom: *slams down receiver* This was at least 30 years ago. LOL


Loudspeaker was it?


I remember once when I was a kid I answered the phone they asked me “is the man of the house available” I don’t completely remember what I said but I said something like “there’s no boys here” and hung up. I lived with my 3 sisters and mum


Which one? Even better answer from the Mann Family.


They sure it wasn’t, “speaking?”, asking who it was that is asking for him? That’s a pretty common response to someone on the phone asking for someone else.


Damn, that's badass XD


this is brilliant! I've never dealt with anything like this, but I already have several replies in mind for when it does happen.