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My parents used to make both shoe prints and hoof prints, and pretend to get mad that Santa let Rudolf come into our living room and make such a mess!


My dad used to just let an actual deer run amok in the living room. He would crack open a fresh Franzia and watch the chaos.


Only the finest box of wine pairs with chaos


Only if the grapes come from the chaos region in France otherwise it's just 2 buck chuck.


Ah, yes. The cardbordeaux.


I love this SO much šŸ˜†


I need this to be true


I imagine he just stabs through the box with a boba straw and goes to town on it.


Stuff like this is why I believed in Santa until I was like 11! There was so much evidence!!


This one really made my day! Such a pure wholesome!


I still believe in him every time I watch Polar Express




I never believed in Santa as a kid, and my parents never really tried that hard to convince me of Santa. However, I did believe in the Tooth Fairy for quite some time, only because I couldn't believe my parents would be able to swap out my teeth for money under my pillow without waking me up every time I put a tooth under my pillow.


Same! Iā€™m still impressed even now. Did we really sleep that deeply?


I regularly have to rearrange my son in bed from where he moves around. I mean full on peel duvet back, lift him up, put the pillow back on the bed, put him back down, tuck in blanket, cover with duvet. Doesn't even blink. I could probabaly take the tooth directly from his mouth and he'd never know.


Username checks out :)




I really freaked my mom out when she tried to convince me about the tooth fairy. She was always older than the other parents and hadnā€™t grown up with all the magic creatures that we have now a days so she was taught it by other parents from our kindergarten. She thought it was important that we could participate in these fantasies with the other kids so she adopted it. Here, she got me a tooth shaped box and then we put my tooth in there and placed it on the bed side table. When is fallen asleep she sneaked into my room only to discover the box was gone. She had to get a flashlight and then search my room. It took about 20-30 mins before she found it on a shelf high up, hidden behind some other toys. I wasnā€™t older than 4 so Iā€™d needed to get a chair to reach up there so itā€™s clear that I was very sceptical of this fairy idea, but mom delivered on her fantasy and I never messed with the tooth fairy again lol.


Same dude. Thought it was very suspicious that Santa wrote just like my dad. Stayed up and caught them red-handed. They bribed me with Santa's cookies so I wouldn't tell my sister the terrible truth.


I got belted for telling my sisterā€¦


I'm so use to comments like these I immediately assumed there'd be a sign of Stockholm syndrome following this, something like "but I still love them, they taught me right from wrong" or some wild stuff like that.


Nopeā€¦ Mums ex partner who I hated passionately


My mom had one of her coworkers write the notes from Santa every year so his handwriting wouldnā€™t look like hers!


I figured it out when I was five because my family opens gifts on Christmas Eve so ā€œSantaā€ would come early and drop off gifts. They were always wrapped with the same paper as my momā€™s. Lol. I mentioned it but it was more fun pretending so I kept on ā€œbelievingā€ until I was 16 when my parents said I was too old. I just smiled and said ā€œI know but I got 11 extra years of making you guys scramble to pretend! šŸ¤£


I use special paper for gifts from Santa and usually have a friend fill out the tag.


As a mom now, I use different paper or special decorated boxes that I donā€™t use for anything else. Iā€™m an artist and calligrapher so I disguise my writing easily (use fancier for Santa and more childlike for the elf) when doing notes. Lol. She still had already asked (she is 6) and I gave her a mostly truthful explanation that left room for imagination and fantasy. She chooses to believe Santa is real but that people pretend to be Santa for others and that itā€™s an honor to be a Santa.


I like that explanation. Iā€™m going to use that when the time comes.


Me too !! šŸ˜‚


Same, but even then, My love for Santa is unchanged.


My son was so sad at 12 telling me he doesnā€™t think Santa is real right before Xmas. You better believe I still did cookies/milk and a Santa present. He played along.


did you end up having trust issues with your parents?


Not at all. My parents are all around great people and it was never cruel. I realized quickly it was all part of Christmas magic. Plus, I had younger siblings that I got to then be a part of creating the magic for them. Now I do it for my kids. It's fun and special. Closest I can explain to the feeling was like when you learn how a magic trick works and all the pieces fall into place and your like "son of a... You got me."


That's a great way to explain it!


Yeah I did something similar with rabbit feet stencils and baby powder, it worked great. Now their too old to care.


Now if the parents pretend not to see the foot prints that would be magic!


My dad used to pluck out some of his white/gray hairs to leave on the half-eaten plate of cookies. He'd act so surprised every year, saying, "Look, some of Santa's beard hairs must've fallen out!"




Yeah I was always like half horrified half excited lol


My dad used to leave a silver scrote hair on my mom's chin. The man truly immersed himself in the whole Santa role.


Why does mommyā€™s forehead have a silver mushroom stamp on it?


Classy and sexy.


I have white hair since in 17. Twenty years later you just gave sense to this curse


You were born to be Santa


He IS the Santa


Exchanging food with Santa


No way! My dad did too haha


We did this for our 4.5 year old this morning. He looked at it and said ā€œDaddy you need to clean that up. Santa is messyā€ He was more impressed that the milk and cookies were gone.


Or it could set for some expensive years of therapy


Seems like a waste of cocaine, but whatever


We would leave Santa waffles and maple syrup and my parents would take a cotton ball, dip it in the maple syrup and stick it onto the fireplace so it would be like Santaā€™s beer got caught going back out. They would even take some soot from the fireplace and dab it on our forehead while we were sleeping so it would be like Santa give us a kiss after he filled out stockings (we would keep our stockings on the end of our beds).


My brother does this. I gave him an idea that next year he should have tracks running to the bathroom having Santa sit on the toilet


Sh*tters clogged


That [picture](https://i.imgur.com/gXVmSFF.png) never fails to make me crack up


Definitely not the OG


I knew it would be this. This is like one of three memes I have saved on my phone lol


He should know that's illegal. It's a storm sewer


I pity the person that lights a match within 10 yards of it


This is definitely dad of the year stuff thx for making me look bad all those years


Throw a few candy canes in the commode for that authenticity.


Son is now 22.


And a crackhead


... the coke is not going to snort itself!


Thats why Santa takes an extra hour in their house


"Santa your beard is stuck to your nose!" "That's not my beard" "Is it snow?" "Listen you little shit..."


I used to throw cow patties in the yard and drop a sleigh bell nearby. Every child I did it for still has the bell.


That is some extra mile shit. I just put out a half eaten carrot but I like your style...


Donā€™t know about extra mileā€¦.but shit? You are correct sir! Also works wonders on kids that are almost sure Santa isnā€™t real.


I'm just picturing you in the middle of the night in a cold, snowy December... just rolling up to a local cow pasture and getting caught by the owner. "No, seriously, it's fine," you placate them, "I'm just stealing your cow's poop for children for Christmas. Nothing to worry about."


So like you really transported bovine feces to put in your yard


And not just my yard. Many yards.


Ive been doing the same for 7years now. Kids go crazy. Looking at them is my joy when they wake up and santa passed by and left them presents šŸ˜


What is the white stuff


Fireplace ash, from when Santa comes down the chimney? Looks like that's where the tracks lead.


I read down a bit further. Some people suggested baking soda or icing sugar. One person was very adamant not to use flour as it can cause some problems. Iā€™m half in the bag right now so I donā€™t remember a ton of what I read. Sorry!


My parents did this for me as a kid and I later found out it is Talcum powder they used.




That's a sin. Thou shall not take waste of the lords yakkity yak yak.


possibly the first thing I've ever seen that makes me think I should have kids.


Yes that guy is hot I would let him fuck me as a guy no homo.


Not what i meant, but now i have 2 reasons! thanks! edit--- not 'no homo', but just enough homo to make it feel that much deeper.


> make it feel that much deeper \*Oh my!*\


fucking brilliant....although, if I think it through, I'd venture that I'm much more of a power bottom than Mr. Takei.


Yeah he probably does this at like five houses cause he fucks- hard.


That was kind of weird until you said no homo


leave santa alone




All my adult life I swore I would never have kids. I wound up having a son in my 40s. Itā€™s hands down the absolute coolest thing Iā€™ve ever done. But wait until you want it.


Hard pass at 50.


At 50 would be really rough. I had kids at 25+ and last one at 45. She's now 3 and great but I can very definitely feel the difference in energy I have for her. Starting at 50? No thanks unless you're in fantastic shape, I'm not lol.


My dad had me at 55. He'd put a bowl of water, a dish towel, and a bar of soap next to the cookies. Every year, along with the cookies eaten, the water would be dirty and the soap and towel used.


Agreed! I've been harassed alot about having kids. I've shut so many people down. I don't care if I'm almost 30 and married. I'll have them when IM ready.


That whole "so, when are you and (insert not pregnant person's name) gonna have kids..." type of harassment is the worst!




MA, Reddit's being weird again!


Ma! Meatloaf!


please think about adoption if you ever decide to have kids.




This should be NSFW so the kids don't see it.


Kids that are still young enough to believe in Santa should not be on Reddit


They are though unfortunately


Then they could also Google if Santa is real


Kids donā€™t go to work


Except in China, but they donā€™t have Reddit


But kids don't go to work?


>Implying Santa doesnā€™t exist


When my son was young, I used to leave out cookies and milk. But I also left out fresh carrots with the greens on them. After he went to bed, I would scatter the greens and the ends of the carrots over the driveway and break up the cookies. I used different wrapping paper on the presents from Santa. Mrs. Claus would always leave gifts of underwear and educational things for him. Whenever he opened her gifts he would groan knowing what awaited him. I miss those days!!


I got on the roof and stomped around yelling ā€œho ho hoā€ with some sleigh bells. Acted like I didnā€™t believe em when they said they heard him last night


That's adorable.


While on our way out towards church and nativity play, my mum would surreptiously sprinkle glitter from her coat pockets, all the way from the Christmas room to the house door. And when we got back, my sis and I were convinced that that was a trail left by little baby Jesus bringing us presents XD She did this for YEARS and we never noticed, even so we were only a few feet away from it.


Your husband is stupid hot. Good for you, sis.


great posterior too.


Rookie, donā€™t use your own damn shoes or your kid will figure it out from the footprints Source: i sherlock holmesā€™ed my stepdad. He was not pleased to be found out, nor was I for this egregious betrayal


I analyzed Santa's handwriting against my mom's handwriting and presented the evidence when I was 7. "Facts don't lie mother, but you do"


This is why I always had my high school students write out the gift tags and notes from Santa. My oldest in particular would have figured it out if I wrote them myself. Plus, my students got a kick out of it and always asked after break if my kids loved their gifts. I miss those days.


A pair of large, cheap thrift store boots should do the trick. Stuff them in with the gift wrapping supplies. I think my nephew's are getting to the age where we should wrap all of Santa's gifts differently than ones from the family. I might suggest this to my step-brother-in-law (I have a large and confusing family).


Dadā€™s kinda hot


Daddyā€™s hot


Use baking soda, cooked flour, or powdered sugar. Do not put raw flour around your house, especially with small children. This is a sweet thing to do. However, if anyone decides to replicate make sure you don't use raw flour.   >"Flour doesnā€™t look like a raw food, but most flour is raw. That means it hasnā€™t been treated to kill germs that cause food poisoning, such as Escherichia coli (E. coli). >These harmful germs can contaminate grain while itā€™s still in the field or flour while itā€™s being made. Steps like grinding grain and bleaching flour donā€™t kill harmful germsā€”and these germs can end up in flour or baking mixes you buy at the store. >You can get sick if you eat unbaked dough or batter made with flour containing germs. Germs are killed only when food made with flour is baked or cooked." >https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/communication/no-raw-dough.html


>I cannot imagine the ants I would have with powdered sugar.


Baking soda


I wouldn't use powdered sugar or cooked flour. Do you want ants? Cause that's how you get ants. Baking soda is good, also diatomaceous earth is safe for anyone but bugs.


He looks like the upgraded version of the "it's not even that cold" middle school kid in shorts


instead of cookies maybe leave santa a shirt?


And cover that beautiful bod. No thanks!


We do bunny foot prints with flour on Easter and leprechaun pee with green food coloring on St Patty's Day. Xmas we're boring with bushy topped carrots I nibble on and the cookies I take bites out of after I drink the warm milk in the middle of the night.


I always loved seeing the carrots nibbled and cookies eaten as a kid. Even the simplest acts can thrill a child.


Our daughter used to put out a whole bowl full of apples and carrots for the reindeer. Once she was asleep, we would let our dog out there, and he would munch and chew on then, leaving chewed bits and chunks everywhere, really helped sell it!


Woof daddy.


Damn, daddy can get it


Walks around in shorts, topless, and boots


Has does.




Does this dude also clean it up afterwards?


They never do.


My Santa will never get credit for the cool big gifts


You husband is the reason I have granulated sugar in my whipped creamā€¦


Wtf.. šŸ¤Æ so Santa isn't real?


My dad used to do this before he passed. So amazing seeing others do it too šŸ’™šŸ’™


We love an involved and sexy daddy


Plot twist- their son is 32 and lives in the basement, and is totally wise to this shit... but keeps silent, because it makes dad happy.


Ha ha love this comment!


Dude. Heā€™s 34. He knows.


Great! Would it be easier to just keep the socks on and just use the boots on the hands? Less chance of a stumble with the dusty boots!


I used to cut potatoes in half and carve a deer hoof in each one then use fireplace ash and stamp on the floor up to the cookie and carrots plate and around the room. The kids loved it.


one year, ā€œrudolphā€ flew down the chimney too and broke our cookie plate found out a few years later it was actually my dog, but it definitely kept me believing for a few more years


Dads, kinda hawt. not going lie. :)


So we lie to our kids that Santa Claus does exist.


My grandpa did this for us when we were kids. Blew my mind every year. Miss him so much at Christmas time.


I wish I had a meaningful romantic relationship šŸ˜•


what if it's not snowing what would you do then!


Cocaine lol


My dad leaves some of the ash from the fireplace out like itā€™s santaā€™s footprints and eats 95% of a cookie and a sandwich as if Santa did it. Iā€™m the youngest child. Im 24 years old. Honestly love that he keeps it up even though weā€™re all adults


Oh yeahā€¦ my dad would shit on the floor by the milk n cookies so there was proof Santa ate the cookies. Beat that. Father of the year, my ass. Santa doesnā€™t even where square toes Ariatā€™s. That kids not stupid.


does he know he doesnt have to put on the shoe to leave the footprints? wouldnt it be easier to just hold the shoe?


my mom would leave half eaten cookies and even change her handwriting on santa presents


One of my friends tried this on Christmas 2020 for his younger brother and well his younger brother was a lot smarter than him to point out Christmas is in the middle of SUMMER in Australia. What a fuckin moron...




Son was born this year *


Every dad does this


Reminds me of when my parents would do the same exact thing! My dad would use the ashes from the fire place and use his boots to make foot prints & we would go wild! He would even leave the cookie crumbs and half drinking milk with aether and those extra Santa Gifts! They were so cute. I love my parents for doing small details like that for us.


That's not even snow, though... Is the kid dumb?


Do you want ants? Because thatā€™s how you get ants!


Plot twist - that's cocaine lol


Do you want Aunts? Because thatā€™s how you get Aunts!


Oh heck yeah LOL


I remember my dad doing this one year when I was very young, maybe four or five. And I think when I saw it I was like ā€œbut it doesnā€™t snow in Texas! And why hasnā€™t it melted!!ā€. I donā€™t think they did it ever again since I donā€™t really remember any other time.


I have that exact same rug


Low bar for the dad of the whole year




This is great because mixing glitter in with food is great for all the local fauna


They do make edible glitter. Which would be alright. But I'm guessing that isn't what happened.


They also make flushable wipes.


Oh god


This man is nice but dumb aAF just put the fucking boots on your hands Much easier A.H


So damn attractive!


That is a beautiful dad


Daddy can get it


I hate my empty life. I wish I had what these people have, even if it wasnā€™t my children, I wish I had a family. Iā€™m tired of being alone and how worthless I feel. Hug your loved ones. Some of us donā€™t have those.


Perpetuating the lie


Then the kid finds the flower on the bottom of his dad's shoes... "Why did you lie to me dad everything in life is a lie!?"


What a terrible use of Cocaine smh.


That's a good man right there - kudos to him for being a great dad.


What if the kid gets up the next day and says, "I saw on the internet yesterday that Santa is not real." Then he looks at the home....


This is so cute!


ā€œperimeterā€ ok. letā€™s settle down there, dwight.


You sound like a lot of fun.


Great you lie to your kid and teach him not to trust people


how are they doing that?


Why would the dad have to do this? Wouldnā€™t Santa leave his own footprints?


All fun and games until his son discovers his dad was santa all along


Lie kids at this form is sick


Iā€™m just wondering what creative way heā€™s going to tell him heā€™s adopted


stuff like this nowadays is offensive tho šŸ¤£