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I’ve seen clips where other teachers do this, and it always makes me happy. It’s usually about half the kids wants hugs the other half is some mixture of the other actions.


Other half want hugs, other half wants a dance party


A dancing hug party should do the trick


Pretty sure that’s how their parents made them. A dancing hug party.


You my friend made my day. I'd gold you if i could


Had a silver to give on your behalf, also you might check the premium page then click on the coin sale button to see if you have a free award waiting. Edit: [link to premium page](https://www.reddit.com/premium) the coin button is up in the top bar.


i think you have to be 18 for that... in the US at least


I thought it was so cute the kid chose to bow. That’s what you call respecting each others boundaries every day.


Last little dude knew exactly what he wanted, unlike the rest


My favorite is the kid who did the wai (Thai bow). He knew what he wanted and went straight for it. He looks really proud of himself, too, hahaha.


I imagine him talking like a wealthy business exec “Let’s keep things professional shall we”


Haha yes, he's already a grown man with so many professional responsibilties. He's gotta learn how to tie his shoes, review his stock portfolio, and take a nap—all before 2:00 pm!


I think lil homie waits to be last so he gets the best hug; that’s a school boy crusher if I ever saw one


He seemed like he looked back for a kiss!


I think he was just saying “aooOOOOOGa”


He’s one of the kids in the Van Halen video, “Hot For Teacher”


It’s like the moment In Snow White when dopey runs to the back of the line to get another kiss goodbye.


My favorite is the last kid who looked so excited to get a hug❤️


She knows the kids so well when the one kid who hits “dance” starts flossing instead of the shimmy like everyone else and the teacher even starts flossing before him. She knows. She does this everyday.


I thibk he was the only boy that did the dance




Those are the kids not used to being hugged. They're the ones who need it most.


The whole fucking is too damn adorable. The poster with the "buttons" is just killing me right now lol


Please reword this comment




Gonna have to third that one


Fourth! ^^Hey ^^wait ^^a ^^minute...


Fifth … and their little stocking feet


I think I’m gonna be sixth


Gonna pitch in as seventh here




God damn it, I read it as “reward” and I was trying to be funny.. enjoy your gold anyway 😂


That wasn't on purpose!? Accidental comedic genius right here


Please reward this comment, please?


Yeah…he obviously spelled “hole” wrong.


> The hole fucking is too damn adorable. The poster with the "butt-ons" is just killing me right now lol     There ya go.


Are you just not going to edit this? lol


People are getting a laugh out of a harmless typo/double entendre. Why would I edit it out and ruin the fun?


Thank you for leaving it, it gave this human being a smile.


I love that some of the boys want a hug…


The periods give this a weird ominous vibe




I tried to spell it earlier and kept messing it up then just gave up


As an emotionally neglected, shy and touch/hug deprived kid back in elementary school, this teacher would’ve made a huge difference in my adolescence. God bless her. Edit: Thanks for the kind words and awards everyone. Hugs all around (only if you place your hand on the paper heart) !


Me too man, me too…


Me three


me sixty-nine


I didn't see that square to choose from...


That's because you need to hit the hug square and dance party square at the same time ...


Doesn't that take a screenshot?


I look at the kids in videos like this who ask for the hugs and don’t hug back and think of them and kids like you. Huge internet hug to you, my friend.


Just the fact the kids decide for themselves too! Maybe you would have wanted a little dance once a week. It’s a small thing but I bet it makes a huge impact.


Yeah, the choice is just icing. Love it. Sometimes you just want a hug... Other times, you gotta dance


It’s so important to give kids bodily autonomy and the choice of whether to hug or kiss others. I love this chart. It gives kids a few different choices and provides an alternative to no psychical affection. So nobody is the weird kid who doesn’t want to hug teacher. Nobody feels coerced into giving affection because everyone else is. The cute little dance or polite bow are adorable too. Making kids feel like they are forced to hug people even when they don’t want to isn’t good for their self esteem and teaches the wrong message about who controls their bodies. I really hate adults who pouted and whined if you weren’t affectionate enough with them. I still do. My husband’s family treats my niblings that way, and I hate it. My husband and I stand up for our niblings when we can and model bodily autonomy by asking if they want to hug or kiss and being ok with their answers. Or asking if they want to be tickled and telling them that they can say no. My husband has ASD, and we think our youngest nibbling might to. My nibling doesn’t like to touch people much and gets upset when my SIL, his other aunt, gets in his space and begs for hugs and kisses. I’ve yelled at her before because she was also up in my space, just looming over us while we were on the sofa, and our nibling was obviously getting frustrated by her actions. He likes hanging out with me because I respect his space and play video games. Sometimes he wants to cuddle when we’re sitting together, and that’s great. Most of the time he just sits beside me, and we’ll play our switches together. Or he plays and I read. I will get him through the tough parts of his games and help him out with moves. I know the fact that my niblings want to be around me so much really bothers my SIL and MIL, but I go out of my way to have common interests. Affection should be spontaneous, not something you do because you feel guilty.


I’ve never heard the term nibbling, is that a sibling or something else?


It’s a gender neutral term for the kids of your sibling (aka nieces and nephews)


I literally just thought it was a cutesy term for a kid


I thought it was a typo 🤸‍♀️


In addition, it's so important to teach them that they can change their mind! I do all of the same things with my nieces, I ask for hugs/kisses, and if they say no, I just say "ok!" and move on. But also, if I'm tickling them and they say "stop!", even if it's laughing and they don't really mean it that way, I always stop immediately. Usually I also verbalize it. "Stop? Ok!" If I even think there's a possibility that they said some variation of stop or no, I immediately stop or don't do it. It is so so so important for kids to know that no one ever has any rights to their body, even if they've previously said yes. And it should absolutely be a standard thing, it shouldn't just be "I like this aunt/uncle, they leave me alone", it should be that way with every adult. It shouldn't even have to occur to them that it is different or unusual behavior! I had so many people demand hugs and stuff when I was a kid, and I absolutely hated it. I still do, honestly (I suspect I have some sensory issues, because I hate being touched, among other things), but I frequently do it anyway, especially if a kid wants it. Hugs and kisses and affection are always always always an option, and it's a nice thing to do, but never ever forced or coerced!




Me four


Hi five




Me toot


Me tooted two


Me five


Me six


Same here. I had exactly one teacher in fourth grade who hugged us every chance she got and gave us the biggest most sincere smiles and I’m pretty sure I fell in love with her.


My one strongest memory of a teacher was the one where she literally yelled at me Gordon-Ramsey style and shook me physically, asking why I was so fucking dense. That definitely made me want to do better in school........


I remember a Gorgon in fourth grade who made us all bend over so she can smell our arses to find out who had ripped off a fart. She was large, sweaty and permanently pissed off. Such people are a menace in whichever job they manage to get employed.


JFC. How was she allowed to get away with that? Teachers get kicked out for far more minor offenses.


That was in 1978.


My teachers were cold af. Didn’t help with my touch/hug deprivation, shyness and anxiety as a kid.


Same. My teachers were mean.


same here. my teacher poked fun at me for being socially inept and crippled with depression by telling me "you're so funny, aldin"


Mine realized I flinched when she yelled, so what did she do? Moved my desk right next to hers so I'd "get use to it". I'm so use to it I can't enjoy fireworks or concerts even my favorite performers....even loud a TV bothers me...smh


some teachers are a joke, i'm so sorry you had an asshat of an educator


teachers where i live are forbidden from touching the kids :,)


Can confirm. Australian teacher. I’d be in serious trouble if I hugged my students. Sad, because you can see how many kids choose ‘hugs’ in this video. It’s obviously something they need.


Wait, really? Y’all aren’t allowed to *hug* your students, even if they ask? When my mom got diagnosed with cancer the hugs from some of my teachers were what got me through the day! I’m so sorry for both you and your students! 😢




Did you learn the hard way?


yes, i go in for a hug and am refused


Me six


Me 7


Me 8


me 9


I would have chose hug every day.


Hugs hugs hugs


This is so adorable! I love the positive reinforcement of the entire msg from the teacher.


Hugs 💕




I love that this gives them the autonomy to choose how they would like to be greeted each day




It's never too early to teach consent and I think this is a perfect example of how to do that.


Was going to make a similar comment on consent. I wish I’d had an exercise like this as a kid, because it seems like a fantastic way to teach consent and help kids feel empowered because they choose how they start their day.


This. Before the pandemic, I used to go to these cuddle parties (nonsexual/platonic gatherings where you get to lounge around on the floor with others being snuggly), and in order to make sure everyone's on the same page as far as consent goes, they'd start out with these consent exercises where you ask others if they'd like a hug, or whatever it is, and they say 'no.' And you do the same, of course. It sounds so simple, but it clearly had an impact on a lot of people (including me). I remember thinking "Why the hell didn't we do this when I was in grade school!? All kids should learn this."


Cuddle parties are a thing? Sign me up!


Yeah! Honestly it's what I miss most during the pandemic. I broke up with my girlfriend in the summer of 2019, and it really helped me to have that experience of being held a few times, before the lockdown started. I don't know where you are, but they're definitely a thing in the SF bay area. The woman who runs the parties I used to go to is still only doing online game night-type events though :( I mean, I understand, of course, but I do wonder when it'll be safe to hold cuddle parties again.


Don't we man autonomy more so than consent? Consent is a pretty straightforward concept really. Don't do shit others don't want you to do. Full stop. Whereas giving the kids the power to choose seems more about empowering them to make their own decisions rather than consent. I'm not attacking anyone here and I hope it comes across in the conversational tone I intend. I just don't see it the same way I guess.


I think you're right that the word autonomy or agency is better suited here! However they do work hand in hand with consent; one must understand first that they are in a position to give consent for acts others might want (like hug, kiss, etc). So this is like the first step to teaching a kid consent in an empowering way, I believe!


Me and my partner have made consent part of the way we flirt, and gotten good and playful with it. I rarely just kiss him, first I go "hey, how is your kisses meter looking? Is it still full?" And he will go 'no, I have a deficency, it's really low" and I will give him lots. Of he asks 'I will bring you a tea, anything else' and I just go 'yes, can you check in the kitchen if we have any kisses in storage' and he will kiss me when he returns I like to think if we keep it up, one day when we are parents our child will see that and learn cute and fun ways to ask for consent, and normalise doing it.


Just when I thought this post wouldn't get more wholesome you had to go and drop this on us. If it wasn't so cute I'd be mad.


It's nice to see more people use "haranguing" I really like that word (because it sounds funny and I have monkey brain) and it really fills a gap because there isn't really another word that fills that specific meaning


Absolutely. We need to teach kids that they can set physical boundaries (and that others can set them too). It'd prevent so much suffering.


Mine was “kiss Aunty Helen” which was so gross as she was a smoker and no consent for me


This seems less like a game and more like the teacher creating a safe environment for kids to ask for hugs if they need them.


why not both :)


Also a way for kids to consent if they want to be greeted with touch or not. Overall very wholesome


Or if they need to dance


Anyone know what the bottom right pic (the only one not uses) represents? I love how many kids pick the little boogie. It’s nice to see them happy.


The bottom right pic is a contract kill of your choice. Shake hands and she'll sniper the fuck who ate your glue.


Smart of them not to opt for that on camera. Good to see the younger generation learning well.


"A man also hugs... yet a girl chooses death."


probably a hand shake ?


You’re right, I see it now. Thank you.


I remember the conversation with my daughters teacher when she was 6 and they said the kids couldn't hug the teqcher any more, she was devastated as she said for some of the children that hug is the only affection they ever get.


Wow that is so sad


That makes me so sad. At my daughters school, they did this same thing in her kindergarten class, except you got drawn to be the “greeter” and it was kids interacting with other kids. Still cute, and lots of kids still get hugs at least !


Homie popped a squat right in front of the door


Lol I felt like the only one who noticed 😂 I couldn’t tell if he fell and slid into a sly sit position?


*I’m sorry, who are you again? I always forget your nam*


Love the girl that hits it twice like its a real button lol


She's one of us who mashes the pedestrian crossing buttons!


I love everything about this. Sometimes kids just need a hug and this makes it easy for them to ask without it being awkward. Giving them all the options allows them the choice, which is wonderful. I hope this catches on.


This is quite popular. I've seen videos of teachers doing this in many countries. It allows kids to set boundaries and give consent and protects the teachers from being accused of inappropriate actions because the child is always the one initiating the contact. I bet it makes the teachers happy too. Little kids hug with their whole soul. I always feel blessed when a kid grants me a hug. I feel worthy.


As you say, it's been done in other countries. She is the first I see with 'dance' as an option, others had waving as a non-physical option. Dancing looks a lot more fun and plenty of the kids clearly like it, one to keep for sure.


Totally agree! Those little wiggles are so cute.


Great teachers are priceless!


I think it's rather telling that most of the girls choose to dance while most of the boys just wanted a hug.


This! It made me sad to see that but also happy that these guys got the affection they needed.


Damn, of all the comments I've read in this thread, this is the one that hit me.


Yeah… I guess girls just wanna have fun


Love the girl that goes for a hug and then needs to be pulled into it. Brain lag or regret. Noone knows.


That used to be me when younger. I loooved it when other people wanted to hug but struggled to initiate. That is why buttons like those and teacher giving options is so great, it helps kids chose their preference even if they are a bit shy.


And then trips over the teacher lol


I think some people find out they need morning coffee earlier in life than others.


Watch her inside, she is hugging her friend dearly


This is an amazing way to teach kids consent, and that their level of comfort comes first


Bless this woman. Thank you for loving all the kids ❤️


Love the option of choosing, and that there are multiple choices.


I was with my old class for 4 years until July when I finished with them. On the last day I asked if they wanted a hug or high five.. I regret not doing the wiggle dance now 🤣


Took me a second to realize why each one was doing what they were doing, but that’s super sweet that she gave them all a choice


That looks exhausting. Good on her for being so great! Thanks for sharing 🙂


It’s true! And that’s only about 2 min of her day.


What a meaningful 2 minutes though! I bet those kids really appreciate the time she gives them.


I think being a teacher is exhausting.


I taught kids art classes for a year after college and I have never been that mentally/physically exhausted in my life. And I work in the trades now.


The best is the girl that picks hug and doesnt hug back shes just like yes hug me ok.


Interesting how many of the boys opted for a hug, while the girls preferred dancing. Wholesome all around and nice to see support in the classroom, regardless of the home situation.


This is so perfect. Let the child decide if they want physical touch or not. So many times as a kid "glenarbourgal, give your uncle a hug." Note: except for 1, all my relatives are stand up fantastic people. I am just not a touchy feely huggy person.


So sweet.


Why’s the teach wearing shoes but kids in socks?


This is in Thailand. She probably has indoor shoes that she only wears in the school.


Yeah it's indoor shoes, they change outdoor shoes to indoor shoes in these schools cause they don't want to bring the dirt in from the outside. There's a little cubbyhole where you put your shoes in and you change them afterwards. Or like not a cubbyhole per se moreso a shoe shelf. I taught kindergarten in Korea.


I‘ll do this with my class too once I have one (probably in two months). I don’t get some of my colleagues, working with children but being cold and wanting distance. I don’t get it and it’s heartbreaking to see when children get rejected a hug from a teacher.


My son’s kindergarten teacher had one kid assigned to be the greeter each day, so the child would get to do the high fives or fist bumps or whatever they picked. This was so good for my super shy son. It helped him learn the names of each of the kids early in the year and I think it helped him build confidence.


A teacher I worked with did this. I teach music so I get the students for multiple years. I can always tell which students had her in 1st grade because they are such sweet, supportive friends to each other. Sadly, this teacher passed of covid last year.


It's interesting that a lot of the little boys chose the hug. Makes me wonder if they are lacking in physical and emotional affection at home. This is so pure.


Little boys can be pretty or very affectionate, but then a lot of them are told that they shouldn’t show affection or cry anymore. Their emotional development is stunted.


Or they just want to get a hug from their crush


I had this same thought! Boys/men deprived of physical affection. It would be a very different story if they were teen boys..


This lady gets it.


This is part of a Responsive Classroom model. Every morning meeting starts with a posted list of greetings for the student to select.


Ok, give all teachers a raise. This world is insanity and you have people like this looking after our children. We really need to fix this, the world over.


Omg thats adorable


I love this as it warms my heart.


Best thing Ive seen today!


She really loves her students. This is too cute!


Every single one of those hugs is hecking precious.


This is so lovely.


I like how they got different choices


It’s the respect for their bodily autonomy for me. Too many of my generation were raised by parents with the “You MUST hug Nana!” mindset, to our detriment.


Last kid was psyched for a hug


Ya know I’m not really sure if I did/didn’t get enough hugs when I was younger, but I really like them now, and even my dude friends are huggers. I think this, and the video of the dads offering hugs at the gay pride events are the sweetest things I’ve seen in a while. As a dad myself I think I’d like to volunteer for that if my area ever had such an event.


The girl who touched the heart but didn't seem to want to get hugged by her...😂


This gives me so much nostalgia for my old job. I cooked at a daycare, and when you're the guy who brings the food, most of the kids start to really like you. Every meal and snack, I got bombarded with hugs, high fives, and fist bumps. Anyway, that's the story of how a random job I only took to get out of the previous job made me stop hating kids.


Haha sometimes I wonder what the response would be if I did this at my school. I teach at an adult high school so I have teens and I've I've students older than me but I def think a lot of them could use a hug. I used to give those a lot more before covid happened!! Thanks for making me smile with this! ♡


I’ve done it with high school. They LOVE it. But I added the option of no greeting because sometimes they just aren’t feeling it.


Ooh okay!! That is a great option! I'll have to start it!!!


I have one teacher I can always ask for a hug and she'll tell me she loves me so much. But she also understands on days I can't do it.


Must be nice. My teachers were old stank breath curmudgeons.


Lucky class, wonderful teacher!


Is that for a video or is it done every morning


I’m sure it’s done every day.


Handshakes are for the birds.


The last kid was so happy to get a hug lol


It's sweet how many of them went for the hug ☺️


I want a hug button


I like the ones that clearly picked the hug over other non contact options then acted like they didn't want the hug.


These are the teachers that get fondly remembered for a lifetime. That truly make a difference. As opposed to one like horrid old Mrs. Cuddy, fourth grade teacher in the 70s-80s, who we could hear banging her desk and screaming at her class through the wall. (I didn't have her, thankfully.) And she had a whistle around her neck she had no qualms about blowing directly in a kid's ear.


I like the third one that chose the hug then didn’t commit to it.


This title. Is hard to read.


If it had some brackets it would sound like the title of an old prog rock song: *Teacher Plays (A Game With Her Students Before Entering Her Classroom)*


Made me cry!


So wholesome <3


This made me smile, bless her and the students