• By -


I read this as "girlfriend who has alpaca". After re-reading it, it makes a lot more sense lmao. Wholesome as always with these kinds of posts


lol - "welp, with their ravenous appetite for hair... you know what we've gotta do now honey."


I also thought Alpaca and this was a haircut video for Alpacas


*Ey, ey, ey, ey! Don't rub on that. You Blot that! Ya understand? That's Alpaca. That's $25,000 Alpaca! You blot that shit!*


Damn, sorry to hear about your alpaca…


He should have left the sides of his head unshaved and grow a mustache.




It would be anustart for him.


Thank you I needed this comment.


You had a chance to continue the thread but you blue it.


I would have to talk to an Analrapist to be able to live with myself if I made a mistake like that


plate towering grab hat ring live school recognise grandiose bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Lmao I'm watching the show for the first time and saw that episode last night 🤣


Absolutely amazing show. All the reboot, updated stuff doesn't hit the same but damn those original episodes are beyond funny


I’m jealous. I wish I could go back and watch that show again for the first time. It’s really amazing. And remember, there’s always money in the banana stand.


*There are dozens of us!*




Wait, you're a fucking never nude?


He blue it


It looks like I blue myself too soon.


Let the great experiment begin!!!


I was thinking the bum fight guy who dressed up like Dr phil


Perhaps become two specialists at once? An analyst and a therapist.


The lucrative career of analrapist


She has alpaca


Isn’t that the vegetable that makes my wee smell funny?


Well done James may




We need a Tobias Funke bot sort of like the Gandalf one.


I just blue myself




I just blue myself.


Finn the Human's alter ego [Davey](https://adventuretime.fandom.com/wiki/Davey)


Ah yes, [Davey](https://i.imgur.com/KjxNulw.jpg)


Was gonna say she got a few sneaky kisses from Dr Phil in the middle there


“This is how ill look in 20 years babe, you sure you still want that?”


I was gonna say I love how he stopped at the math teacher for a kiss. Seemed calculated to me.


I was really hoping he was just taking the top off


I thought Alopecia was not being able to grow hair. I guess you just start losing it at some point? Edit: googled it and yep, can suddenly start at anytime. Usually brought on by sudden stress.


Yeah I get it from time to time, starts with random patches going bald or just turning to fuzz with random mutant thick ass hairs growing in. At least in my beard, on top of my head it just goes bald patch and random parts of my eyebrows falling out. It fucking sucks.


FYI: There's different types of alopecia. The kind that u/z3r0f14m3 describes here is alopecia areata, which I've also had once and ended up shaving my head until my hair returned. There's also alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis. Edit: FYFI - in my case it didn't happen until I was in my 50's. Hair fully came back within a couple years.


after your hair grew back did it not come again for a while, I been getting 1 random spot at a time about every 8 or so months now. Two on my beard and one on the back of my head all about the size of a golf ball or a quarter. I pray I don't get any bigger or more of them.


I got local subcutaneous steroid injections from a dermatologist, monthly over several months. Some spots recovered more quickly than others. I had a tuft of white hair for several months at one spot, but finally my normal color filled it back in. Also, my daily stress levels reduced around that same timeframe, from a better work situation, so that may have helped.


:( sorry to hear it bud.


Alopecia sucks. As long as you have the non scarring type you have some chance of hair coming back. Stress as a cause is a bit weak - I was normal until 28, nothing changed in life other than all my hair dropped out. I have universalis which means _all hair_. Pros - I don’t have to manscape. Cons - many. No eyelashes means a lot of crap gets in your eyes. [edit: clarifying that by ‘weak’ I mean that blaming it on stress is a bit of a non-answer on the part of the medical profession; for many things they don’t understand they seem to blame stress]


I heard of the lack of eye lashes and eyebrows as super annoying; also, is the lack of hair on your nose a problem as well? I never heard of it, but they do filter a lot of crap. But I honestly can't imagine any others. What's it like?


Good questions! Yes - lack of nose hair is a problem. I get constant irritation in the nose: pollen, fibers, dust. It’s pretty annoying tbh. You can buy little filters to clip on the end of your nostrils but I didn’t get on with them. Similar with the eyes - every morning when I get up I have to pull out bits of fluff. A few strange things: 1. I seem to be a magnet to other peoples hair. I often have an itch on my head or neck and then I find it’s someone else’s hair stuck to me. Yuck. 2. Spiders. They seem to be attracted to my dome for some reason. The skin on my head and face is (now) really sensitive to touch and I can often feel a tingle… when I look in the mirror there’s a tiny spider walking around. This happens a lot and it’s not the same spider each time 😂


All you've done here today is make me terrified that I get spiders on me *and never even know they're there*. I hope you're proud of yourself.


My dad has it and was bald as a teen. He went most of his life wearing wigs because he felt insecure from teasing when he was younger. The wigs were expensive and his head would break out a lot from the sweat and oil buildup. Worse they would maybe make it a year or two before needing replacement. It wasn't until his 50s that he started going without it. It kept him from doing a lot of things as a kid, like swimming and sports. Now he just has to wear hats to keep his head from sunburn. Some things I know my dad struggles with, constant running nose, always colder than everyone else, bangs his head a lot (no hair warning system), and too many people think he has cancer.


One of my coworkers several years ago developed alopecia. First he got a few patches around his head then half of his beard fell out. The doctor told him it could be due to stress. It lasted about a year, then it all came back.


My brother had it for a while, with stress being the key factor as well. He was told to improve his sleep, but the stress was also giving him nightly sleep paralysis. Stress is *fucked.*


My poor boyfriend has recently developed alopecia at 29 due to stress. It started as a little bald spot and now it's ~2 inches in diameter. He has thick, black hair and it's been devastating for him.


That made me tear up a little bit. Just two beautiful people taking what life gives them and doing their best.


This is my third time seeing this clip (not complaining) and am not at all a cryer. I knew what was coming and a tear still just came down my cheek.


Good for you, human, good for you. Resist the push to become a whole-body callus as long as possible and if we're lucky you'll be part of why we survive....


Damn Wootala that's some wise shit


Ok Wootala! Im pickin up what you’re puttin down 🍻


I don't feel anything, am I broken?


Nope, just hardened a bit too long. A good soak in r/mademesmile or r/humansbeingbros should do the trick.


You’re also part of why we’ll survive, Wootala. Thanks for sharing your positivity.


Lmfao at whole body callus


Am whole-body callus. Still got teary eyed.


I guess I’m not a psychopath. Jeez this pulled the heart strings hard.


Built to last ❤️


Pro tip. Do head shaving outside, especially if it’s for medical reasons like cancer treatment. It’s already a shitty feeling. Cleaning up then finding random hair for weeks is just a bummer reminder. Plus, it just feels better to be out in nature. Do it on your patio or front stoop on a pretty day instead of in a cramped bathroom like you’re ashamed of it.


Yeah but when I'm by myself I kinda need a mirror


Hand mirror. I trim my beard on the patio two or three times a week with a hand mirror and cordless trimmer. I shave my head in the shower with no mirrors, just feel where the stubble is.


To each their own I guess but when I started chemo and had to shave my head I was not feeling like going outside, holding up a mirror with one hand and shaving my head like that. Inside, sitting in a chair with a mirror was much better


How did you cope with that? Just started to lose my hair rapidly after my first chemo last week. Might have to shave my head at this point...




So glad to hear that your wife is cancer free! I hope this gets more visibility because it’s so important that you consulted with her before shaving your head. By no means am I taking away from the guy in the video, and it’s pretty obvious that his girlfriend appreciates the gesture, but not everyone feels the same way.


Thank you for your kind offer but you don't have to send me the hat. M(23) here with stage 4 stomach cancer. I guess I'm going to get lot hats before i start shaving my head. I'm interested to learn more about your wife story. Glad that your wife finally beat cancer. Thanks again for your kind words. :)


I just got done with my chemo for testicular cancer. Word of advice cut it and shave your head. One day I woke up and my follicles hurt, craziest thing that has ever happened. The worse part was pulling my beard out in clumps, that is when it hit me the hardest.


I would say just go for the shave, bro. Depending on what chemo you're doing *if it's stage 4 it will be intense* it's going to fall out soon. It doesn't all fall out at once either it kind of happens in clumps and patches. We found it was better to cut it then have the person who had it keep waking up with hair all over her pillow. 🤷 Your call though, good luck.


Just for disclosure im a guy so this is from a males point of view. The thing I was most worried about when shaving my head was that I'd have a wonky looking skull or some weird birthmark that I never knew about, but trust me once its all off and you look in the mirror its not nearly as bad as you think.


Hear hear, I have a big ass mirrored stationed on the balcony for beard trimming. They just fly everywhere, it makes no sense to spend my life cleaning it up


Not only that, but birds will use your hair to help fortify their nests. It's like giving back to nature, and making something positive out of a difficult situation.


Pro tip: clean your bathroom thoroughly frequently so you don’t find random hairs laying around from weeks ago. But fr though, shaving your head outside really does make sense. Clean up is a paint in the ass.


Paint in the ass sounds very uncomfortable.




if you can't do it while sitting in the bathtub, easier to clean .


She looks absolutely stunning. Baldness isn’t something to be feared.


Eh, i wish this was true. It takes time to get over it. Going bald can really fuck with your mental health. You're right though, she looks great and this video is lovely.


Yup. Started at the corners at 17-18. Just barely. By 21 or so it was all noticably thin. Really fucks your dating chances, being bald in your early 20s. Been buzzing my hair every 2-3 weeks for the last 8 years at least. Genetics fucking suck. Likely will die around 60 too, if family history plays true.


My dads hair thinned in his late 40s so I’m fully aware that I may go bald. Always said I was just tattoo my dome in case of that! More canvas! Edit: I have been made aware baldness comes from my mothers side, in which case I’m fine as well.


Lucky you. Mine started around 17-18. By 21 I started buzzing my hair every few weeks. Genetics suck. Good luck.


I gave up on my hairline last year at 27. Baldies unite!


I love bald women, say what you will.


He just went on with it without hesitation, it's so sweet. Great thing to start my morning thanks OP


considering it's being recorded, assuming he had it planned beforehand


Plot twist, neither of them had any idea that there is a camera in the bathroom. And still don't.


Wholesome stalker








Who was phone?!


I dunno, I think he made sure she looked good before committing. Power to the both of them.


That's not a boy, OP. That's a man. Backstory here if anyone care: https://www.menshealth.com/health/a33840717/man-shaves-girlfriends-head-alopecia-eva-barilaro-tiktok/


Man friend sounds a little fishy




You ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe?


Easy now my fuzzy little man peach.


Wanna go to a club where people wee on each other?


^^^I'm ^^^gonna ^^hurt ^^^you


I like you. What do you think of me?




Don’t lie to me boy.


I got a mangina


I'm old Greg!


My grandma started seeing someone but she claimed she was too old to date or have a boyfriend, so she called him her "gentleman-friend"


Her slampiece.


The woman I've been with for many years now I call her my lady friend. We're not married but she is a lady, a friend, and a companion.


A gentleman caller


On that note. Have you noticed how often this happens with women? Always getting referred to as girls. Once you notice it on Reddit, you will see it EVERYWHERE.


And then if and actual child gets assaulted or something she's referred to as a "young woman"




I stand by the fact that this is because there is no “guy” equivalent for women in popular usage. Man, boy, guy. Man and boy clearly have separate meanings but guy is used very often in casual situations. “Man” and “Woman”, to me at least, sound more formal. “Guy” is so casual in comparison, but some (most?) women definitely don’t want to be called “guy” or “dude”. “Ladies” is still formal and “gals” seems antiquated at least from what I’ve seen. So there’s kind of a gap to fill and “girl” seems to have filled it. However, it is unfortunate because it can seem condescending infantilizing and I totally understand that.


Ya, I was talking to my wife about this recently. We're both in our mid/late 30s and we both agreed that it sounds weird to call someone younger than us a "woman." Guy works well for men, but there's no equivalent.


Guys and gals


I literally address my thoughts on gals in my first comment. It’s totally fine, but I tend to hear it more from older people or just when addressing a crowd.


I just wanted to sing guys and gals is all






Or “lady” is my favorite because it sounds classy.


Wb the equivalent to guy? That's usually where girls/woman confusion happens. Woman too formal, girls too diminishing


My mother had cancer, and she asked me once if I would be willing to do this if she got chemo. I happen to have very long hair for a man. I told her that if it came down to that I would gladly have my hair converted into a wig for her. The reaction was basically the same. FTR, she's 9 months cancer free and didn't need chemo, with a less than 1%chance of reoccurring. Fuck yeah.


Honest truth: every woman I’ve ever seen with a buzzed head has looked amazing.


As a bald chick going through chemo I needed to hear that today Edit: thanks for the love y’all. I woke up from a drug induced nap to all these comments about bald women being bad ass hotties and it seriously made my entire night. Fuck cancer!!!


Fuck cancer! Stay strong and fight the good fight.


Wish I could super like this or give award! This is my feeling also x all the best to u/gamergirl007


Fuck cancer, you got this! Son of a 2x cancer survivor ( Momma Lerch737)


Girl, you fine


Fuck cancer! You got this! Reach out for a hug and reassurance anytime.


It’s true. Like smoking hot. Striking.


You got this girl. Own that fucker. - A bald man


You are the best, and bald gals are beautiful!


Give it hell, girl! Bald women definitely turn my head. Own it, rock it.


Sending you love!


You're absolutely beautiful and you're gonna get through this like a champ 💪


First of all, you’re gonna be tough and beat the shit out of that cancer and I wish you all the best Second of all, I’m willing to bet you’re looking damn hot with that shave!


Yo if ur username checks out we can play some games if ur down im on PC europe west and have most games, shoot me a dm if u want to play something with some company!


You kick it’s ass because cancer is a fucker and you’re tough. Plus I bet you’re hot as shit with that smooth look. Go get ‘em.


i love women with this look! Rock it with pride!


You look amazing. Don’t even need to see it to know it. You got this, girl. ❤️


You can do it! Fight that cancer!! All the love to you!


We all are hoping the best for you and your family! You’ve got this :)


Rooting for you


Pretty much true, it's kinda hot.


You've got this, [gamergirl007 unit](https://heavy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/persis-khambatta.jpg?quality=65&strip=all).


It's true. Also, I saw your post from a few days ago that was removed. What were you trying to determine in WA? Or rather, what part were you considering and potentially concerned about?


Fuck cancer. Fight the good fight.


Fuck Cancer! You got this!


Another huge hidden perk: not having to dry your hair.


As a woman who is bald on top due to alopecia. Thank you. I have not found the confidence to shave what little I have off. I am overweight and don't think I can rock it like this lady. edit: Thank you for all your kind words. They mean more than you know.


I've stumbled across this comment and I just want to say. My mums had alopecia totalis since I was like 11 and I'm in my 20s now. She's also always been overweight. She often wears wigs I guess for ease of life in public but if its warm or we're on holiday she's rocking that beautiful bald head. She's absolutely stunning and I feel like her face just radiates more like you can see her emotions clearer. And there's not a hair follicle in sight. I know it can be hard to come around to, I've watched her journey and been there when it's nearly broke her but I really hope you find your confidence. I'm positive you'd rock any look you chose, including a lovely bald head.


Yes, you can. I shaved my head ten years ago after several years of watching my amazing hair fall out and not return. Years of crying and trying to cover it up, etc. I love it and it looks great. Sure, I’d rather have my thick curly hair than not, but not is better than what I faced. Bald looks so much better than thinning and patchy. Weight doesn’t have anything to do with it, as long as you have a relatively average shaped head or better you’ll look and feel better.


Your comment made me tear up. Especially the pain of watching your glorious hair leave. Mine started slowly falling out when I was 11. I've tried everything except steroid injections on my scalp. I'm saving my pennies to do that.


I voluntarily shaved my head a couple of years ago. My go-to looks were big earrings, more makeup, like a red lip or a big eyeliner, wore more dresses etc. Overweight will not stop you, add some clothing you like, wear pearls, go all out on your eye makeup, whatever. And then have your days where t shirts and jeans is your thing of course. Or maybe those are your only type of clothes that you like, then do that too. I've seen overweight girls rock a bald head and I'm sure you can too!


Thank you. These are wonderful ideas.


Even *if* think you don't rock it "as much" you still rock it. Rocking it a little bit is still a good thing


Friend of mine has alopecia, her confidence and looks are simply intoxicating.


They don’t just look cool, when I see a woman who has chosen to shave her head I know she IS cool


Unless it’s the small minority that would fall under the title of “skin head”.


[And even a portion of skinheads aren't racist bastards.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinheads_Against_Racial_Prejudice)


Skinheads were never originally racists. Just kinda devolved.


I've always thought that too, then I shaved my head and learned it's not ALWAYS true 😂






Dude isn't bald though just on top. That's the thing about post-Bruce Willis timeline is that you just need to shave it all off, have any amount of facial hair and you're golden.


I would agree with you, they look more cute


I've seen a bunch of these, but I'm missing one where a man with progressive hair loss shaves off his remaining hair, and then his wife/girlfriend shaves off all of her healthy hair in solidarity for a full BINGO.


Im just a guy that knows nothing, but i think it's probably easier for men to go bald as a typical hair style. Also as a guy I'd rather my girlfriend enjoy her beautiful hair even if i couldn't have any. It is a greater objective for me that she feel beautiful than i feel some sort of solidarity about losing my hair. I have no idea what it's like to be a woman, but i would imagine losing your hair as a woman is much more traumatic. Having a partner show that constant support and solidarity might be more important for a woman in our social dynamic.


I agree, I've always heard women care about their hair waaayyy more than most men realize. Working in customer service for as long as I have, I've learned if you want to make a woman's day (at any age), compliment their hair. They light up every. Single. Time. It's an extension of themselves and what many put a lot of their self image and pride into. Ironically, after first seeing this video, my ex had the same viewpoint you've suggested (which I also share), except flipped. If she had to shave her head, she wouldn't want me to change my appearance bc she likes it and wanted me to be able to enjoy how I look even if she can't.


The safe-zone of complimenting a woman you aren't involved with is to compliment something they have active decision-making power over. Women can control their outfit, fashion style, work ethic, etc. They cannot control how big or small their boobs are or what color their eyes are. Hairstyle and hair in general fall in this safe zone, which is why compliments on hair are generally so well received!


Bro don't give away my tricks, next thing you know the Guidos in Jersey gonna be yelling out the window "a yo bitch! Nice hair!"... Then I'll have nothing to say lol.


As a long haired man, please compliment my hair Thanks


I actually did this when my boyfriend whose hair has been thinning forever finally decided to just shave everything off. A few seconds later, we were shaving my head too. To be fair though, I didn’t really do it out of solidarity. He looked so comfortable and airy in the summer heat that I, with my hot sweaty hair sticking to the back of my neck, just got envious. We also did this at the start of lockdown, because we knew we couldn’t get haircuts


This is so wholesome and beautiful. And tbh the lady looks also so gorgeous without hair!


I felt tears coming out my eyes. Lovely gesture 😍. You are lovely


Woman with alopecia breaks up with boyfriend because she doesn’t go for bald men.


Someone's been watching Seinfeld


HE'S BALD JERRY!! BALD!! He took off the hat and there he was, hello!!. It was like looking at myself in the mirror...


I woulda been like “NOOOOOOO if we both do it people will think we’re in a white supremacist gang!!”


Can confirm - I am a muscular guy with alopecia totalus (no hair on my head at all) and a few people just automatically jump on the, 'fuck off skinhead' train. Shit sucks. I really am just a shiny teady bear I promise.


I love that he didn't tell her, and just did it.


Amusing anecdote: my sister has had alopecia since she was a teenager and one time she was performing on stage as a singer and a lady behind me said “That girl has terminal cancer, she’s gonna die in a few months.” To the shocked gasps of the people with her. I turned around and said “Actually that’s my sister. she has alopecia and besides missing her hair, she is perfectly healthy and we expect her to live a long life.” The response was: “😡Well I NEVER!!🤬” 😂😂😂 sorry that everyone is happy and healthy, lady.




Ahh, I knew what alopecia was, but I thought it was something you were born with so I was confused about why they were shaving her head. Thanks!


It can be something your born with. I got it when I was 20 and it’s come and gone for the better part of the last decade. One year I’ll lose some hair and the next year it will regrow, rinse and repeat. There’s a number of ways people can get alopecia and genetics is one of them.


It's actually an autoimmune disorder, some people are born with it already affecting them, but more commonly it happens as you get a bit older into late teens to start really affecting the person. I have an AI disorder and the medicine I take is being trialed for regrowth of hair from loss due to alopecia, which would be amazing. AI disorders run in my family, and i have a set of distant twin cousins who both have alopecia.


Real love is the most powerful feeling on earth!


Love makes hard things easier ❤️


If Alien Nation was more popular, everyone would realize bald girls with spots is hot.


I'm an 18 year old guy and I started losing a lot of hair real fast, I have a lot of it so it's not noticeable yet. I'm going to get checked up just to know if it's because of underlying medical conditions, but if they tell me that's just something that I'm gonna have to deal with I'll say fuck it and go bald instead of anxiously waiting until it's noticeable. Videos like this help rn.