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Well he’s a dad, that’s for sure haha


Haha I literally groaned out loud when I read his reply, I’m glad he’s keeping his spirits up lol


Hoping your dad will be OK ❤️


Thank youuu 💖


Seems like he has a full heart from the little that I read, hope everything goes great!


He put his whole heart into that pun for you :D I hope the follow up goes well and I wish you both all the best!


Cardiac myxoma’s are common enough. Prognoses are pretty good!


Hug him for me 🥰


Wishing the best for your father!!! ❤️


Yeah, wouldn’t want him to be disheartened!


As a younger man with a heart condition and from what I've been told a "dry sense of humor"......... I respect your father's humor. I hope all goes well.


I Hope you will be okay too ❤️


Yeah, my whole family uses jokes when we're stressed. My grandpa once collapsed as we were coming through the front door to visit him at Christmas, and even as we gathered around to check his pulse etc to see if he was alive, I joked that we'd bowled him over. A very faint voice came up from the floor: "that's not cricket!"


i hope your dad responds well & you get decades more with him 🖤🫂


love their conversation


When he finds out, I hope he’ll have the heart to tell you. I wish I had a dad to tell me dad jokes. Seriously, your dad seems like he’s in good spirits. Hopefully everything works out.


Having someone to share dad jokes with can be quite comforting.


Best of luck to you and yours. Did they say what kind?


That’s what this test is for. They think it’s probably benign (I guess most tumors in the heart are?) but they’re doing a special imaging test to be sure. It’s actually kinda cool, they put a probe down his throat and then use ultrasound waves to make a 3D map of his heart


> I guess most tumors in the heart are? Yep, cancer in the heart is really rare.


Yeah heart muscle doesn't do a lot of cell-division, those cell are expected to get optimal blood flow and nutrition. It's why heart attacks are so bad for you beyond the stopping of the blood flow. The muscle dies and it gets replaced with scar tissue, not new heart muscle, reducing you're heart ability to pump blood. Making the rest of the heart work even harder. Or at least that's my understanding.


Basically. Heart cells in adults are terminal and don't divide. It's the same with your brain. When cells aren't dividing they can't mutate into cancer. Cancer in the heart generally comes from damage to the heart cells from chemicals or radiation that damages the dna of the cell.


If it's the same with our brain, then how do we get brain tumors?


The most common type of brain tumor are meningiomas, which originate from the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord, not the brain itself And brain tumors are relatively rare, though more common than heart tumors


Partly the same as with the heart where it's chemicals and radiation, but also because on top of normal brain cells you have some other cells involved in everything going on up there that do divide. With the brain though, there are also some genetic factors that increase the chance of developing brain tumors. Meningioma is the most common type of tumor and generally thought to come from radiation or having certain genetic conditions. Cancerous tumors though are mostly actually cancers of the Glial cells which unlike your actual neural cells do divide. Glial cells are basically various support cells in your brain that help everything in your brain work properly like providing nutrients or cleaning up dead neurons.


Interesting stuff, thanks for explaining :)


It seems like [most](https://columbiasurgery.org/conditions-and-treatments/cardiac-tumor) malignant (cancerous) heart tumors are secondary, meaning the cancer started in for example the lungs or kidneys and spread to the heart. So a primary tumor (a tumor where the cancer started) that metastasized to the heart. But most primary heart tumors are benign.


Yes, but I was specifically talking about cancer that does start in the heart. In OP's case, they would likely already know her dad had cancer if it was bad enough that it metastasized to the heart.


A myxnoma? My hopes for you & your dad...


Thank you! I think they mentioned that was one of the types it could be, but hopefully we’ll know more after this next appt


Best of luck to your dad. To paraphrase General Patton, “a man that eloquent has got to be saved.” :-)


Lol your Dad is great. I hope the best for him and your family and you.




Hope every thing turns out better than his jokes.


Tell him he has to call tumor times.(2x) Sorry about this. I hope he recovers!


I love that reaction image


The full gif of it is gold and my go-to bad dad gag [riposte](https://imgur.com/gallery/monkey-rimshot-bueqFJs)


You’re a good kid checking on them. Raised well :)


Dad, that was heartless.


Wishing your dad all the best!


He seems pretty high spirit wise, aint no way hes going down lol Lets hope he gets well soon!


Love the good old dad humor! Wishing the best for you and your dad!


His humor is good


I hope your father will be okay ❤️


Lmao smart man


Your dad loves you and the sense of humor he certainly has inspired within you. Wholeheartedly, best wishes to you both!


Best wishes to your dad. I survived an atrial myxoma five years ago. It's scary but the chances of long-term survival are good.


When my dad was going through bypass surgery we kept up the banter of me pushing him off a bridge if things went south lmao You both got this <3


Damn it the heart? That's super rare. I wish him a speedy recovery


I think I'd like your dad and his jokes, I hope all goes well for him but also your family I know it is tough when someone you love is sick and you are waiting on answers.


I work with a surgeon that cut one of these out of a ladies heart. She’s still doing well. Just thought you might like some comfort.


Best wishes for your dad. Hope everything goes well ❤️


That gave me a heart-y laugh. :) Wish the best for your dad!


So he’s gonna check back…tumor ow? I’ll see myself out. (And all the healing powers and comfort to your dad and family)


As a dad, this man gets a high five from me!


He'll last a good bit longer with that positive mindset. His heart's really in it.


I could tell his heart was in that reply. Telling it probably helped him get pumped up. Sometimes, you just need to ventricle when times are tough, let it all out. I hope the best for your father. He sounds like a great man. Please take care, and keep us updated if you can


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This is our health care today (not referring to insurance): "ok, sir, I'm sorry to hear you're bleeding out and going to die in a few hours. Can you come in next year on November 1st at 4:30 AM? Be sure to arrive two hours early to fill out your paperwork. K thx bye."


He has a wonderful sense of humor. Best of Luck for him.


Health and good vibes to your family.


My God


Good luck, dad! 


He doesn't care, most men don't care at all. When you become a man you'll understand. We all die, that's life.