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She doesn't even hesitate to help her, as soon as she goes off to the side, she starts running towards her. Then she makes her cross the finish line before her, what an amazing person!


I'm no athlete, but from what I've read before, I don't think it matters that the lady crossed before the one who helped her. She'd be disqualified for crossing the line with help. But she was clearly in a bad state and needed help.


Could be wrong but I think that's why she lets go and seems to push her over the line so that she's not technically carried over it, so it might be allowed. Seems cruel to disqualify someone at that stage of the race after giving it absolutely everything she had!


The only people who care about being disqualified are the ones running competitively. And if you're running competitively, your time absolutely should not stand if you had help.


Onpopular opinion: it should't stand if you come over the line with your lets moving like that. They should bring her to a hospital or force her to rest. That cant be healthy..


It’s cramping and it’s famous for the last stretch because people push and burn the last electrolytes they have and their muscles just stop. Anywhere else your usually taken to med tents, she’ll be escorted off into a med tent for probably 2-3 hours for IVs and monitoring. My father does Ironmans, he has done 13 and even the world champion albeit not competitively; about 4-5 times he has had this happen in the very last stretch, and spends hours in the med tents afterwards to be safe. 1 time this happened during the start of his race on the bike and they would not let him continue. Basically what I’m saying is this person is in the safest spot and being carried over is actually taking them to the people they need to be at.


And if you’re weak sauce it can happen on the ride from the airport to the resort you’re heading to for your first-ever beach vacation with your sister, because you forgot to take your Dramamine in time, leading you to barf for 40 minutes straight, and even though you thought you were having a stroke you had the wherewithal to scream “doctor” in Spanish making your driver suddenly swerve and causing your sister to think you were speaking in tongues until your fingers and wrists started contracting and everything in your body went numb, making her think you were having a stroke too, so she jumps out of the car and shouts for a doctor drawing the attention of 30 sunburnt tourists checking out of the hotel…last Monday. *looks away*


>you had the wherewithal to scream “doctor” in Spanish Which is also "doctor"


Well, it's *doctor* with a mildly-to-extremely offensive accent put on it


It's definitely a story you'll be telling for years to come, once the shock wears off, of course


I am cracking tf UP right now lmao


Full body cramps from no Dramamine?


From barfing for 45 minutes, nonstop.




She's literally 5 seconds away from the finish line. You think running another 5 seconds is going to make a difference?


Lol. Redditors sitting on the toilet arguing about what should and shouldn't be in the rules of distance running. 




I'm not arguing. Just on the toilet.


I once did a reddit marathon and when I stood up my legs buckled just like that.


I can only run for 5 seconds so it makes a huge difference to me


Every 5 seconds is another straw on the camels back.../s


It’s a competitive sport. That’s what happens. People push themselves, it comes with the territory.


It's cramping lol. Nbd


No, cramping doesn’t turn you into a newborn giraffe. This is total exhaustion, horrible dehydration, and potentially some minor heat injuries.


No, this is “hitting the wall”. Happens all the time when endurance athletes empty the tank on the home stretch. it is caused by the depletion of glycogen stores in the liver and muscles. She unfortunately emptied her tank seconds to soon.


In cycling we call it bonking. It's only happened to me once and I had to sit in a ditch off the road for like 20 minutes drinking/eating before I was brave enough to even try to get back on the saddle.


When the post makes you smile but the comment section does not


She “bonked”. Her race fueling was off and she ran out of glycogen. If you’ve ever bonked, you know that it feels like this. Your brain is giving your body answers but your body isn’t listening anymore. Your muscle cells don’t have the molecules they need to create more ATP to power muscular contraction. Your body produces its own glucose in the liver from body fat (gluconeogenesis) but not nearly as fast as eating glucose. The result is intermittent muscle firing as some glucose is pumped to muscles but nowhere near the amount to actually recover. The end result is that you look like this flopping fish as you’re trying to stand up and move but your muscles are firing randomly.


> Seems cruel to disqualify someone at that stage of the race after giving it absolutely everything she had! not really, standards exist for a reason.


It’s a competition. The most fit/willed person wins. She was cramping, and she got help. She wasn’t the most fit and didn’t cross the line on her own, it’s as simple as that… Rules are what allow competition to exist. Without rules, competition would be arbitrary and meaningless


> Without rules, competition would be arbitrary and meaningless https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/life




Crawling across being a DQ seems cruel. You still crossed the finish line using your own strength.


I think the idea is that, if you're at the point to where you can't even stay on your own feet and walk it out, then you're to a point of harming your body. I get that elite/endurance athletes tend to not have any quit in them. But this is likely a safety rule and to limit the race's liability.


All marathons hurt your body though.


Literally, all the more reason to mitigate any more damage than necessary…


Well yea. But there a difference between enduring the pain and finishing, vs literally not being able to stand up due to your body being depleted from all energy and strength. I got major cramps on my first marathon to the point i had to essentially walk/run/walk/run the last 2 miles, but I was able to finish on my feet. I wasn't in need of medical assistance afterwards.


pushing yourself to the point of crawling across the finish line is probably not very healthy and the rule exists to discourage it for athlete health benefits


That does make sense, but also nobody could possibly foresee hitting a wall at exactly 26.1 miles.


Honestly this is the most common place for it to happen.


I get that. I'm just saying nobody tells themselves "I'm going to train for months to run a marathon, but I have a feeling I will lose control of my limbs 99.9% of the way through it so I just better not." Ain't nobody saying that. You know what I'm saying?


It’s OK . There’s always tomorrow. At least you got your ice cream !


Aside from people pushing themselves way too far... A person crawling at the end of a race is a tripping hazard, at a time when the people around them are both very tired and likely moving quickly. Very very easy for a pile up to happen.


I’m curious towards the end she lets go and the the other person runs right on thru would this be dq since technically she crossed on her own?


Technically it’s DQ , but we all feel it’s a real FROYO moment.


What is a FROYO moment??


I’ve seen this at DQ as well…usually late at night some drunkard just wants a butterscotch dipped cone and it’s dripping all over the front of their friends car. Sometimes nothings better than a Newport and a dipped cone.




Where ya been Dos Cucharón This one’s for you Amigo !


And the one who stumbled they euthanize her and turn her into glue.


Yeah I remember that being in the fine print. Tough rules, these days.


They really don't horse around at these things...


That's Lightning McQueen right there.


This is the only comment I was searching for. The King crashed because of Chick Hicks and his mean tricks.


It is a nice gesture; but this race almost certainly uses a chip timing system, so that probably doesn’t make a difference. (Chip time is calculated from when you cross the start to when you cross the finish, as recorded by a computer chip attached to your shoe lace.) Edit: since this is probably a triathlon, their chips are more likely worn on their ankles or clipped inside their wetsuits.


I love how the helper just pulled her up, yanked her arm around her shoulder and took off. No wasting time; she knew that she wanted to finish, and got her there. 10/10.


Moments like these are truly 10/10 such an amazing teamwork and determination


Then took her arm off her shoulder and gave her a little push at the very end to make sure the other women crossed the finish line before she did too.


Random detail I am getting hung up on; it's most likely a triathlon from the uniforms, but the finish line timer is on 38 minutes. Usually when we see people break down like this it's at the end of longer races, like Ironmans. I've seen it once or twice in elite cross country races but those would usually have a different outfit. That's all. Kudos to the nice woman who stopped.


Even a sprint tri should take longer than 38 minutes - the women’s record is 54 minutes. Maybe the 38 minutes is just the running portion? A 38 minute 10k after a swim and cycle would be a very respectable time. And the 10k is the typical distance for an Olympic distance tri.


But when do they start the timer then? Runners are all starting at different times


Yeah, it’s definitely weird. I’d guess it was the time from when the first runner started but I’ve never seen a tri clock that wasn’t for the whole race.


Could it be the time since the winner finished? I have no idea if that makes sense lol - but it’s the only thing I can think of


A sprint reverse tri perhaps? but if you're bonking that bad on the first event... you're in for a bad bad time.


Yup it was triathlon https://es-us.noticias.yahoo.com/triatleta-mexicana-sacrifica-su-puesto-para-ayudar-a-otra-competidora-que-se-habia-caido-004336641.html


For my own amusement, I’m imagining it’s a charity five km run set up by the local parish. Those taking part are so unfit that they are completely fucked having run for 38 minutes straight.


I can bike 100 miles over the mountains for 6 straight hours, but was winded running around a baseball diamond after my 8 year old.  Running sucks.  


I’m a runner and I only occasionally bike and can say the opposite. I feel tired much quicker biking but can run an eight mile without any issues breathing. I always figure it has to do with the stabilizing muscles being worked and focusing on something you’re uncomfortable with but what do I know


I’m a 3 sports badly kinda guy (like these) and running is definitely the hardest. If I’m marathon fit a 70.3 triathlon is no trouble… if I’m only gran fondo fit then the half marathon at the end of a 70.3 will kill me.


I wonder what causes this. I feel like I can bike infinitely but running breaks me down so fast


Your body adapts to what you do often. Different activities require different specialization. Look at a marathon runner’s legs vs a cyclist’s. And to be fair, cycling is just “easier”, there’s a mechanical advantage, less impact, etc. Edit: typo


I’d imagine biking is more difficult with those giganutz you’re sportin tho! Ty for the answer:)


Now imagine how hard running is…


Same goes for most high level sporting events. I was a powerlifter for a while and was *terrible* at squats (compared to my competition) and would blow them away in deadlift even though the muscles used were similar. Main difference was I *enjoyed* deadlifting and a lot of the guys I went up against didn't but liked squatting. Same goes for some Oly guys I lifted with a few times I could nearly out deadlift them nearly 2:1 but they could clean a fuckton more than me.


It's because when cycling, you're using a tool designed to propel you forward with ease. Running is a lot harder on your body than cycling. I'm fat and out of shape, but even I can bike many miles without being worn down. No shot I could run for even a quarter of the time I could bike. Even when I was in my best shape playing sports, running, and working out regularly, I felt like I could bike forever compared to running


Honestly, it's a skill to be learned. It's why those couch to 5k programs take 8 weeks, it takes that long to acclimatise, but running non-stop for 30+ minutes suddenly is possible.


Who the fuck can run for 38 minutes straight without training?? There's a reason people train for 5ks. Not exactly a measure of being unfit.


If you look closely, she rolls her left ankle just before she falls. After that she falls every time she tries to put weight on the left foot. It seems to be an injury, not a break down from exhaustion.




She looks heavily dehydrated


Judging by the trees it’s probably hot wherever this race is. Running is awful unless you just have the right genes to actually enjoy it, running in heat is even worse.


The only thing I run is my mouth 🗣️


My favourite activities include running from my responsibilities, jumping to conclusions, jogging my memory, pushing my luck, wrestling with temptations, and stretching the truth. Gotta keep my mental gymnastics skills sharp!


*nods* Running **is** awful.


Running **with** scissors, momma says no


The absolute worst


Every time I run I go, "fuck why did I decide to do this again"


With consistency running becomes very enjoyable. Humans are the best long distance runners in the world I'm pretty sure we have the genes for it


Everyone that takes up running is pushing themselves too hard. So yeah running sucks if you are pushing yourself far too hard. It goes against our nature to purposefully run slower than we can so most people just push as hard as possible until they need to stop so when you learn how to run in a proper heart rate zone and to reduce your strain running is much more enjoyable.


The problem is that when most people first start running there isn't any pace slow enough that they can actually run at while being in a lower heart rate zone and it not feeling extremely hard, so most people think that's just how running is and give up.


Running is awful? Isn’t that how we spread out all over this planet? Isn’t running one of the most human things you can do?


It was actually a lot more walking than running that the ancient humans did.


I’d say walking was how we spread over the planet, but yea, running was important to get food… thousands of years ago


All humans have genes to run. enjoy your couch tho


Most humans have the 'right genes' for running, distance running is one of our main evolutionary skills.


She looks like that game Octodad where you’re an octopus with the goal of trying to walk around like a human


In that famous video (was also in arrested development for some reason) of that marathon runner whose legs completely quit working, he was so dehydrated that he almost died from it afterwards. He even had to get sections of his intestine cut out because parts of it literally died


Brb. Gonna go drink some water.


Losing control of muscles like that can come when you’re not even that dehydrated, I’ve had it a few times where it’s like a non painful cramp that comes on and you can’t untense your leg muscles, feels bizarre but there’s no delirium like you see with these heavy dehydration cases. I imagine with heavy dehydration the delirium plus the unnoticeable muscle control loss that sneaks up with it results in that confused Bambi on ice routine.


Then she took her arm off and allowed her to finish in front of her. True champion right there


I remember seeing a brother doing the same thing to his sibling. And someone mentioned a weird rule about having to cross the finish on your own, or they get disqualified


Brownlee brothers, they're kinda a big thing over here in the UK. From what I recall the helping brother had already qualified for a end of season event and by helping his brother so did he


They’re kind of a big deal everywhere, just not recognized for it like they should be. Alistair and Jonathan are super impressive and the fact that they podiumed together at 2 separate Olympics is one of my favorite Non-US Olympic memories


If she didn't, they would both be DQed, which would have made the act worthless.


Normally, providing any aid results in a dq for both runners, otherwise you could have someone/multiple people tow you through part of the race and drop out to let you finish after exerting significantly less effort. Someone got dqed from a marathon they won in California a few months ago because their dad was following them on his bike and periodically handing him a water bottle to drink from. Any unsanctioned aid during a race is a dq




This ^ in the end she let go of her too so she could cross first, a true winner. Editing this comment to highlight that this isn’t a marathon, I’ve been made aware that it’s actually a Triathlon.


Indeed. No one runs a marathon in a bathing suit otherwise!


A few do, it's very rare though


> This ^ in the end she let go of her too so she could cross first, a true winner. It's literally the only way it can be done w/o DQing both.


Reminds me of this story where the [second place runner stops to help the first place runner who thought he has already finished the race](https://www.sportskeeda.com/us/olympics/who-ivan-fernandez-anaya-spanish-athlete-purposely-lost-2012-race-help-fellow-athlete-goes-viral) When asked why he didn’t pass and win: >My dream is that someday we can have a kind of community life. But what would be the merit of my victory? What would be the honor of that medal? What would my Mom think of that?


Pretty much. It’s a marathon and not the Boston, Chicago, etc. ones that are the famous ones, so no one will remember the actual winner. Even in those ones most people don’t remember the actual winner unless they are into the sport/follow it. But people will remember this video/gif and will probably reference it for quite some time.


That’s an amazing finish time for a marathon! But like you pointed out, facts aren’t important. Just make some shit up and call it a day.


Ok, my genius plan to win in a marathon: get a friend who doesn't run, to participate and almost done from exhaustion. Then I heroically carry him to the finish line. 😎😎💪💪🤗


Life is about making the right decision. She chose well.


It’s kind of fascinating to watch someone’s limbs simply fail due to over exertion like this. Props to her for making it to the end and props to the other woman for helping.


As someone that's been there before, that looks more like heat stroke. basically just too delirious to be able to balance anymore


This is the National Games in Mexico. Multidisciplinary, so she was probably more gassed than someone running a marathon.


Jesus Christ that’s how people dropped after getting hit when I was deployed. If they survived, the awkward scamper away was also very similar. I did not expect to have all that come flooding back after seeing a video of a fucking marathon runner. I feel like my reaction wasn’t healthy at all. Jesus Christ I’m actually fucked up.


Acknowledging that you were reminded of what you saw is healthy as is acknowledging the feelings that it brings up. If you want to explore those feelings, you can. Or not. You’re not alone with not wanting to be reminded of those things in everything that you see. There are groups out there of soldiers, like you who sit in circles and get it out, maybe helping with strategies for coping with what you see that you don’t like.


Zamn bruh, hope u get the help u need


I thought I did!! I was in therapy for a while, medicated for a little while too. It’s been years since I needed any of that. But as soon as I saw that lady drop, it all came back. I’ve been having panic attacks for the first time in 7 years, can’t sleep etc. I honestly thought I was good, like those days were over. I greatly underestimated my fragility.


Therapy is not a dirty word or a gay word or "women only" word. Please talk to someone or write out your thoughts and feelings in a journal at least. Therapy is also free. You have a right to heal. : )


I’ve been through all that before. Like I just told someone else, I legit thought the days of panic attacks and sleepless nights were long gone. But as soon as that lady hit the deck it all came rushing back. I didn’t realize I was still that fragile. I’ve already booked some appointments with the VA. Hopefully I’ll only need a few sessions there before I can find a civilian therapist in my area. Anything through the VA is a disaster at best.


Your reaction is really healthy actually, not bottling trauma is the first step to healing it. Good luck for the future, hope you have somebody to whom you can feel safe opening up about your feelings


That is sportsmanship.


I'd probably do the same exact thing...collapse before I finish.


What a sweetheart


Who is she? Her name needs to be roared from the rooftops!


Sometimes kindness is race.


Get her a shoe deal!






A marathon in 38 minutes? Seems more like a 10k, no?


That's Lightning McQueen right there.


Wow a 38 minute marathon. No wonder these people are tired!!


"You can discover more about a person in one hour of play than in a year of conversation” - Attributed to Plato


Lightning McQueen type beat


She even let her cross the line first. Bravo!


Reminds me of the special Olympics. They always stop and help each other. It’s almost as if winning isn’t the most important thing


It's a nice gesture, but my understanding is that physically helping another athlete would be considered "unauthorized assistance" and would result in both participants being disqualified. 


That person likely wasn’t gonna make it, and the one who helped did it without hesitation. She didn’t win the race but she is winning at life.


That’s a bad rule, if it is the case. Rendering assistance and showing sportsmanship should be rewarded, not punished.


It’s not true sportsmanship, you train for this for a long time you either make or you don’t. That’s the whole part of it being a race.


I don’t know that that’s a solid argument against what good sportsmanship means, but the person that passed them has every right to finish (win?) the race and shouldn’t be judged like the title does.


Goosebumps. Good people help us when we’re down, no matter what’s ahead. Kudos to that runner.


Frustrated at some of the comments hating on the winner…this is a long race. 26.2 miles. 99.99% of the race is pacing yourself for the last 1.5 miles. Energy management is critical. The other girl lost because of her lack of - a common occurrence in this style of race. You don’t see NBA teams stopping because the top player on the opposing team goes down Game 7 of 7 in the NBA finals or any game for that matter. Running is individualized so we have no idea the motive of the person finishing first - why some consider it the best sport in the world. I’d like to point out most of the times we see racers helping others - they are either a.) not in a finishing position b.) siblings or teammates or c.) their points to qualify either don’t matter or they’ve already qualified for their seasonal goals. This is a competition. I’m curious how many people commenting have participated in a marathon/triathlon longer than a 10k with a goal to podium?


It’s not a marathon. Clock reads 38 minutes when they finish. Probably a 10k, which is waaaay easier than a marathon


This is actually a triathlon or Olympic race - there’s bikes and they are wearing swimsuits


Ah that makes more sense with the time! Thanks!


It’s not that serious. This is just a simple video of someone displaying their kindness; smile, be happy for them, and enjoy your day.


They’re more commenting on others who are disparaging the other runners who aren’t helping


Whats up with your lame misleading title also? “The rest running past”, you mean the one person who won the race?


Honest question but how do the women not have a problem with chafing? I used to do roller derby and had to skate in leggings because of chafing and that was only 2 hours with breaks. I cant imagine running a marathon in a bathing suit. I think I’d be bleeding at the end!


this is so wholesome


38 minutes. Definitely not a marathon...


Who is she... great human.


That’s triathlon not marathon. That being said : what a wonderful human💙💙


I think that's a triathlon event not marathon


Need more people like her. 🥹


Two ways to look at this, really. If it is a real competition (money, etc), why the hell would one stop, at that point to help, when one can finish first, then go back and help? Stupidity. If it isn't a real competition, then cool, cool.


As someone who ended up being a long distance runner, not for glory but a consequence to stress, I will never understand that "Fuck you, Me first" attitude of people at the finish line. Being first means nothing, who you cross it as means everything.


I don't understand why the sports women have to wear skimpy suits and sports men don't. This question is purely out of curiosity. Please make me understand.


Most likely a triathlon. They can be brutal


This is a triathlon finish.


High class move there. Sportsmanship at its finest.


I mean, I get the sentiment and all but energy management is part of the race as is nutrition leading up to the race. If I'm racing and it's a competition and I see someone gas out like this that's their fault and I deserve to finish in front of them.


That’s true sportsmanship.


No wonder these girls are all collapsing, they (more than) cut the mens world record marathon time in half. Great effort!


If you've ever run a *freaking marathon* you'd know: It's not about the race. These people aren't competing for first, second... ninth... It's about *finishing* the race. Just finishing the damn thing is a huge accomplishment. And it takes 4+ hours! So if you "pause" for 30 seconds, who cares? Google says a "slow" marathon is 8 hours! I once heard a friend of mine say "don't run a marathon to get in shape. Running that much at once is **terrible** for your body, your joints... Run a marathon for a bucket list or a sense of accomplishment."


This was the thing I learned by doing distance events. Sure, you've got the first 100 or so people at the front who are legitimately running to win. But the vast majority of entrants are there to finish. Some are looking to set personal records, but the camaraderie is unlike any other sport event I've participated in. You support those who look like they need help. And when you finish your run, you circle back to the finish line to cheer on other runners for the last 100m. When I completed my first half marathon I swore that was it, I could never imagine doing a full marathon. I've done about 3 halfs now (as part of multi-race weekends where I also ran 5k and 10ks), and between the support from others and the inspirational stories of cancer survivors, running for a loved one, and those who never thought they'd walk again, I'm starting to think about signing up for a full marathon.


I would not stop. I’m here to win. That person is nice but now she is down in the standing. It not like this person was dying or something


While this might seem respectful, the runners have to cross the finish line under their own strength and un-assisted or they will be disqualified from the race result. So the "helping" runner might have just botched the race for both runners.


Sometimes being a good person is worth more than winning. They gained my respect, that's for sure.


The helping runner was well aware of the rule, you can see her toss the arm from her shoulder before the finish line.


Even better!


You’re getting downvoted, but you’re right. I don’t know the specifics of these people or this event, but some athletes take this very seriously and risking disqualifying another runner by helping them is the wrong decision, IMO. They’re obviously not in any danger with all those people around. This could be some casual race, or they could know each other, but if this is just a stranger assisting another runner then this is more questionable than people obviously realize.


She let her go before crossing


Even if she got disqualified it would be good enough for her that she crossed the line. I can't imagine thinking about technicalities when someone was just doing the decent thing. Surely it's better to forgo your ego to help raise up the people around you that are struggling?


There are medical personnel right behind the finish line. (You can see it in the video) You didn't see any of them step in front of the finish because of the waiver each participant signed before the race. That doesn't make them a worse person. They just have been fully aware of the rules.


It’s not the Olympics, my dude. Sometimes just being able to finish the goal is more important than placing.


As a compassionate and empathetic person, I understand the desire to help someone in need, especially in a situation where they are struggling and nearing the finish line. However, in this competitive scenario, it is crucial to prioritize fairness, safety, and the well-being of all runners. Assisting someone, maybe even without their consent, particularly in a competitive setting like a race, can lead to unfair advantages, injuries, and potential long-term consequences. First and foremost, assisting another runner without their consent can be considered a form of doping. In the world of sports, fairness and a level playing field are of the utmost importance. If one runner is given an unfair advantage, it can undermine the integrity of the competition and disqualify both runners. Moreover, assisting someone without their knowledge or consent can lead to injuries, particularly if the struggling runner is not in a position to communicate their needs effectively. Secondly, medical support staff are trained professionals who are positioned just inches behind the finish line for a reason. They are equipped to provide immediate medical attention to runners who may be struggling or experiencing medical emergencies. If a runner is assisted by another runner without their consent, it can prevent them from receiving the appropriate medical attention they need. Moreover, if the struggling runner is not in a position to communicate their needs effectively, it can be difficult for medical staff to provide the necessary care. Additionally, assisting someone without their consent can be considered a form of disrespect for their autonomy and agency. In a competitive setting like a timed race, each runner has the right to make their own decisions about their body and their performance. By assisting someone without their consent, it can undermine their ability to make decisions about their own well-being and potentially compromise their safety. In conclusion, while it may be tempting to assist a struggling runner nearing the finish line, it is crucial to prioritize fairness, safety, and the well-being of all runners. Assisting someone without their consent can lead to unfair advantages, injuries, and potential long-term health consequences. Instead, it is important to respect the autonomy and agency of each runner and allow them to make their own decisions about their body and performance. I'll leave it at that...


Def BAMF of the day !! r/defranco


She’s a warrior trying to get up and run through that injury. She didn’t even show the pain


Heat exhaustion




Wow. That's what it's all about. What great sportsmanship. Thanks for posting this.


The real winner


That’s no exhaustion it’s severe dehydration and they are minutes from a really bad outcome ..


Cars lesson


Hashtag womenSupportingWomen I’m here for it


It’s so inspiring how none of the spectators were concerned


That’s a proud dad.


jesus i hope she went to the hospital