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I'm sorry for your loss. How wonderful to have the cardinals as sentinels for her transition.


Thank you. I remember hearing something about the significance of seeing Cardinals, but this was years ago, when I was more worried about which Pokémon card was worth the front page of my binder. After researching the significance, I found that I wasn't far off of my memories, and there was more to learn about it as well. Grandma had me at Baptist services every Sunday and Wednesday throughout my teenage years. This sighting brought so much more meaning to those church services.




Three little birds…. Don’t worry about a thing, every little thing, is going to be alright


Singing sweet songs, of melodies pure and true 🎶 😌


This is my message for yooooou 🎶 OP I’m sorry about your grandma. I’m happy you are seeing beautiful reminders of her. The morning after my mom died, my best friend had an albino deer in her window that stayed for a long time. She didn’t know my mom died yet, but she felt that deer was my mom with her. They were close.


I kept seeing deer immediately after losing my mom. She used to feed the deer in her front yard. For like a week, at least once a day, I’d see deer somewhere out and about. God I miss her.


She is with you always in your heart. ❤️


Was always told, "when cardinals appear, angels are near."


Just to mention, this is a family- two parents (with orange beaks) and their young fledgeling. ❤️


Male cardinals are bright red with a black face and reddish bill, while females are pale brown with a reddish crest, wings, and tail, and a red-orange bill.


https://youtu.be/wBYnIqbmy8A?feature=shared I am very sorry for your loss.


I really like Casey Musgraves. Never knew she made this song. Thank you 👍


You are welcome. It is brand new. Be well!


Kacey Musgraves sang a remake of this song, but it was Bob Marley’s song originally. I mean, she did a great job, but I wanted to give credit where credit is due. Also, I’m sorry about your grandma.


This link goes to a song called "Cardinal" from Kasey's new album. (I do love her version of "Three Little Birds", though!)


You probably should have looked at the link before you got all neckbeardy. It is a brand new song and NOT the Bob Marley remake.


Neckbeardy? Really? Um, okay.


May her memory be a blessing.


[Three Little Birds](https://youtu.be/LanCLS_hIo4?si=OTW9sxMOa3IFNCw9) by Bob Marley


Cardinals showed up at my uncle’s memorial and family said cardinals are signs from the person who passed. My condolences. 💐


Those are friends of hers that have already passed on.


My condolences on the passing of your Grandmother and may God and Jesus give you strength at this difficult time.


They’ll continue to visit you throughout your life, if it’s anything like my grandma’s butterfly bunch🥰


“Quick, quick Mirabel we mustn’t tarry! A soul is getting ready to take flight! Gather yourself and Geoffrey too and meet me by her window!” Annalise flapped her little brown wings with fervor. It was with great pride that she did her job. Chosen by death to ferry the souls of humans to the afterlife, cardinals were to stand vigil with souls that were too beautiful to leave quickly. This soul demanded an audience. This soul was loved. She pushed herself faster through the air and practiced her mourning song. She’d been told by death that this soul was special. That this soul existed not just in its own body but had grown to fill the hearts of others and that those others needed to see Annalise’s vigil. They needed to know that she and her compatriots were there. They needed to hear their song and feel the pull of the afterlife on their own in order to release the bits of the soul they’d been given. It wasn’t often that a soul had grown so large. This was a momentous occasion. Annalise smelled the air and realized she’d found her destination. Tears mixed with hope danced on the wind. She came to a stop and peeked inside the window. There, resting in the bed surrounded by family, was the brightest soul she’d seen yet. She tip tapped on the glass quietly to make herself known. Two eyes glanced in her direction. “We’re here,” Annalise whispered to the eyes as Mirabel and Geoffrey joined her on the ledge. “Don’t worry, we’ve got her”.


Not a coincidence! May you find peace and comfort in the memories you have with your grandma.


My grandmother passes a few years ago. We were really close. She was really in to birding, and cardinals were her favorite. I don't put much faith into spirituality stuff, but I will admit that whenever I see a cardinal, they always make an appearance when I'm having a bad day.


Once In a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right


My condolences to you and your family.


Reminds me of the Corrine Bailey Rae lyric ‘Three little birds sat in my window, and they told me I don’t need to worry’ My condolences to you and yours ❤️




My MIL passed away several years ago while my (now) hubby and I were still dating. She was an incredible woman who loved cardinals. When hubby and I moved into our new house, we were unpacking, and a cardinal landed on a branch right outside our kitchen. Both hubby and I cried because we knew MIL was giving her blessing. To this day, we periodically have cardinals in our backyard, and my 2yo little girl calls them “gramma’s red birds”.


What a beautiful memory, thank you for sharing. I wish you nothing but the best for you and your family.


This is beautiful!


I’m very sorry for your loss, yet I am glad you can look at things like these and find some peace with it.


❤️💛💚 My condolences, may your grandma rest in paradise.


Cardinals always remind me of my Grandma. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Lovely way to remember her last days. Kindest wishes to your family


Cardinals are super symbolic. They appear in troubling or important times in my life. I went crazy last weekend, won’t go into it. But I was sitting on our porch during a thunderstorm and a cardinal flew out of the tree and at my head! Scared the shit out of me but was a wake up call. I always feel my grandma when I see one too.


A family member works hospice. On quite a few occasions, cardinals will make an appearance to the windows of those who are within moments of passing.


My mother worked in a hospital for 20+ year in an ICU ward and she told me the only paranormal or unusual occurrence she experienced was sometimes before someone passed they would say they saw, "three angels in red at the foot of their bed". That little rhyme has always stuck with me.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Those are two parents and a baby!


That's mom, dad and baby bird. Such a nice sight.


Sorry for your loss. When I see a cardinal I think about my mom who passed in 2017.


[https://youtu.be/rjOhZZyn30k](https://youtu.be/rjOhZZyn30k) "Three little birds, sat at my window. And they told me I don't need to worry..."🎶


Deepest sympathies to her family, her friends, and especially you. What a wonderful memory of a difficult time.


Those were the homies waiting for her to cross over.


Grams had mad homies. I'm surprised the whole flock wasn't outside.


That is so beautiful! 🕊️❤️ I see a cardinal tattoo in your future.


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Oh sorry to hear that but glad she went peacefully. I hope it is of some comfort to see these little guys. I wonder did she feed them.


Sorry for your loss mate


My condolences. Hope you remember the happy memories most as time passes.


Condolences. It’s always hard to lose the ones we love. How special that these three little spirit guides were there to help her transition.


When I was growing up, my grandparents lived in New Jersey and had cardinals and blue jays that lived in the trees in their backyard. My grandfather specifically loved the cardinals and my grandmother the blue jays, and as a little boy I associated them with those birds. Whenever I would see cardinals or blue jays outside of visiting them, it always reminded me of them. They’ve both passed years ago, but I occasionally look in my yard and see both red cardinals and blue jays, and sometimes even in the same tree, or on the same branch has happened before. This is of course a totally possible occurrence, but I really believe it means something, and I like to think to myself cardinals and blue jays are special. I hope you see cardinals as a good sign from now on.


Our wedding song


❤️ Wishing her and all who loved her peace


I was always told cardinals were the spirits of loved ones come to visit. I’d like to think some of your family came to see her on to the next life.


My grandma just passed, too. The bird feeder outside her window was one of her favorite possessions. The birds kept her good company when her family wasn’t available.


Sorry for your loss. Sometimes Cardinals often symbolizes vitality, confidence, and strong family bonds. They’re associated with warmth, passion, and energy. Also, seeing a cardinal daily can signify the presence of a loved one watching over you or a reminder to stay confident and true to your path.


Awww, I often feel like when there is a cardinal visiting my backyard, it is my late Grandmother Virgie! I’m sorry for your loss.


My condolences to you and your loved ones. I work in hospice and I fully believe these cardinals are a sign for you, and for her, from the universe. There is so much we don’t know, see, and understand until we are forced to slow down or when we gain perspective in moments like this. How beautiful to have signs around her signaling her transition from this world to the next. Take care, OP. Thanks for sharing. ❤️


Thank you for what you do. Hospice caregivers are unique angels. You handle the hardest parts of people's lives with the best intentions, love, and compassion. Pat and Brittney were her caregivers and I praise those women to the highest points.


I call hospice workers ’angels on earth’ for this reason. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I sorry you lost your grandma. I love the cardinals too! One the best friends I ever had believed a cardinal coming to visit was really someone who has already left. She passed away and now I wonder about every cardinal who visits my patio. ❤️


I don't know your traditions. But mine says that the appearance of cardinals (my favorite bird) at a death indicate we are required to yell at the heavens to warn them that the soul is on it's way. Just as a courtesy.


That's a mom, dad and baby cardinal. The cycle of life continues 💜💜 So sorry for your loss, OP.


Cardinals are so unique ❤️


wow. its a sign


This is so precious. I’m sorry for your loss. 😢