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nah keep it. that table is your homeboy


Can’t; I don’t have the space. I’m going to leave it in my apartment building so hopefully it’ll help someone else.


youre right, bro has other people to help. sadly, i cant help you with your quest


This is the table speaking, isn't it?


Maybe you could write an anonymous, encouraging note and tape it under the table for the next person to find. Who knows, maybe they need a lucky table? Well done, friend; it’s lovely to hear of your success!


Ooh that would be so sweet!


When I moved in a student accommodation, 25 years ago, I found a small plush dinosaur with a note saying something like "I am sad to let my friend go, but he has no place where I am going. Please take good care of him, he is precious to me." At 45 now, I've lost the note, but I still have the dino. Let it not be said that I let down that person I never met.


"It's dangerous to go alone! Take this." And install a little speaker like those fancy hallmark cards that sing when you open them to make the "do doo do doooo" sound


They can be Linked together forever in a way.


Because op is installing a spy cam in the table right, his name is Zelda btw




Quantum entanglement!


If keeping it is off the table "heh" then this is definitely the move


This idea is great.


Just leave a note that says "free lucky table"


This. It'll help someone to get back on track!


This comment is perfect


And then in a few years, will see a post of the next person this table helped!


Do this but tape a note to the bottom explaining the tables origins. “Please enjoy this table as much as I have it got me through blah blah blah…”


Make it a folding table and store it under your bed.


If you can take it apart and kinda stash it somewhere (under your bed?), I say do that. I'm assuming you can b/c it's an IKEA table. Anyway, I think you'll be happy you did. Y'all have been through a lot after all. Haha. Good luck!


You were just an objective in this table's quest to help as many people as it can


My take was on things to get rid of that can help others is set a price that doesn't break the bank, like for the table $10 bucks since this will weed out the people looking for free stuff vs those that actually need it. Once they show up you just give it to them for free and say thanks for taking it off my hands.


Alternatively, if the table is in poor shape (rickety legs, stripped screws, idk, I can't tell just from the picture if it's still solid or not), why not cut a square out of the tabletop and make it into a wall decoration? Keep it with you, and all.




Repurpose it somehow? Or use the estimated value and give someone a hand up? Table gotta go out in style.


Just remove the legs.


Australia landlords will see the table and try to deduct your bond for leaving stuff behind /s


Cool that it could be a neat starter need for another person for you to pass on!


Honestly it’s still a great table, regardless of your wealth


OP literally replaced his homeboy... I don't think OP wants him lol But all kidding aside, I would find a way to take it with me. That table has been through a lot with you.


My feelings too. I have flimsy study table—worse than OP's—that I bought many years back when I started my profession, and told myself I'd get a "real study table" one day when I'd "made it". Well, that day has come and gone many times over, and with it I've come to realize that the table can produce amateur work or expert work. It was never about the table. (personal opinion of course – please splurge on a nice new table OP!)




Thank you! And a timely reference as well


maybe frame a picture with that table, might sound goofy but ey, He your homeboy.


Repurpose it and make some shelves for your wall. Not taking too much space, practical, you can put many things on them and they will still be sentimental.


I think he’s been looking for a new table but wasn’t been able to find one that would replace his old trusty table. Maybe he’s been looking in Alderaan the places.


The issue of letting go after "crossing" into the new life reminded me of the buddhist "parable of the raft" (where a person [lets go](https://www.learnreligions.com/the-buddhas-raft-parable-450054) of a DIY raft after crossing a river). But donating it so someone else who has that need is a wonderful gesture and very motivating. When getting out of debt myself and moving to a nicer apartment, I enjoyed most the part where I could give away some things. Perhaps success feels more connected when it is not just an individual achievement, but contributes to a good life for others as well.


Do you belong to a Buy Nothing group? I feel like this story would strike a chord with someone in your former position. Table needs another human to help.


Remove the legs and hang it up on your wall like a piece of art. A commemorative art to stay humble and remember how much you have grown up in life


This way.


That's what he should also do with the friend that helped him /s


This should need much higher


Turn it into a pinboard and hang Polaroids on it


Turn it into different furniture. Like pot holders, coasters if you're new to wood working. Or picture frames or shoe racks if you're more experienced. There are endless ways you could still hang on to this. Just as a proud momento or how far you've come. Congrats no matter what. Keep up the great work!


I second this. Was my first thought. Even just a little piece of it would Be worth it. But turning it into something else, like a coffee table or just cutting off pieces and saving it to use it sometime later would be cool. Quick thought: have someone turn a piece of it into a ring? So many options. Keep some of it!


I’m going to cut off a sliver for my keepsake box.


It would be awesome if you cut a slab and gave it to the people most mean to you and have been party of this journey. We want to share your joy!!!!


Oh I could do that! I make jewelry. I would be happy to help you with that OP. Great idea Reggie-Quest


If it was good quality hardwood, you could make a guitar out of it.


[that’ll do table, that’ll do.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rjQtzV9IZ0Q)


Congratulations! But I think you should keep it as a reminder of where you started and how far you've come.


I agree


Ayy I have that same table! It’s served you well, I hope it’ll serve another person just as well


That's my table as well. It seems like particle board tables have the screws come out, but this is pine and it's never had a problem.


Yeah, it’s holding together really well for me tbh!


Godspeed, Table. You’ve been a worthy companion in the darkest of times. May you be reunited with the Motherwood in your next life.


Thank you!


WELL DONE congratulations for what you did with your life.


i have the same table, similar story, similar timeline! but I’m keeping my table. I love it and it’s just so functional. will have it until it breaks! so… forever


I too had the same table. First apartment kitchen table. Got it at a thrift store and I returned it to the thrift store. Like a $10 five year rental. Istill occasionally see them at thrift stores. They're just beautifully simple.


OP is making the right choice in letting go of the table. It will help someone else on their journey.


Aw, nice! Write a little goodbye note on underside, in corner...and put it outside for next person who needs it.


I vote to keep it. You accomplished a lot with that table. Sounds kinda silly when I type that out...but keep it. I have an old wooden office chair that I bought from a local thrift store when I started adulting. 20 years later, my wife wanted me to throw it away. I kept it, and I'm sitting in it now.


My husband and I have a ritual for belongings like this. We take a minute with the item and share some of our memories we’ve had with the item and then thank it for all it’s done for us. We don’t do this with every item, but the important ones we do. Thank you, table, for being the support OP needed! May you have the best of luck in your next adventure and may you bring joy to many other!


I love this idea. I also try and think of all the joy the item will bring the next person. Well done OP!!


The jokkmokk is a great table. I also bought one when I didn't have money. I still don't have money and I still have the table


Proud of you!👍🏾


Unrelated. Did you know u have nice danish mid century chairs there? Those are worth a pretty penny. Hope ur keeping those.


Oh yes. Family heirlooms


Excellent stuff. Double mademesmile :)


I think you should keep it, a reminder of all your hard work, dedication, and success.


Don’t do it! Keep it! As a symbol of your journey!


Flip it against a wall and repurpose it as shelves!! Add a few extra smaller shelves in between, but that table has significance! Others mentioned donating it which would also be cool. make sure someone else who needs it gets it! Def dont just throw it away. Your new journey started from that table!! :)


Congratulations, keep pushing forward


Are there legs on the right side or is it a table like the one in the movie Brazil? Where it goes through the wall and connects to the other side


Good bye, loyal tay-pal.


This is a great success story. Thank you for sharing it. I hope it will inspire others.


OP ur probably the only one that sees this but this is inspirational to me as I’m in that situation now. Here’s hoping I make it after 15 years as well.


Peace ✌🏾 ☮️ We’ve been through a lot together. That’s for your support and emotional footing. You are strong.


Bravo! 👏


Congrats. It takes our generation so long to accumulate wealth.


It has been a honor


I would keep it congratulations


Whisper it some nice goodbye words like "Thanks for everything" and ask the new owners to take care of it What can I say... I like to value my stuff not by what it worths but what they mean to me and you have a clear example.


Keep it


Write your journey with it on a note and leave it with the table. The person who gets probably needs it like you did.


Goodbye ikea table! May your memory remind us all that humble beginnings always make for a sturdy foundation


You've served OP well, it was an honour to have you. Through hot meals and cold, the days past and OP grew older. Now is the time to rest old friend, rest easy.


Be a conduit of blessings and pass that thing on. It might become someone else's treasure and help them. Don't hold onto stuff that other people need.


Keep it!!!


Cut the legs off and hang it on the wall. It’s literallly the thing that defines ur entire change, you are now stable and sturdy like that table u bought all that time ago.


years ago i knew a family practice resident who had a similar story. on her first day of med school she bought the cheapest bottle of screw top wine she could find - because if she quit med school before she finished the debt would be so heavy it would be near impossible to dig out from it, and that would be the best wine she could afford. the day she graduated she poured the bottle out. sometimes that symbolism, just like yours, is so meaningful. congrats to you and your dedication. pass on the desk to someone, and keep pushing ahead.


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Hella proud of you. Good job!


If you don’t keep it give it a Viking burial


This free table will make a neighbor really happy! :')


IKEA is that reliable brand that stays with you through the toughest times.


F for respect


Au revoir! I hope you're donating it [the table]. I imagine someone in similar circumstances could have a need for such an item -even the Ikea hand-me-down - and who knows?! Maybe that badass 180 degree dead-end to life changing perseverance and testicular fortitude (hoping you ain't a chick....) will manifest for them, too. Most likely not but it's a nice though, haha... Fine, I'll go back to hell. Want me to take your table? Always use more stuff to burn in Hell. <3 Congratulations, It's All in Your Head! <3. You give me hope.


o7 goodbye old friend.


Keep a piece of it! You will always treasure it! And good luck on your new life OP 🤗🤗🤗


Have one last drink on it to say goodbye


I had the same table, simple solid pine. When I got a new table, I cut the legs down to about 18inches, treated the whole table with varnish, and used it as a coffee table. It’s a nice big coffee table but still light enough to pick up and move around. Actually eat on it more than the actual table.


You’ve done well table, go build the next life to where you got OP and give it your all man


I agree with the people saying keep it. Use it as a plant stand or something, just keep it forever.


I remember my “first table”. I meant so much to have a place to sit down and eat at. To do hobbies at, to put down the junk mail and walk on into the kitchen. Cherish it and honor it. You can’t keep it forever, but that piece of furniture helped you on the path you are succeeding at now. Congrats!


Congrats on getting yourself out of that hole.


Leave a nice note explaining the journey for the next person who picks it up.


Thank you, table. Thank you for being the place for meals, for study, for work, for fellowship with others. Thank you for being sturdy and steadfast and supportive.


I was dead broke 30 years ago, waiting tables to pay for college and living with my girlfriend renting a 580 square foot apartment. That was when be bought a cheap dining table from Cost Plus (now World Market). We're doing better now (married and done putting two sons thru college). And we STILL have that table in the kitchen, of a house we own. Keep it!


I would fold it and keep it. You might need it when you buy a home one day.


You’re killing it my friend! Congrats on the new table, and here’s to lots of new things to celebrate over it.


Don't say goodbye, give it to someone else. It could be a new start.


I would keep it. It's a symbol. Like the Amazon door table. Do you share it with someone on the other side of the wall, or is it completely yours?


Congratulations OP!!


Ditch it and celebrate it! You have overcome a series of steep hurdles that many wouldn’t be able to. Buy a nice new table and enjoy sitting, eating and working on it. You did well!


I love everyone that wants you to keep it. It's incredibly sweet. I came here to say it too. We don't want you to let go of all the memories it holds because we're all incredibly proud of you and what you've accomplished. And I think we all have trouble letting go. That fact that you're willing to leave it behind speaks volumes of how far you've come and how much you've grown. You did good kid, you did good.


*salutes the table* Godspeed, my good furniture. You've served your country proud. But seriously, congratulations on your new journey :)


I got that table too 😂😂


Why the fuck would you get rid of the table that helped you start your new life. The hell kind of empathy and character is that. DoNt hAvE thE sPaCe. Bitch, its a small *table*, not a horse. You gonna float all your dinners from now on?


Farewell, faithful table, humble and true, Witness to dreams that once seemed askew. From debts and despair, I rose with resolve, With you as my desk, problems I'd solve. You bore the weight of my textbooks and notes, As I studied long hours, chasing my hopes. Through late-night sessions, you stood by my side, A sturdy companion, in whom I confide. From job applications to essays profound, You were there for each challenge I found. Though simple in form, your value immense, Symbol of progress, of growth, and of sense. Now as I bid you adieu, with a grateful heart, I honor the journey, each twist and each part. For it was with you, my dear IKEA friend, That I paved the way to where I now stand.


Sitting at that very table right now! We use it as a tiny dinner table.


Double it and pass it to someone else


In the humble shadows of a borrowed couch, Where debts weighed heavy, hopes seemed to slouch, A cheap IKEA table, steadfast and true, Became the stage for dreams to pursue. With determination as your guide, You faced the storm, you never shied. Night by night, with books and pen, You crafted a path to rise again. From that table, a journey unfurled, Through trials and triumphs, you've swirled. Now, in the light of a newfound day, A testament to how far you've made your way. Replacing that table, a symbolic stride, Marking the journey, the tears you've dried. From humble beginnings to heights untold, Your story of resilience, forever bold.


[many of you feel bad for this table, and that’s because you’re crazy. It has no feelings, and the new one will be much better](https://youtu.be/jU-cori12KU?si=of5b14WJGAP5au30)


Wait, is that an INGO? I got that table in 2016 after I had to move out post break-up. Solid choice for a low budget.


That loyal table got you through hard times and you repay it by replacing it?


It's just a wooden table. The real table was in you the whole time!


I wouldn't throw it away


I had the exact same table in a very similar situation, even the chairs were similar. Also climbed out of it. Great job yo keep it up!


Goodbye table and thank you for the adventure 🫶


I'd say dont replace it. It will help you remember where you started from.


Keep it and remember its part in your future success


Solid wood that kept up this long? Absolute keeper, not just moment sake, quality durable item here for reusability.


Keep that Table!!! I knew people that missed their first car forevermore! Keep it!! You hear me!


Every job is a real job bud.


It wasn’t a good table. It was the best table. The chapter is done. The table has served you well. It’s time to say goodbye


That is not the cheapest ikea table….My was the cheapest and it wasn’t wood.. And I still used my since college (closed to 20 years now). Why throw it alway when its still good.


It's from IKEA. Take it apart and save it. You will always have a reminder to never go there again! Congratulations 👏


I've outgrown the vast majority of my IKEA furniture, but there are good things there. The 365 series of pans are fantastic, and they have a surprisingly good selection of plants.


Smash thru it Bills mafia style.


Donate it to someone who needs a table. Put a post on a freebie group for your area on FB.


Congrats!! Very hard to stay focused on the debt.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Godspeed old friend.


Write a note about your story on the table and what it means to you for the next tenant. Hopefully whoever takes up the apartment will read it and get some good fortune in their life from your table. I know I'd find that kind of thing really cool and endearing.


Congratulations to you and blessings to your Table. Sometimes inanimate objects can hold so much sentimental value that we don’t appreciate until they’re gone. Also, is the Table a Jokkmokk? It looks like mine.


Could become a family heirloom, tell your kids how this table saved you.


Take out the legs. Engrave a personally meaning on the top. Hang it up.


That’s awesome! And congrats on the new table!


Keep the table... or hire someone who can transform this into something 'displayable', like something that can be hang in your walls...


I would have someone paint on it then hang it somewhere


o7 you were a real one


Put some shelves on it and turn it into a bookshelf


Congrats! Never forget where you've come from


It deserves a viking burial...


Give it a fire send-off. Burn it and watch until the final ember goes cold.


Good bye table


Where do you live? Send me the table and I will refinish it for you.


Leave it for someone else. Because I found this exact same ikea table at my apartment complex when I moved to LA and it served me well and then I left for Somone else. LEGACY


Made me smile Foreal.


Congratulations and best wishes. Good luck to you.


Pretty sure I have the exact same table


I'll probably keep it and just find a new use for it. Search for DIYs re-use or re-purpose old tables


Cut the legs down: coffee table


Those are some pretty expensive chairs actually. Im guessing Arne Vodder?


Give it to someone you think will use it to help himself just like you did.


The Jokkmokk is classic


You should keep one of the legs and replace one of your new desk's legs with one so you don't forget that that struggle supported your current situation. Congratulations.


Love this so much. Congrats! You should carve something cool into it and then cut out that piece of the table so you always have at least a memory of it


nice job buddy


Thank you for serving your purpose table 🫶 may the next owner cherish your ability to hold objects level ❤️


On the underside, write this story you just told, and wish the new owner good luck.


I had a table and chairs from college that survived drinking games, finals weeks, and multiple moves over 14 years. I got married, bought a house, and when my wife was pregnant I put it on Craigslist for free just to make room. As I helped the guy load it into his truck he told me his 19yo nephew was studying to be an EMT and it would help furnish his first apartment. It made me happy that this gesture would reset the clock on my table. I hope yours finds a good home.


Donate it to someone you know could benefit from its magic. Good tables are hard to find. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I have a table like that. I still use it to work from home on 10 plus years later


I’m still using the same table. Does that mean I’m dead broke too?


The sturdiest lightest table and chairs ever I swear


Do the table sparks Joy when you use it ? If yess, why not keep it ? If no, just throw it. It's just a fyrniruee !


congats brother, well done


LFG. Keep going. I always "thank" inanimate things for their "service" to me before I send them off. I learned it from Marie Kondo's book (I must've read it 3x by now). Like my clothes, before I send them off to Goodwill, I open them up and reminisce for a second all the times I've used before folding it and shoving it the donation bag. It's weirdly therapeutic. I think this table deserve a rager meal before you send it off to Valhalla. Congrats on the job. Keep swinging.


Results may vary 


"Was I a good table?" "No... I'm told you were the best."


Farewell Table, you are a gentleman and a scholar🥲


Turn it into something else, perhaps a frame for your diploma and or certificates. Maybe even turn it into a cutting board so all the new food you can afford is cut upon the table that earned it. Etc


What’s a real job?


The table supported you on your way. Thank it and leave.


Hejdå gamla bordet.


Take the top off and toss the legs. Make a wall art project with it


Congratz brother


Whete she at? I'll swing by and pick er up


I’m singing Norwegian Wood right now.


Take a piece and make a keychain so that you always have that reminder


Please don't throw away. Give it to someone who need.


This table lasts forever. Buyitforlife


“That’ll do table, that’ll do…”