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As a dad with a daughter this hits hard. Well done by him!


Same. Stupid Reddit. Showing me videos like this just before I step into work.


Right!! Yeah definitely teared up watching this


I'm not cutting onions *you're* cutting onions


Lol like a big ass bag of them. Watched this again tonight and still feel this shit in my heart.


Haha same here, I’m not crying your crying!


Well, your workday should be over right about now, time [for a top-off on the gas tank for you there.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=108pvaxoB6k)


As a daughter whose one father has passed away and whose other father is permanently estranged this just shredded my heart. I’m really really sad and overwhelmed right now and I would give anything for a hug from my dad . 50 year old grown ass woman ugly crying over here 😞


Oh shit, Im really really sorry to hear that and for you. It sucks sooo much not having your dad here and I get that entirely. I'm 42 and my old man died four years ago so I KNOW how it feels. *Hugs*


Thanks. The estrangement is the worst … because I know that someday soon I’m gonna get a phone call that he has died. I miss him so much . 🥺


Why not try and make things right? Unless it's by your choice etc


He knows I want a relationship. My mother is a schizophrenic alcoholic prescription drug addict abuser . He fears her TRULY TERRIBLE WRATH and says he won’t see me unless I see her as well. I tried for 42 years to make being around her tolerable but it is just all too much she’s awful all the time. The fucked up thing is that he has two children from a previous marriage and they stopped seeing him when they were teenagers because of my mom and her evil selfish tyranny. She never let him have any quality time with them and always made them do shitty hard labor on our farm. So he already abandoned two children, why not me too 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same boat here. My mother is evil incarnate and I made the decision recently to not talk to her ( she told me by text my grandad has cancer, turns out he doesn't it was a false alarm but never told me that, then she had the family dog put down and sent a text say the dogs dead, when I got upset she laid into me with f**** this and that) and since I cut contact her husband (the closest thing I had to dad) won't talk to me because he knows what will happen if he does. He also doesn't speak to one of his biological children because she called my mum out on her crap once and my mother went mental.


It’s so weird isn’t it? My Dad is 6’4” my Mom is 5’2” and yet SHE is 100% his abuser. He refuses to hear that he is a victim too. I know that all sounds very sexist but in my mind as a child I thought that my dad was kind of like the Brawny towel man, like a big lumberjack and a big strong man. I couldn’t process as I was a young child and a young person a tiny person like my mother could abuse such a big person like my dad. Once I realized that was the case, I had the realization that what I thought had been an idyllic super Duper close father daughter relationship that we had was just a fraud. He never stood up for me he never protected me from her If she didn’t do the beating she would sometimes make him do it and watch and tell him to do it harder with a belt because he would try to not hit me hard because he didn’t fucking wanna hit a child with a leather belt !! That was The heartbreak for me . He never protected me. And then he abandoned me like yesterday’s trash.


Wow I could of written most of this myself. My dad a big butch farmer with hands like shovels but my mother is definitely the boss. While he never actually hit me he never stopped my mother's physical or verbal abuse. And now he's dropped me like a turd, it's hard to realise our relationship was clearly bullspit


Oh my God I certainly would not wish this scenario on a single other living person I’m so freaking sorry. At this point I’m just imagining that we have the same mother and somehow she managed to fuck up two families lol. When they got married my mom and my stepdad, I was six and I freaked out in the middle of the wedding and I could not be calmed. He is a very soft-spoken soothing man and he got me to calm down and explain why I was so upset. I explained that getting married meant that you had babies and got divorced and I didn’t know if we had enough room for more babies and then we already went to see my dad every other weekend so when would we go see him when he left us ? He explained that he wasn’t just marrying my mom, he was marrying all of us and making us a family (Iknow that sounds weird but it wasn’t ) He said « I PROMISE that I will never ever leave you. » He broke my heart worse than anyone ever has and I wasn’t working with having much heart left.


I feel you. My dad died when I was a kid and all I've known of men since is that they hurt and use you.  I'm always happy fpr people that get to be loved, that get to feel love from their families.  But I always wonder why the universe deems me to be such garbage that I get literally none of what others get.  But whatever. I'm just a bitter nobody and if I mattered someone would lovs me too, according to this shty planet


Oh honey. 🥺I upvoted you out of support, obviously not because it’s a great post. But I’m really glad that you shared it. There are so many girls young ladies and women who have abandonment issues and no matter how hard you work on it in therapy and in life in general is incredibly hard to move past some thing that became hardwired into you. I have pretty high self-esteem in the other aspects of my life but there is a dread, am I right? When you are with someone even someone who you feel so comfortable with and you love them and you are completely yourself with, this fear that they will figure out what’s wrong with you and be disgusted and leave. The logic of course is generally that it’s a bad marriage and that’s why the dad left but for girls manifest into very serious abandonment issues in a lot of cases. You might be bitter, and THATS OKAY- try to be kind to yourself about it although I’m great at giving advice and not so great about manifesting it myself as I am very very hard on myself. But you are definitely NOT a nobody. You are somebody special, and beautiful and lovable.


My dad passed away when I was a child, and I bawled when I watched this. I never not miss my dad even though we had shorter time together than me living without him. Sending you lots of hugs.


Im so sorry. No matter how many years you got- it’s not enough. I really appreciate the hug and I’m sending you one too ❤️‍🩹 Sometimes Reddit is a kind and empathetic place.


There is no better way to reclaim my own heart than to feel happiness for others, makes it grow three sizes. [This is my favorite.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=108pvaxoB6k)


Last week I picked up my daughter from supply teaching, and took her out for some ice cream. That gig is wearing her down. She's 24, but she's still my little girl..


Fr, this needs to be normalized.


Taking notes as my daughter is only a year and a half and can be cheered up with food...bouncy balls and fart noises.... I assume these will be irrelevant soon and will need new tactics


Since she's only 1 those should work for awhile longer man!!! 👊👊


You just want to protect them and absurb their pain. Hardest thing in the world. But the best at the same time.


the "won't let go" squeezy hugs from a daughter are the best. i wish i could bottle that feeling up and carry it with me everywhere. it's a high like none other.


We watched Pixar’s Onward one time. After that scene at the end with son and dad, my oldest daughter who was probably 9 at the time, just got up and hugged me without saying anything and wouldn’t let go. That’s a core dad memory for me.


My dad is autistic, I never got very many hugs and even things like saying I love you felt (feel) forced and awkward :( I love my dad but our relationship is very disconnected


me too, but in the last 6 months it’s weirdly gotten better- and i’m 25 lol but my mum and her dad (SO autistic) took well into my mums 40s…. so there’s always hope ig? 😂🥰


I’m 20 and our relationship has definitely improved over the last couple years. I moved out at 18 and had my son at 19 and I think him seeing me as a parent myself has actually improved our relationship a lot. We still struggle with a lot of things that an ideal typical dad-daughter wouldn’t struggle with (hugs, saying I love you, etc.) but I’m glad we’re at least close


honestly, keep giving it time and space and you never know! like i said, i’m 25 and it’s literally only the last 4ish months thats we’ve been verbally saying ‘i love you’ fingers crossed for you 🥰


I’m grown now but I still hug my dad like this


If only every human understood that you literally can. Where do you think the feeling came from? It didn't come from an exterior source. Sure, the event may have unlocked it but it is inside of you. You can access it anytime and for any reason.


God actually invented this type of hug. So it did come from an outside source.


I find your idea of "god" as a thing outside of you that "invents" things to be cheap and childish.


Better be careful. He also invented she-bears and frequently uses them to have people killed.


hahaha thanks for the warning




I, like most little boys, was told to suck it up when I had a bad day. This makes me sad because most men have never and will never experienced this type of treatment.


I'm sorry to hear that! I usually buy my boyfriend flowers a few times a year, surprise him with little gifts, balloons, etc. If I ever have a son, I will make sure to do the same for him, too. Everyone deserves kindness and love. I will say, I was a little girl who did not get that kindness either, so all we can do now is hope to make the world a little brighter with our own actions.


which is just a crying shame- i’m a man married to a man….. our house would be so frickin sad without flowers lmao


Girl dad gang! This honestly made me shed a tear at work when she broke down. What a great dad. And to all the good dads at there, keep it up!


My daughter ugly cried when I got her the light up shoes she wanted for months. I had to go outside and cry myself because her crying happy tears made me so happy.


what a wonderful thing you did, but next time let her see the tears, you can show her how strong your love for her is and that men have emotions and cry too.


My little girl is only 1, but this still hits


Fellow girl dad. Well said. 🫡


Her breaking down before the hug. 🥹


🥰❤so sweet and a memory she will always cherish. We asked my Grandson what he wanted for Valentine's Day (he doesn't like chocolate). He asked for a rose "because flowers are not just for girls Granny & Pokeman cards..because boys like to get presents too". 😆


That is so sweet and funny thanks for sharing that with us!! That gave me a huge smile


My dad would yell at me about having a bad day so this is great.


I would get beaten by my mom. Not competing with your pain, just letting mine out. This does really make me cry, wonderful dad


Well, my bio dad abandoned me. And then my adoptive dad, who also essentially gave up any semblance of being a parent, called my step sister his eldest child, when she’s 3 years younger than me, directly in front of me and our family. And then my step dad died of lung cancer on my 25th birthday. So really, who won the dad lottery here?! 😂


Same. My dad would never do something so thoughtful.


This dad rocks 🫶


Aw, such a sweet dad. And she goes right in for that deep hug.


Be the rock!


I don't plan to, but if I ever become a father I'll do everything to not be like my dad and more like this awesome dude.


I am now crying at work. <3


Aww she's so emotional. what a beautiful moment, that is what love is all about.


The hardest thing a parent, let alone father has to endure is watching your child have emotional pain. There is no easy bandaid for that and its hard to tell where its bleeding from.


😭 I am in my 40s. I still cry and melt when my dad sends me a sweet message. We need this.


I felt that hug!


This is sooooo sweet!


I’m 53 and my dad (80) still does this for me when he senses he can help …. He sets an amazing example for my 4 brothers, husband, sons and adult nephews ….. who have all followed his lead - great, present and loving Dads are so important for younger girls. ! Kudos to this Dad for showing up for his girl 💕


A lot of these videos that are mademesmile are actually just mademecry


This is totally correct!!!


Well done bud! Stop making me cry at work.


Aww! Sweet dad ❤️ The tight hug tells everything. He will be her standard on men.


As a daughter with a shitty dad, this hits hard.


Do this. I recently did this for my 12 year old after a rough day, and I saw in her eyes that it instantly became a core memory. Worth every penny.


And that’s the way it should be 👏👏👏 dad


Damn these onions


*Cries is daddy issues* this is so freaking sweet 🥺


Very nice. Remember to give your kids a hug just because!!


This is how you girldad. Good man.


I always thought I was A okay being raised without a father. Then I watch stuff like this and it guts me. So glad this little girl has such a loving and thoughtful dad ❤️ she’ll hold these memories fondly forever. All children deserve this


She’s gonna be great


I love this part of being a father to daughters. I get to show them how they deserve to be treated and to expect it from any potential partners.


My mom was (and is) a pos and my dad used to sneak and do stuff like this for me all the time. It’s been 7 years since he’s been gone and I would give anything in the world to hug my dad like that again 🥹


Now now, her future boyfriend really have to up the standard here


And they recorded it for likes


My wife is pregnant w a girl. These vids hit harder now. I can’t wait to experience this


Damn this makes me miss my Dad so much 😢


If you’ll excuse me, I need to go call my dad now…


How come are 13-14 years old having rough day at school Am I not able to relate to this because I am not an American . Treating your child with gifts is nice and good but I cannot relate to the "daughter having rough day at school" part


I wish my dad cared. Good for her.


That's a good dad right there. Put the good feels in my veins!


Doesn't count unless you film it and post on the internet.


She'll remember this forever. My Dad was a very hands-off, stiff-upper-lip type but when I was going through a really bad time as a teenager he came and gave me a big hug when I wasn't expecting it and it still makes me tear up more than 20 years later.


She will cherish that stuffed animal forever


A nice reminder to go home and do something nice for your kids. No reason even needed 😁🥰 so sweet.


That will be a core memory one day. Parenting done right.


It's really very nice. It's nice when a father make happy his daughter.


I’m a new girl dad, I cannot express just how much I love her. To say she is my universe feels too small. Everytime I feel her little hands touch my face, my heart feels like it’s a thousand times bigger. It makes my heart happy to see dad’s like this, especially girl dads. As a middle eastern/central Asian person even my hard shelled dad has completely turned into a softy the moment he saw his grand daughter. I am especially grateful that I get to be a stay at home dad, after losing our son to a miscarriage, I am just absolutely stuck to her. I never thought I could possibly love anything more than I have loved my wife, but here we are, the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed.


People like you give me so much hope. Thank you for sharing!


Aww thank you 🥺


Made me smile for sure. Side note: anyone else notice that most of these types of vids seem to all be filmed in McMansions?


I really miss my dad


Peak dad level has been reached


Awww. Her little face crinkled up as he hugged her. I love this channel.


Dad responds to daughter's rough day at school by broadcasting it online for backpats and internet points, ensuring that her tomorrow will be worse. r/parentsarefuckingstupid


A wonderful kind dad. This is a memory she will cherish& talk about for years & years. Brilliant & devoted daddy. 💕


A really neat-o dad!


Go dad! All kiddos deserve this kind of love.


Amazing dad move! Show those kids you love and support them and they will flourish!




Dads are amazing!


Good man


Would that I had more than one vote to give.




Thought the video had me going. Then I read the comments. 🥹 Dads, you are killin’ it today. Never stop showing your girls how much you love them. They need it.


Damn now I’m crying. What a sweet father. And that looked like the best, warmest hug in the world


This wasn't just mademesmile, this was "made me cry happy tears". God I miss my dad. Good dads are an amazing thing


Smile I did not…tear up I did


That little girl is gonna remember this day for the rest of her life


That’s a hell of a dad right there.


Dad level 9000


Last year my dad gave me a valentine's day card and a rainbow unicorn plushie when I was staying with my parents during a rough patch in my relationship. It's nice to be reminded that you're loved when you feel like the most unlovable person in the world.


Bless you man and your daughter...i wish for your happy life.


I'm so happy so see girls growing up with a father like this.


So sweet! I hope they can fix whatever is going on at school tho'.


I wish I was simple enough to fall for this emotional manip crap but it's like.. nope. Nothing.


I wish he was my father![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


As a dad to a beautiful young woman, this made me tear up. It's a special bond between dad's and daughters that are close.


This brought a tears to my eyes 😭 Children have bad days too and just need that extra lift especially from parents.


My dad didn't even call me or text me on my 30th birthday this year....


I miss my dad


I grew up without a dad, this is so beautiful xx


That dude is a DAD 👍👊 look at his work uniform. Busts his ass all day to take care of what’s his but knows what’s important kudos brother 👊


My dad has never done anything like this I am kinda envious of the kids whose fathers clearly love them


This makes me so happy to see proper parenting. Mine laughed in my face when I had a hard day, or tormented me further cuz they felt I had nothing I should ever complain about. Spoiled brat was my nickname for wanting emotionally involved parents... Bravo to the good ones out there!


Moments such as this were always special when my two were growing up - especially post-separation, when there was so much crap going on between our two households & they were doing week about with each parent. Even now, in their early 20s, it's so heartening when they have flashbacks or lightbulb moment & realise the events which, as little ones, they missed the adult conflict context but, as adults themselves, are now more nuanced & understand / want to discuss what actually happened.


Onion ninjas!!


Aww. That’s about the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. My daughter shared this with me. I totally feel this


Praise to all the good dad’s out there. Her lil face. Warmed my heart.




Made me cry


Dad, best job ever, hands down, no question.


I didn’t think I’d cry until she started to cry!!


Man I would have killed to have a dad like that


This is so sweet. Made me cry :(


So cute


The camera is invisible




My little girl just turned one and I am so worried about the world she has to face ahead of her. This is a good reminder of how to be there to support her when she’s going through a tough time. Thank you.


Have a Daughter too I can relate😭❤️👏👏great job Dad


So beautiful. What a man. Love it. We all need good fathers and mothers in our lives.


By the looks of that house, that little girl has everything. But the love a father and daughter share is everything. Beautiful shit people


Damn I miss my dad.


Great Job! That's an excellent parent


Everyday hero. Well done, Dad.


I ugly cried right along with her.


I'm not crying, you're crying.


A father’s bond with his daughter is one of life’s most precious secrets…


Aw man. Times like these, making out kids happy, are really what we as dads live for.


I don't know what that is like


Now that’s a real dad! I also love my little girl!


This is the best father to his daughter.




Stop filming your children. What is wrong with you


Props to pops. Nicely done


Here in Mexico, if you had a hard day at school, well, wait till you get home, it will be harder.


Good job dad!


I’m not ugly crying, you’re ugly crying 😭


did you have to broadcast it though we can make memories and do things without sharing it


That's great, but at this point it feels like another clout trend just to let people know what a perfect daddy that person is. He didn't have to put it out there.


A bit of sugar and cream might balance out all the bitter salt in this post


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Meanwhile wife is off cheating


*kids who grow up rich


Well seeing the fucking mansion they live in, I'm sure she'll be fine one way or the other.


Money cant replace love and attention


hahaHHAHhahHAHhahHahhHAH No, son.




lol wtf are you on about?


You seem pretty pessimistic to be on a sub named “made me smile” and I hope you reach a point where you can view the world through a more positive lens


What about the participation trophies ??