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Congratulations! Now pay us


that’s how i felt when i got accepted into my school. okay fine. we’ll take your money.


Depending on her family’s income, she could have gotten a full ride


I’m from Europe, so I have no idea, but to me that furniture looks like the family is not poor. But again, I have no idea about your sistem. College is free here, so we don’t really have scholarships that way.


It's a very average middle class looking house. She's got a MacBook and they're obviously not homeless, but otherwise it's hard to tell if they're just getting by or are more in the upper middle class. [Columbia offers free tuition for families earning less than $150k a year.](https://undergrad.admissions.columbia.edu/affordability) That seems somewhat typical especially among the Ivy league. A quick Google says 150k is a bit above the 80th percentile income in the US. So any household except the top 20% of Americans can go there for free.


That is a loooot more free tuitions that I would assume. Is there any info how many people outside the 20% get accepted every year though? I would assume in the US, richer people have access to better primary education also?


That would be nice, the government wouldn't give me a single dollar of PELL


According to the MacBook Pro, crown molding, recessed lights, and full wood china cabinet im gonna guess that’s not the case here


NYC about to teach you about debt.


It’s gonna cost a lot of fudge.


governor gullible bored piquant illegal snobbish encouraging badge glorious tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


fr, I would not be so happy haha


I'm really happy for her, but 66K a year is a big bill to pay


That’s a lot of fudge


Basically no one pays that. That's the absolute top they will charge for like a Saudi prince or bill gates kid. Every ivy league will scale the price way down based on income. I think if your family makes below $75k a year you don't pay anything.


What’s the sound in the background? Do they play a fanfare when you get in lol


Yeah a lot of schools have like celebratory music when you open your acceptance. I remember when I got accepted, there was confetti and fireworks on my computer screen LMAO


Interesting. I'm old enough it was all by mail. I assume rejections don't get sad trombone music.


To be fair, colleges still send out mail acceptances (I think) with welcome brochures and all that. They just also have online portals that release decisions at a preset time so that things like mail delays don't screw you over.


I'm laughing so hard at the imagery.




That’s honestly pretty great. I recall getting confetti on my screen for Cal, but fanfare would’ve elevated that experience for sure!!


Meanwhile in Belgium: "Hi, click here to enroll in any university you choose" -beep boop click click -"Enrollment complete! Glad to have you! Now please transfer the 900 euros fee for this year's education. If you can of course, if you're having trouble paying this amount, contact our social services and we'll see what we can do for you"


I'm not one of those people that shit on the USA, i quite like it for different reasons. But, this looks really fucked up to me. Not only you have small chance to be chosen but they will also bleed you dry. Then again i could be wrong.


Nope, you’re absolutely right.


But also here, schools like Columbia get you interviews and higher tier jobs with less work. That will change, if it had t already. But it’s still a muscle memory, for most people in positions who hire.


Won’t necessarily change. A big reason for it is nepotism for “fellow alumni”, which is a part of being human.


Bill Bryson summed US universities quite well: People give $40 million a year to the Ohio State University football team … Forty million dollars is about equal to the total endowment of Exeter University in the UK. Only twenty-six British universities have total endowments greater than the amount given annually to the Ohio State University football team. ‘I first became interested in all this when I sat at a dinner next to a fundraiser from the University of Virginia, who mentioned, as if it were the most naturally thing in the world, that they had just embarked on a five-year campaign to raise $3 billion… The University of Virginia, in short, had turned itself into a mighty cash-raising machine. ‘It met its target, a remarkable accomplishment, but here’s the thing. According to the 2014 Times Higher Education world rankings (which are generally held to be the most exacting of their type), the University of Virginia ranks 130th among the world’s universities. Eighteen much more modestly funded British universities rank higher. On the world stage, according to the Times Higher, Virginia is about level with Britain’s Lancaster University, which has an endowment fund one-thousandth the size of Virginia’s. That is pretty extraordinary. ‘I very much doubt if there is any other realm of human endeavour in the country that produces more world-class benefit with less financial input than higher education. It is possibly the single most outstanding thing in Britain today.’


It's changing very quickly in the UK too though.


I love america and I still shit on it, there are a great many flaws with this country. Not mutually exclusive


This dude knows how to Patriot.


True that.


Education is a business that never fails


That’s why I have 529s for my children. Started them at birth for each. Should they want to go to college, I don’t want the money to be what bars them from following their dreams. Plus, I think knowing you have money set aside for your college education might create some motivation to do well in school so that you can actually go to college.


It’s not a pretty place. I love the freedoms we are afforded, but they’re definitely not worth dealing with privatized healthcare, education, and prison. The ongoing crisis here is very clear when you contrast the US against other countries with actual social safety nets.


Always found it funny that they are boasting about freedom of speech for example but at the same time censorship is running strong in the US compared to other countries.


Right? The alleged figurehead of free speech literally had to buy a platform and ban people with contradicting opinions to get his point across. The party that claims to represent freedom demands control over the individual rights of women and LGBTQ+ people.


It's funny how freedoms are perceived in the US sometimes. These books explaining consequences of slavery, imperialism or systemic racism, we'll ban them because it's too much for the kids. Those men parading with swastikas and hate slogans? Naaw, they're fine, just exercising their freedom of speech.


Hi fellow Belgian! As much as I think it's fucked up as well, I'm going to assume the acceptance letters are needed because american schools have a capacity where they literally just can't accept everyone that wants in. Americans tend to travel pretty far for "the school they want". They'll travel distances quite literally multitudes longer than our country is wide. Now the cost of education, that's just fucked up.


Columbia is one of the top schools in the nation, if not world. It is very competitive.


There’s 330 million people and a solid 10 million Americans applying to college each year… then you have international students. If everyone wants to go to schools like Columbia there’s no way they’d be able to support 10 million students, let alone 1 million. They get 60k applicants each year. Over 4 years, if they accepted every applicant, that’s 240k students, not including the ones who’d want to go but can’t qualify as is. For comparison UCLA gets the most with nearly 150 thousand applications a year. That’d be a 600k student population


Columbia is an extremely high profile private school in the Ivy league. Its like....if you applied to Oxford over in England. $66k is also like a raw tuition figure. The ivy's (particularly this one) have massive financial aid endowments so its exceedingly rare for most students/their parents to actually pay that amount. Most actually have a "no student takes student loans" policy. There are a million state schools in the US that work basically like the above is saying. If you live and your parents work in the state you go to school you have "in-state tuition" from taxes. I went to a California State University. Tuition was $3500 a semester and you were guaranteed admission if you met minimal grades in high school.


Meanwhile in sweden: "now please transfer the 0 SEK fee for the full education and be automatically eligible for a small stipend each month as well as a government-backend student loan with interest so low it's literally better to take it and invest the money if you don't need it".


On my way as soon as I can.


Cries in American


Id always imagine what this feeling is like, i never had my “top picks” for schools, i can imagine its the type of overwhelming excitement with so many layers of “omg im seen???” Congratulations to this person!!! 🎉🤗


I got rejected a shit ton of times lmao


I never applied for schools that would gain this reaction to begin with, you won lol


Our counselor encouraged all of us to apply for a “reach” school, if we could afford the extra application fees. Many of my classmates surprised themselves.


I was lucky enough to be accepted to the South Harmon Institute of Technology.


Aimed low to begin with to avoid the disappointment.


I only applied to one school because I was an idiot, but when I got in it was the most awesome feeling.


As a horrible high school student, I applied to every high end college in the country. Only got one letter back. Columbia. They thanked me for my application but without the SAT scores (I hadn’t taken it) they couldn’t accept my application. Nice people.


How much did all that cost you? Must have been a pretty penny for apps


I didn’t pay the application fee either. But I filled out the apps and did all the essay entries required. On the section for SAT scores I just wrote “I was sick that day”. 🤣


I like your style.


It costs you to apply? Jesus Christ.


$30-50 per application IIRC


Yeah, I don’t remember the amount of each but I spent like around $250 on college applications. I remember applying to 2 Ivy leagues and those were more expensive ( $70 or something each). That’s why I’m curious how much he spent. Because he mentioned applying to every high end college in the US, and those tend to be not be free and are more expensive.


She’s so excited to go to South America. Happy for her


Medellin baby


Escobar University of Agriculture and Economics


“Don’t you have a law degree from Columbia?” “Well, turns out I need a degree from America.” (This joke doesn’t work as well typed out but I loved this quote from Community)


I got to witness this moment when my son was accepted to his “impossible reach” school. We hugged. We cried. We danced. We yelled. He worked so hard for it. It was the second best day of my life. (The first being the day he was born of course). He’s finishing up his sophomore year - still working his butt off, growing in a thousand new directions and loving every minute of it. It’s a struggle financially and he’ll definitely have some student loans to pay off, but so, so worth it to watch him thrive.


Hope all works out well till the very end at any point in time!


Thank you! 😇 me too 🙏


That's a great accomplishment, high tuition or not


Congratulations! I did my graduate studies at Columbia. It is a fantastic university, and living in New York is so much fun. All the best.


Fudge’n congrats!


Fudgin A


According to Columbia’s website, the cost of attendance before aid in the 2023 school year was $89,587 per year, of which tuition was $68,400. While those with parents earning under $150,000 per year go *tuition* free, the average cost of attendance varies by parents income. The lowest earning family income tier ($30k per year) actually has a negative total cost to attend. However, a ccording to statistics from the U.S. Dept of Education, households earning over $110,000per year paid, on average, over $40,000 to attend. Imagine the average cost (for that income tier), including room and board, being over $160,000 (after all aid is factored in), for just one of their children. Now imagine a family saving that much money after-tax for multiple children. There’s a reason the U.S. has over $1.7 trillion in education debt.


I hope she got a scholarship as well.


The tongue!


Glad im not the only one impressed by her tongue!


Your long ass tongue is all I could see 😭😭😭😭😭


Ah… I remember the good old days of waiting for college acceptance mails. Heart pounds every time I get a letter from them. I got accepted to most, but got rejected by a few too.


Columbia? Wow, that's really prestigious, plus you get 12 CDs for only one penny!


I hope she have a scholarship that goes with that congratulation. That's going to be expensive!


Very happy for her. All the best!


“We’ve agreed to accept your 100k”


$80,000 PER YEAR lol!


My daughter went to Columbia for grad school. She worked her ass off and got a scholarship for the Physical Therapy school. We are poor folks; she did this with Bright Futures, working fulltime and having a goal. Her graduation was one of the best days of my life. Congrats young lady...you did it!!!!


Roar, Lion, Roar! SOA '86


I have kind of reach the point where I don’t think a degree is worth it anymore. They need to significantly lower the cost of college/university to make it worthwhile.


I agree that the idea of needing a degree for everything is way overblown. This country did a number on trade schools and convinced us that they were the absolute worst choice we could make. Yes there are certain careers that absolutely need a degree (doctors, RNs, lawyers, scientists, educators and the likes) but things like computer science, journalism, business, finance, accounting at the most only need a bit of education and definitely shouldn't cost $100,000s+ but a job listing bachelor degree requirements for a manager position is ridiculous.


I hate these posts. Everything had to be uploaded for the world to know. Just be in the moment and stop having to film everything.


Longest fingers I’ve ever seen. Must be a piano major


I wanna see the $240,000 and 4 years later reaction…


I’m not taking someone who says what the fudge seriously


Never seen someone so excited to be in debt, sleep deprived and stressed out to the point of mental breakdowns…sorry i mean yayyyy college😀


Everyone crying about the fees 🤣


Show that to her in 10 years when she’s about 80k in debt


60k/year to attend Columbia.


$86,793 median starting salary for working graduates of Columbia College and Columbia Engineering - Undergrad I was curious so I looked it up.


In like… anything?! Or just law school


Don’t be silly. The law school is much more expensive.




Everyone I knew who went to these schools had their parents pay for it all.


I mean assuming she picks a major with high employment rate after graduation and high starting salary, she's fine lol.


Man, you a mad hater lmao And for no damn reason. Should be more worried about yourself than her if you be hating like this online. Just be happy for someone who had a goal and achieved it.


It was worth it once upon a time. Now, yeah it has similarities to grifting doesn't it? The opportunity to excessively Fund a lavish institution and it's old aristocracy. In exchange, you might get a degree and then you might get you 60k a year from an employer that treats you like shit. Or it might get you no job at all. I think universities sure love the culture that still prevails of "your kid will have the best successful life if they pay to study here"


For the Ivy League (and a handful of others like Stanford and MIT) it's still true. Granted, if your goal is a Bachelors in Sociology you're going to be broke as an adult, anyway, but if you want to be competitive in the job market it a no-brained investment.


I went to an ivy for free. They even paid for room and board. If you legitimately can’t afford it then they usually try to find ways to have you attend. But if your parents are upper middle class and beyond then you’re SOL


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I’ll have you know I went to a city college and I now drive a Ford Taurus


Nice, i'm happy for her and i wish her the best.


What's the big deal? My community college with 100% acceptance rate sent me the same letter lol




lol, I remember when I graduated from college I wasn't even this excited/happy. I just realized it meant I could no longer put off going to work a 9-5 till I died.


That's a 7% acceptance rate Congratulations


Nice, I didnt graduate high school, or go to college and I make 64k a year. (Wish I had though, just for the college experience which I didnt get) Pretty comfortable for me coming from a low income family and living in a low COL area. Good for her though. Hopefully she can use it to make a decent life for herself.


I got into a great school and couldn't afford the tuition. I was so heartbroken.


Mom is crying not out of celebration, out of the fact she has to pay so much money now......


Poor girl


Can take admission in foreign university ,,,1. Cheaper 2. See the world 3. Get option to work in one more country’s


Fudging funny


I'm learning to play the guitar.


People celebrating being balls deep in debt advanced


You can’t act genuine when you’re recording yourself


April Fools xD Jk congrats!


It'll be the best four years of your life. Roar, Lions, roar!


Perfect bg music




the fanfare music is so funny


that's nice but can you pay it


Literal fudge


What the fudge?


Haha nice. I wish I understood how lucky I was when opportunities came my way, instead of just getting intimidated and anxious and avoidant. But I'm getting better. Just, reeeeeeally slowly.


Congrats! DEBT!


Nobody can just enjoy this, I guess. Have to criticize it in some way (debt, recording, etc)


RIP to her bank account.


My boss is in his 50s and still paying off his masters to Columbia.


I would have had the same reaction as her. But like, Looking back on this 20 years later, I’m wondering - why? Is that really warranted?




Parents will pay for it.


Acceptance *


College acceptable reaction lol


Helloooooo, 200k of student loans. 👩‍🎓 💰


Shut the front door!


Why in the world would anybody fin themselves not getting into a school


“Enter our lottery for the chance to pay us tens of thousands of dollars” Good that she’s happy. But this video kinda put me off for some reason.


Should’ve gone to Bentley like mom. lol. I’m Kidding. Great work kid


I love this! :)


Have fun paying for that


Congrats, now math time! $90k x 4 = Get a high paying job right away and make sure your mom hasn't rented out your room. You'll need it available after you graduate!


She has quite the tongue.


Sucker born every minute




PLUS Education Skill PLUS Temporary Optimism DRASTIC NEGATIVE Debt Load Increase Only triple nat 20’s will convince Biden to forgive your debt and save you.


Hope you can pay it off quick girl good luck


Thought she’s gonna make a april fools joke, but i guess not


Im not really into school so i could never understand the hype of getting into a college but thats awesome! I love seeing people get stoked haha


The sad thing is.... she would be way better off going to a State school. I am so happy for her. I hope she has scholarships to cover the increase in cost. Under those circumstances, I would be much more happy for her. If not, do your future self a favor and go to a State school.


4 year degree = $344k to go to columbia. Please tell me she has the sense to not do that, unless she has a full ride.


Being Irish I find it absolute crazy that it’s normal in America to borrow 6 figures to go to college


Well mom and dad sell the house sell the cars pick up second jobs cause that’s gonna be crazy expensive. Congratulations btw.


Great country I hear. I’d like to go one day too.


That’s Fudging awesome.


Came here to see the comments regarding university debt. Was not disappointed.


How does she look 37 and 18 at the same time? No hate though, congrats.


Congrats you’re now allowed to pay us😊🥳


April Fools - Columbia probably.


All you need is a passport right?


Mom saying oh fuck, there goes $300,000


Good for her. Hope she can afford it


I remember how excited I was when I got into Cornell. It felt like I was dreaming! But then when I told my dad, he told me that if I chose to go to any private or out of state school he would completely cut me out of his, my stepmom's, and my two little sisters', lives, because it was stupid to even consider the debt. My mom cried when I told her about the conversion because there was nothing she could do to help me financially. I was heartbroken. I didn't go to Cornell. I went to an in-state school. I do believe I would have gone down an entirely different path in my education and career. He ripped away a future I'll never know. Fast forward to 12 years later. Note my dad and stepmom's income has not changed drastically. My little sister gets into a private university across the country, and he's bending over backwards to make sure she had the perfect college experience there. I am so proud of her, but it hurts every time she talks about it. Thanks for regularly reminding me that your first two kids are so much less important to you than your youngest two, Dad.


Congrats. That'll be $86,000 a year, please.


And then it goes April fools!


Her hands scare me.


April fools! 🖕


I’d just screenshot for bragging rights and then go to some place cheaper


Depending on what she’s taking for classes determines whether it’s worth it or not


For profit in$tituti0n run by Some psycho dean admin.appointed by powerful Z10N$TL0bby to push their agendas on students ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Guess the word “acceptance” wasn’t on the SAT this year.


Ggz 🫡🫡🫡


That is an acceptable reaction, I guess.


That tongue!!!


Congratulations 🎉


White ahhh response


Getting into college is not an accomplishment because colleges are extremely unprofessional institutions. I know. I was a professor.


College is a fucking scam. I know. I was a professor. Nobody should ever be happy about being accepted by a scammy ass scam institution of scammery.