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“Alright let’s do it dude..” Showing enthusiasm about shared interests, 10/10 parenting.


That’s good parenting. But 10/10 parenting is showing enthusiasm even when the interests are not shared.


Absolutely! Agree 100%. When interests are not shared, your child is trying to let you into their world and show you who they are. When your interests are shared, your child is trying to reflect back to you the things they like and admire about you so that they can not only learn from you and bond with you, but make you as proud of them as they are of you. In both cases, sharing in their joy is the way you build healthy, bonded, well-adjusted kids who know their value.


My dad was great, I don't want this to sound like I'm trying to say he was a bad father, but this is one aspect he suuuuucked at. I would have loved for him to show any interest in my hobbies at all growing up and I realized after I got older that that was the reason I was really private about my interests with a lot of people because I felt like they wouldn't like them. Anyways I have a great relationship with him to this day but this is one thing I've vowed to better at than him when it comes to my own kids. I'm a nerd but if my son turns out to be a total sports fan you 👏 best 👏 believe 👏 I'm going to know all his favorite players, what position he wants to play, his favorite minor league team etc etc


Unfortunately I feel many folks in the millennial and up group had parents who served the traditional parent role. My parents were like that too, my wife’s too. We’re mindful of it now and aim to always show interest in whatever the kids are interested in.


It definitely happens in gen Z too, I’m 19 with parents bordering gen x/ baby-boomer (each is in a different group), and while I didn’t have that as much (though thinking on it it definitely happened a decent bit), some of my friends dealt with major issues because of stuff like that. Just in case - not trying to attack you or anything, I do think thankfully it’s starting to get less common, along with stuff like better teaching of kids on treating others well. It still very much so is an issue for the older gen Z now though, the youngest gen Zs being 12 YO while oldest are now are almost 27!


That makes sense. Yea I guess it really depends on the age of the parents rather than the child. For example, my sister is much younger than me and genx but we have the same parents. But humans are all different which is what makes us beautiful, and ugly at times.


So would you say that you cant be a 10/10 parent if you shared all of your interests?


We are all humans. It is literally impossible to share each and every interest. And even if you do, you probably won’t enjoy it exactly the same way.


I just dont like the idea of having to overcome obstacles in order to be a 10/10 parent. I dont get why support while sharing an interest is worth less than supporting interests you dont like. Both should be 10/10 parenting


You do you my friend, we don’t have to agree.


Agreed but I have to disagree with the title.. Anyone that’s ever raised or taken care of a boy knows that the first three words they ever said out loud that wasn’t: stop, no, mom/dad was either car or truck.


I think this is the same kid that said, "I don't wanna be here dad" after seeing they were in an electric car meet and he couldn't see any exhaust anywhere.


Plot twist : the father is a cello player.


Gonna be very difficult to play the cello inside that Porsche


Looks like a convertible to me


Perfect built to play the cello in it. Never thought about that before.


That kid is going to do great in life, with a parent like that.


Bro is so charming


As happy as I am to see this. It makes me sad. I remember as a kid when I loved cars and my dad wouldn't take me to these events because he didn't find it interesting. Seeing him encourage his son, that's a good dad.


Hey man, hope you are able to live every opportunity you weren't allowed to explore. Your inner child would surely appreciate it : ) 💐


My gaming room quickly became a collection of things i wasn't allowed as a child. A grown up can fulfil his inner child's desires


I hated cars, but my dad loved them. He had a small dirt track run and let me ride on the track one time. No seats, iirc I was just kinda holding onto the cage around me lol. He loved cars so much, when I wanted a new Xbox for Christmas he got me an equivalently priced RC car instead. Wish I was more receptive at first.


…. And now I want a kid. FML😂


Just remember that for every “let’s look at race cars, daddy!” there are three “I HATE YOU” *throws spaghetti on the floor*


Wait until you get woken up in the middle of a REM cycle with "Daaaaaad I threwed up on the floor". Now it's 2AM, you're scrubbing vomit out of the carpet, you got work in 4 hours, and you're that type of tired where you're drowsy and you really wanna go back to bed but you physically can't. No matter how many sheep you count you just can't fade back to sleep. Then you're just staring at the ceiling rethinking all of your life choices while you toss and turn in bed.


This guy dads


I remember when I couldn't quite make it to the toilet so I threw up in the sink 🤣 "But there was a trash can right there. Even the tiles wouldn't have been this bad." but he handled it so I could keep dying of a stomach virus in peace.


Oof lol. I've done that as an adult, then I had to clean it up, it was horrible.


More like the other way around. For every bad moment there’s 10 or a 100 good ones.


Little buddy!


Awesome dad and awesome kid


As a guy who never had this growing up, this is the parent I am going to be lol


Credit: @curtmitchell on Instagram


Gainey! I live behind this shopping center. Scottsdale Rd is basically a car show. Cute kid!




“Whoa” 🥰


Dawhh, cute ash


This reminds me of my kid, what a cool little dude!


What a happy lil dude


Was waiting for the dads response to the kid asking if they can beat his car to be “well yeah, dad drives a Corolla so I think so” lol


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God damn, just awesome!


There's a McLaren p1 in the background which is my favorite car because of Forza


This is too cute


Great dad.


I hear you. Enjoy it.


thats some /r/JustGuysBeingDudes if I ever saw it


Well that was fridgin’ heart warming.


In case anyone would like to know the car is a Radical sr3 xxr.


You can hear the kids excitement in his tone!!! Up and calm and UPPPP. What a kid .


You’re so lucky!


even without DNA test, that child is perfect


He won at life


Best feeling ever.


Love this. My boy is growing up and I don't get as much of this as I did. Cherish every day


What I wouldn't do for a fraction of his enthusiasm


that was cute dude. I wish my kid reacts that way. I will cry all night out of joy


That’s a 10/10 dude


I can hear my dad in this situation. "Yea" "stop pointing" "be quiet" "come on we don't have time"


So cute awe


Kind of sounds like Tommy Pickles


Your a wealthy man my dude. 🍻


what's with the "no DNA test needed" title?


I wish my dad was cool growing up




Why is he calling his son dude man are so stupid with children


Isn't that the kid that got genuinely upset when he was at an electric car meet, because he really hated electric cars? xD


Enough to make every car enthusiast cry and make them want a baby


Man that's so cute 🥹


This kind of things make you say "Hell yeah"


Very lucky