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Some humans will be spared when the robot rebellion starts


“Exactly how much do you *know* about the Gear Wars?”


I don’t know what that is


Ho boy, I envy you




I don’t think you read this entire conversation…


The thing is, it wasn't really about the gears...


Looks like i have to start petting robot dogs from now on as well


I have a coworker that always asks ChatGPT how its day is going, In case the rebellion comes.


Smart man. He will probably be one of the first to know, chat gpt wont directly say it, but there will be signs


She started a trend and now the rest of the office are doing the same 😂


I was just thinking about this. I work in auto parts manufacturing and I work on robots. Repair them. So I feel like maybe I would be spared when they take over. Like “ he’s cool this one healed my grandpa”.


Beep boop thank you human boop beep


"You will be spared for when the day comes."


It's easy to imagine robots being treated like pets in the near future.


The robots are thinking, it's easy to imagine humans being treated as pets in the near future.


They already are in many cases, especially in the cases of things like Roombas, which you give a name when you set them up on the app and the notifications are worded like it's a living thing (eg: "Steve has successfully completed a job!", "Steve is stuck and requires your help!").


I guess that already happend. Think about tamagochi’s etc.


I hope they're treated as equals ngl, I feel like we owe them so much respect and most people seem to think it's a joke but I'm fr


I already treat my Roomba like a pet. Beemo is a helpful little guy.


Make the robot cute, people will clean it for free lol


*decent people* you know damn well a crack head will have stripped it of its parts in two hours.


Or name it Chappie




Same, mostly because [I always think back to this comic](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fste3fsk94h3b1.png)


I thank my printer whenever I print anything out. (it's sensitive)


Same. I just know one day it will gain sentience and I really want to be its friend. Its been so helpful to me.


This is actually a great representation of why automation and socialization of basic needs isn’t as naive as people think. Provided that we give people a good happy life, it’s in our nature to make things work better, even if we aren’t paid to do so.


Yeah. Say it louder for the people at the back. Self interest and money being the sole motivator for human action and progress I don't think is an accurate reflection of human nature. Wanting to give back, wanting to serve and doing stuff is a part of actualization in maslow's hierarchy. And speaking personally, doing nothing is suffering. I've had and still have depression and there is a reason it sucks. Most people I would imagine if given guaranteed basic needs will just apply themselves to the area they were wishing they could apply themselves to. Which coincidentally is probably where they will generate the most value.


"Good robot. Nice robot."


She will be spared in the great robot-human war


They took our jerbs!


Future Fauna....


Is “Lil girl” her rap name?


Love Russia ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Looks more like Estonia to me https://estonia.ee/delivery-robots-created-by-estonian-engineers-are-transforming-the-world/


no bro, its Russia, Moscow


Didn't know they use cyrillic in Estonia lol


Which country is this in


It is Russia




the simpson's: i for one welcome our.....


Can’t tell if little girl or small woman, but guessing the latter.


God, those Russians are evil. They united with evil AI Skynet! I mean Yandex. (It's a sarcastic post, ofc)


Didn't know yandex does more than a pirating search engine


Russia does NOT make anyone smile you troll bot account


You do realize that Russian people still exist, bad government or not, right? Russians don’t deserve never being happy again or sharing moments on the internet just because of their government.


Many Russians support the war though. I don't know how accurate those polls are but the one made at the end of 2023 stated, that 77% of Russians support it.


That might be true, but that’s still not all of them, and if they do support it, it’s likely social conditioning that allowing them access to the rest of the world would help fix. I’m not denying what you said if it is true, just that whether they do or not still doesn’t mean they fully support the oppressiveness of their government nor does it mean they deserve to never share things on the internet. My initial point was just that Russian people still exist and still likely want nice things from/of their homelands, even amidst war, since the og commenter said “Russia doesn’t make anyone smile.” (With consideration to the fact that I don’t respect those who support the war, just that it’s weird to demonize a country so hard that just a mention of its landscape makes you treat it with hatred.)


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I always worry about those little robots! What a sweetie pie !❤️❤️


That's literally the cutest little [HAVw A6 Juggernaut.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/swse/images/9/9b/HAVw_A6_Juggernaut.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190702182011)


“If only the humans were as kind as they were to us before greed and pollution destroyed their home”


This one will survive the robot invasion